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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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MisterAnderson said:
I've never to this day cheated in an online game or single player game unless I had already beaten it and messing around for fun...
...until you downloaded a third party program for TF2 to increase your chances of getting extremely rare items.

Everyone seems to forget that too...Valve has said from the beginning that hats are meant to be extremely rare. Hence the low 'drop rate'.


MisterAnderson said:
But of course all of the people who don't even care about getting hats get a free one just to spite those who disagreed with their shitty hat system.

I care a lot about hats. Even playing the Soldier more than ever only to show off my medal. :D
And you know, people can justify the idler as much as they want, but using a third party program to obtain items without even being in the game always sounded questionable at best.


All this hate over hats. Valve wanted to add something to the game that will be unique and wouldnt affect the gameplay. They couldnt be more wrong. :lol


MisterAnderson said:
But of course all of the people who don't even care about getting hats get a free one just to spite those who disagreed with their shitty hat system.

What we have here is a blanket statement full of WRONG.

I can do it too!

All those people that used the idle program? They were just obsessed with getting all the hats as quckly as possible and clearly have issues that stem from a childhood trauma that made them the way they are today.


Kills Photobucket


Demo would probably be last, so they can give him a counter to the engie's new alt style (unless it is an offensive engie update, then I have no idea).
1-D_FTW said:
You're really stretching with that one. Do you think anyone actually playing the game didn't want some hats? Come on.

i honestly don't care about the hats, but now that I have one and the cheaters dont, it does amuse me.


ARGH, my backpack is full except for one slot...and I don't have ANY nataschas. I thought I had like three duplicates, but I guess I accidentally deleted it somehow? And of course I can't earn it back, so now I have to wait weeks until I maybe get it randomly. :(


Blizzard said:
ARGH, my backpack is full except for one slot...and I don't have ANY nataschas. I thought I had like three duplicates, but I guess I accidentally deleted it somehow? And of course I can't earn it back, so now I have to wait weeks until I maybe get it randomly. :(

I have a couple extra. If only we could trade.


Blizzard said:
ARGH, my backpack is full except for one slot...and I don't have ANY nataschas. I thought I had like three duplicates, but I guess I accidentally deleted it somehow? And of course I can't earn it back, so now I have to wait weeks until I maybe get it randomly. :(

Being able to sort the backpack now is really nice. I have all the unlocks for each class in it's own column, with the slot 1 items first and the slot 3 items last :D There's 10 columns, 1 for each class and then a 10th for hats, medals, halos, etc. Having everything perfectly organized pleases the lightweight OCD in me oh so sweetly :)
Just got back into TF2, so much fun. Ive got some pocket watch for a Spy I doubt I will ever use, wish I got some more Medic stuff, I did get some new saw which is nice, but I dont get enough chances to use it. How do I go about earning Medic things?

Edit: and why do people want more than 1 of something? Just to trade?


but ever so delicious
I like how you can't ues the idle app but there are idle servers with maps out there :lol

May have to sit in one tonight as i sleep. See if i can get anything. After actually playing the game for a few hours since the removal of items, i aint got shit.


I'm amused there are still spies out there who are wearing the halo (Where's the patch, Valve?)

Less amused by the false halos sometimes appearing on my screen. I've had halos shadowing me 4-5 times now where there was nothing there. Not great thinking you're being stalked by a spy and firing shots galore at empty air. Got me killed the first couple times. Now if it doesn't die immediately, I ignore it.


Modesty becomes a woman
MisterAnderson said:
I personally don't care or desire the halo as I'd never wear it. But the fact that they called it "Cheaters Lament" is a slap in the fucking face and pisses me off. I've never to this day cheated in an online game or single player game unless I had already beaten it and messing around for fun. And I have always respected and loved Valve as a developer, but...

...Fuck you, Valve.

Break the rules, pay the price with your tears.


Nobiru said:
Just got back into TF2, so much fun. Ive got some pocket watch for a Spy I doubt I will ever use, wish I got some more Medic stuff, I did get some new saw which is nice, but I dont get enough chances to use it. How do I go about earning Medic things?

Edit: and why do people want more than 1 of something? Just to trade?

Currently, there's really no reason to keep dupes, but months and months ago Valve mentioned something about allowing a trading system with the items, but who knows. Sometimes you'll get a drop with a level higher than it usually is which might be worth holding onto. But besides a different number listed there's no difference between the two.

And there are class-specific achievements to unlock weapons instead of waiting for random drops. Generally there are 36 or so for each class and roughly every 8-10 achievements or so you'll unlock a new weapon. So the best way to get Medic weapons is to just keep playing Medic. And wear a Halo if you have it! Supposedly it increases the drop rate of things.


Orellio said:
Currently, there's really no reason to keep dupes, but months and months ago Valve mentioned something about allowing a trading system with the items, but who knows. Sometimes you'll get a drop with a level higher than it usually is which might be worth holding onto. But besides a different number listed there's no difference between the two.

And there are class-specific achievements to unlock weapons instead of waiting for random drops. Generally there are 36 or so for each class and roughly every 8-10 achievements or so you'll unlock a new weapon. So the best way to get Medic weapons is to just keep playing Medic. And wear a Halo if you have it! Supposedly it increases the drop rate of things.

The levels for the random item drops are now fixed. VALVe said it was a glitch and they were not intending for the levels to be random.
Cheeto said:
...until you downloaded a third party program for TF2 to increase your chances of getting extremely rare items.

Everyone seems to forget that too...Valve has said from the beginning that hats are meant to be extremely rare. Hence the low 'drop rate'.

You seem to forget that the idler did not increase your chance of getting extremely rare items. Valve even made a statement saying that.

Break the rules, pay the price with your tears.

Oh I really don't care, I didn't lose anything at all since I got all of the items "properly" and if I had the Halo I never would wear it anyway. I just think labeling people who idle as cheaters is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Whether I had used the idler or not I would think Valve handled this situation very poorly. I'm all for them doing something about a 3rd party program if they were against it, and if they asked players to stop using it I wouldn't have touched it for sure. But the fact that they let it go on for so long without even making an issue about it besides Robin saying that it doesn't make anyone get a hat any faster, which reinforced the idea that they didn't really care, was just senseless and stupid of them.

All in all I don't really care and was just expressing how poorly I feel that Valve handled the situation. I will also argue to the death to anyone claiming that staying in a spawn point is "cheating." There are no boundaries in the game that are being broken, and no moral difference between having your computer running overtime running TF2 to do this or a 3rd party program (in fact you're saving energy doing the latter, so it is arguably morally better :p). I understand that Valve is against 3rd party programs, but do you realize how foolish it is that they wasted resources getting rid of this TERRIBLE idle problem, instead of say, fix the real problem that is their drop system which led people to idle in the first place? Or, how about punishing the use of the 3rd party achievement programs? If anything is cheating, it's that.


Some guy started smack talking me today because I was wearing a halo. Whenever he killed me he would say "terrible player" or "horrible player", or something.

Fun times. :|


Pumpkins said:
Some guy started smack talking me today because I was wearing a halo. Whenever he killed me he would say "terrible player" or "horrible player", or something.

Fun times. :|

He was just projecting his own shortcomings as a human being onto you, don't take it personally. Next time though, just mute him from the pause menu.


I moved the Halo onto just my best classes. (And off Spy/Sniper for reasons noted in this thread. I also took it off demo because it seemed like it showed better than my character when sticky jumping up on areas and trying to move slightly out of sight lines.)

I had two people say something similar. I just said "scoreboard" and I had like six times the points he did and wound up with the winning cap on the map. (Was Medic.)

Keeping it on the Soldier even though I'm meh with him, just because I like having both it and the medal. For those people who take this game too seriously.

Although I'm against punishing the idlers. Would've just gave the halo to non-idlers and not taken away anything.


relies on auto-aim
Orellio said:
He was just projecting his own shortcomings as a human being onto you, don't take it personally. Next time though, just mute him from the pause menu.
I prefer to go Spy and only aim for them.


hey guys in seven days i'll be back in america and i can play again


Actually I think my motherboard killed itself literally the day before I left for Japan so I may not be able to play after all. ): My compputer just wouldn't turn on, at all!!


MisterAnderson said:
You seem to forget that the idler did not increase your chance of getting extremely rare items. Valve even made a statement saying that.
Increased time playing = More items... Using a program to make it seem like your always "playing" = a lot of items.


You know, I love senseless arguing. It is one of my favorite pastimes.

But even I'm getting sick of this shit. Who cares. It's done. Nothing's changing.


GAF parliamentarian
Yeah, lets get off this crap. Has anyone heard anything else about the changes the professional community are pushing to bring into the game? I can't imagine the Sandman was the only thing Valve came out of that with.

I'd really like to see an upgrade update soon. Fixing multicore and performance issues, and adding new functionality to existing items. Syringe Gun, your time has come.


TheOneGuy said:
hey guys in seven days i'll be back in america and i can play again


Actually I think my motherboard killed itself literally the day before I left for Japan so I may not be able to play after all. ): My compputer just wouldn't turn on, at all!!



Lyphen said:
Yeah, lets get off this crap. Has anyone heard anything else about the changes the professional community are pushing to bring into the game? I can't imagine the Sandman was the only thing Valve came out of that with.
Alternate wrench which makes stuff build faster but can't be used to upgrade them, and alternate Heavy gloves which let him run faster while slowly draining his health. There's pictures somewhere.


TheOneGuy said:
hey guys in seven days i'll be back in america and i can play again


Actually I think my motherboard killed itself literally the day before I left for Japan so I may not be able to play after all. ): My compputer just wouldn't turn on, at all!!

Did you check your power supply, duder?


Capndrake said:
Alternate wrench which makes stuff build faster but can't be used to upgrade them, and alternate Heavy gloves which let him run faster while slowly draining his health. There's pictures somewhere.

And we have no idea when they'll come out with them, and if they felt they were good enough on their own. Especially since the Engie update hasn't come out yet, I wonder how they might spin an old class update.


Lyphen said:
Yeah, lets get off this crap. Has anyone heard anything else about the changes the professional community are pushing to bring into the game? I can't imagine the Sandman was the only thing Valve came out of that with.

I'd really like to see an upgrade update soon. Fixing multicore and performance issues, and adding new functionality to existing items. Syringe Gun, your time has come.

Man, I would love that. Currently I'm only using one processor core, and I'd love to see how my computer performs on both (it crashes if I try to enable multicore currently).

As for gameplay changes, I definitely think the engie needs a buff of some sort. Personally, I don't understand why it takes so long to make a sentry, when it takes so little to take it out. It kinda forces the engie to be a defensive character. I admit, sometimes sentries can be very destructive, but the majority of times I've played, people just brush them away with ease.

It'd be cool if the medic's bonesaw and syringe gun got some attributes tied to them, to kind of compliment his unlocks.

I'd love to see the heavy get a speed increase when using his melee weapons, though I don't think it should drain his health, maybe the speed boost should drain itself and have to recharge like Sniper's Jarate.

Personally, I feel Bonk needs some sort of ...tweak. It's useful if you want to get past enemy fire or distract a sentry, but not many people use it. It'd be great to see it become a more useful item.


Pumpkins said:
As for gameplay changes, I definitely think the engie needs a buff of some sort. Personally, I don't understand why it takes so long to make a sentry, when it takes so little to take it out. It kinda forces the engie to be a defensive character. I admit, sometimes sentries can be very destructive, but the majority of times I've played, people just brush them away with ease.

Since the inception of TF2, it has seemed so obvious to me to let Medics "heal" sentries and dispensers. Maybe make it so it doesn't stack if an engie is wrenching it at the same time so ubers could still plausibly detroy stuff.


Pumpkins said:
As for gameplay changes, I definitely think the engie needs a buff of some sort. Personally, I don't understand why it takes so long to make a sentry, when it takes so little to take it out. It kinda forces the engie to be a defensive character. I admit, sometimes sentries can be very destructive, but the majority of times I've played, people just brush them away with ease.

If SGs could be built any faster, they'd be way too effective on offense.


Orellio said:
Since the inception of TF2, it has seemed so obvious to me to let Medics "heal" sentries and dispensers. Maybe make it so it doesn't stack if an engie is wrenching it at the same time so ubers could still plausibly detroy stuff.

That is actually a really awesome idea... Never thought of that. Or maybe the engie could get an item that heals buildings at a distance...? Maybe that's a bit too much, haha.

Ysiadmihi said:
If SGs could be built any faster, they'd be way too effective on offense.

I really don't think that would be the case, an ubercharged soldier/pryo/demo can pretty easily take out sentries as of right now.


I still think the better solution is for the engy to get a blowtorch he can use to "weld" buildings so they get temporary health like an overheal from a medic. medics don't need to be healing engineer stuff.


Pumpkins said:
I really don't think that would be the case, an ubercharged soldier/pryo/demo can pretty easily take out sentries as of right now.

Yeah, but ubercharges don't suddenly appear because someone heard a sentire. That takes time.

An offensive sentry can win a game pretty easily already, deployed correctly. No need to make that even easier.


Won said:
Yeah, but ubercharges don't suddenly appear because someone heard a sentire. That takes time.

An offensive sentry can win a game pretty easily already, deployed correctly. No need to make that even easier.

Ubercharges take less time to charge than an engie building a level 3 sentry and level 3 dispenser. Plus, they're much easier to get because you just have to find a target and keep the medigun on them, compared to the engie, where you have to keep finding metal and look around for spies or demomen, or other threats.


Pumpkins said:
Ubercharges take less time to charge than an engie building a level 3 sentry and level 3 dispenser. Plus, they're much easier to get because you just have to find a target and keep the medigun on them, compared to the engie, where you have to keep finding metal and look around for spies or demomen, or other threats.
To be fair, Medics + targets can be shot down as well just like classes can destroy sentries.


Pumpkins said:
Ubercharges take less time to charge than an engie building a level 3 sentry and level 3 dispenser. Plus, they're much easier to get because you just have to find a target and keep the medigun on them, compared to the engie, where you have to keep finding metal and look around for spies or demomen, or other threats.

So there are some downsides to building a gun that automatically fires on enemies and does huge damage to boot. Big whoop.

And since when does an ubercharge guarantee a destroyed sentry? There are plenty of ways to defend them from all kinds of threats now.


Capndrake said:
Alternate wrench which makes stuff build faster but can't be used to upgrade them, and alternate Heavy gloves which let him run faster while slowly draining his health. There's pictures somewhere.
All new engineer weapons should be different things to build. Not different types of guns, but just plain different things.

I liked the oil slick I heard earlier.

Too much potential to waste it on a wrench that makes things build faster. ):<
fallout said:

Did you check your power supply, duder?
If you recall, my motherboard was shitting the shit before anyway.

But I can't remember what it was doing... I think it was the completely random blue screens.


Ysiadmihi said:
So there are some downsides to building a gun that automatically fires on enemies and does huge damage to boot. Big whoop.

And since when does an ubercharge guarantee a destroyed sentry? There are plenty of ways to defend them from all kinds of threats now.
Well since they changed the scout, your defense options are basically to slow them down (with an uber or invincible scout in their path), or knock them in the air (pyro, demo, soldier MAYBE). That's not really a lot of options, since the physically-blocking thing hardly ever gets used and only really works if they're in a corridor, I'd say.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, Blizzard? So you're a gaffer as well?

What I usually do to protect sentries if all parties are working together

I'm a heavy with medic buff by medic

engie is nearby to fix sentry

Uber heavy/soldier comes and i just soak up some of the damage and move back before I die. sentry takes some damage, but I just go up and soak some more when I get my health back.

Tho if a demo comes and he knows what he's doing then you're all fucked


TheOneGuy said:
If you recall, my motherboard was shitting the shit before anyway.

But I can't remember what it was doing... I think it was the completely random blue screens.
Ah, yes. I vaguely remember you complaining about something like that.


I'm pretty sure you complain about me complaining more than I actually complain.

Which I previously thought impossible.
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