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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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roMonster said:
This was featured on the blog. I just saw it:


A training map--some cool features. Finally I can practice my reflects in peace.
Yeah, it's been up there for a while, only downloaded it a couple of days ago. It's very fun to just screw around in, and the 'easter egg' is pretty creepy in a funny way (
). There are some problems I have with it in how it functions but to be honest it would've taken a massive effort from the people developing it, so I don't mind too much.


Bitches love smiley faces
Read this on shacknews regarding the new announcer sound bites:

Following reports that the latest update to Team Fortress 2 PC brought with it a variety of new Announcer quips mentioning friends, mercenaries and betrayal, developer Valve tells Shacknews that they are already being used in-game for something "meaningful."

"So far, we haven't seen anyone on the various forums out there who's figured it out," Valve's Robin Walker told us, noting "there's something about the way they're used in-game that's meaningful."

Whatever the new functionality is, it's already in the game, as Walker added that "user reports of hearing [the new sound bites] in-game are also legit."
Maybe it has something to do with joining (or not) a team with someone on your friend list?


First thing I thought when hearing those was a co-op against the AI. Imagine an Assault style map where you have to take out a huge enemy base full of enemy troops and turrets and stuff ending with a massive battle against an AI core.
fallengorn said:
Read this on shacknews regarding the new announcer sound bites:

Maybe it has something to do with joining (or not) a team with someone on your friend list?
That could be, but it's not the whole story. There's all that mention of friendship pacts. Edit : that could be adding someone to your friends list, besides that there's some other unexplained stuff.

I think it might be a Death match mode with hidden alliances, even though it seems strange and far fetched when you consider how it could be implemented be implemented. It's not like TF2 to have a huge button pop up or a lot of intrusive UI.
According to Kotaku: "We've got something coming, but it's not a new game mode," Valve's Robin Walker says. "The key to understanding the new sound files is to figure out who's hearing them in-game, and who isn't."

It has nothing to do with your friends list, from what I can tell. I heard one or two of the sound clips with no one on my friends list on the server (or even TF2, I think).
Could it be where you and someone on your friends list join opposite teams, and play through a round without killing each other? Maybe spend a certain amount of time near each other without shooting?


relies on auto-aim
"The key to understanding the new sound files is to figure out who's hearing them in-game, and who isn't."
Most possible explanation to me so far seems a temporary objective mission that teams up players (possibly on separate teams) temporarily to complete an objective that offers some kind of reward (Probably hats knowing valve :lol). You also have the ability to kill off your 'friend' to increase chances of getting an item/hat/bonus (Faster cap speed, or something? Bonus HP, Mini crits for a certain time).

Now off to the Steam forums to see if I can find anything else interesting....
You have failed me with your friendships!

You have betrayed my trust!

You have betrayed everyone!

Friendship ends in (30, 10) seconds!

Betrayal will not be tolerated!

You cannot hide anything from us, Mercenaries! And now you will pay the price!

All you ever do is disappoint and betray me! Cheating! Stealing! FRIEND-MAKING!

It's not to late to repent! Kill your friends now and end this! Listen to your conscience!

It's me or him, and I pay your salary! Make your choice!

Alert! A friendship has been detected, and will be eliminated!

How could you betray me?!

Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note, I am very VERY disappointed with you!

I wont single any one of you out, I will just say that SOME of you have betrayed the trust of your employers and because of that you must die. The rest of you are [pause] satisfactory!

Success! Despite your friendships!

Success! No thanks to the "best friends" among you!

For those that can't read C: If you're a soldier or demoman, you have a random 10% chance to hear the special sounds.
"You cannot hide anything from us, Mercenaries! And now you will pay the price!", as Soldier. Preparing to defend in Dustbowl.

I guess Soldier / Demo update before christmas? Anti-Sentry bros?


Didn't get any of the sound files/messages in that round, sadly.

Also wow a lot of people on that server were using +/- rates, I only just noticed that.
Hazaro said:
Looks like you got one of the weird icons too...

Need more file digging!
Oh yeah, a couple of people had that on my screen. My theory is that it's a squished image of some sort. I take a quick look in the files, see if I can find anything.
evlcookie said:
Didn't realise there were some updates to TF2? I may need to start playing again.
Aside from the pretty old hat updates and the Halloween update, there haven't been any big updates. There was one only yesterday or so, but that was meant to be just a bug fix patch until some people found announcer files which sounded like a new game mode or something, and everyone's still trying to figure out what it is now that Blizz have outright denied it being a game mode.

Anyway, no dice on the files. Was a brief search. Would be much easier if GCFScape allowed you to find the date when files/folders have been edited last. That way I could just check every folder (there aren't many) for the most recently updated one, and work my way from there.


but ever so delicious
Orbitcube said:
Aside from the pretty old hat updates and the Halloween update, there haven't been any big updates. There was one only yesterday or so, but that was meant to be just a bug fix patch until some people found announcer files which sounded like a new game mode or something, and everyone's still trying to figure out what it is now that Blizz have outright denied it being a game mode.

You mean valve and not blizz? :p

I haven't played since kicking ass on the Halloween map, so i really should start playing again.
evlcookie said:
You mean valve and not blizz? :p

I haven't played since kicking ass on the Halloween map, so i really should start playing again.
Er yeah. I've been talking about Blizzard a lot in regards to WoW lately. I guess I'm just sort of used to it by now, I didn't even think about it.


Has problems recognising girls
Don't worry Orbi. I do it often as well.. I blame the fact that I predominantly play games created under the Blizzard and Valve monikers.
TF2 forums are saying that the voice clips are exclusive to the Soldier and Demoman. You know what that means. Hopefully a Christmas present from Valve.

That would make sense considering I didn't hear it at all while playing only Medic and a tiny bit of Spy in my last game, but did when I was possibly playing Demoman (I can't remember except that I never play Solly).

EDIT: Played a tiny bit more (only went as Solly and Demo), heard one/two things. I believe (the TF2 forums seemed to think the same thing) that the announcer says the betrayal lines whenever someone switches teams. I saw someone who got the sounds to trigger manually by switching teams. I think she said "You have betrayed my trust!" and "You have betrayed us all!". I didn't get any of the other ones.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
fallengorn said:
Read this on shacknews regarding the new announcer sound bites:

Maybe it has something to do with joining (or not) a team with someone on your friend list?

It was figured out before he posted. Yes, a few of the sounds play when someone from your friends list is on the other team.


I haven't played TF2 in the last 2 days so I haven't heard the new sound files, but this is such a great way to introduce an update.


I just saw the comic, I'm awestruck. I'm going to see if there's a hidden page somewhere. I hope there is! I barely missed the initial wave of Gibus hats last time, and by a matter of seconds I believe.
GoldandBlue said:
It's gonna be hell for anyone playing Engineer during the update. :lol
And Engineer is the only character that won't have been updated after this. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Remember how the 'Sniper' update turned out, guys?


Orbitcube said:
And Engineer is the only character that won't have been updated after this. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Remember how the 'Sniper' update turned out, guys?

Speaking as someone who usually plays engineer, the engineer update is going to suck balls for the first couple of weeks. Imagine how much fun it'll be to play a round of 14 vs 14, all engineers. :eek:P


Still Tagged Accordingly
i'm guessing that "friendship" is determined if you haven't killed or assisted in killing a player for a set amount of time. you then personally get an announcement telling you to try and kill or assist in the killing of that particular player. it's like a secondary objective/meta-game.

as for what happens when you do (or don't) achieve your objective.... who knows? personal buff? team buff? new hat/item? some sort of change in map condition?


I thought I'd play some dustbowl today (instead of my usual arena) and I got a friendship announcement for the first time. Forget which one it was and have no idea how I got it but I was soldier and ~25-3.


Unconfirmed Member
After the comic, I'm feeling like the random sound clips are just part of this teaser story the blog is running before the Solider/Demo updates to get people more interested in TF2 and possibly the who back story.

I still like the idea of a Christmas Truce, though.


I've been learning Soldier for the past few months. I prefer Blue. I even got one of those "Your argument is invalid!" Soldier shirts in blue.

One of my close friends plays Demo. He did it because he wanted to blow up buildings and still do shit when the rest of the team is just Spy/Snipers. Likes red shirts.

Tonight will be... interesting.


GAF Game Tonight
Time: 5 hours from now. 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern / 2:00 AM GMT
Server: TBA. I'll find an empty server unless someone has a 24 slot server they can use for this.

Been a while since we had all GAFfers I believe.

Posted in the Gaming Discussion thread as well for exposure.


Firestorm said:
GAF Game Tonight
Time: 5 hours from now. 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern / 2:00 AM GMT
Server: TBA. I'll find an empty server unless someone has a 24 slot server they can use for this.

Been a while since we had all GAFfers I believe.

Posted in the Gaming Discussion thread as well for exposure.

Yeah! Sounds good to me. The Neogaf chat room might work well for coordinating which server in case some of the guys aren't friended up yet.
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