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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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marked forever
TheOneGuy said:
130 shouldn't be too high. I've had worse and not been kicked.

Or the time I medic-capped the intel on Haarp. Twice.


But you weren't there for that I don't think, only Java was.

Blue sucks. Suck it blue! Red team woo.


I was on there Sunday night with Java and Kuro. I rarely have much fun on 32 man servers for very long, surprisingly, but the fast respawn did eat into things like Dustbowl. Surprisingly, it was one good uber run that sealed it.

On the patch notes:

Updated the "Big Pharma" (Medic) and "Division of Labor" (Heavy) achievements to be 10 kills in a single life
Used to be that you needed 20. Feel like this is too easy to get now. I saw this as one of those "You are now awesome at this class" achievements, but I guess like Blast Assist/S*M*A*S*H and the Demoman one, it's more dependent on your opponents than you'd think so they wanted it to only take a little bit more than normal play will naturally earn.

Added some new recipes
Let me know when these are discovered.

Updated the "Ubi concordia, ibi victoria" Medic achievement to only be 3 assists
Used to be 5. Too easy. You could get this quick on Badwater.

Updated the Gunboats to absorb damage from any self-inflicted rocket blast that doesn't hurt another player

Updated the Scottish Resistance to detonate bombs near the player's feet (in addition to what it normally detonates). This enables sticky jumping with this weapon

People are going to love these.

Recipes can no longer produce items matching any of the items used in the crafting

Added an "equipped" tag to currently equipped items in the Backpack and Crafting screens

Thank you. I almost made two horrible mistakes because these weren't already in. I'm glad they were almost mistakes.

Capped the amount of overhealing from taking heads to the player's max buffed health
Was it because it was overpowered or unintentional?


I do love me some crafting, but I made a slot token to try it out and I don't need a slot token for hats... BAH.
Proven said:
Capped the amount of overhealing from taking heads to the player's max buffed health
Was it because it was overpowered or unintentional?
Both, I think. What could happen (I'd used it on tr_walkway to test things out) was that the effect wouldn't cap, but once it reached a certain point, around 500 or something, it'd 'reset' back to 10 and then drain health like an overcharge. Thing is, it didn't actually reset, the game just couldn't handle the numbers past that point and it just restarted the health counter.
Proven said:
Updated the "Big Pharma" (Medic) and "Division of Labor" (Heavy) achievements to be 10 kills in a single life
Used to be that you needed 20. Feel like this is too easy to get now. I saw this as one of those "You are now awesome at this class" achievements, but I guess like Blast Assist/S*M*A*S*H and the Demoman one, it's more dependent on your opponents than you'd think so they wanted it to only take a little bit more than normal play will naturally earn.
Already got those when they were at 20, so no biggie for me. So fun wrecking shop as a Heavy with a Medic who knows how to dodge.


Decided to play with my mic for the first time in ages.


But you missed me telling the server I am 12 years old and that my favorite store is hot topic. )':


TheOneGuy said:
Decided to play with my mic for the first time in ages.


But you missed me telling the server I am 12 years old and that my favorite store is hot topic. )':
I remember once playing with someone, I think it was Twig, on a harvest map. I have this image of a little crying bowser guy trolling NeoGAF all the time, and then he's all DEEP VOICE YELLING! INSULT! YOU SUCK! GO HOME AND CRY TO YOUR MOMMA! SHUT UP!

It was this huge scary impressive deep-voiced persona coming over the microphone, and I was terrified. :(


Blizzard said:
I remember once playing with someone, I think it was Twig, on a harvest map. I have this image of a little crying bowser guy trolling NeoGAF all the time, and then he's all DEEP VOICE YELLING! INSULT! YOU SUCK! GO HOME AND CRY TO YOUR MOMMA! SHUT UP!

It was this huge scary impressive deep-voiced persona coming over the microphone, and I was terrified. :(

...I may stay away from F7 until his mic breaks then.


Blizzard said:
I remember once playing with someone, I think it was Twig, on a harvest map. I have this image of a little crying bowser guy trolling NeoGAF all the time, and then he's all DEEP VOICE YELLING! INSULT! YOU SUCK! GO HOME AND CRY TO YOUR MOMMA! SHUT UP!

It was this huge scary impressive deep-voiced persona coming over the microphone, and I was terrified. :(

:lol :lol
In case you guys wanted to know the new recipes:

Rebuild Class Token: Class Token + Weapon = [Weapon's Class] Token
ex., Spy Token + Equalizer = Soldier Token

Rebuild Slot Token: Slot Token + Weapon = [Weapon's Slot] Token
ex., Melee Slot Token + Natascha = Primary Slot Token

brb, crafting direct hit

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
EmCeeGramr said:
In case you guys wanted to know the new recipes:

Rebuild Class Token: Class Token + Weapon = [Weapon's Class] Token
ex., Spy Token + Equalizer = Soldier Token

Rebuild Slot Token: Slot Token + Weapon = [Weapon's Slot] Token
ex., Melee Slot Token + Natascha = Primary Slot Token

brb, crafting direct hit

Hmm...finally I can haz my direct hitz revenge!


I used the new token recipe to quickly get soldier tokens, and despite the 50% chance I was able to craft the gunboats and the buff banner, no duplicates. I was happy yesterday until I realized I needed to go Heavy anyway in order to be credit to team.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Finally crafted the direct hit. Christ! I really hate playing against people with this weapon and now I know why!

I really hope they nerf this a little bit...maybe decrease the damage a little and up the splash a bit or something.
dead ringer spies can suck my fucking dick jesus christ I cant stand them as an engie, not because they actually do anything useful but you know baby sitting all my shit while I kill the same aspergers having donkey fuck 20 times in 2 minutes it gets fucking annoying.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
ZombieSupaStar said:
dead ringer spies can suck my fucking dick jesus christ I cant stand them as an engie, not because they actually do anything useful but you know baby sitting all my shit while I kill the same aspergers having donkey fuck 20 times in 2 minutes it gets fucking annoying.
Spy is just doing his job, otherwise, the defending team can just turtle and it gets monotonous for the attacking team. It's really your team that's failing. Usually, a good teammate will do a bit of spy checking while they're using your shit. Or, if you're defending and on the last point, they'll just go around randomly attacking til someone pushes and they're off.

I've seen good spy checkers enough times...tho I've also seen a lot of dumbass pyros also standing there, charging their ammo, and pull out their fucking ax when they see my shit being sapped.:lol


relies on auto-aim
Add me to the Camera Beard recipients as well.

Just had some great fun on badwater, got to build teles and sentries at spawn by ubering and running with 2 engies... for 3 matches.


ZombieSupaStar said:
dead ringer spies can suck my fucking dick jesus christ I cant stand them as an engie, not because they actually do anything useful but you know baby sitting all my shit while I kill the same aspergers having donkey fuck 20 times in 2 minutes it gets fucking annoying.

I love DR spies as Pyros, I set them on fire and watch them run for an ammo pack and just juggle them endlessly with an airblast. :lol
out of the park is impossible to get in normal play.

And I can't help feel that Scouts have gotten the short stick.

Their unlocks just seem so wimpy compared to others.

Force of nature, dunno how I'd change that, but the drink I'd up the length of time it lasts and allow u to use your bat.

Sandman, I'd remove the health penalty and leave it as it is, but make the aluminium bat have the same crit behaviour as the engineer's wrench.


Blizzard said:
I remember once playing with someone, I think it was Twig, on a harvest map. I have this image of a little crying bowser guy trolling NeoGAF all the time, and then he's all DEEP VOICE YELLING! INSULT! YOU SUCK! GO HOME AND CRY TO YOUR MOMMA! SHUT UP!

It was this huge scary impressive deep-voiced persona coming over the microphone, and I was terrified. :(
I don't really know how one could be so terrified of such a boring, monotone voice! He's clearly a robot.


Darkflight said:
I had a ping of 130 and got a "too high" warning when I joined the other day, I'm gonna stick to getting killed by MicVlad on the PC Gamer UK server :lol

i've started playing more often on that server too. is it just me or does everyone sound like gary whitta? i had a genuine "wtf is going on here" moment first time i heard multiple people with the exact same voice and accent
I feel the Dead Ringer pain. It's so irritating to "kill" someone over, and over, and over, and know you're barely taking of just a few percent of their HP each time. They can switch it on and off nearly instantly between weapon shots (normal Spies don't get instant cloaks, I know someone's going to lecture me why they need the DR to be so fast, but if the spy is actively shooting his gun at someone, there needs to be a pause before he can activate it again), and if they get any metal or delay their death after decloak for about two seconds, they can do it all over again. God forbid they get one of those tiny health bottles that are usually by the metal, or they're completely set. :lol

Playing spy is hard, playing spy without a cloak is even harder. I'm not contesting that. But some people use the abusable quirks of the Dead Ringer way too much, and it's tiring to play against. It's not clever, it just means no matter how many times you kill them, they're four steps away from you again, and all they have to do is kill you once and you're back to running all the way from spawn again, usually because the teleporter's unsurprisingly broken by now.

And yes, I'm sure this is really just about me and everyone else on the servers I play on being absolutely terrible and failures for not being able to successfully gun down DRs with a thousand HP and always know where they're going while cloaked. So don't worry if that was your response, you're covered. :D Truthfully I don't hold my skills up onto some high tier, I'm a mediocre shot at best on the PC. But too many of the times I've seen DR Spy situations that remind me of the Demo stickies on the 360 version, where groups of people stop dead and focus on this one irritating hazard that can't be ignored, well away from the front lines. That's a sign to me it's not just a personal frustration.

MrPing1000 said:
Force of nature, dunno how I'd change that, but the drink I'd up the length of time it lasts and allow u to use your bat.

I was thinking two different drinks, like Bonk and Blur (or "Woosh" or something ). Bonk works the same, except there's no push-back effect from weapons and sentries. Same slowdown after drinking. Blur lasts more than twice as long, but push-back works against it, and after it wears off, the Scout is winded and stops to catch his breath for a few moments.

For added "escape plan" tactics, alt-fire tosses the Bonk can, which a Sentry will track and shoot out of the air. (Like the baseball ideas people had before) If the can bursts near the builds, they act sapped for a very short amount of time, say two or three seconds. Just enough so that if you use Bonk to get in to get the intel, you have a much better chance of being able to get back out.

MrPing1000 said:
Sandman, I'd remove the health penalty and leave it as it is, but make the aluminium bat have the same crit behaviour as the engineer's wrench.

All of the melee weapons normally have the same crit chance, Valve said, barring special exceptions (KGB, Eyelander, Equalizer, for a while the Sandman) and the spy knife's normal swing. It may be their sentry kills that net Engineers the extra crit chance, but it's supposedly not the wrenches.


MrPing1000 said:
out of the park is impossible to get in normal play.

And I can't help feel that Scouts have gotten the short stick.

Their unlocks just seem so wimpy compared to others.

Force of nature, dunno how I'd change that, but the drink I'd up the length of time it lasts and allow u to use your bat.

Sandman, I'd remove the health penalty and leave it as it is, but make the aluminium bat have the same crit behaviour as the engineer's wrench.

I got out of the park on regular play. You have to do is use the sandman taunt.

All i did was find an oblivious sniper looking down is scope and sandman taunted behind him.


For those not in the know, in one of the blog posts explaining crit chance, they explicitly said that the Medic gets added crit chance based on the damage dealt from his patients, and the Engineer gets added crit chance from the damage his sentry does. This allows all the classes to have high crit chances on their weapons, especially melee, if they're doing well.


Will QA for food.
I haven't played since the last update.. due to.. hardware issues. We went all out and ordered a custom PC from NCIX, but they've had some delays with the system thanks to the holidays and lack of notifying us of a backorder (it was in when we ordered!). But it's coming soon and I'm excited! :D


Has problems recognising girls
Just started playing again a few days ago. Any decent strategies against the horde of Eyelander-wielding Demos? Only one I can haphazardly come up with atm is that they absolutely suck against Heavies. Nothing sweeter than knocking the shit out of a charging Demo with a crit KGB punch.


speedpop said:
Just started playing again a few days ago. Any decent strategies against the horde of Eyelander-wielding Demos? Only one I can haphazardly come up with atm is that they absolutely suck against Heavies. Nothing sweeter than knocking the shit out of a charging Demo with a crit KGB punch.

Yeah, I have horrible luck dodging them. Is the hitbox for the swing huge or something?


speedpop said:
Just started playing again a few days ago. Any decent strategies against the horde of Eyelander-wielding Demos? Only one I can haphazardly come up with atm is that they absolutely suck against Heavies. Nothing sweeter than knocking the shit out of a charging Demo with a crit KGB punch.
Natascha also works wonders against them.


Has problems recognising girls
I've heard that compression blast works quite well too, but I never tested that theory out and won't be able to till tomorrow.


It depends on your class experience. Heavies and Sniper have the easiest time against them, but everyone is getting better at fighting them with their preferred classes that it's not as much of a problem. Pyro is my preferred and now I don't even have to pull out the shotgun to beat them. Other than that charge, they've got nothing to help in close combat, as my flames out reach their swing (at least I think so?) and like a Dead Ringer I can just airblast them away from my teammates while setting them on fire, and usually my teammates will see the large, loud, and angry sword wielding demoman and shoot him too.

I've seen Soldiers take this opportunity to master multi airshots. Fact is, treat them like spun up Heavies. Deadly at close range, but you can pop them around and keep them in one place for everyone to focus on.

The wonderful thing about this update is that even with more combat classes, the update weapons aren't spammy, so I'm only getting frustrated when I'm consistently playing against better players/teams.

My only dislike is that just about every server that isn't a 30-man server has been clearing out more often. 'Pro' people dislike the update, maps and all (except for the Direct Hit of course) and this causes a lot of my favorite servers to be sparse. My biggest problem with sparseness is that you lose a lot of team aspect and it becomes more deathmatchy, plus the only thing keeping Scouts from becoming the strongest class in the game is large groups.


Damn, my Ubersaw is gone and I have no clue how I lost it. I always paid attention to what I use in crafting. Well, no more medic for me for now. :(


Has problems recognising girls
Won said:
Damn, my Ubersaw is gone and I have no clue how I lost it. I always paid attention to what I use in crafting. Well, no more medic for me for now. :(
This is something I'm incredibly worried about. It'd be nice if they could "tag" down a certain weapon you always wanted to keep within your inventory, something similar to how they did it with the normal weapons for all classes.


relies on auto-aim
speedpop said:
This is something I'm incredibly worried about. It'd be nice if they could "tag" down a certain weapon you always wanted to keep within your inventory, something similar to how they did it with the normal weapons for all classes.
It has been brought up and will probably be in the next patch (probably a equipped sign and a warning)
speedpop said:
Just started playing again a few days ago. Any decent strategies against the horde of Eyelander-wielding Demos? Only one I can haphazardly come up with atm is that they absolutely suck against Heavies. Nothing sweeter than knocking the shit out of a charging Demo with a crit KGB punch.
Not saying this in a condescending manner, but any class that has regular bullets can take down an Chargin' Demoman with relative ease. It also helps if you have some sort of weapon that can juggle 'em. All you need to do as a Soldier for instance: shoot a rocket at his feet once or twice, then proceed to wear him down with your shotgun.


Hazaro said:
It has been brought up and will probably be in the next patch (probably a equipped sign and a warning)

They already put an "equipped" sign in their last bug fix patch, but I don't remember if there's a warning.

Honestly though, if you're the type of person that likes to switch between loadouts a lot, it doesn't really help if the last time you played you unequipped something and then end up crafting and forgetting...

The only real system I could see working is allow milestone unlocked weapons to never be crafted, but it'd ruin some of the risk/reward of the system.


Subconscious Brolonging
speedpop said:
Just started playing again a few days ago. Any decent strategies against the horde of Eyelander-wielding Demos? Only one I can haphazardly come up with atm is that they absolutely suck against Heavies. Nothing sweeter than knocking the shit out of a charging Demo with a crit KGB punch.

Heavy and scout rip them apart. If you go pyro, set them on fire, blast them away, and then axetinguisher (sp?) them. Everything else is pretty much just backpedal+shotty/pistol.


Well, looks like the item fairy blessed me with Backburner #214. Was able to craft myself a new Ubersaw out of it. Everything is good again in Medicland. :D

Just need a hat for him. :(


Update released:
Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Server Browser (for TF2 and DoD:S)
Added a client-side server blacklist
-Supports blacklisting of specific servers, all servers on an IP, and all servers on a class C range
-Saves the server list to a file, and has an Import button to allow easy sharing (cfg\server_blacklist.txt)

Balance changes
Reduced the health penalty on The Sandman
The Force-A-Nature knockback on target now
-Only applies to hits that deal more than 30 damage and are in close range
-Factors in the firer's angle of attack when determining the knockback direction
-Has less of an effect on grounded targets
The Dead Ringer now
-Reduces cloak to 40% when uncloaking early
-Has a 35% cap on the amount of cloak it can gain from an ammo pack
-Has a quieter de-cloak sound

Changes / Fixes
Fixed a performance & stability issue with AMD processors
Improved the stability of the game server -> item backend connection
Fixed a rare server crash related to dispensers
Added min/max values to viewmodel_fov convar to match the settings in the slider
Reduced the number of moons in ctf_doublecross, sadly
Demo playback now ignores sv_pure settings, allowing demos to easily contain custom content
Fixed a crash related to sv_pure and the wireframe_dx6 shader
Players can no longer shoot while stunned
Fixed a bug that caused movement speed reductions to not work on stunned players
Soldier Rage bar no longer resets when touching a resupply cabinet

Achievement fixes
Fixed the "Second Eye" Demoman achievement
Fixed a bug in the "Play Doctor" Medic achievement
Changed the requirements for the "Medals of Honor" Soldier achievement
Updated description for the "Blind Fire" Demoman achievement to better explain the requirements
Fixed an issue that affected several achievements requiring the use of the Equalizer

Community requests
Added "skip_next_map" server ConCommand to skip the next map in the map cycle
Added "Play a hit sound whenever you injure an enemy" option to the Multiplayer->Advanced options menu
Added server "tf_use_fixedshotgunspreads" convar. When set, shotgun & scattergun pellet spreads will use a non-random distribution
Added a "show_htmlpage" command to allow server operators to display custom web pages to clients

Changes to the TF Bots
In KOTH mode, Bots are now
-More likely to roam around and hunt enemies if there is lots of time left
-Become more likely to push for the point as time runs down, or their teammates start to capture it
Medic bots now
-Opportunistically "overheal" nearby friends when they can
-Prioritize healing of injured nearby friends more
-Don't focus on Heavies quite so exclusively
-Don't spam their Medigun continuously at round start
-Won't choose cover far below their heal target so much (koth_nucleus)
-Fight back with their syringe-gun appropriately
Various improvements to combat behaviors
General bot improvements
-They no longer stand still on the point when capturing or defending it
-They choose more varied routes now
-They choose better defensive spots around captured points
-They fall back to another weapon when they entirely run out of ammo
-They adjust their FOV when using zoomed in sniper scope
-They treat in-range Sentries as the most dangerous threat
-They fire their weapons is more realistic bursts
-Engineers use their shotgun properly
Added a "virtual mousepad" concept to rework how bots track enemy players
-They now periodically estimate the position and velocity of the enemy they are tracking, instead of "locking on"
-After rotating beyond a maximum angle, they will pause for a fraction of a second to re--center their "virtual mouse"
-Allows for over/undershoot "slop" in aiming. Looks more natural, and allows skilled players to dodge
-Addresses the "180 spin around and fire", "Heavy bot is OP", "Sniper is OP", and "I can't fight a Heavy bot as a Scout" issues
Tuned Sniper spot finding algorithm to generate more diverse locations, partially addressing the "Predictable Sniper camping spots" issue
Soldier bots are more careful to not fire rockets that will explode on nearby geometry and kill them
Fixed a bug where bots tried to heal from a Dispenser being carried by an Engineer
Tuned scoreboard logic to guard against malicious server operators spoofing bot pings to hide the "BOT" tag
Added more bot names as suggested by the TF community
Predictable complaining...
Reduced the health penalty on The Sandman
The Force-A-Nature knockback on target now
-Only applies to hits that deal more than 30 damage and are in close range
-Factors in the firer's angle of attack when determining the knockback direction
-Has less of an effect on grounded targets
It's really hard to deny at this point that the Scout update was the biggest clusterfuck of all the updates so far. :lol They're still tweaking the weapons in significant ways. And they still haven't touched Bonk yet.

The Dead Ringer now
-Has a 35% cap on the amount of cloak it can gain from an ammo pack
I'm not clear on this, does this mean that a DR spy can now only recharge 35% of his cloak bar while cloaked total, or is this per ammo box cloaked and uncloaked both?

The bot updates sound impressive. I particularly like the cleverness of this aspect:
-After rotating beyond a maximum angle, they will pause for a fraction of a second to re--center their "virtual mouse"
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