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Swiss online retailer seemingly confirms further Xbox One delay in tier 2 countries

Got to beat Ps4 in NA even if all else fails. Not to say one country is more important than another but for the xbox brand America is the most important market. Short term good move for MS. Sony launched the ps3 14 months late in Europe. Xone should be ok if the wait is less than a year and they have a better price by then.

What makes you think the price drops will be so significantly different.
If both drop their price by say 10% in a year the PS4 is still leaps and bounds cheaper than the xbone.


What makes you think the price drops will be so significantly different.
If both drop their price by say 10% in a year the PS4 is still leaps and bounds cheaper than the xbone.

Oh I still think the ps4 will be cheaper. I just think if they launch later they need to give some incentive and a lower price is the best option.


I am sure all this is because Microsoft has suge great supply lines that they don't even need to focus on all areas at once, they can just select one are an then *BAM* ownage.

Right guys?



Knows the Score
Yeah something seems off if we're using Switzerland for an example, the official languages are in countries where the Xbone is already released.

It's going to take some time to overhaul the interface into Romansch.


This is stupid theory but maybe MS wants to stock as many Xbox One as possible for March when they release Titanfall to sell all what they've got.


Has to be localisation issues. If they're not really having difficulty keeping major online retailers like Best Buy and Amazon in stock in the US, and they're manufacturing 1 million a month, then there is going to be an abundance available by early 2014 that could go to other regions. Demand is not massively ahead of supply, thats bleedingly obvious. By the end of January there will not be supply issues in the current countries.


This is stupid theory but maybe MS wants to stock as many Xbox One as possible for March when they release Titanfall to sell all what they've got.

Nah, not stupid but I believe they will have their supply issues sorted out by March. Judging by the daily influx of new units at Amazon, things should improve very quickly.
They better give them tier xx countries some nice incentives. By then Forza 5 and Fifa 14 freebies will be quite underwhelming to say the least. Titanfall or Halo 5, if the One releases even later, is a must.


Well Microsoft can already give up on mainland Europe then. As if this was even a question before launch.


I don't get it. They don't seem to have supply issues if they were able to get 2 million almost as quickly as sony (who were able to launch in 32 countries). And I don't believe for a second that it's related to voice support. Are they really giving up on EU to try get an early lead in NA?


I don't get it. They don't seem to have supply issues if they were able to get 2 million almost as quickly as sony (who were able to launch in 32 countries). And I don't believe for a second that it's related to voice support. Are they really giving up on EU to try get an early lead in NA?
People need to realize where the 2.1 and 2 million numbers come from...

2.1 is 2 markets for 2 weeks, and 30 for one day.

Where as 2 is in 13 markets for 18 days.
- No TV stuff in Europe.
- Nobody cares for NFL content here.
- Higher price.

Europe is lost for MS. I have no idea how were they planning to sell it here. It's like it was designed exclusively for US.


Got to beat Ps4 in NA even if all else fails. Not to say one country is more important than another but for the xbox brand America is the most important market. Short term good move for MS. Sony launched the ps3 14 months late in Europe. Xone should be ok if the wait is less than a year and they have a better price by then.

Except that in those countries people allready loved the playstation/sony brand, whilst xbox wasn't setting these countries on fire.. Part of the (small) hardcore succes of xbox 360 in those countries was because they launched before playstation 3.

Launching late means they'll lose the little hardcore gamer support they could've had in there.


People need to realize where the 2.1 and 2 million numbers come from...

2.1 is 2 markets for 2 weeks, and 30 for one day.

Where as 2 is in 13 markets for 18 days.
I can only speak for UK but seems like ps4 has been sold out pretty much everywhere since launch day so I don't think that 2.1 number can have gone up by much since then. Sure sony is ahead but the number of units each company was able to make is a lot closer than I was expecting


MS: sorry tier 2 countries, sorry rest of the world. No Xbone for you anytime soon.

Sony: Hello middle east, Philipines, India, China, South Africa! Welcome!
Are people really saying "good, they were'nt strong in those markets anyway"? What? Did you ever work in sales or strategic planning? The whole point of selling stuff is conquering markets you are not dominating yet.


Are people really saying "good, they were'nt strong in those markets anyway"? What? Did you ever work in sales or strategic planning? The whole point of selling stuff is conquering markets you are not dominating yet.

Well with the xbone it's clearly not the strategy MSFT is going for.
I mean people go with what they have :/
I'd do something similar for you as well, you know call you out on something. But to be honest, I don't even pay attention to your comments.

Glad you paid attention to this one at least.
Don't worry though, I also don't pay much attention to your comments, it's just incredibly funny seeing you continuously do nothing but cheerlead for Microsoft, to the point where people can see you changing your tune, in less than a day, sometimes even reaching the point of delusion.
And I'm sorry, but I have no problems in criticizing my favorite companies (sony and nintendo), unlike you. But hey, go ahead if you want to.


I posted this is another thread regarding the same subject as well, but I lost track of the thread.

I work in retail in Belgium, and my Microsoft contact told me last week that Xbox One is scheduled for a June 2014 release over here.


Originally Posted by Sho_Nuff82
And yet the One still had the second best home console launch ever (in the UK), trailing only the PS4.

Actually, it didn't beat the PS3 or PSP either. And it is getting dominated in every territory but the US so far. MS has simply confirmed they care about nothing but their home turf


I can only speak for UK but seems like ps4 has been sold out pretty much everywhere since launch day so I don't think that 2.1 number can have gone up by much since then. Sure sony is ahead but the number of units each company was able to make is a lot closer than I was expecting

But they are shipping to UK by air they are just selling that fast. This gives the appearance that they are never in stock. In fact I think Ps4 sold around 50k in its second week compared to 20k for xone's second week there.

didn't the psp outsell it?

PSP ps3 and now ps4 all had bigger launches.


If true, it's pretty much confirmed that they moved the launch forward. Probably even by up to 6-12 months early. Obviously as a result they weren't nearly as ready as they wanted to be. While I understand their decision, I think they should have waited till their original release date. They'd have been able to price the machine more competitively and had a better idea of the market's reaction to any DRM plans they had.
As it stands, they've spent half their marketing presence trying to correct their mistakes and alter public perception. I think it's worked to an extent, but the vast majority have chosen a side already and it isn't xbone.


I can only speak for UK but seems like ps4 has been sold out pretty much everywhere since launch day so I don't think that 2.1 number can have gone up by much since then. Sure sony is ahead but the number of units each company was able to make is a lot closer than I was expecting

I think its the same situation everywhere in Europe where PS4 was launched. In Finland it was pretty much sold out (for price 449€) as soon as stores opened. Today (and tomorrow) KZ game bundle is coming to Finland (console + game 499€). And its already also sold out. I reserved (and partly paid) my PS4 console in 12.11.13 and Iam prolly getting my console in january / february. The demand is on.

For the Xbox, most of my friends got X360 and hardcore xbox gamers imported their Ones. But waiting One to be released in fall 2014 is money poured to Sony.


I posted this is another thread regarding the same subject as well, but I lost track of the thread.

I work in retail in Belgium, and my Microsoft contact told me last week that Xbox One is scheduled for a June 2014 release over here.

Interesting. Do you happen to know if it's really June or "the June quarter"? I ask because previous rumors pegged the release for August 2014.


Interesting. Do you happen to know if it's really June or "the June quarter"? I ask because previous rumors pegged the release for August 2014.

Well, I just gave him a call and he confirmed Q3 for Belgium. I asked him which months specifically, and he replied with September - August.

That's harsh. Doesn't stop you from importing, ofc.


Well, I just gave him a call and he confirmed Q3 for Belgium. I asked him which months specifically, and he replied with September - August.

That's harsh. Doesn't stop you from importing, ofc.

Ouch. About time Microsoft makes an official statement.
Well, I just gave him a call and he confirmed Q3 for Belgium. I asked him which months specifically, and he replied with September - August.

That's harsh. Doesn't stop you from importing, ofc.

Oh shit...this is not good for MS or those T2 countries... SEPTEMBER AUGUST??? Wow. Much Late...Such Delay...Upset Ea....


Glad you paid attention to this one at least.
Don't worry though, I also don't pay much attention to your comments, it's just incredibly funny seeing you continuously do nothing but cheerlead for Microsoft, to the point where people can see you changing your tune, in less than a day, sometimes even reaching the point of delusion.
And I'm sorry, but I have no problems in criticizing my favorite companies (sony and nintendo), unlike you. But hey, go ahead if you want to.

Nah I don't hold loyalties to any company who only cares about money. I only care about games. I'll own all 3 consoles at some point or another, I doubt you will though.

Edit. It really is a pathetic form of debate to assassinate someone's character btw. Among the lowest of the low.


Yeah... That seems like a lie.

More believable then the BS localisation explanation we got from them before........ Yeah the consoles don't exist in French, Italian and German.

It's going to take some time to overhaul the interface into Romansch.

Haha I want to see that, and please also include localisations for games in Romansch. MS is really fucking up with the communication...


I don't hold loyalties to any company

You're really not fooling anyone here.

I'd assume MS is just putting all their focus on NA to try and do whatever they can to keep it. AFAIK there's still Xbone stock laying around in the EU, so unless folks are absolutely against importing, it should be easy enough to get one in one of the unreleased countries anyway, right?


You're really not fooling anyone here.

I'd assume MS is just putting all their focus on NA to try and do whatever they can to keep it. AFAIK there's still Xbone stock laying around in the EU, so unless folks are absolutely against importing, it should be easy enough to get one in one of the unreleased countries anyway, right?

Keep out of a fight that doesn't concern you.


Has EA protected themselves against the possibility of the X1 not being available in many countries in their Titanfall contract with MS? Maybe if Titanfall doesn't make X amount of money, MS has to make up the difference between actual sales and X.
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