The Handsome Llama
Hopefully it's a massive improvement over Xillia... I'll still buy it on PC day one, Japanese devs on Steam need all the support they can get so we can continue getting more.
I think the issues with the Dark Souls 1 port are somewhat overblown. The actual game ran just fine, fairly well optimized, and I had no crashing issues. Along with Durante's fix releasing literally within minutes of release, it wasn't all that bad.
For those who played the import, I read some character/story spoilers and was wondering if it was true that Sorey and Mikleoare loosely canonically a "couple." Or at least romantic in some sort of way instead of just being queerbait.
If you are a fujoshi then I guessyou could see some kind of sexual tension, otherwise of course not.
They're just two good childhood friends and Mikleo somehow fits the trope of the "main heroine" much more than Rose and Alisha, he just does not have the right gender I guess.
It can be argued that a mod being required to make the game run at 1080p qualifies it as a crap port in this day and age, no matter how quick an easy the mod is to find/install.
Now we have to see if any version gets exclusive costumes. How many DLC ones are there right now?
If you are a fujoshi then I guessyou could see some kind of sexual tension, otherwise of course not.
They're just two good childhood friends and Mikleo somehow fits the trope of the "main heroine" much more than Rose and Alisha, he just does not have the right gender I guess.
Eva costumes (lol we're not getting these)
Idolm@ster costumes
Blue Exorcist costumes (not getting these either)
School outfits
God Eater 2 costumes (like Bamco remembers that God Eater 2 exists)
Cameo Tales costumes
Also the usual long array of attachments like the Sengoku Basara ones (never going to see those here too)
So is the PS3 version a total Shadows of Mordor level hack job, or does it run fine?
Eva costumes (lol we're not getting these)
Idolm@ster costumes
Blue Exorcist costumes (not getting these either)
School outfits
God Eater 2 costumes (like Bamco remembers that God Eater 2 exists)
Cameo Tales costumes
Also the usual long array of attachments like the Sengoku Basara ones (never going to see those here too)
well mod em in
It's not about believing, it's about Vesperia begging in every single Tales thread being annoying as hell.
How have Namco Bandai been with PC ports in the past? I'm only familiar with Dark Souls and Dark Souls II, one which was god awful and the other being fantastic. Total opposite ends of the spectrum.
Lets just say that not all of the "bad responses" were specifically due to the game quality.
This is Neogaf, we have to believe in near hopeless possibilities.
Whoo, finally. Can't wait to see the mods. I'll definitely be picking this up on Steam.
It sure looks like there is more color. I like it.It does look better with AA, and it's more colorful as well?
How could you forget KH III?
Is there a good reason for the PS4 version when I own a decent PC? Unless it's a terrible port, of course. I get paranoid when decisions are too easy.
Good news anyhow.
It sure looks like there is moe color. I like it.