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Team Fortress 2: Meet Your Match Update (Competitive Mode)


CTF is the best mode and 2Fort is the best map.

You should play it like I do.

Join an "all talk" server, go Demoman with Scottish Resistance + Ali Baba's Wee Booties (for extra health), cover the grate in stickies and just listen to the other team rage uncontrollably because they can't kill you. It's very entertaining.

I get 60+ kill streaks consistently with this method. One time, I came close to dominating the entire opposing team on a 32 player server.

I am one of the crazies who would occasionally play on 24/7 32 player 2fort servers.


I loved TF2 and clocked over 1500 hours on it but I have to say, it's time has passed. I don't see myself moving back to it because OW and Rocket League keep me covered for competitive multiplayer.

Valve should wait until the shine wears off of OW and release a completely new TF3.

....and don't get me started on Half Life. Come on Valve. Get on with it.
Overwatch's cosmetics all make thematic sense for their characters, they don't alter silhouettes (THE BIG ONE.) generally, and the ones that do are still easily identifiable as a specific character since unlike hats, skins are linked to specific characters. Furthermore, Blizzard isn't going to add new weapons to existing characters, but instead make new characters that do new things.

I call bullshit. Skins like Mariachi Reaper and Spirit of 76 are 100% worse when it comes to destroying silhouettes than even the most gratuitous TF2 hats, and it's only going to get worse as more heroes are added and you have to keep track of more and more silhouettes that look increasingly similar. There's been grumbling among competitive Overwatch players about making bad calls because of skins since the beta, and tournaments are already beginning to disable them by default.
On the Sick Fuckery scale, from least to most, it goes:

People who enjoy Dustbowl

People who enjoy Hydro

People who like sd_doomsday

John Wayne Gacy

Charles Manson

People who go on 64 player ctf servers

I'm ashamed to admit that a disproportionate amount of my TF2 life has been spent on Dustbowl. Fortunately, it's made me a pretty great Scout. If you can be a good Scout in Dustbowl, you can be a good Scout anywhere.

6 v 6 seems low. I always thought 9 v 9 was better but maybe these are smaller maps

TF2 was originally 8v8 and 6v6. The move to big teams happened months after release.
Spy and Engineer are both picked less.

I've been out of the loop on competitive TF2 for a while now, but as far as I can remember,

  • Engie gets swapped to occasionally for holds on last (this sometimes works)
  • Spy gets swapped to (typically on last as well) to get med picks (this typically doesn't work)

Pyro is picked to push back ubers IIRC, and Heavy... christ haven't seen a Heavy since the QF stupidity happened... Come to think of it not a Pyro either
I've been out of the loop on competitive TF2 for a while now, but as far as I can remember,

  • Engie gets swapped to occasionally for holds on last (this sometimes works)
  • Spy gets swapped to (typically on last as well) to get med picks (this typically doesn't work)

Pyro is picked to push back ubers IIRC, and Heavy... christ haven't seen a Heavy since the QF stupidity happened... Come to think of it not a Pyro either

More or less.

Heavy - Standard "stall" class for holding last.

Engineer - Kind of a Super Heavy. If (big "if")you have time to set up, a Level 3 and a Dispenser is the last word in defense. And if it falls apart, you can instantly switch to another class.

Pyro - Basically replaces Heavy on maps like Badlands and Gullywash, which have extremely cramped final points that make it easy for Pyros to stuff Ubers and deal damage.

Spy - Surprise pick class. Also used to identify surprise offclasses or loadout changes. In the EU scene, Spy is actually starting to replace Sniper in a ton of situations.


So I was wondering,

I have some graphics configs on my game to help it run smoothly (despite having a decent PC). These get disabled in comp mode don't they? That's what happened in the beta anyway.

I'd really like to play Comp mode but not if it means sacrificing fidelity or frames.

Guess Who

So I was wondering,

I have some graphics configs on my game to help it run smoothly (despite having a decent PC). These get disabled in comp mode don't they? That's what happened in the beta anyway.

I'd really like to play Comp mode but not if it means sacrificing fidelity or frames.

Basically, yes. DX9 mode is enforced (most graphics configs use DX8.1 for performance) and many graphic convars are locked.


TF2 is a game as a service with a full in game economy. Valve just can't stop supporting it anymore then they could DOTA2 or CSGO.

They totally could, but it would piss off a bunch of people. That's one of the challenges with games as a service, how do you smoothly move towards the end of life stage? One thing TF2 has over other games of its model is that there is still the option of hosting a dedicated servers. So even if Valve shut down matchmaking or something like that, people would still be able to play the game. That said, TF2's end of life is probably still many years away, but I would like Valve to consider what's next for TF as a franchise. Especially in the light of Overwatch's runaway success.


Maybe you should take a trip to the TF2 sub-reddit

Why? This is GAF. You go to reddit of your own free will and you deserve what you get, lol.

In any case, 10 year old games getting content patches for free is a good thing. Reactionary move or not.


If it were just cosmetics do you think people would be so vocal against TF2?

It's all the unbalanced weapons and shite that Valve keeps adding in that alter classes.

When TF2 first launched... The thought process of identifying an enemy was as simple as "See enemy, identify silhouette, enemy 100% identified" you knew EXACTLY what that character was capable of.

Then eventually more and more weapons started rolling out next to cosmetics that added way too many variables to the sandbox. NOW, the thought-process, for example, is... "See enemy, attempt to identify silhouette through the stack of hats and other bollocks adding or subtracting from their figure, attempt to figure out what weapons they are carrying, subset of what this enemy could be potentially identified." Honestly the best course of action in TF2 has become to let the enemy throw the first stone so you can figure out what subclass they are now.

There's too much of a mental-stack going on in TF2. I don't know if this Demoman in front of me is going to blow me up or shank me like someone using Commando in MW2. Back at launch there was ONE set of possible actions a Demoman could use, and you didn't have to account for whatever randumb shit got thrown into the mix. Valve should have just added new characters to TF2 instead of new weapons, seriously. I could think of two new complete characters from the junk added in the original The Medic Update that would add depth to the game rather than shit it up.

Overwatch's cosmetics all make thematic sense for their characters, they don't alter silhouettes (THE BIG ONE.) generally, and the ones that do are still easily identifiable as a specific character since unlike hats, skins are linked to specific characters. Furthermore, Blizzard isn't going to add new weapons to existing characters, but instead make new characters that do new things.

Team Fortress 2 post Mann Co Store has absolutely no artistic integrity whatsoever. Overwatch is a shining beacon for what TF2 shoulda, woulda, coulda become.



There aren't any cosmetics that really make it difficult to identify what class your playing against. Some do look really shitty but I can't think of anything that actually makes it difficult to identify what class your facing.
If anything it makes identification easier in a way, if there are multiple of a class on the enemy team and one is really good you can use their cosmetics to identify who the good player is.

There are only a few weapons in TF2 that require you to truly change the way you fight a class. The biggest one is the demoknight stuff, since a demoman with that will be attempting to charge you and get into melee range, but the demoman holding a big sword and shield is really easy to see. The only other weapons that kinda require a change, like the Gunslinger engie (since that's far more aggressive then a normal engie) or Dead Ringer spy (but you don't know if the spy has that weapon besides using your game sense to guess if he has it because knowing if a spy has the Dead Ringer defeats the purpose of the weapon).

I do agree Valve was adding a lot of weapons to the game and TF2 had some really shit balance for awhile, there were weapons that were very over powered and others that were very underpowered, but in the last year with the Gun Mettle update and the Tough Break Update Valve has been serious about rebalancing everything in the game. Nearly every non stock weapon has been changed in some way in 2015 and even some of the stock weapons and class abilities. Valve also had the top TF2 comp player visit them recently to look at the re-balances in this upcoming update. TF2 honestly feels more balances right now then it has in years and I'm looking forward to seeing what changes they make tomorrow with competitive TF2 in mind.

They could port it to a new engine like they did with Dota 2 reborn.
Upgrade the graphics also.

Sadly it doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon based on what Valve has told competitive TF2 players when the visited them.


So I was wondering,

I have some graphics configs on my game to help it run smoothly (despite having a decent PC). These get disabled in comp mode don't they? That's what happened in the beta anyway.

I'd really like to play Comp mode but not if it means sacrificing fidelity or frames.

Valve is very aware that the game runs poorly for how old it is and is working on improving performance. Im expecting some improvements when the patch hits.

Russ T

Some of y'all are really overselling the difficulty, or even necessity, of identifying TF2's weaponry.

Is demo carrying a big circle? Yes -> He can charge. No -> Caution: stickies.
All his other weapons are just variants of explosives. You catch them or you don't. You stay in melee range or you don't.

Is that a soldier? Avoid marginally different rockets. Shoot until dead.

Oh no that pyro has a flamethrower/back burner/degreaser/phlog/rainblower/whatever!
Guess I'll have to stay out of range and shoot until dead.

They have a melee variant too! Guess I'll have to stay out of range and shoot until dead.

But the flaregun/shotgun/popgun/whatgun! Guess I'll have to dodge a bit and shoot until dead.

In TF2 there's projectiles, hitscan, melee and then there's stuns and damage over time. Guaranteed crit weapons feel cheap but so does a sticky trapped doorway or camping sniper.

It's an online FPS, you will die from people shooting you with things. You will die from random spam. But I guess it's nice to blame that crucial 6% switch speed bonus or whatever when one yolo's half the enemy team.

At the end of the day, I am disappointed Valve ruined the principles and purity of TF2. But an Engineer wearing a giant banana hat is still quite obviously an Engineer. He just has questionable taste.
In hats, bananas are delicious


except that last bit, tf2 now is better than it was at launch


Not sure what I expected, but given how long this update took to ship I'm pretty disappointed. Wanted Cactus Canyon or Asteroid 1.0, a new comic, maybe an actual video...

At least the community maps they're adding are actually polished for the first time in a couple years.
Not sure what I expected, but given how long this update took to ship I'm pretty disappointed. Wanted Cactus Canyon or Asteroid 1.0, a new comic, maybe an actual video...

At least the community maps they're adding are actually polished for the first time in a couple years.

There's a second day to the update. Let's not declare ourselves disappointed just yet.


Guess what.

Lucio plays Hockey.

It's part of his random dialog if you use him at the start of Volskaya without the hockey skin on, he'll mention he should have brought his hockey gear.

What about the Native American themed Egyptian soldier or her skin where she is a robot, the Egyptian themed Nepalese robot monk or his Arabian skin, the Pacific Islander themed Australian junker, the climatologist dressed up as a firefighter, the Viking themed German doctor, English pirate themed Swedish engineer? I think they're all awesome skins but the "thematic sense" argument is only applicable to half the skins in the game.

Anyways, the Overwatch skins alter the silhouettes just as much as the Team Fortress 2 items do. All the characters still have the same posture and weapon handling animations/poses. No matter how hard you try to dress one class up like another, you can still tell them apart. The cosmetics don't obfuscate this to the extent that people think. Any information that is obfuscated will come to light after one interaction with the character, which even if it goes poorly for you doesn't count for anything in the grand scheme of things in a Team Fortress 2 match. I'd like to think the average player isn't going to be trapped in a state of confusion for the whole duration of a Team Fortress 2 game. The punishment for not knowing things or grasping something at a slower rate than everyone else in this game is SIGNIFICANTLY less than other games.
That's...kinda shitty. We're basically forced to choose which class becomes useful and which one remains useless? It's not like Sniper vs. Spy where both got something new, now only one class gets new balances, new items, and new cheevos. I was hoping for some new stuff for both classes today in this update, and all I get is a promise to fix one not both classes.
Both will get their packs eventually, we're just having a war to see who gets it first.

Two men enter! One man leaves! Followed shortly after by the other man, also leaving!
But! Even though both of those men will be allowed to leave, and both will be unharmed, and there will have been no real consequences as a result of them entering, and they may actually go on to be dear friends, only one of them will get a future Class Update!
But! Okay, both of them might get new Class Updates at some point. In fact, it's highly likely they both will.
But! Only one of them will get it first.
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