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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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DenogginizerOS said:
How would a person fare in TF2 if they started playing it now? I am a pretty good FPS gamer, but I am a bit unsure if TF2 would be worth it at this point since I am so far behind.
If you want to try it out, I have a guest pass.

EDIT: this is not like a normal FPS. Only some classes require classic FPS skills.


DenogginizerOS said:
How would a person fare in TF2 if they started playing it now? I am a pretty good FPS gamer, but I am a bit unsure if TF2 would be worth it at this point since I am so far behind.

It's really not that bad. Sure, there's going to be a lot of people better at the game than you, but the fact that there's no friendly-fire means that you're at least not a direct threat to your teammates. I only started playing the game in May, and while I felt lost in the beginning, I picked up on it pretty quickly.

Of course, playing a lot of TFC helped quite a bit with that.


Xizk said:
We should start playing on Cheetos server. I get much better ping to it than LMS.
This is a different machine than the last one I had, but it should offer similar pings. I just installed the hardware and configured what I could today, so it's still may be a little buggy tonight if I made some dumb mistake somewhere.
Hmm, the strangest thing has happened, can any IT knowledgeable gaffers help me? All of the sudden all of my TF2 server pings have shot up to 150+. Not a single server under 150, and at times 200. My internet is running a little slow, i've tried restarting my router, as well as turning off wireless broadcasting.


PillowKnight said:
Hmm, the strangest thing has happened, can any IT knowledgeable gaffers help me? All of the sudden all of my TF2 server pings have shot up to 150+. Not a single server under 150, and at times 200. My internet is running a little slow, i've tried restarting my router, as well as turning off wireless broadcasting.
Sometimes ISPs have slow spurts...it's happened to me before.

Download and install a network monitor to make sure that you don't have some hidden process eating your bandwith.
Cheeto said:
Sometimes ISPs have slow spurts...it's happened to me before.

Download and install a network monitor to make sure that you don't have some hidden process eating your bandwith.
:lol Just got kicked off your server for high ping.

Just downloaded Microsoft Network Monitor. I've got idea as to what i'm looking for, i'll try downloading a different program.


PillowKnight said:
:lol Just got kicked off your server for high ping.

Just downloaded Microsoft Network Monitor. I've got idea as to what i'm looking for, i'll try downloading a different program.

How're your pings otherwise? Trying pinging google and see what happens. My ISP had some troubles once for a few hours, but that was to everything. Also, try running a traceroute also. It can show where the slow spots are.
Doytch said:
How're your pings otherwise? Trying pinging google and see what happens. My ISP had some troubles once for a few hours, but that was to everything. Also, try running a traceroute also. It can show where the slow spots are.
avg 246, yeah something's up. Taceroute shows a spike on the third hop. Guess there's no avoiding it, gotta call tech support :x.


Just played on Cheeto's server before the internet crapped out.

Fronstabbed a scout. That was the most ridiculous frontstab I've ever gotten.

I mean wow. There was no way that should've counted as anything but a stab to the face, and yet -- instakill!



The physical form of blasphemy
GG all. Had fun tonight. I channeled Won playing spy a bit. Came away with a bunch of backstabs.

Sorry about the Ping. I share a net connection here at school, and someone was downloading stuff I guess.


Bah, Bloodletter has been kind of annoying lately. Using admin heal and respawn, and tonight he cancels voting for Castle after it won and then the game dies : /


The server time said 12:05 Pacific. I log off getting ready to wind down for the day but it's actually 10:05 Pacific.
What the hell :( Oh well, it's like I gained 2 hours!


Oldschoolgamer said:
GG all. Had fun tonight. I channeled Won playing spy a bit. Came away with a bunch of backstabs.

Frontstabs, man, it is all about the frontstabs.

Ysiadmihi said:
Bah, Bloodletter has been kind of annoying lately. Using admin heal and respawn, and tonight he cancels voting for Castle after it won and then the game dies : /

Thats LMS for you! Thank god we have now Cheeto's server......till he gets banned.


Won said:
Thats LMS for you! Thank god we have now Cheeto's server......till he gets banned.

Now you've jinxed Cheeto!

And I totally got sniped by two people at the same time like a split second apart. I think it was Cajole and Oreo. Yeesh.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I was playing with a friend earlier, we were both pyro and he was saying something was really messed up. I asked him to take a screencap of it, and it looks like:

That's as far as the fire goes, so he can't tell when it'll hit or not. Any ideas? All I know is that he has the game running on high.

Another question: For demomen...how do you use them right? I realized how fun they can be but when I go against a demo they usually instantly kill me with a grenade, it takes a few shots for me to do it, so I'm not sure if there's a special way for more damage. And what should he use to bomb jump, the nade or sticky? I saw another demo launch all the way up top on Granary(which actually seems kinda broken), but I can only get myself to launch upward and not really forward.


Is the flamethrower always like this? Never saw somehting like that, but I often get other bugs, like the flamethrower keeps burning. Lately there also some weird animation bugs. Nade launcher shooting fire and shotguns firing rockets or bubbles.......crazy stuff.

Chris R

Any chance the soldier update might provide a boost for their speed? Soldier and Demo are basically the only two classes I don't like right now.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, we went in a few servers and it was the same in each. It looks normal on my end though, and it still hits as normal. It's just really hard to gauge if it'll hit or not with the flame like that.


rhfb said:
Any chance the soldier update might provide a boost for their speed? Soldier and Demo are basically the only two classes I don't like right now.

I seriously doubt it. Soldiers are slow for a reason.


Volcynika said:
And I totally got sniped by two people at the same time like a split second apart. I think it was Cajole and Oreo. Yeesh.

At the beginning of Badwater? That sounds about right.

Ysiadmihi said:
Bah, Bloodletter has been kind of annoying lately. Using admin heal and respawn, and tonight he cancels voting for Castle after it won and then the game dies : /

Yeah that kinda sucked. I've never played Lazytown before tonight and I never want to ever again.


Bitches love smiley faces
rhfb said:
Any chance the soldier update might provide a boost for their speed? Soldier and Demo are basically the only two classes I don't like right now.
Thinking about it, the Soldier will probably just get something like a rocket launcher that holds more rockets but have no crits... maybe reinstate splash damage protection (but at 20% or so).


Botolf said:
Done. Lumberyard ftw!

@Valve: Moar alpine maps, please!
Well, there already is a custom one: http://www.vilepickle.com/map/screens/tf2_arena_mach/

EDIT: Dammit, SenseiJinx beat me. I should learn to read the rest of the messages first.

As for LMS, blood doesn't play that much (I think). Me, kak and Javaman all have admin as well and we don't abuse it (Well, I noclip to the skybox sometimes, but that doesn't harm anybody).


I kind of hope the soldier gets a rocket launcher like the one in HL2 where you can guide it with a laser or something. but really, I'm just expecting some kind of right click/mouse2 ability to be added before they even work on new weapons.


Papercuts said:
Another question: For demomen...how do you use them right? I realized how fun they can be but when I go against a demo they usually instantly kill me with a grenade, it takes a few shots for me to do it, so I'm not sure if there's a special way for more damage. And what should he use to bomb jump, the nade or sticky? I saw another demo launch all the way up top on Granary(which actually seems kinda broken), but I can only get myself to launch upward and not really forward.

I haven't played a whole lot with demomen yet, but I've probably played enough to at least offer some basic advice.

As far as the grenade/sticky difference goes, I've found that they're good in different circumstances. I always have my grenade launcher out when there's a high chance that I'm going to have to kill someone fast, like when wandering through the enemy base in 2fort, or through almost any narrow corridor. For example, when on offense on the first stage of Dustbowl I'll have my sticky launcher out while I"m approaching the first point (assuming it's not right after the setup period), then switch over to the grenades once I'm nearing the house.

You can charge up the fire distance of the stickies by holding the primary fire button, too. This is a great way to take out targets at a distance, like snipers or tricky sentries.

And as for jumping, use stickies. One sticky will send you flying if you use it right. If you want to go more forward than up, make sure to detonate the sticky when it's a little behind you instead of under you. You'll also get more height if you jump, then crouch, then detonate the sticky. For some reason, crouching will give you a huge boost (same goes for the soldier's rocket jumps).

Mostly, though, the demoman just involves a lot of practice to get a good feel for the arc of his weapons. It's frustrating at first, but eventually you'll start being able to nail people with the grenades at quite a distance.


Orellio said:
At the beginning of Badwater? That sounds about right.

Yeah that kinda sucked. I've never played Lazytown before tonight and I never want to ever again.

The newer version isn't too bad. It moves the spawns up as cp points get captured unlike the older version on the server. It gets pretty insane on full maps. I must be one of the only people who likes it considering how quickly it emptied the server. :eek:P

That was too funny on Steel when I was talking tactics on Blue and didn't realize that all talk was on.

Have you guys ever noticed rockets having a deflected path on goldrush? It's kind of like how a straw appears to bend in a glass of water. I had a heck of a time nailing a sentry on the far upper left (on that platform near our spawn) from the right spawn exit at the beginning of the map. I was aiming directly at the gun but my rockets were leaving at an angle. The same thing happened when trying to take out a teleporter near Blue's spawn from the upstairs sniper nest/boxes at CP1 the beginning of the map.


Javaman said:
The newer version isn't too bad. It moves the spawns up as cp points get captured unlike the older version on the server. It gets pretty insane on full maps. I must be one of the only people who likes it considering how quickly it emptied the server. :eek:P

That was too funny on Steel when I was talking tactics on Blue and didn't realize that all talk was on.

Have you guys ever noticed rockets having a deflected path on goldrush? It's kind of like how a straw appears to bend in a glass of water. I had a heck of a time nailing a sentry on the far upper left (on that platform near our spawn) from the right spawn exit at the beginning of the map. I was aiming directly at the gun but my rockets were leaving at an angle. The same thing happened when trying to take out a teleporter near Blue's spawn from the upstairs sniper nest/boxes at CP1 the beginning of the map.

"Hey guys, wanna do an all scout rush of E?"
"Java, alltalk is on" (Me)
"Everyone go scout!"
"You realize alltalk is on, right" (other team)
"Oh shit!"

And I like Lazytown, but some times I'm just not in the mood to play it. And I have classes to worry about now, too. :(


Papercuts said:
Another question: For demomen...how do you use them right? I realized how fun they can be but when I go against a demo they usually instantly kill me with a grenade, it takes a few shots for me to do it, so I'm not sure if there's a special way for more damage. And what should he use to bomb jump, the nade or sticky? I saw another demo launch all the way up top on Granary(which actually seems kinda broken), but I can only get myself to launch upward and not really forward.
Nothing special, just accuracy. And perhaps crits.

As for sticky jumping, refer to the following diagram:


You are the brown square. The arc is your jump. The arrows indicate which direction you will go flying if you are at that position when you detonate the sticky. The closer you are to it, the greater the impact. Two stickies have an exponentially greater impact. Don't use three.
Sciz said:
Nothing special, just accuracy. And perhaps crits.

As for sticky jumping, refer to the following diagram:


You are the brown square. The arc is your jump. The arrows indicate which direction you will go flying if you are at that position when you detonate the sticky. The closer you are to it, the greater the impact. Two stickies have an exponentially greater impact.

This is the way I like to think of it.

Imagine that there's a line going from the sticky through the center of your body. That line will give about the right angle that you will arc at.

Try just loading up a map and practicing for awhile. It's not that hard, one you get the hang of it. It's easier to pull off than rocket jumping, but a bit more particular. You also take a lot more damage, so you have to be careful. (Never stand directly on a sticky, for instance.)


Added arena_mach to the arena server and pl_dustbowl to the other server. Also tried to clean up some of the map switchers and stuff like that. Let me know if there are any other customs you guys want.


Volcynika said:
"Hey guys, wanna do an all scout rush of E?"
"Java, alltalk is on" (Me)
"Everyone go scout!"
"You realize alltalk is on, right" (other team)
"Oh shit!"

Hahahah yeah that was really funny. I think a couple guys on my team got a little sore at me after I pointed that out :lol


H'okay so.

I can't play TF2. Whenever I play TF2, the router inevitably dies. It's not my router. It's my roommate's. he recently hard-reset the router. And he plays TF2 just fine!

HALP. ):


TheOneGuy said:
H'okay so.

I can't play TF2. Whenever I play TF2, the router inevitably dies. It's not my router. It's my roommate's. he recently hard-reset the router. And he plays TF2 just fine!

HALP. ):

Kill your roommate
Take his computer
Enjoy TF2!


WoW works fine. Don't play other Source games online, don't even have them installed on my laptop.

WoW and TF2 are the only two online games I have installed on my laptop!

EDIT: WAIT. I lied. I have Trackmania installed. Haven't played it at all since I moved here though.
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