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Swag / Junk from Tokyo Game Show


I went to this while I'm in Japan, and had a pretty good time. It's no E3; the event is held in a large convention center that lets a lot of natural light in, giving the whole thing a weird look. Also, it's significantly smaller in terms of floor-space, and despite the fact that today was the "business day," excluding the general population, it was still overcrowded. Plus, uh... no Nintendo. I did play Ape Escape on the PSP briefly, and it controlled well, and I was struck by how beautiful the screen on the PSP is. Anyway, here's some pics of junk I picked up there:

Final Fantasy XI T-Shirt:


Final Fantasy XI Clock:


Befor Crisis Brochure:


Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst Ad:


Kingdom Hearts Fan (It was hot and humid)


PSP brochure:


Cool MGS 3 Brochure looked like a record:


Inside of MGS 3 brochure:


Small Xbox brochure (their booth was pretty busy, actually)


Finally, here's your Mithra shot:



Nice photo report thread. I give it a thumbs up.

Konami gave away a similar "Metal Gear Solid album" at E3, but it contained a CD inside.


Are you a member of the press? If not, did you have any problems getting into the show?

And who had the most interesting/exciting booth overall at TGS? Last year I had to give that award to SNKP (for neat contests, fighting game tournaments, nice prizes and gifts, and cute booth babes)


XS+ said:
Are you a member of the press? If not, did you have any problems getting into the show?

And who had the most interesting/exciting booth overall at TGS? Last year I had to give that award to SNKP (for neat contests, fighting game tournaments, nice prizes and gifts, and cute booth babes)

I'm a member of the press, and I pre-registered, so I didn't have any problems getting in. The most exciting booth probably was the PSP booth, which had about 15-20 games playable. It was a pretty simple circle basically, with kiosks on the wall. Also, there were PR girls with PSP's who would let you play theirs. Second place was Square Enix, for all of their playable games (the Kingdom Hearts games) and the line for the Advent Children footage.


Sho Nuff said:
OH MY GOD the Shantotto thing is awesome. What is it!?

It's a very basic desk clock; I love the layout though. It's made out of plastic, and it sits about 5-6 inches tall. It's a funny character in the game, and sort of cool that they're recognizing it.
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