Russell fans need to understand something.
Playing for jury votes affects every single move and interaction that goes on out there, from the first day until the last day.
You CANNOT HAVE a strategic game that does not involve factoring in jury votes.
When that happens, you get Russell.
The REASON Russell plays like he does, and the reason other people DON'T play like he does, is BECAUSE of jury votes.
Russell makes the moves he makes not because he's smarter than the other players. It's not like he thinks of new ways of strategy.
Shit like bullying people, burning things, coercing, putting people down are strategies other contestants COULD DO but they DON'T *BECAUSE THEY WANT TO TRY AND WIN THE GAME*.
When people are going to Tribal Council and they're scrambling about who to vote off, the way they conduct themselves is always with a mind towards the jury. It's in the back of everyone's mind in how they play strategically, in how they even address everyone, in every single conversation that takes place out there. Guaranteed.
With Russell, you're seeing someone who is playing untethered to the jury. It's not a strength of his, it's him deliberately spitting in the face of social etiquette when every other player is playing by that standard. You can't win the game if you can't find a general sense of what the common denominator is as far as standards go.
That's what bothers me about all the whining about Russell lost.
Every player is capable of lying and tricking people.
They don't DO it to that extent because they want to win.
Praising Russell's strategic game misses the point entirely because it assumes you can realistically separate strategic and social game. To do so is to torpedo your winning chances; you end up playing a kamikaze game.
It's shit that's subtle enough that it's not easy to fully demonstrate on TV, but the reason this game is so mentally taxing is not even the food and the environment, it's the CONSTANT worry about what everyone thinks of you -- and having to maneuver strategically in spite of that.
Russell does not deserve accolades because he willingly ignored that.
It's not just about a fucking bitter jury. It's the entire POINT.
Russell cannot play, ANYONE cannot play making those kinds of moves, doing that kind of stuff, if they want to win.
It's just that it was explicitly obvious until someone had the arrogance to try and challenge it.