I feel the Dead Ringer pain. It's so irritating to "kill" someone over, and over, and over, and know you're barely taking of just a few percent of their HP each time. They can switch it on and off nearly instantly between weapon shots (normal Spies don't get instant cloaks, I know someone's going to lecture me why they need the DR to be so fast, but if the spy is actively shooting his gun at someone, there needs to be a pause before he can activate it again), and if they get
any metal or delay their death after decloak for about two seconds, they can do it all over again. God forbid they get one of those tiny health bottles that are usually by the metal, or they're completely set. :lol
Playing spy is hard, playing spy without a cloak is even harder. I'm not contesting that. But some people use the abusable quirks of the Dead Ringer way too much, and it's tiring to play against. It's not clever, it just means no matter how many times you kill them, they're four steps away from you again, and all they have to do is kill you once and you're back to running all the way from spawn again, usually because the teleporter's unsurprisingly broken by now.
And yes, I'm sure this is really just about me and everyone else on the servers I play on being absolutely terrible and failures for not being able to successfully gun down DRs with a thousand HP and always know where they're going while cloaked. So don't worry if that was your response, you're covered.

Truthfully I don't hold my skills up onto some high tier, I'm a mediocre shot at best on the PC. But too many of the times I've seen DR Spy situations that remind me of the Demo stickies on the 360 version, where groups of people stop dead and focus on this one irritating hazard that can't be ignored, well away from the front lines. That's a sign to me it's not just a personal frustration.
MrPing1000 said:
Force of nature, dunno how I'd change that, but the drink I'd up the length of time it lasts and allow u to use your bat.
I was thinking two different drinks, like Bonk and Blur (or "Woosh" or something ). Bonk works the same, except there's no push-back effect from weapons and sentries. Same slowdown after drinking. Blur lasts more than twice as long, but push-back works against it, and after it wears off, the Scout is winded and stops to catch his breath for a few moments.
For added "escape plan" tactics, alt-fire tosses the Bonk can, which a Sentry will track and shoot out of the air. (Like the baseball ideas people had before) If the can bursts near the builds, they act sapped for a very short amount of time, say two or three seconds. Just enough so that if you use Bonk to get in to get the intel, you have a much better chance of being able to get back out.
MrPing1000 said:
Sandman, I'd remove the health penalty and leave it as it is, but make the aluminium bat have the same crit behaviour as the engineer's wrench.
All of the melee weapons normally have the same crit chance, Valve said, barring special exceptions (KGB, Eyelander, Equalizer, for a while the Sandman) and the spy knife's normal swing. It may be their sentry kills that net Engineers the extra crit chance, but it's supposedly not the wrenches.