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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


SkaterBoy said:
- The Dirty Harry game is cancelled but Warner Bros. is looking for a developer to start the development again.

This has been known for a while. Apparently WB spent a fortune securing huge name talent for the game only to have to come across as a lame GTA clone.

Can't remember if it was ever released but WB (largely through Eastwood) had gotten Laurence Fishburne and even Gene Haackman aboard to not only provide their voices, but their likenesses as well.

Don't know if they are still aboard or not.

SkaterBoy said:
-After Condemned 2 and Project Origin, developer Monolith could work on No One Lives Forever 3, but it will be released under another name.

This pleases me. Alot.

....though I'm not sure if I believe it frankly


VonGak! said:
It's nice that anonymous SG gives us snippets of info blocked by NDAs.

The problem starts when SG mix in her/his/their/its own speculations and thoughts into the facts without marking them as such.

It's especially an issue when it comes to comments about inside issues in studios and the quality of games as the anonymity which allows SG to break NDA hinders us in knowing the person's background and bias.

i just think of it like a tabloid for geeks...some bs, but more accurate than anyone wants to give them credit for.

and after so long where almost every story on the big sites felt "approved" and then regurgitated to like fifty other sites...its nice to see someone atleast try and give us some dirt on these companies (even if some is bs), especially with fatbabies dead.

didnt the retro story break on the fb forums back in the day?


Kafel said:
Which "action-aventure" multiplatform game seems promising and would then become 360 exclusive ?




AltogetherAndrews said:
It doesn't sound right at all. Doesn't Vivendi Universal own NOLF?

I think the suggestion was that Monolith/WB Games would do the same thing they did with the F.E.A.R IP. Sierra would perhaps own the title, but the actual characters and 'scenarios' still belong to Monolith.

Hence Monolith/WB Games are giving us Project Origin instead of F.E.A.R.2, but it seems a little dubious to me.

Mojovonio said:
I would warn you to be cautiously optimistic about that project.

Agreed. I think this 'news' is required to be taken with a grain of salt the size of your head.


Kafel said:


Owing to the recent look that IGN had of the PS3 version I think it's probably more likely that the magazine is touting the fact it has the exclusive hands on of the 360 build rather than the title actually being exclusive to the 360.

I really think that Eidos need this game in front of as many eyeballs as possible, and at this late stage (with the PS3 version getting plenty of press) it would be a strange move.

Unless of course the magazine says otherwise.


Busty said:
Owing to the recent look that IGN had of the PS3 version .

Is it sure that it was the PS3 version? I thought I read somewhere that it was in fact the 360 version.
Not that this would have anything to do with exclusivity of some kind or not.
Kafel said:


That was initially only going to be PS3, 360 and PC, but they've since announced it'll also be released on the PS2, DS and Wii. So it's pretty obvious they're going to release that on as many platforms as they can. I'm not sure what's up with that cover given that many PS3 only mags have also previewed i.


Busty said:
Owing to the recent look that IGN had of the PS3 version I think it's probably more likely that the magazine is touting the fact it has the exclusive hands on of the 360 build rather than the title actually being exclusive to the 360.

I really think that Eidos need this game in front of as many eyeballs as possible, and at this late stage (with the PS3 version getting plenty of press) it would be a strange move.

Unless of course the magazine says otherwise.

I think this is the case as well. Eidos isn't really in the financial position to limit the game's availability unless MS paid them a crap load of money for exclusive rights. But if this is a true exclusive game now and not just a magazine exlusive look at the game it would make sense if MS wanted their own game to compete against Uncharted.


ZeroTolerance said:
We all know Surfer Girl, but she says someone else can also be trusted: Skater Boy. He also replies to questions and this results into the following rumors:

- Square Enix is working on a MMO for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The game will have nothing to do with Final Fantasy XI, an announcement will follow very soon.

Well no shit Square has said both of those themselves. :lol


Hammer24 said:
Is it sure that it was the PS3 version? I thought I read somewhere that it was in fact the 360 version.
Not that this would have anything to do with exclusivity of some kind or not.


A really cool guy who works as programmer for Crystal Dynamics. CPi also posts at B3D but I forgot his alias.

Anyway, if you like tech and such then dig through his posting history. ^.^ It's worth it and he usually cut the things out in paper for us.
VonGak! said:

A really cool guy who works as programmer for Crystal Dynamics. CPi also posts at B3D but I forgot his alias.

Anyway, if you like tech and such then dig through his posting history. ^.^ It's worth it and he usually cut the things out in paper for us.

Interesting comment about the physics, especially since CD's been saying that they're going to play a huge role in Underworld.


ZeroTolerance said:
We all know Surfer Girl, but she says someone else can also be trusted: Skater Boy. He also replies to questions and this results into the following rumors:

- Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles will get a sequel.
- We will see the in-game XMB for the PlayStation 3 between april and june.
- Nine to Twelve months after the PSP release from Secret Agent Clank, developer High Impact Games will bring the game to the PlayStation 2.
- Iron Lore has plans to make more Titan Quest games, but they are not working on it right now.
- Square Enix is working on a MMO for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The game will have nothing to do with Final Fantasy XI, an announcement will follow very soon.
- Ubisoft doesn't have plans to make a sequel to XIII.
- Volition is working hard on Saints Row 2, so there isn't much room for Red Faction 3 right now. Because of this, the game won't make 2008, but we could see a teaser at this years E3.
- The Dirty Harry game is cancelled but Warner Bros. is looking for a developer to start the development again.
- After Condemned 2 and Project Origin, developer Monolith could work on No One Lives Forever 3, but it will be released under another name.

If Surfer Girl can't be trusted, why should one trust Surfer Girl when she says Skaterboi can be trusted? Dancing Queen doesn't think Skaterboi can be trusted.


Kittonwy said:
If Surfer Girl can't be trusted, why should one trust Surfer Girl when she says Skaterboi can be trusted? Dancing Queen doesn't think Skaterboi can be trusted

This was exactly what I was going to post. Because they are all now throwing doubt of some sort upon each other.

I mean, are we supposed to accept SurferGirl's 'validation' of Skaterboi and then totally dismiss Dancing Queen (fuck me, who picks these bastard screen names) and her 'news'?

It looks like we're fast heading into a situation where they all same say so much that they really end up saying nothing at all. It's only a matter of time before some enterprising PR department in a major publisher (providing this isn't the case already) starts their own 'insider' blog dissing the competition and promoting their product.

Like I said at the very beginning of this whole 'insider' blog story. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it never does.
Busty said:
This was exactly what I was going to post. Because they are all now throwing doubt of some sort upon each other.

I mean, are we supposed to accept SurferGirl's 'validation' of Skaterboi and then totally dismiss Dancing Queen (fuck me, who picks these bastard screen names) and her 'news'?

It looks like we're fast heading into a situation where they all same say so much that they really end up saying nothing at all. It's only a matter of time before some enterprising PR department in a major publisher (providing this isn't the case already) starts their own 'insider' blog dissing the competition and promoting their product.

Like I said at the very beginning of this whole 'insider' blog story. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it never does.
I have a feeling that this is the case already for those blogs.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dancing Queen updated with a shot at Skaterboy:

1. SEEDS/Platinum games is working on a Wii game. I have just recently been able to confirm this.
2. Square Enix is happy with the performance of Ivalice Alliance. There will be more Ivalice Alliance titles announced this year on portables. Some games people have been really waiting for will be announced.
3. Speaking of Square Enix, DQ4 is definitely coming to the US and Square is planning on bringing DQ5 over as well.
4. Interestingly, SE isn't the only big Japanese studio working on a Wii Ware title.
5. Sega is planning one more enhanced remake title, a la NiGHTS: Into Dreams on PS2.

Looks like SkaterBoy is calling a RE:UC sequel. I called that one last week. Stick with the Queen, folks.



SEEDS, yes. If it's some kind of successor to God Hand I will shit. God Hand + waggle would be awesome. Besides the carpal tunnel.


After Condemned 2 and Project Origin, developer Monolith could work on No One Lives Forever 3, but it will be released under another name

Please be true. No other rumors matter in this thread anymore if this comes true!

It would be best to bring Cate Archer to a new generation of gamers under a new franchise. Not many people probably remember NOLF and NOLF 2.


Greatness Gone said:
I'm pretty sure Surfer Girl/Skater Boy/Dancing Queen all all really one person.

Proof in a few...

SG says ToV simultaneous release, SB says it's a timed 360 exclusive. Fight!


Has no PEINS
Kyoufu said:
Complete with TOSE-trademark slowdown and stretching OMG YESS ALL OVER MY BODY YESSSSS

I'd much prefer a sequel which adheres strictly to the game design Matsuno left in his will before he left this mortal sphere~~~


That crazy Japanese Moon Language
kenta said:
Complete with TOSE-trademark slowdown and stretching OMG YESS ALL OVER MY BODY YESSSSS

With special cameo appearance by Fran... wait, that would be pretty cool.
kenta said:
Complete with TOSE-trademark slowdown and stretching OMG YESS ALL OVER MY BODY YESSSSS
Would it be wrong if I bought this hypothetical port, not owning a PSP, and then proceeded to cry bitter tears over the shitty port quality while trying to send a message to SE that Vagrant Story deserves a wider audience? Did this post make any sense?


Has no PEINS
SabinFigaro said:
Would it be wrong if I bought this hypothetical port, not owning a PSP, and then proceeded to cry bitter tears over the shitty port quality while trying to send a message to SE that Vagrant Story deserves a wider audience? Did this post make any sense?
That's like feeding hay to a cow that gives sour milk and then wondering why you're still getting sour milk so you keep feeding it more hay and dag nabbit it's still sour so here's some more hay

do you see where I'm going with this


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Welp my insiders, Pushbiking Transvestite and Homus the Hiking Homosexual recons that these so called "insiders" dont know a whole lot, like take this "rumour" for example

Nine to Twelve months after the PSP release from Secret Agent Clank, developer High Impact Games will bring the game to the PlayStation 2.

Taking into consideration the whole big bag full of PSP to PS2 titles that are happening its quite safe to assume that another first party offering will make the transition. These rumours are a lot of fun and hell i love em, especially my leakers, i like to imagine them fucking each other, mmmmmmm cock with tits, cool its like that hentai chicks with dicks, but real people, awesome, throw some lolitas in there and WOW awesome.

Anyways, it seems like nail down the basics that YOU KNOW are going to happen and any sane person on GAF coud tell you would happen....... 2 maybe 3 members, then get a few outlandish one that seem plausible and throw them in the mix, if they dont eventuate then hey 3 outta 5 aint bad.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
ZeroTolerance said:
- Ubisoft doesn't have plans to make a sequel to XIII.

Ahh, that news makes me sad. I didn't think they would, the game bombed, didn't it? I really like it though. I actually had a lot of fun with the multiplayer.
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