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Tales of Berseria |OT| The Band of the Crowe


Road to Platinum: Velvet and Rokurou have all titles at level 2. Working on Eizen now, got about 1000 enemies to kill. Eleanor, Laphicet, and Magilou are in worse shape though.

Got about 9 mil gald left and 90k Tales coins.

9 million Gald? That doesn't sound fun. Lots of grinding ahead of me I see.


Two more questions too.

1) When your'e doing a combo sometimes you see a damage multiplier. What causes that to appear / go up?

2) When you look at your artes menu, each item under the weakness type (such as Crustacean), will have another arte listed. Like some Arte will say "> Slag Assault" or something. What does this mean?

1) This appears after you've done a Weakness combo. That is, you hit every single type and elemental weakness in a combo.

2) Those are derivative artes. For martial/hidden artes, if you hold down the button you used, it will automatically combo into doing that listed move after the current move finishes. It seems to just add some extra flexibility in how many artes you have access to at once. For spells (malak artes), you will get a different Potentite from the first Class 4 restricted zone that makes it so you can hold L2 to perform the derivative arte or something like that.


All Mystic Artes. I had no idea the characters had a 3rd or double mystic artes xD Also, lame that they didn't translate what they are saying.

Spoilers for bosses and team members


Um that's because you linked the Japanese version...

Here's the English version.

I have a hard time hearing what Velvet says at times and some MAs have an issue with the VA not being able to finish a line before the next one starts. A lot of issues with the localization.
I'm getting to the climax and goddamn this story actually makes me want to keep going despite the increasingly miserable dungeons. Currently I only expect good JRPG stories out of Falcolm and Atlus, and certainly not from Tales. I've played most of the Tales games but it's been almost a decade since I've outright finished one, literally the last one was the Symphonia Sequel which I rather forced myself through. I got through Graces but quit at the last dungeon, and I stopped ToZ halfway and pretty much wrote off the series. I kinda bought this game as a whim half expecting to get a Steam refund, but the story has been surprising me at every turn.

It looks like ToZ and ToB share the same writer so I'm curious as to what changed that drastically improved the quality between games. Tales of games keep trying to go back every other game to a traditional hero saving the world kind of deal while moralizing about life and all that, but I think their best stuff comes when they try, just a little, to subvert things.

Also anybody know much this game cost to localize? All the VAs do amazing work (minor notable exceptions aside...) and there's like a bajillion skits in this one and half as many voiced town-events too. Apparently there's ~400 skits, all clocking in at between 1-3 minutes or so, and like 200 exclamation point events, not to mention the main scenario and all the battle shouts. Velvet's VA alone has to have put in at least 200 hours of recorded dialogue.

I think this may be the most VA heavy JRPG I've ever played just in terms of the utter volume of things said.

I really can't get a feel for Eleanor. Her spear moves don't flow into each other as smoothly as Velvet's kicks and I guess I have weave in magic artes on top of that, too?

Eleanor seems to have her best artes unlock way late into the game, but basically every single move she learns has large AOE and crowd control. She also has alot of moves herself around the map, so it's pretty easy to accidentally whiff an attack but also lets her pick up crowds. Tends to work best with mob clearing, but not all that great with bosses unless she hits alot of their weaknesses. Her magic on the other hand is pretty weak and probably best ignored outright, maybe tack it onto the end of a combo as a shortcut but even then it's questionable if it's even worth it.

Most of the melee characters though are overshadowed by Velvet if for nothing else than the on-demand overlimit that you can sometimes extend infinitely.


Looking at the cardgame point list... Probably wasn't a good idea to include the Renegade category. Granted they've pretty much made the traitor thing a parody at this point. After Leon they just stopped trying.


Eleanor seems to have her best artes unlock way late into the game, but basically every single move she learns has large AOE and crowd control. She also has alot of moves herself around the map, so it's pretty easy to accidentally whiff an attack but also lets her pick up crowds. Tends to work best with mob clearing, but not all that great with bosses unless she hits alot of their weaknesses. Her magic on the other hand is pretty weak and probably best ignored outright, maybe tack it onto the end of a combo as a shortcut but even then it's questionable if it's even worth it.

Most of the melee characters though are overshadowed by Velvet if for nothing else than the on-demand overlimit that you can sometimes extend infinitely.

Velvet is really hard to compete with. I'm at the point where even against dire foes if I'm aggressive enough, it's pretty easy to bully them into a stagger -> Break Soul loop until I can MA and wipe them.

Thanks for the tips though! I was hoping I could just bail on Eleanor's artes, so this is good news.
Velvet is really hard to compete with. I'm at the point where even against dire foes if I'm aggressive enough, it's pretty easy to bully them into a stagger -> Break Soul loop until I can MA and wipe them.

Thanks for the tips though! I was hoping I could just bail on Eleanor's artes, so this is good news.

If you play on really high difficulties things start getting hairy since bosses fall out of combos really, really fast and your ol' reliable Velvet Combos stop working so well.

But really, it's worth trying every character (except maybe Laphicet). Everyone can be fun to play since they all have rather unique Mechanics (again except Laphicet) and it helps stave off boredom in this arguably super-long game. If you get to know everyone you can do in-battle swaps; switch blasts are amazing since they extend combos and basically exchanges 1BG for 1SG.


If you play on really high difficulties things start getting hairy since bosses fall out of combos really, really fast and your ol' reliable Velvet Combos stop working so well.

But really, it's worth trying every character (except maybe Laphicet). Everyone can be fun to play since they all have rather unique Mechanics (again except Laphicet) and it helps stave off boredom in this arguably super-long game. If you get to know everyone you can do in-battle swaps; switch blasts are amazing since they extend combos and basically exchanges 1BG for 1SG.

Actually, I'm at about 22 hours in. I just
got the medicine for the pirate crew. We came back to town and Eizen ran off after Zaveid.

How far in am I would you say?


Ended up playing up to the Ice Field in the past few days.

The story has been pretty entertaining so far.
I thought that Malevolence was a pretty stupid concept in Zestiria and you had situations like Rose where the writing staff clearly wrote themselves into a corner, but it doesn't bother me too much with how it's handled in this game.
Too bad the dungeons are kind of miserable and the music is not all the way there.

I have been playing on Hard Mode, but the balance has been getting very, very weird the further I play (to the point where random encounters were taking forever) and somewhat frustrating, so I had to turn it down to Moderate. Pretty insane that the simple difference between something like a basic 1.1x vs 1.2x in enemy stats can make such a drastic difference just for being able to actually combo and hit with your artes. And it doesn't even seem like a Graces f situation where suffering on Chaos at least gave you a shitload of Title Points to get new Abilities to offset the risk-reward; I barely notice incremental increases on bonus exp and gald.

And while I guess you can play on higher difficulties to get rarer drops, I don't see the point in upgrading or farming for anything too extensive where it just gets outclassed by the next town upgrade, so I might as well just wait until the end game for the "final" pieces of armor.
Actually, I'm at about 22 hours in. I just
got the medicine for the pirate crew. We came back to town and Eizen ran off after Zaveid.

How far in am I would you say?

A bit before the halfway point I'd say? Not counting the side content, which is backloaded to the end of the game. You'll probably spend about half of it listening to people talk too.

I have been playing on Hard Mode, but the balance has been getting very, very weird the further I play (to the point where random encounters were taking forever) and somewhat frustrating, so I had to turn it down to Moderate. Pretty insane that the simple difference between something like a basic 1.1x vs 1.2x in enemy stats can make such a drastic difference just for being able to actually combo and hit with your artes. And it doesn't even seem like a Graces f situation where suffering on Chaos at least gave you a shitload of Title Points to get new Abilities to offset the risk-reward; I barely notice incremental increases on bonus exp and gald.

And while I guess you can play on higher difficulties to get rarer drops, I don't see the point in upgrading or farming for anything too extensive where it just gets outclassed by the next town upgrade, so I might as well just wait until the end game for the "final" pieces of armor.

I've been playing the whole game at max difficulty basically as a matter of principle at this point. Basically the longer the game goes on the more and more the enemies start outpacing you. Mobs can almost never oneshot you, with the exception of golem haymakers that have like a 5 second long animation windup, but you'll find that enemies start stunning you absurdly easily; and once you're stunned you're dead. Alot of enemy attacks get hyperarmor with ridiculous frames and the hitboxes are at times absurd especially with the birds. Really on harder difficulties the point of of random encounters is to stun your enemies as fast and as often as possible and then snowball. If the enemy wipes two people at once pretty much the only way to salvage the fight is going Velvet and abusing the invincibility.

Some of the end game bosses are pretty much unbeatable without doing really cheesy things like using All-Divide, and even then it's pretty much an item spam fest. One enemy boss once he gets past half health has AOE melee moves with hyperarmor, like a 30% stun chance that also moves him like a quarter of the way across the map. There's one boss with a mystic arte that routinely oneshots you even with All-Divide. Multiple bosses get magic area-effect spells that oneshots the party unless you interrupt them, and the cast time is like 1 second. I really wouldn't recommend anything past hard.
The story has been pretty entertaining so far.
I thought that Malevolence was a pretty stupid concept in Zestiria and you had situations like Rose where the writing staff clearly wrote themselves into a corner, but it doesn't bother me too much with how it's handled in this game.
Too bad the dungeons are kind of miserable and the music is not all the way there.

Yeah, they really messed up with malevolence in Zestiria, considering that negative eemotions like self doubt create malevolence then Alisha could have been the lord of calamity lol.

I ended up dropping down to intermediate too by the final dungeon. Although if I ever lose a fight I don't feel like bothering again and just retry on simple >_>.


°Temp. member
The final dungeon is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. Especially if you're doing the optional stuff in it.

Agreed, especially compared to Xillia 2's super short (but confusing) final dungeon.
To be honest though I was expecting it. They weren't going to make the regular dungeons long and then not go above and beyond for the final one :)
Just wait until you get to the EX dungeon...

Does anyone else miss Fell Arms?
Anyone care to elaborate (without spoilers) on the story a bit more?

I'm watching the story for Zestiria on Youtube as I've heard there is a very loose connection and....that story is godawful. Jesus. Bland and boring characters, terrible dialogue, uninteresting plot beats.

How much does Berseria improve upon this? I would be picking this game up 95% for the story and playing it on easy mode, for what it is worth. Not coming for the gameplay, but it'll help it's cause, for sure.


Just finished at about 44 hours at level 64. Still have a ton to go back and do at a later date, but man was that just great. The map design, skill system (gear mastery = meh), and combat system could use revamping for the next title, but man I really enjoyed the story, the pacing (last dungeon ran a little too long, as is usually the case with 3D Tales games), and the cast a whole lot. Also they didn't fuck up the antagonist or the resolution of that stuff, which felt great too. A huge mark against most of the recent Tales titles for me (minus Zestiria, cause I liked that) is that they really botched their antagonists by introducing something crazy in the last act that you feel no attachment to. In Berseria i'm just really glad they maintained consistency throughout, and had an antagonist that felt compelling to defeat by the end, even with their typical late game humanization of the antagonist.

Consistent is a great word to describe this game. Really glad I didn't pass this one up, because I almost did after coming out of Zestiria kinda lukewarm. What a fun game.

Hell, even this this is one of Sakuraba's better efforts for a Tales game in a while too.


Anyone care to elaborate (without spoilers) on the story a bit more?

I'm watching the story for Zestiria on Youtube as I've heard there is a very loose connection and....that story is godawful. Jesus. Bland and boring characters, terrible dialogue, uninteresting plot beats.

How much does Berseria improve upon this? I would be picking this game up 95% for the story and playing it on easy mode, for what it is worth. Not coming for the gameplay, but it'll help it's cause, for sure.

Berseria basically fixes the lore part of the world. Other than that there are no other real connections. In fact its a little depressing knowing that whatever is accomplished in this game goes to pot in the future.
Just beat the game with a bit over 57 hours, and damn did I love it. I think the fact that this game is set in the same world as Zestiria could really detract a bit from it though, since there were quite a few moments in the story that I could tell just wouldn't have had as much, or even any, impact if I hadn't already played through the other game.

In terms of the story I think I'd put it as my second favorite right behind Abyss, the biggest reason being the antagonists. While this one certainly did a better job with getting you invested in fighting them than the last few games did, I don't think any group has been able to outdo
Van and the God Generals
from Abyss, and looking at how the enemy groups are designed in the recent games, it seems like they've been intentionally trying to create a group to match them. It would have gone a long way for Oscar and the others to have a bit more presence throughout, but Artorious is definitely one of the few compelling antagonists this series has had.

As far as battles are concerned, I think even despite how mashy it could get if you set your artes up correctly it was still pretty fun with the break souls and SG keeping things engaging, even if it could get a bit frustrating at times when I'd get stuck at 2 souls and not having any luck stunning the enemies. Definitely not quite Graces level (my favorite gameplay-wise) but leagues better than Zestiria, which is pretty bizarre considering how similar those two are on a base level.


Anyone care to elaborate (without spoilers) on the story a bit more?

I'm watching the story for Zestiria on Youtube as I've heard there is a very loose connection and....that story is godawful. Jesus. Bland and boring characters, terrible dialogue, uninteresting plot beats.

How much does Berseria improve upon this? I would be picking this game up 95% for the story and playing it on easy mode, for what it is worth. Not coming for the gameplay, but it'll help it's cause, for sure.

I haven't played Zestiria but Berseria's story and characters are both great. After looking up Zestiria's plot information after finishing Berseria, I think the game works better if you just ignore Zestiria's existence entirely and don't look up anything about it that could potentially spoil events in Berseria.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Playing this game, around 5hrs now. (PS4 version).

- Absolutely love how non existent the loading times in these games are, literally fade out and fade in. No pause in between. The Tales games are really good in getting the player in and out without hassle.

- The "Quick" save could be more quicker. For consoles, I *REALLY* liked the way Mass Effect 3 did it where you just press back/select any time and it will auto save without pausing the game or making you wait. At the very least they could have made it so that if you press quick save, you don't get another prompt asking whether you want to really save or not. Just do it.

- The combat is batshit insane, so far I've just been mashing combinations and getting away with it. I may hit a wall, or I may keep mashing my way to the end, who knows.

- I can't believe in 2017 they're blocking the screenshot feature. Fuck's up with that Namco ?


Berseria basically fixes the lore part of the world. Other than that there are no other real connections. In fact its a little depressing knowing that whatever is accomplished in this game goes to pot in the future.

I gotta disagree with your assessment that there are no real connections. There are connections everywhere, and I thought it was rewarding to see them.

Although you're right,
the events of Berseria are basically null and void since things go to bigger shit by Zestiria.

As for combat, I think the combat and mechanics are the best they've been in the series since Graces. The equipment system is an overall miss, but otherwise, there are noticeable improvements in all areas over the Xillias and Zestiria.

Speaking of connections, anyone think that the bonus dungeon is
the entrance to Elysia? Zenrus is mentioned and I thought it was ultra lame that we don't get to go, but then I thought it's probably just Elysia. I also think that Lailah is a seraphim since she doesn't appear in this game since I thought she's older than Edna.
- I can't believe in 2017 they're blocking the screenshot feature. Fuck's up with that Namco ?

Bandai Namco EU on Facebook told me, it's blocked because of licenses (Anime scenes, music), which they do not own.
Still seems pretty strange, because why shouldn't you be able to make ingame screenshots?
With how good every other character in the game is, how could they fuck up Kamoana so bad? Everything about her is terrible. Annoying, horrible voice acting, ugly, and just completely unnecessary
Bandai Namco EU on Facebook told me, it's blocked because of licenses (Anime scenes, music), which they do not own.
Still seems pretty strange, because why shouldn't you be able to make ingame screenshots?

Which is nonsense. Because the features aren't blocked on Steam version.

One of the main reasons why I picked it instead of PS4 version. I've taken dozens of screenshots already.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It's hilarious that right when the game starts it pops up a controller detailing each button, even the share button to, well, 'share' but it's all blocked.

Well, almost all. The class 4 arena fight things are fine. It's funny getting trophies and having it follow up with can't take screenshot at this time.


In game or in this video? I played with English voices for most of the game and they speak English during the Mystic Artes in game.

You're telling me the just dont talk in english for the extra mystic artes? They coul

Um that's because you linked the Japanese version...

Here's the English version.

I have a hard time hearing what Velvet says at times and some MAs have an issue with the VA not being able to finish a line before the next one starts. A lot of issues with the localization.

I am playing in japanese with english subtitles. I meant that they don't have subs for the mystic artes in that version.


I love it. Entire game is braindead easy for 82 hours and the final boss can spam a large AoE field move that can insta kill anyone repeatedly. Great design!


Um that's because you linked the Japanese version...

Here's the English version.

I have a hard time hearing what Velvet says at times and some MAs have an issue with the VA not being able to finish a line before the next one starts. A lot of issues with the localization.

Noticed some inconsistencies with the localization with past localizations too.

Lion's Howl instead of Beast in the cameo battle, etc.

Should be Lost Fon Drive instead of Lostfon Drive for Eleanor's 2nd MA.

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head...

It's hilarious that right when the game starts it pops up a controller detailing each button, even the share button to, well, 'share' but it's all blocked.

Well, almost all. The class 4 arena fight things are fine. It's funny getting trophies and having it follow up with can't take screenshot at this time.

I seriously fucking hate this from Japanese developers lately.
Lion's Howl instead of Beast in the cameo battle, etc..

That one was intentional, since it was changed for story reasons in Zestiria.
Although I suppose since it was in the cameo fight, it should have been left alone since they're from a different world...


This made me buy Zestiria on PS4, goddamnit! And I already platinumed it on Steam. Oh well. Looks like I will do the same with Berseria when it's cheaper on PS4.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I gotta disagree with your assessment that there are no real connections. There are connections everywhere, and I thought it was rewarding to see them.

Although you're right,
the events of Berseria are basically null and void since things go to bigger shit by Zestiria.

As for combat, I think the combat and mechanics are the best they've been in the series since Graces. The equipment system is an overall miss, but otherwise, there are noticeable improvements in all areas over the Xillias and Zestiria.

Speaking of connections, anyone think that the bonus dungeon is
the entrance to Elysia? Zenrus is mentioned and I thought it was ultra lame that we don't get to go, but then I thought it's probably just Elysia. I also think that Lailah is a seraphim since she doesn't appear in this game since I thought she's older than Edna.
Zenrus is mentioned? :O :O

(Didn't do the bonus dungeon)


It looks like ToZ and ToB share the same writer so I'm curious as to what changed that drastically improved the quality between games.
Development issues most certainly. Lore was already great in Zestiria (check out Jena's World Guidance Book translations I linked a couple pages ago), but execution was terrible with a mess of incomplete parts likely due to being the first Tales game not building on the previous (now defunct) Tales Studio structure and as such having a lot of outsourced parts. Berseria used exactly the same staff again so the new structure should be settled and they were apparently able to learn and plan so to avoid the issues they had during development of Zestiria.


not me
Hmm weird, i found semi-auto clunky and refusing to do as i wanted and switched to manual like half a hour in. I still think manual is better for me.

Fair enough, but on manual all of Velvet's moves sent her flying past the enemy and missing hits. With semi-auto she'll at least auto-correct her direction between each arte.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
OK, so at the point where the game opened up the 'multi encounter' thing like Vesperia. Now the game's opening up. A 'multi encounter' fight gives off so much more EXP than a regular encounter.

I may be over leveled, but currently at lv 21 at the time when the ship explorations just opened up. Also, holy shit they added one of these mini-games to Tales as well lol.


It looks like ToZ and ToB share the same writer so I'm curious as to what changed that drastically improved the quality between games. Tales of games keep trying to go back every other game to a traditional hero saving the world kind of deal while moralizing about life and all that, but I think their best stuff comes when they try, just a little, to subvert things.
Development issues most certainly. Lore was already great in Zestiria (check out Jena's World Guidance Book translations I linked a couple pages ago), but execution was terrible with a mess of incomplete parts likely due to being the first Tales game not building on the previous (now defunct) Tales Studio structure and as such having a lot of outsourced parts. Berseria used exactly the same staff again so the new structure should be settled and they were apparently able to learn and plan so to avoid the issues they had during development of Zestiria.

ToZ had solid foundations, but it did jack with it. It should have been Sorey and his Seraphs' journey, but none of the Seraph are really developed except maybe Dezel and Rose basically hijacks the plot from midway on. I'm not one to believe conspiracy theories, but the way the game treats Rose character is hard to believe she wasn't the result of someone pushing for her.

People often joke about Mikleo being the heroine, but in reality he doesn't really get much screentime either once he becomes a sub-lord. The resolution to Edna's arc is basically a sub-quest. (Ironically they are Zesty's more popular characters, eh)
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