Oddly enough I miss the dungeon designs that were in Tales of Symphonia. Sure in some cases it has some issues but at least they knew how to give you variety and interesting structure that the following games lacked for most of the part.
I don't think they ever really went back to Symphonia's approach because the poorly-designed or lengthy ones like the Shadow Temple and Ymir Forest ended up sticking out to a lot of people more than any good ones, and some of them could get so elaborate that they may have felt it went too far out of the series' DNA.
I thought Hearts DS had a nice approach. You got a Sorcerer's Ring that could shoot the usual fireball, did some blue energy thing I can't fully remember, and had an energy whip, and they just designed some basic puzzles and gimmicks around those. It stopped dungeons but being straight shots with enemies scattered about, without making me feel like 80% of my time in a dungeon was running back and forth to solve some arbitrary puzzle.
Anyway, it sounds like the game after Berseria may have an increased focus on seamlessness, so I'm hoping they're doing the level design with that in mind by adding some elaborate geography, the ability to jump, increased interactivity with the environment (both in and out of battle), etc., and it's not just what they're currently doing but with visible party members and enemies.