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Team Bondi's L.A. NOIRE |OT| Watchin' Faces, Solvin' Cases

The Lamp

tiff said:
Did the pedophile even have a motive?

Not really, besides maybe stealing the brooch. But he had no excuse for where he was, what he was doing--he didn't even try until he bumbled up some story about a guy changing out of overalls and putting it in a car.


The Lamp said:
Not really, besides maybe stealing the brooch. But he had no excuse for where he was, what he was doing--he didn't even try until he bumbled up some story about a guy changing out of overalls and putting it in a car.
He didn't steal anything else, though, right? If it was theft he would have taken everything.
The Lamp said:
Be careful since driving or not driving effects how some missions turn out.

Wait.... what? So far, I've had some "story" based conversations when my partner is driving and it only cuts to the loading screen after the conversation is over. Are you saying that there are other conversations I will miss by not driving, or are there specific events triggered by me driving to places?
Curious to have that $140,000 in penalties or whatever trophy. I usually have no more than $50-100. The fuck? They're tasking me with fucking up everything I see for an hour? Yeah, that fits the gameplay and story perfectly. Well done.
yellow submarine said:
Wait.... what? So far, I've had some "story" based conversations when my partner is driving and it only cuts to the loading screen after the conversation is over. Are you saying that there are other conversations I will miss by not driving, or are there specific events triggered by me driving to places?

Some missions have events that only happen if you're the one driving the car

The Lamp

yellow submarine said:
Wait.... what? So far, I've had some "story" based conversations when my partner is driving and it only cuts to the loading screen after the conversation is over. Are you saying that there are other conversations I will miss by not driving, or are there specific events triggered by me driving to places?

Specific events.
In one mission, if you drive and get there fast enough, you will meet and fight the burglars in an apartment who later destroy the apartment and leave it to you to investigate if you arrive late
Is the engine similar to GTA and RDR? All the screenshots I'm seeing don't have the HUD or anything so I'd like to see some actual gameplay shots if possible?
The second head to head on lens of truth puts this almost neck and neck only ps3 comes out slightly a head on perfromance. No ssao on xbox but the odd better texture here and there very glad for everyone more companys should lead with ps3 if it means that both games come out being so so close.
The Lamonster said:
Is the engine similar to GTA and RDR? All the screenshots I'm seeing don't have the HUD or anything so I'd like to see some actual gameplay shots if possible?

It looks and plays like a rockstar game but i dont think it son the rage engine at all.


The Lamonster said:
Is the engine similar to GTA and RDR? All the screenshots I'm seeing don't have the HUD or anything so I'd like to see some actual gameplay shots if possible?

Seems nothing like it to me to be honest.
Say what you want about LA Noire, but there is not another game out there that can give as awesome a sequence as going from halting a bank robbery, to questioning someone in a bar, to sniffing through a suspect's home while your character and your partner are bantering from different rooms, to him being on the phone while you're still doing detective work, and continuing with the case seamlessly. The sheer atmosphere dripping from every single part of what I just did was amazing.

I DO have some complaints, but I'll put those aside until I finish the game. For now, I'm LOVING this.

PS: The interiors in this game are beautiful, and there are many times where you'll get the camera in such a way that makes this game look flawless.

The Lamp

supermackem said:
The second head to head on lens of truth puts this almost neck and neck only ps3 comes out slightly a head on perfromance. No ssao on xbox but the odd better texture here and there very glad for everyone more companys should lead with ps3 if it means that both games come out being so so close.

Seriously. The discrepancy that occurs from doing it the other way around is usually horrible.
RDR still kind of bugs me because I have the PS3 version and the foliage looks ugly.

I'm excited to see how inFAMOUS 2's performance holds out, though, because it's open-world like LA Noire, but exclusively developed for PS3.


The Lamonster said:
Is the engine similar to GTA and RDR? All the screenshots I'm seeing don't have the HUD or anything so I'd like to see some actual gameplay shots if possible?







The Lamonster said:
Is the engine similar to GTA and RDR? All the screenshots I'm seeing don't have the HUD or anything so I'd like to see some actual gameplay shots if possible?

No, the engine isn't. They have similar gameplay tropes but the engine runs a hell of a lot worse then GT4 or RDR. Not super gameplay breaking but annoying.

The Lamp

cnizzle06 said:
Wonderful pics. I need to pick up this game sometime. Has Ami given his opinion on it?

I hope you're not waiting on Amir0x's favorable opinion before you play a game, otherwise you'll be playing very few video games, lol.

Last I heard he got the game and hasn't said much since. I'm assuming he's waiting to finish it.
Foliorum Viridum said:
- Shooting and driving feels really shit. I know it's a Team Bondi game, not Rockstar, but both are infinitely better in GTA4/RDR so it's a bit of a letdown to have such dodgy controls again. Also, the lack of a line on the map for directions feels very dated.
Its 1946, they dont have power steering
So the final leg of Homicide desk was really interesting and I enjoyed it thoroughly. What a bummer of a conclusion though. Seems like Ad Vice will be much more interesting. This game does some really great things and I think with some refinement it could be a great IP, let's hope TB continues to explore the possibilities. I won't deny that the Homicide stuff got somewhat dull, but I'm hoping Vice will refresh my excitement in the game.
Question for all the adventure genre fans and those who have played a decent amount of LA Noire.

How do you feel LA Noire holds up against other adventure games in terms of story, characters, writing, intuitive thinking, sense of discovery, and the satisfaction of completing a puzzle (IE getting the interrogations correct)?

I'm thinking of games like old Lucas Arts games, Phoenix Wright, and the newer Telltale games. I'm a big fan of Phoenix Wright because of the cases can be very difficult so you have to pay attention to each detail of evidence. The humor seems absent in LA Noire.
Really enjoying this game so far on many levels, and only just got to first case in Traffic.

One thing, as a Angelino who lived in downtown in the warehouse district for quite some time, starting the game off a couple blocks from my old apartment building was fun. Sadly the building I lived in, which was build in the 20s wasn't in there, there's plenty of cool old building landmarks that are included, such as the LA Cold Storage building on Alameda and 3rd. I even drove a bit of my current afternoon commute in the very first mission, driving across the Fourth street bridge.

The Lamp

I think the driving is enormously improved in LA Noire over GTA4.

The cars actually steer reasonably.

marathonfool said:
Question for all the adventure genre fans and those who have played a decent amount of LA Noire.

How do you feel LA Noire holds up against other adventure games in terms of story, characters, writing, intuitive thinking, sense of discovery, and the satisfaction of completing a puzzle (IE getting the interrogations correct)?

I'm thinking of games like old Lucas Arts games, Phoenix Wright, and the newer Telltale games. I'm a big fan of Phoenix Wright because of the cases can be very difficult so you have to pay attention to each detail of evidence. The humor seems absent in LA Noire.

I expounded upon this in past posts, but later after I finish the game, I'm going to write a heavy impression.

intuitive thinking, sense of discovery, puzzle-solving and clue finding is fun because not many games do it, but it's really shallow and lacking and overly-simplistic, and encourages what I consider to be the wrong kind of attitude when playing (it tells you you got 14/17 or whatever "correct" answers in interrogation and "correct" total clues. Instead of letting you play and investigate as you wish, and living with your consequences, the game encourages you to try again because you didn't investigate the right way.)


y'all should be ashamed
Definitely agree on the driving...although it makes the action sequences entertaining, it makes everyday driving a bit arcady in a way. But that's ok.

Anyone else taking their time with this game? I've only reached the third traffic desk case and I plan on doing 2-4 cases a week or so. Just want to savor the flavor.


AnEternalEnigma said:
I much prefer this game's driving to GTA4's slick-as-butter driving.
I find this game's driving to be piss poor compared to GTA4's. It's been a while since I've played that game, though.


Played some more this afternoon. Now doing my first

Rain also adds a lot to this game. The atmosphere is awesome when you're driving around (which I actually love incidentally, especially the final chase sequence during the Homicide section after the fruit market).


The Lamp said:
...and encourages what I consider to be the wrong kind of attitude when playing (it tells you you got 14/17 or whatever "correct" answers in interrogation and "correct" total clues. Instead of letting you play and investigate as you wish, and living with your consequences, the game encourages you to try again because you didn't investigate the right way.)
This. I'm finding myself restarting and quiting cases quite often when the game tells me that I failed an interview or missed a certain clue. Instead of living with my decisions and their consequences, I'm restarting the same case over and over, and I think it's starting to ruin the game for me. I admit it's my own fault, but I just can't help to try again when a game tells me I made a mistake. I just got to the homicide desk, and I swore I'll never quit or restart from now on.
While I'm nowhere close to being done, I have an idea for the sequel/DLC

(End game spoilers!)

Bekowski and Kelso kick Roy Earle in the face repeatedly for six hours. Also, Bekowski/Kelso team-up! Instead of desk-to-desk, develop a friendship/partnership between the two. Or make them Internal Affairs!


Two hours into this awesome game and my PS3 stopped reading discs.

also my 360 broke last week

and my Wii's video card is dying

yaaaay :(


I had 2 awesome bugs yesterday:

1. My partner dropped from the sky and landed on the couch right when I was about to interrogate a suspect. It happened really fast but still hilarious.

2. When I failed a side mission, I restarted in my vehicle but was standing up. So it was a regular car with half my guy coming out the top. Wish I wouldve taken a pic. And I wish I could've drove like that.

Game is amazing though. There are a few instances where I don't feel "Truth, Doubt, or Lie" really make sense to the statement a witness just said, but it hasn't caused any major problems getting them wrong (yet). And I love when they tell you what you could've done or missed at the end of a case. Makes you want to replay it.


This game is amazing. I got it today and have played for four hours. 7 cases and 3 street crimes solved. Graphics look great and sometimes facial animation makes the characters look like real people. Good facial animation makes some of the scenes really intense.

Driving feels good and snappy. Cars feel fast and are easy to control. Shooting feels a bit janky but luckily there hasn't been that much of it. Sometimes it's really hard to tell if people are beimg honest. In the last traffic desk case, I only got four questions out eleven right. When I tried the community answers in one part of that case, onlu 9.8 % asked the right question with the help of hints.

This game is a serious GOTY contender.

Great pics, thanks. Especially the last one is beautiful.

robot said:
I had 2 awesome bugs yesterday:

1. My partner dropped from the sky and landed on the couch right when I was about to interrogate a suspect. It happened really fast but still hilarious.

2. When I failed a side mission, I restarted in my vehicle but was standing up. So it was a regular car with half my guy coming out the top. Wish I wouldve taken a pic. And I wish I could've drove like that.

Game is amazing though. There are a few instances where I don't feel "Truth, Doubt, or Lie" really make sense to the statement a witness just said, but it hasn't caused any major problems getting them wrong (yet). And I love when they tell you what you could've done or missed at the end of a case. Makes you want to replay it.

That one sounds really hilarious...Would love to see it.


Just finished the pedo and father case, I can't help but thinking Phoenix wright is the better game here with similar mechanics. It might have something to do with the bigger story later onwards, but the cases have alot of stuff that are not solved and they are calling it a day and closing the case.

robot said:
There are a few instances where I don't feel "Truth, Doubt, or Lie" really make sense to the statement a witness just said

This as well.
Astery said:
Just finished the pedo and father case, I can't help but thinking Phoenix wright is the better game here with similar mechanics. It might have something to do with the bigger story later onwards, but the cases have alot of stuff that are not solved and they are calling it a day and closing the case.

This is pretty much the theme of the game.


I like to think the difference is intentional. Phoenix Wright's characters care about justice, L.A. Noire's don't really give a shit and just want to throw someone behind bars just to get it over with.


tiff said:
I like to think the difference is intentional. Phoenix Wright's characters care about justice, L.A. Noire's don't really give a shit and just want to throw someone behind bars just to get it over with.

Cole cares, he's just conflicted. His bosses don't care. I guarantee you Team Bondi are fans of The Wire.
Finished it. I didn't hate the ending...

...but I never really found myself at all invested in the Okinawa backstory and I was lost on it half the time and it wasn't until the final flashback did it make sense to me, but I honestly did not care, and so I felt really detached to this crazy ex-GI with a flamethrower plot. Also, I really thought there would be some explanation as to Cole's Elsa visits, but instead you take a character built up to be a boy scout because of his past mistakes and goes and cheats on his wife and ruins his family? Am I missing something here or is this blatant character derailment? Kelso was by far the more interesting character, of course. I really wish the game was more about the drug racket than some land scheme. Disappointed in the story, but loved playing this game anyway.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
tiff said:
I like to think the difference is intentional. Phoenix Wright's characters care about justice, L.A. Noire's don't really give a shit and just want to throw someone behind bars just to get it over with.

It has to be intentional. Though I don't think it's satisfying on the player's end
to have to choose who to arrest and think about how none of the evidence is actually linking these people to the crime. And you actually get bitched out/slapped with a bad ranking for picking the "wrong" person, even if they both seem to be wrong.


Papercuts said:
Though I don't think it's satisfying on the player's end
to have to choose who to arrest and think about how none of the evidence is actually linking these people to the crime. And you actually get bitched out/slapped with a bad ranking for picking the "wrong" person, even if they both seem to be wrong.

Exactly what I feel.
so it's bugging me...

is it pronounced Team BOND-e
Team BOND-eye

I couldn't tell if the smarmy joke earlier in the thread by another poster was just sarcasm or not. :p


TheJollyCorner said:
so it's bugging me...

is it pronounced Team BOND-e
Team BOND-eye

I couldn't tell if the smarmy joke earlier in the thread by another poster was just sarcasm or not. :p

Edit: Already beaten :p
I guess it would be in the best service of the people that haven't played the whole game that if you're going to post spoilers that you put the name of the case the spoiler is referring to.

I would like to join in some of the story conversation, but i cannot find myself to untag spoilers due to the fact that i don't know to which case they are referring.
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