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Team Fortress 2: Meet Your Match Update (Competitive Mode)


It's a bad, bad move for TF2 to go down the competitive route.
If anything, they should double down on the fun silliness.
They already have been for a while. There's Mannpower mode with hookshots and power ups, along with the PASS Time mode which is pretty much an FPS version of American Football.


My real worry is that we won't have a way to just boot the game up and search for a match on the map we want.

Playing a match from start to finish without autobalance sounds nice, but sometimes I just wanna do something like hop onto a CTF server and go around chopping off heads, or play Powerhouse over and over as people vote to extend the map. I hope there's still a way to do that.

Server browser still exists. The Quick Play changes are just applicable to the current "Play Multiplayer" button.
We'll know more tomorrow. I wouldn't expect gigantic sweeping changes, though.

For what it's worth, the stock weapons are, in nearly every case, better or comparable than the unlocks. They're almost all side-grades.

Valve released huge balance changes for the Gun Mettle and Tough Break updates, so I think there's a good chance we'll see more of that this time, especially with competitive launching and the apparent Heavy/Pyro war.


sorry valve but it's already too little, too late

is the comp tf2 scene still alive anyway? i would guess a majority of them have migrated to overwatch


We'll know more tomorrow. I wouldn't expect gigantic sweeping changes, though.

For what it's worth, the stock weapons are, in nearly every case, better or comparable than the unlocks. They're almost all side-grades.

I didn't really check the facts. I just remember some years ago I got a flamethrower which did more damage when hitting from behind. :eek:


Too little way too late. Tf2 time is done for a lot of people. At 9 years old the game needed this way earlier


imo TF2 is still a more fun and better balanced game than overwatch

but ill be playing overwatch anyway. i've called OW TF3 multiple times and still stand by it, because it is very similar but just more modern, I can't find myself going back to TF2 after it got completely bastardized by all the wacky bullshit theyve added

I would agree that this is too late, but its still better than never and its great that a game this old still gets regular updates, there's still a ton of players.


That encourages me to fire up TF2 this weekend. I was big into the game, the story/lore and all the ARG stuff but haven't really played it for years. Skipped several big updates with new maps and never played that Mannpower gamemode.
sorry valve but it's already too little, too late

is the comp tf2 scene still alive anyway? i would guess a majority of them have migrated to overwatch

invite seasons still happen in oceanic, north american and euopean leagues.

i58 is next month and features TF2 for the 23rd (?) time. £5000 in prize money at stake.

Yes, tf2 competitive is still alive. Yes, a lot of players have retired this year. Such is the way of competitive games.

A: Leaving a game in progress ruins the experience for the other players in a match, and it will cost you. We call this "abandoning" a game, and count it as an automatic loss. Since losses cost you points, abandoning games could cost you a rank. In addition, abandoning temporarily bans you from joining matches. Ban duration will increase the more you abandon matches -- in some cases, for a month or more. In short: Don't do it.

I don't think this is a strong enough stick to punish those who drop matches. While it is nice they'll be out of the pool of available players, that still means a lot of initial matches are going to be marked by people quitting out. While it is nice that, because of the requirements, people can now be banned if they're using the same phone number despite multiple accounts, there's still an element of worry that people are going to go out of their way to ruin games. The beta was unplayable because of people just constantly quitting out, and I was really kinda hoping for a conciliatory amount of XP given because of it. I'm just hoping $10 to get in if you don't use the Steam app is a good enough disincentive to ensure comp mode gets good players.


I'm very excited about this update, the matchmaking stuff looks great and those are some good map choices. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

So does this balance out weapons? I would jump back in but the last time I wanted I wasn't really feeling good because I don't have the weapons others have.
The TF2 comp player who has visited Valve and seen this update confirmed that we'll see a massive balance update tomorrow: https://mobile.twitter.com/4G_b4nny/status/750736037962321920


If there is a balance patch I'm hoping it won't see a return of the team randomly nerfing a weapon that was perfectly fine and effectively ruining it (Examples: Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol/Loose Cannon/Vaccinator)
If there is a balance patch I'm hoping it won't see a return of the team randomly nerfing a weapon that was perfectly fine and effectively ruining it (Examples: Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol/Loose Cannon/Vaccinator)

Or awkwardly buff a simple and balanced weapon like the Danger Shield so it's overpowered and over complicated.


No Highlander and no class/weapon restrictions at launch is really bothersome. I didnt enjoy the little time i played 6v6.

Surprisingly im more excited for the new taunts and balance changes rather than competitive. I dont think comp will suddenly bring an influx of players in especially when most of them dont have the mobile authenticator.


Neo Member
I used to play the shit out of this game but my tf2 partner had to join the army in Greece cause its mandatory or something but he never came back so I stopped playing. I'm happy they are still supporting the title. The hate against side grades and cosmetics always seems kind of silly to me. If you can't improvise, adapt and overcome then you should move on. Mobas are my main thing now and those are a level up in complexity compared to something like team fortress. Defintely gonna check this out. Thanks for the news post.

Guess Who

Well, you gotta consider that TF2 hasn't been a good game for YEARS now.


Overwatch is the first ray of light in at least half a decade.

I've been a big critic of what Valve has done with TF2 over the years. I've been playing since 2008, I've run servers, I've played both casually and (a little) competitively, made very close friends through the game, been involved in the mapping community, etc. so suffice it to say I have some very strong TF2 opinions. Yeah, they've totally sent the artstyle to the shitter, and made the game complicated in some very needless ways. (And don't get me started on the shitfest that is the shady, gamble-y way loot works in Valve games, not to mention what's going on with CS:GO.)

But you know what? TF2's still a damn good game, because it's still fundamentally TF2. The core of the game hasn't really changed, and I can still hop in a Dustbowl server and have a good time even if I've played hundreds of hours of Dustbowl before, and there's very few games I could ever say that about. While there will definitely be people who leave TF2 for Overwatch, I think there will be less crossover than some think, especially from a competitive standpoint, because it's really at the high level when the differences between the two games start to become very apparent.
does not compute

Dustbowl's a great way to own a Hale's Own Kritzkrieg.

I have never had a better time on that map than when I have run Kritz medic on Defense on the final stage of that map. Two kritz medics plus at least two competent Soldiers, Heavies or Demomen can make that stage bloodier than Verdun and Antietam combined.
People who enjoy Dustbowl don't actually enjoy the game of playing TF2. They enjoy the game of ruining other people's lives because their victims can't be bothered to learn TF2 on better designed maps. You play Dustbowl because you see things you never see on a good map like tunnels crammed full of sentries and pocketed heavies and laugh when that one dude random crit kills 9 players at once.

Dustbowl is a separate game mode.

Russ T

am i gonna have to edit my post to say badlands or something because people just want to be real babies about it

Hahaha. I just wanted to make a silly joke, not start an anti-dustbowl tirade!


Badlands is a great map tho.
I miss 16v16 on goldrush stage 1 (and stage 3 point 1-2) as a red soldier with an unnerfed beggars bazooka and pocket kritz medic.

I also liked 32v32 TDM 1000 ticket metro instant respawn servers in bf3 too.
I'm very excited about this update, the matchmaking stuff looks great and those are some good map choices. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

The TF2 comp player who has visited Valve and seen this update confirmed that we'll see a massive balance update tomorrow: https://mobile.twitter.com/4G_b4nny/status/750736037962321920

Oh, well that's cool, then.

am i gonna have to edit my post to say badlands or something because people just want to be real babies about it

Dustbowl's an example of a map that needs to be updated to work well with the game's current meta. The Engineer is a hell of a lot stronger than he was when the game launched, after all.

That said, it can be a fun map, despite the memes. You just need to find the mythical server where both teams are pretty even, skill-wise. If not, it's almost certainly a one-sided slog of spawn camping or rolls.

I'm not terribly fond of cp_badlands, koth is okay


I love that it seems to be getting a more streamlined experience for matchmaking overall. In its current state I've always seen it as a huge clustefuck, but that's just me.


Unconfirmed Member
Hype! With i58 (LAN featuring international teams) coming up soon, it's looking like a good time for comp-TF2.

I don't have the time to dedicate myself seriously to the game these days, but I still love following Invite and Prem. There's no other game with the same mix of teamplay and DM/movement, but I am looking forward to the lack of bans and new weapon balances shaking up the meta a bit.

Will definitely fire up the game and play both ranked and unranked.

Are half of the classes still unused in competitive tf2?

In 9v9 (aka Highlander), there's one of each class.

In 6s, all can be run but there's the simple fact that some classes are specialists and some are generalists. When the main gamemode (5cp) relies on quickly pushing or rotating, of course the fastest classes will see the most use. Plenty of teams consistently offclass to Sniper and occasionally Spy for picks, and Pyro/Heavy/Engy are pulled out often on last holds.


The part about TF2 I always liked is that it wasn't so demanding in terms of team coordination. With 12-16 people per team, the diffusion of responsibility was at the right level where it wasn't isolated aimless people but not strict enough where you could be playing "wrong". MvM is about as far as I want to go in terms of a smaller, actually team focused mode for TF2.

Eh, let's be honest, with 12-16 people per team it's pretty much just a completely random clusterfuck.

I mean, that can be fun too, (honestly I think that's why 95% of the playerbase is there) but let's not pretend there's really any strategy or anything at that point.


Hype! With i58 (LAN featuring international teams) coming up soon, it's looking like a good time for comp-TF2.

I don't have the time to dedicate myself seriously to the game these days, but I still love following Invite and Prem. There's no other game with the same mix of teamplay and DM/movement, but I am looking forward to the lack of bans and new weapon balances shaking up the meta a bit.

Will definitely fire up the game and play both ranked and unranked.

In 9v9 (aka Highlander), there's one of each class.

In 6s, all can be run but there's the simple fact that some classes are specialists and some are generalists. When the main gamemode (5cp) relies on quickly pushing or rotating, of course the fastest classes will see the most use. Plenty of teams consistently offclass to Sniper and occasionally Spy for picks, and Pyro/Heavy/Engy are pulled out often on last holds.

Given the Pyro Versus Heavy War that's appears to be starting with this update, alongside with B4nny's tweet saying the balance changes will tie this all together, I will not be surprised if most, if not all the off-classes receive changes and rebalances so they can be used more often then just on last or for the occasional pick. Just a hunch since I imagine valve wants matchmaking to be as welcoming as possible for everyone. The one exception I can see being sniper, since he's a very common off-class, so he doesn't really need changes to be used more often, since he already is used often.


passtime official let's get it

fun ass mode

also competitive mode has been in tf2 as a beta for ages so all you people talking about overwatch can chill out


Competitive player B4nny confirmed on his twitter that we're getting a Heavy vs Pyro war tomorrow and Valve is doing something to prevent it from just being all heavies and pyros in servers tomorrow.

Well, you gotta consider that TF2 hasn't been a good game for YEARS now.


Overwatch is the first ray of light in at least half a decade.

Cosmetics have nothing to do with the quality of the game. Do you understand the difference between cosmetics and gameplay (not to mention the fact that Overwatch has cosmetics from day one)?
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