Yeah I always start the sip in cover then run into the Sentry fire to distract.Hazaro said:If there are 2 sentries shooting at you you can't really move forward. Heck it's hard enough with 1 shooting at you.
The best you can really do is time Bonk! to the sentry beep (Remember to account for sipping time) and try to hide behind the AC/fan unit on top and get to the ledge sentry.
I found it works best when you're moving the Payload, I run out to distract the Sentry while the rest of my team takes them out.
I found out why I wasn't kiling because the dispenser was healing them faster than the Sentry could self-damage the Engie.VictimOfGrief said:Yes the Bonk drink and running behind the engy is the best way to kill him and have your team rush the guns while distracted. Its almost the same effect of a Spy sapping but you also get a dead engineer out of it as well.
But earlier today(PL_Badwater) it was a level 2 Sentry(no dispenser) and I ran behind the Engie and it knocked him back to me so he wasn't able to repair his sentry as my team took it out. Then one FaN shot took the Engie out
Yeah but I in my expeience coordination is an extreme rarity =( Even when I say I'm going to distract the sentry I turn around to find no one followed me for the attack.firex said:There's another path you can take to that area from the house, so if you want to make the sentry shoot its own engineer, I'd just sneak around there first and then do your best with the energy drink to put the engineer between the sentry and you.
It's funny because I feel like sentries are really nothing more than an annoying defensive impediment that are relatively easy to take out with a coordinated attack (i.e. more than just a single uber and a pyro/demo/soldier/heavy) and I actually think they need to be reworked, but sometimes they're pretty effective. I think I just hate playing engineer because most of the time you camp your buildings, and you don't get to see a lot of front line action on the faster maps, like 5 point CP maps, unless your team protects you so you build up with them.
Yes sentries are a "relatively easy impediment" with coordination by that's foreign language to most people on pub servers. On 32 player servers everyone ignores my calls for more Medics-- even though I'm the Only one --to bypass the Sentry farm, then once we loose call the team "noobs"

I don't like playing Engie(or Medic) but the are my number 1 and 2 most played because the team needs them to win. Ineffective Medics(doesn't cycle heal) or Engineers(no teles) can really drag the team down forcing me to switch..
Oh yeah have you seen Offensive Engineering video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=NL&hl=nl&v=NYsZ3tLpVMs