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Tales of Zestiria |OT| - Sorey, Modders did what Bamcouldn't!


In the section (late game spoilers)
where it says "Meet with Mayvin once you are ready", it also says "Search for the remaining Iris gems". Is this section the last of the side quests before post game? Just curious.
In the section (late game spoilers)
where it says "Meet with Mayvin once you are ready", it also says "Search for the remaining Iris gems". Is this section the last of the side quests before post game? Just curious.

There are still more sidequests after. There are 16 gems in total. 15 you find throughought the purple star sidequests. The 16th gem is given to you by Mayvin when you collect the 15 and talk to him.


There are still more sidequests after. There are 16 gems in total. 15 you find throughought the purple star sidequests. The 16th gem is given to you by Mayvin when you collect the 15 and talk to him.

Ah, ty.
Wonder how many I have... (edit: I have 13 now.)

nope got lots of sidequests to go

Damn it. I want the story done but my mind won't let me ignore the side quests :(


In the section (late game spoilers)
where it says "Meet with Mayvin once you are ready", it also says "Search for the remaining Iris gems". Is this section the last of the side quests before post game? Just curious.

I find it really enjoyable, my favorites were tales of the abyss, tales of symphonia. while Xilla 2 being my least favorite. If you dont mind cliche anime stories its worth the play-through, watching the characters interact is in enjoyable.
No you must buy them and they are really expensive like 7$ a set.

Yeah they are pretty expensive, but I have some left over PSN money and I'm trying to decide whether I should bite. Outfits and Attachments make the cutscenes a lot funnier than they should be so it's tempting...


I find it really enjoyable, my favorites were tales of the abyss, tales of symphonia. while Xilla 2 being my least favorite. If you dont mind cliche anime stories its worth the play-through, watching the characters interact is in enjoyable.

Wrong quote? XD.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Feels good to get a massive amount of grade in trash fights when you beat enemies with Mystic Artes, kill two at once, etc. Gotta compensate somehow for how crappy I've been doing grade-wise with the bosses on moderate.

I just did the
Fire Shrine
(y'all weren't kidding about the tunes inside of those. Pretty cool music). I've been taking a long time to progress whenever I sit down to play. I'm exploring a lot, doing sidequests, playing around with equipment and just generally enjoying myself without rushing since it's been a while since I played an RPG.

I even traversed the whole of Yder cave for no reason after I got the rock smashing power. That save point at the end will be useful for fast travel when I actually have something to do there though.

Overall I'm glad they brought grade back but I really they need to refine it a bit more, namely AI deaths shouldn't count. Either that or make the AI more competent. I also don't think I've seen the AI guard once in this game, I swear it's like they disabled that function for them lmao
Yeah, it's ridiculous haha. Pretty much the only reason my grade goes down the drain during bosses is because of AI death. I tweaked the AI strategies based on some tips, but unfortunately they still take a major beating.


At this point I can't really tell whether I'm doing a sidequest or not and I don't even care. These quests are lot more enjoyable than X2's character quests


the side quests are important
hell some of them have plot in them

Haha, I've enjoyed the side quests.

So some questions: (major late game spoilers):

1. Just saw the scene from the Origin Village. Wasn't the Dawn of Chaos years ago before Sorey and Mikleo would have been born? If so, how are they so young (17 or something right?). Or am I missing something/is it explained at all later on?

2. How far am I from the end now (roughly in hours)?

3. Just going to say, I have no upgraded Soreys weapon in a while, it's still a Calcite Sword+2 Because every Sword I find seems so weak and puts down almost all my stats and stfuf. :( Not a question, just an annoyance. (probably the same for the others as well though I am using the item ordering thing to get Dragon Tails so I can sanctify Mikleo's Dragon Tail weapon lol)
I really want to like this.

But I don't.

I tried to get a refund because I dislike it so much, but they're offering 20 for it, so I might as well keep it.

When does this get good? I just got Rose in my party.

I find the story absolutely awful. It's almost like a rollercoaster; it goes from one story point to the next with zero repercussions or impacts on the game's story.
At first there was a guy who ate people, that storyline disappeared. You go on a mountain and promise Edna to help her brother; no one's said shit about her brother since. Alisha leaves and it's as if she was never with the party to begin with. You're in a war, stuff happens, and I'm half expecting for the game to go,"War? Never heard of it" once I leave Rose's hideout. Nothing seems to have any impact on the world.

I like the characters, but mostly for their funny interactions.

I think the world building is really lazy and bad, which I covered above.

I don't like the battle system. I find it too mashy and don't like the fact the game is always willing to take control away from me by giving me a two-person party.

I think the equipment/skill system is ass.

I put in Tales of the Abyss for a while and started a new game, and I think it absolutely obliterates Zestiria in every one of these categories. Actions have weight. There's another war prevention story but done with actual gravitas, the battle system is fun to me, I can buy equipment at the store and equip it without any fuss or hassle.

I'm really trying, but I just am not enjoying my time with ToZ and I've given it a shot for 15 hours already. It has potential, but I can't play games on potential alone and my time is valuable.
Finished today. By the end I just wanted it over with so I set the difficulty to the lowest. I probably played too much and burnt myself out.

As for the game it's definitely not my favorite Tales game but Edna makes the list for favorite Tales characters.


never left the stone age
Any word from Bamco abour releasing further Tales games on PC now that Symphonia and Zestiria are out? I hear those Xillia games are p good..


I loved Symphonia when I played it on Gamecube, but it didn't grab me when I played it again on PS3.

I spent all October platinuming it. Felt so good. Little burned out on Tales just now which is why Zestiria is taking me longer to finish than I anticipated. (though I am enjoying the game a lot).

I look forward to finishing Zesty and starting up Disgaea 5/FO4/P4D this month. :D and maybe after the burn has worn off, I'll look into platinuming Zesty... maybe
Beat it on Tuesday. I had a great time with it, though I've enjoyed all the Tales games I've played so far. Combat is fun, reminded me a lot of Graces f, though the execution of mechanics (the equipment and such) were lacking. The over world isn't as cut and paste as the Xillia titles, though every cave and ruin felt the same but with minor changes. The characters are great, too. Edna FTW. I just need to clear up the DLC and I'll be calling it quits.

Hopefully, this tides my JRPG fix until Cosmic Star Heroine and Persona 5. Hopefully.



Is there somewhere in-game to track your current in-game stats?

E.g I heard to unlock a higher difficulty, I need to fight at least a certain number of battle sin Hard mode, is that correct?


Alright, after 33 hours I beat the game on PS3. Time to vent.

Long story short I had a lot of fun with this game it was money and time well spent, but the game starts to decline after Alisha leaves and honestly
outside of everything that has to do with Tiamat that entire sequence was god tier
the game never picks up.

First I just don't like the battle system, I'll take that as just me not being able to move on from Symphonia/Abyss, but to me it feels like post Abyss (never played Vesperia so I don't know how that one played) the battles are too dependent on spamming elemental weaknesses and I can't stand that your basic physical attacks require you to sit around and wait for a meter to refill before you can use them, and the bosses have bullshit invincibility that in turn lets them 1-2 shot you party. Random battles either take 10 seconds or party wipe you hard so I never know if I'm under-leveled or over-leveled (I finished the game at lvl 53 on Moderate so I guessing I was the former for most of the game). Not helping is the fact that the game can barely run consistently, it's one thing to slow down when there are 8 monsters on screen but stuttering during simple cut-scenes seems ridiculous. The over-worlds keep getting bigger and bigger which is both boring and frustrating when you want to go somewhere and the game won't let you quick travel because reasons. Characters are fun and intelligent and I like the banter, but the way they are handled is kind of garbage.
I swear to god Zaveid take the damn hat off you insensitive ass!
The story feels that way as well, I mean it's not a bad story, but it clearly needed a revision, which is weird because of how
Alisha, Rose and Dezel are handled
it feels like there was a rewrite or at least a shift in focus early on. I have other gripes with the story but I don't want this to be too spoiler heavy.

Not to be too hard on this game, I finished this game unlike Graces or Xilia and contrary to the rant above I did enjoy this game. The elemental dungeons were a joy and the music in them is stupendous. The boss battles that felt even were a lot of fun
see Tiamat
. English dub was great even if I couldn't help but laugh at Kirbopher's "tough guy" voice, I've heard him in too many things for that voice to ever be taken seriously.

Overall 7ish out of ten.

Before I forget, White Light is amazing.


So wait, is it possible to (late game character spoiler)
remove Zaveid's hat? It looks like trash on him and ruins his design.
Alisha DLC
What was the point of having that lame villain (I can't remember his name) survive? What an incredibly weird loose thread to end the entire game on. Why is this nobody the last thing we see?
How difficult was it to get the plat?
I got the platinum on ps3 in Japanese and I'm aiming for the "same" on PC
It's really not hard at all, just time consuming.

Hardest ones for me were the no retries in chaos difficulty on the final boss and one certain trophy on hard on that same final boss after you satisfy a condition.

Some require you some planning to get like same 16 skills but if you think good, you can get them easily.

I remember my ps3 save is stopped at 129h50 so it took me a little bit less than that because I did the Alisha DLC 2 times and that one did not count toward the platinum in the Japanese version but I got them anyway.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The whole
Alisha situation makes me wonder why they didn't add Narikiri Dolls from DestinyR. Solved the Leon situation!
Vesperia is still my favorite Tales combat system. It's incredibly broken but that's what makes it fun. Zestiria's combat is the weakest of the PS3 tales games. Too much bs like enemy immunity after a 10 hit combo that just gets aggravating.


Just finished the Earth Temple, so I'm pretty far now. After getting over the hump that was the areas immediately after Pendrago (man, what a difficulty spike), things are going pretty smoothly. Been steadily clearing out the mutated hellions as well. Love the way the game rewards you with a permeant HP boost. Feels like a really significant reward that makes the challenge worth it.

Still enjoying the story. It's not my favorite, but the characters are charming enough to keep it going. The skill system still has way more possible combinations than I can really get my head around, but I'm managing. I'm enjoying the combat in this one way more than I expected. Perhaps it's because I'm going through my first play through on Hard, which I've never done. I would've enjoyed Xillia 2's combat more, but that game had way too many just bullshit fights like Volt and Victor that just soured me on the whole thing. So far, even when the combat has been hard, it's felt fair. When I get my butt handed to me, it's usually because I need to rethink my equipment layout, grab a couple levels or just play better. The crucibles have also been super fun challenges as I never play casters in Tales games. It's definitely forced me to learn the ins and outs of arte casting combos.

One quick question, should I be leveling various Titles through the game or just stick to a couple? I haven't been switching around that much and the game really hasn't explained the benefits of leveling multiple titles all that much.
One quick question, should I be leveling various Titles through the game or just stick to a couple? I haven't been switching around that much and the game really hasn't explained the benefits of leveling multiple titles all that much.

There's not a real need to level many titles. Titles have different stat bonuses and change the AI, but if you find a few you like you can stick with them and not miss much. You do get +2 to AP for getting a title to level 20, but that's a pretty small bonus for the effort.
What's the average playtime on this game? I'm around 35 hours in and I think I'm heading into the home stretch. I'll play Alisha's story after, of course. But this seems like it's a bit shorter than most JRPGs.


What's the average playtime on this game? I'm around 35 hours in and I think I'm heading into the home stretch. I'll play Alisha's story after, of course. But this seems like it's a bit shorter than most JRPGs.

I've played just as much as you hours wise and I'm only 2 out of 4 trials done. I think it depends on the kind of player you are. Beside 40 hours for an JRPG is a good length.
What's the average playtime on this game? I'm around 35 hours in and I think I'm heading into the home stretch. I'll play Alisha's story after, of course. But this seems like it's a bit shorter than most JRPGs.

I beat the game in 45 hours, including Alisha DLC. I didn't bother with most sidequest except the iris gems ones (which are not really side quests anyway) though.


What immunity?

Maybe he's talking about when, during a combo, the enemy gets up and takes no damage until he starts its next attack.
This happened to me many times; I would try to hit the 150 hit mark, and at 110-ish the enemy would decide it didn't want to be attacked anymore and my combo would end.
And it was always between my 4-arte combo (second to third martial arte, for example); it's not like I *did* let the combo end.


Maybe he's talking about when, during a combo, the enemy gets up and takes no damage until he starts its next attack.
This happened to me many times; I would try to hit the 150 hit mark, and at 110-ish the enemy would decide it didn't want to be attacked anymore and my combo would end.
And it was always between my 4-arte combo (second to third martial arte, for example); it's not like I *did* let the combo end.

Happened to me a couple of times when the boss only had a couple hundreds of HP left, and went on to destroy me because of this stupid immunity.
Pretty annoying.


Maybe he's talking about when, during a combo, the enemy gets up and takes no damage until he starts its next attack.
This happened to me many times; I would try to hit the 150 hit mark, and at 110-ish the enemy would decide it didn't want to be attacked anymore and my combo would end.
And it was always between my 4-arte combo (second to third martial arte, for example); it's not like I *did* let the combo end.

Seems to happen when you drop a combo and they recover. They get invulnerability to either counterattack or escape.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Do we know when the Evangelion costumes are dropping yet?
Probably next week, unless they release the Idolm@ster costumes first (not sure if they're releasing the Blue Exorcist costumes since they weren't in the upcoming DLC post).


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I loved Symphonia when I played it on Gamecube, but it didn't grab me when I played it again on PS3.

That's because the PS3 version was a subpar port of the half-frame rate PS2 version, they didn't even bother applying half decent anti aliasing on it. The crappiest excuse for a remaster ever.


Probably next week, unless they release the Idolm@ster costumes first (not sure if they're releasing the Blue Exorcist costumes since they weren't in the upcoming DLC post).

I really wish they'd just release them all at once. By time they get around to most of them I'll have the game beaten and over with!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Fire trial... I keep trying to light the pedestals in order, but they go out right away. And I know about the numbers on the ground. wat do?
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