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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Pop On Arrival said:
Just got the game off steam. Been playing for about an hour and I still don't know what the hell I'm doing. D:

You'll pick it up pretty quick. I'd suggest following around some of the better players (not spies!) to help you learn the maps quickly. Medic is a good class to do this with until you learn others' strategies, but be prepared for some annoyance by moody teammates until you find your medic stride. Engineers and spies are pretty tough to play effectively until you get a good feel for the game and the maps/enemy flows.
Evilore informed me that the GAF server is being updated and rebooted, and as soon as I finish reading Warhammer info I'll be on it pretty much all night.



As long as I'm here I might as well ask. Whenever I see a sentry gun up I like to go in as a spy and us that device to take it down. The problem I'm having is that I have to click like a million times before he plants it. What am I doing wrong? Do I have uncloak first? Hold down left-click? What is it? It's driving me crazy :(


This update is hilarious... as a medic, I managed to keep like 8 heavies alive after the other medic on my team died, and got like 10 assists in 10 seconds. Then I got stuck behind enemy lines and killed 3 spies that had disguised themselves as heavies thinking I'd fall for that after all of my heavies died. And a demoman and a scout on the side. :lol

I still think scouts could have used it more.
McLovin said:
As long as I'm here I might as well ask. Whenever I see a sentry gun up I like to go in as a spy and us that device to take it down. The problem I'm having is that I have to click like a million times before he plants it. What am I doing wrong? Do I have uncloak first? Hold down left-click? What is it? It's driving me crazy :(

Maybe you are too far away?
I've never tried to plant one cloaked though so that is possibly what the problem is!?


McLovin said:
As long as I'm here I might as well ask. Whenever I see a sentry gun up I like to go in as a spy and us that device to take it down. The problem I'm having is that I have to click like a million times before he plants it. What am I doing wrong? Do I have uncloak first? Hold down left-click? What is it? It's driving me crazy :(

You can't sap when cloaked. You know you can sap (when uncloaked) when teh sapper highlight is on the sentry/dispenser/etc. Be fairly close and just hit left click once.


Kamakazie! said:
Maybe you are too far away?
I've never tried to plant one cloaked though so that is possibly what the problem is!?
When I'm doing it I'm usually right on it. Usually the sentry gun has several other people around it so that's why I'm cloaked. I guess that might be the problem then.
Volcynika said:
You can't sap when cloaked. You know you can sap (when uncloaked) when teh sapper highlight is on the sentry/dispenser/etc. Be fairly close and just hit left click once.
oh ok thanks :)


McLovin said:
When I'm doing it I'm usually right on it. Usually the sentry gun has several other people around it so that's why I'm cloaked. I guess that might be the problem then.

Disguise yourself, then cloak, make your way quickly, uncloak, sap, then do whatever you feel is best! Remember, the cloak cloud takes a little bit to disappear, and so does the cloaking, people can notice, so stay out of vision for a second or two before it has taken full effect. Do the same when you exit a teleporter, a trail of your team's color will be with you for a little bit.


Volcynika said:
Disguise yourself, then cloak, make your way quickly, uncloak, sap, then do whatever you feel is best! Remember, the cloak cloud takes a little bit to disappear, and so does the cloaking, people can notice, so stay out of vision for a second or two before it has taken full effect. Do the same when you exit a teleporter, a trail of your team's color will be with you for a little bit.
ok will do.


Volcynika said:
While I'm not a fantastic spy, I can hold my own. For the best tips, ask someone like Won or CapnDrake. They're great at it. (which means they piss me off a lot)
Cool I'll have to bug them about it someday.
CorkyFromLifeGoesOn said:
umm i think your post to click were it shows you were to put the device i never had that problem befor just try that
trying to be in character or something?


arena mode isn't too bad on a 12-18 player server, even though it resorts to being an instant spawn deathmatch until the CP is unlocked.


Volcynika said:
Do the same when you exit a teleporter, a trail of your team's color will be with you for a little bit.

Actually, from what I've read, that was taken for spies a few patches back. I did a little checking, and while you can see the trail you leave after you teleport with any other class, the Spy doesn't have one.

And as far as general spy tips go:

Be patient. Be extremely patient. People are pretty vigilant about spy-checking these days, so if they see a "teammate" running straight for one of their sentries, they're going to start shooting.

Along those lines, don't rely too much on the disguise. While it helps you blend in a little bit, it's pretty common practice to fire a few shots into every teammate that someone sees, just to make sure they're not a Spy. This is especially true for Pyros. A good Pyro will shoot fire at everybody he sees, friend or foe. Since you glow your team's color when on fire, everybody around will be able to see through your disguise if you get lit up.

If you're there after a specific target (usually a sentry gun), don't just take it down whenever.. try to coordinate with your team. If you try to go after a sentry with no teammates, there's all sorts of things that can go wrong:

- The people around the sentry won't have anything to shoot at, so they'll have plenty of time to spy check.
- Even if you manage to get to the sentry and start sapping it, the engineer will call it out ("Spy sapping my sentry!"), and the spy checking will start once again. It's even worse if their Engy is using voice chat, as he'll usually call you out to his teammates.
- Even if you do take the sentry down, unless there's teammates around to help capitalize on the lowered defenses in the area, the engineer will most likely rebuild and upgrade the gun by the time anybody comes around, especially since a destroyed sentry leaves metal behind.

However, if you have even one teammate around, that will help distract the enemy long enough to give you a better chance to strike.

While you can walk through friendly players and structures (dispensers, sentries), you can't do the same for enemy ones, even when disguised as one. This means that running into an enemy in a thin hallway is a dead giveaway that you're a spy, as they won't be able to walk through you.

Changing disguises makes a bunch of smoke appear around you until the change is done. The smoke doesn't appear when you're cloaked.

Spies will automatically slow down to the speed of the class they're disguised as, but can't speed up to mimic faster classes. Disguising as a Scout won't fool anybody who's used to seeing how fast they move.

While disguised, you'll always appear to be holding the default weapon for that class. This means that the Medic is often a lousy disguise, as most medics walk around with their medigun/kritzkrieg out. The medics are also a tad faster than the spy, but that's not as much of a giveaway as the scout disguise is.

Speaking of Medics, using the "call medic" key (E by default) works when you're disguised as the enemy, and enemy medics (as well as dispensers and the bomb cart on Payload maps) can heal you. One time I even managed to get an enemy medic to Ubercharge me while we were "attacking" my base. The Demoman I lead him to got a good chuckle out of that one :).

Seriously, though, while spies are fun and all, they're really hard to do well with, especially when you're just starting out. A lot of the skill comes from knowing the maps well enough to cloak effectively and being able to act like the right class when disguised as the enemy.

For example, I managed to fool one rather persistent engineer on Turbine a few weeks back by just sitting there as a Demoman, as if I was waiting to blow up some sticky bombs. I was probably hanging around for a good five minutes before a few teammates managed to get to the intel room. As soon as they rounded the corner, I ran over and sapped the sentry, giving them safe passage to get out with the case. If I ran straight for the Sentry, I probably would have been found out, but acting like a Demoman made it so that he didn't even bother checking to see if I was a spy.


alternatively, you can play a good attack spy by hiding in areas nobody really checks (usually high ground) and then leaping out to backstab a couple people as they move forward.

also, cloak before you disguise - no disguise smoke appears then.


Official blog update: Alpine Art Style

Valve said:
The new theme had to be a departure from the current look without being so different that the characters felt out of place in it. We also wanted to leverage some content from our existing environments, since crafting every asset from scratch would mean we'd be moving the release beyond Valve time and into the realm of geologic time.


Man I didn't think I'd enjoy arena.

I absolutely love the new environment. It's just fucking perfect.


Spy + Arena mode = TONS O' FUN


Until then....sammiches.
Javaman said:
You'll pick it up pretty quick. I'd suggest following around some of the better players (not spies!) to help you learn the maps quickly. Medic is a good class to do this with until you learn others' strategies, but be prepared for some annoyance by moody teammates until you find your medic stride. Engineers and spies are pretty tough to play effectively until you get a good feel for the game and the maps/enemy flows.

I'm slowly getting the hang of it, but playing with 100ms while everyone is playing with 20-30ms is a little disheartening.

Does anyone know the hit detection in TF2 is client-side? That would make the game playable for me even with latency up to 200-300ms.


Unconfirmed Member
evlcookie said:
So how many people are crashing after the new update? I know i'm one of em! woohoo
Every single time it hits overtime.

ps. I got the GAF server address -, but every time I try to join it says server not responding...


evlcookie said:
So how many people are crashing after the new update? I know i'm one of em! woohoo

I always got an error every time TF2 (or any HL2-based game) closed, but it never actually affected anything. Earlier tonight, though, I had my first incident of TF2 actually crashing to the desktop.


evlcookie said:
So how many people are crashing after the new update? I know i'm one of em! woohoo
I'm getting them, too. It just crashed on me with Java saying: "I" which then turned into the repeating audio-loop crash and all I could hear for a few seconds was: "I-I-I-I".


Badwater Basin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldrush so far for me. jesus christ the quality of badwater over goldrush cannot be overstated. I dare say this is the most perfect map Valve has made yet.


but ever so delicious
firex said:
Badwater Basin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldrush so far for me. jesus christ the quality of badwater over goldrush cannot be overstated. I dare say this is the most perfect map Valve has made yet.

It's certainly a large map thats for sure. And im going to bitch about now being a sniper because the hit detection is bullshit, ok bitching over.

So far the update seems to be ok, i love the look of lumbermill and arena seems like a good idea. Although im not too sure as to why they put a time limit on unlocking the cap point, its just about over before it gets unlocked. Apart from the odd crashing it's good stuff, oh and a heavy eating a sandvich is the best thing that has ever happened.


Pop On Arrival said:
I'm slowly getting the hang of it, but playing with 100ms while everyone is playing with 20-30ms is a little disheartening.

Does anyone know the hit detection in TF2 is client-side? That would make the game playable for me even with latency up to 200-300ms.

I'm usually running an 80+ ping too. I'm pretty sure it's client side. There's times where you think you made it around a corner, but get clobbered anyways. Really medic and engineer don't have to worry too much about ping, but the pyro is definitely hurt by a high one.

fallout said:
I'm getting them, too. It just crashed on me with Java saying: "I" which then turned into the repeating audio-loop crash and all I could hear for a few seconds was: "I-I-I-I".

:lol :lol :lol
I pity you.


I'm on wireless and it messes up badly sometimes where my ping shoots up. I only hope it'll get better by the time Left 4 Dead comes around....


Javaman said:
I'm usually running an 80+ ping too. I'm pretty sure it's client side. There's times where you think you made it around a corner, but get clobbered anyways. Really medic and engineer don't have to worry too much about ping, but the pyro is definitely hurt by a high one.

I don't know about that, though. I've had quite a few times where I've hit someone with 3-4 of the demoman's grenades, and when they kill a second later, they've got full health. I've had that happen with all sorts of stuff, both hitscan and non.


but ever so delicious
Javaman said:
Dey took my Sandvich. :(


Wow, Arena mode isn't nearly as much fun as I thought it would be.

I've only played a few arena games and they arent too bad, however i think crits need to be disabled on them. Would make it alot more intense and enjoyable.


I think my only complaint with a couple of the arena maps is that they're very vertically-geared, but the lack of any health packs (and respawns) leads to me not wanting to take advantage of them with the soldier or demo. Otherwise, I think they're quite well laid-out. Already, I'm finding routes that remind me of CS.

Javaman said:
:lol :lol :lol
I pity you.
I scrambled for the "mute" button, but those few seconds are ingrained into my mind.
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