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Swiss online retailer seemingly confirms further Xbox One delay in tier 2 countries


Got to beat Ps4 in NA even if all else fails. Not to say one country is more important than another but for the xbox brand America is the most important market. Short term good move for MS. Sony launched the ps3 14 months late in Europe. Xone should be ok if the wait is less than a year and they have a better price by then.

Honestly how many units would those countries need for a launch? Just doesn't seem like an extra 300k-500k of units would that make much of a difference say in March.
I'll share one possibility outside of yield issues and their bullshit XBL/localisation problems that they're talking about.

Pullback of ASP from non-core countries over to the launch countries.

I've experienced a similar situation before where one specific region of our company's performance was fucking up so badly that every other country was forced to cut 30% of our marketing/sales budget and give them to the regions that are fucking up.

It's possible that in their light of Xbox's marketing fuck-ups and what is probably a higher marketing budget than initially accounted for, they had to siphon away a lot of money from the less important markets to the point that it's practically impossible to support even a soft-launch at the less important markets.

And if some of you want to bring up the 'warchest', it's actually very difficult for a business division to 'out-of-the-blue' demand more funds from the parent. When the tough gets going, generally business divisions makes internal reallocations first before going to the parent.


Keep out of a fight that doesn't concern you.


You want a private chat, there's a PM system for that. Otherwise, prepared to get called out on bullshit when you spew it publicly.

Has EA protected themselves against the possibility of the X1 not being available in many countries in their Titanfall contract with MS? Maybe if Titanfall doesn't make X amount of money, MS has to make up the difference between actual sales and X.

Folks need to stop forgetting that this game is coming to the 360 at the same time, where it's guaranteed to make the lion's share of its sales anyway, as well as PC where it might also outsell the Xbone version. EA most certainly isn't sweating over the sales potential for Titanfall regardless of how well the 'Bone is doing compared to the competition.



You want a private chat, there's a PM system for that. Otherwise, prepared to get called out on bullshit when you spew it publicly.


Kettle calling the pot black mate. What bullshit have I posted in this thread, or any other thread? You on the other hand regulary come into MS threads and shit all over them.


What bullshit have I posted in this thread

I don't hold loyalties to any company

Anyone whose followed your little predictions throughout the year can easily see otherwise.

Folks who want to poke through my post history will likely easily find my posts explaining my dislike of MS' direction with the Xbone and why I'm less than enthusiastic toward it, but that's an OT discussion.


Anyone whose followed your little predictions throughout the year can easily see otherwise.

Folks who want to poke through my post history will likely easily find my posts explaining my dislike of MS' direction with the Xbone and why I'm less than enthusiastic toward it, but that's an OT discussion.

Everyone makes predictions about the industery. it's a fucking games forum.


Well, isn't the interface pretty much broken for PAL countries that run at a different HZ for video/snap?

Maybe MS is looking to go all in on North America so that they can look for a buyer for the division. The HDMI input seems almost exclusively designed for the American cable technologies.

It would be funny if they tried to sell this to Comcast. MS used to be a partner with Comcast, but they sold off their shares of Comcast when Comcast decided to go with Linux based DVR systems (just a theory, but they had of been salty when Comcast dumped MS software). They also sold off at the same time to cover huge losses back in 2008-2009.

In any case, the Xbox One would slide right into the Comcast X1 marketing. Although, the X1 is probably actually a better product as far as TV related functions go.


$499 - $100 + 299 = $698

You have a very weird, round about, more expensive way of buying the Xbox One.

I admit that made me laugh. I always did suck at math. Obviously I meant Xbox One at $299 without Kinect is when I would immediately jump in (provided they fixed the UI which is an abominable mess at the moment for controllers) :p
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