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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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TheOneGuy said:

the admins added recently are awful

theyll shout and swear at new players, constantly talk about random stuff on the mic, ban players for reasons that dont make sense, cause their team to lose by not trying or just not helping their team, and try to prevent anyone else from having fun

also theyre just really annoying people and not cool like the older admins


I need to get my new computer parts soon. I've been playing MW2 and I'm missing the TF2 high jinks of random crits and facestabs that make people rage.


rar said:
the admins added recently are awful

theyll shout and swear at new players, constantly talk about random stuff on the mic, ban players for reasons that dont make sense, cause their team to lose by not trying or just not helping their team, and try to prevent anyone else from having fun

also theyre just really annoying people and not cool like the older admins



Orellio said:

socratez, aserwerth, marmot

i liked mrhappy and lemon alot better

plus the entire clan takes itself way too seriously and pats themselves on the back constantly..


Boonoo said:

You know you're jealous. Admit it!


Still no eng update rumors?


rar said:
the admins added recently are awful

theyll shout and swear at new players, constantly talk about random stuff on the mic, ban players for reasons that dont make sense, cause their team to lose by not trying or just not helping their team, and try to prevent anyone else from having fun

also theyre just really annoying people and not cool like the older admins

I have to agree. One or two of them act pretty childish with their "powers". The last week hasn't been too bad though at least during the late evenings. The biggest thing I've noticed is the server instability and how rarely a round is close to being evenly matched.

I'd be happy to start up a server, but they usually only last a couple of months and then the creater gets banned on GAF. The two are unrelated of course, but it's still SO CREEPY.


rar said:
socratez, aserwerth, marmot

i liked mrhappy and lemon alot better

plus the entire clan takes itself way too seriously and pats themselves on the back constantly..

Mm, yeah, Socraztez I know in particular is kinda up his own butt with the admin privileges. Don't really have anything bad to say about Aser and Marmot, though I agree with you in liking MrHappy and Lemon more.

Javaman said:
I'd be happy to start up a server, but they usually only last a couple of months and then the creater gets banned on GAF. The two are unrelated of course, but it's still SO CREEPY.

:lol Disregarding Cheeto and his server we're batting 1000! I still can't believe how many posts Icy racked up in this thread.. dude's been banned almost a year (more by now?) and he still has the most posts in here than anyone by quite a large margin.


What are the better server hosting companies? I'd like one with stat tracking (While not a fan personally, it keeps people coming back) on the East coast. We've got a smaller collection of people than the F7 group so a 16-20 player server would probably work out. I think the smaller number of players makes the maps a bit more balanced anyways. If I can find a decent host I'll get one started for a couple months trial and see how it goes from there.


Orellio said:
Mm, yeah, Socraztez I know in particular is kinda up his own butt with the admin privileges. Don't really have anything bad to say about Aser and Marmot, though I agree with you in liking MrHappy and Lemon more.

marmot doesnt really say alot of but he mutes people really fast and wants people to be super mature constantly. aserwerth is really concerned with his stats and rank and achievements and doesnt help his team out alot and is sort of creepy

i probably make it out to be worse than it really is :p

Javaman said:
What are the better server hosting companies? I'd like one with stat tracking (While not a fan personally, it keeps people coming back) on the East coast. We've got a smaller collection of people than the F7 group so a 16-20 player server would probably work out. I think the smaller number of players makes the maps a bit more balanced anyways. If I can find a decent host I'll get one started for a couple months trial and see how it goes from there.

im not sure about hosting companies but id would definitely support the server however i could
i think 20 or 24 would be nice. that way not only does it flow better but you could also have a bigger map pool with push and koth maps if you wanted

btw im pet on the servers


I wouldn't go below 24 people. X:
Orellio said:
:lol Disregarding Cheeto and his server we're batting 1000! I still can't believe how many posts Icy racked up in this thread.. dude's been banned almost a year (more by now?) and he still has the most posts in here than anyone by quite a large margin.
Wow, are you serious?

That's... crazy. O:


[-]February 23, 2010 - Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Fixed servers being inappropriately delisted from the master server

Team Fortress 2
Updated CTF_Doublecross
Improved clipping to prevent players from getting to unintended places
Updated CTF_2Fort
Fixed Blue players being able to block the Blue spawn room doors to lock in teammates
Moved the Blue team Sniper wall down to match the Red team Sniper wall
Updated Russian localization strings
Fixed the Pyro not being able to deflect enemy flares
Fixed pipebombs not being removed if they explode in a func_nogrenades zone


Hooray at that wall fix, it was annoying to be on Blu and know that Red knew you were there because they would be able to see your feet (and not having that same advantage against Red).


rar said:
im not sure about hosting companies but id would definitely support the server however i could
i think 20 or 24 would be nice. that way not only does it flow better but you could also have a bigger map pool with push and koth maps if you wanted

24 is a pretty good size for comfortable pub scouting. f7 is pretty good, in general. It just sours now and then. Some selective muting here and there can work pretty well. I wish they would add goddamn badlands to the rotation, though.

Fixed servers being inappropriately delisted from the master server

Here's hoping this fixes the disappearing DM servers.


Boonoo said:
24 is a pretty good size for comfortable pub scouting. f7 is pretty good, in general. It just sours now and then. Some selective muting here and there can work pretty well. I wish they would add goddamn badlands to the rotation, though.

32 players is alot for badlands, but there arent always 32 players

what should really happen is the maps on the vote should scale according to the number of players on the server. if its the morning and only 7 people on badlands or fastlane or viaduct should be on the list of maps to vote for


Nabs said:
Fixed the Pyro not being able to deflect enemy flares
YAY. A friendly enemy pyro helped me verify that this works tonight. I thought I was going insane trying it once before after I saw a flare pong youtube video. :lol I guess it got broken at some point and they just fixed it.

And the biggest F7 problem is that Blizzard guy! He complains all the time!
I don't usually have a problem with the admins...mostly I just mute people if they become annoying, like clown when he's in a screamy mood. :p


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Well I just started playing again. Guess some of the new admins on the f7 servers are jerks judging from everyone's response.


Crafted my first hat.

I decided to just roll with a random one instead of going for the 4 refined + token.

And I got the Heavys' Helmet! Which I already have. FUCK :(


I finally watched the rest of that DispleasedEskimo video. The scout part was great, and I've never been a demo fan, but the demo part was amazing with that music. :D Another Nightwish song to like!


Ugh. I'm getting kicked out of TF2 for failing to connect to VAC servers every 5 minutes or so. Steam also kicks me offline. I set up a connection monitor to see if it's my entire internet or just steam and so far it looks like the latter. (although the test is only a google ping every 5 seconds). Maybe this is due to the beta. Anyone else having the same issues?


Boonoo said:
That's a strange problem Java. Have you tried jumping back to the old ui? It wouldn't be a firewall issue would it?

On another note. Here's a pretty amazing (comp) tf2 frag video.

I'm going to give that a shot tonight. I hadn't changed anything in my configuration for years so I don't think it's a firewall problem.

Reverting worked like a champ. No more VAC time outs for me after going back to the original.


rar said:
i like the old steam ui better, i appreciate the features of the new one but its too dark and too grey

I feel pretty similar. I like the feature set of this ui, but I don't really like the aesthetics (not that I liked them in the old version either). I imagine that skins will help with this issue, though.


I'm nearing 50 hours logged in the game :D.

Unfortunately, I'm having more and more performance issues with the game. I'm gonna cross post what I posted in the Steam Community Forums in the hopes that someone here has any suggestions:

I know there have been a million threads about TF2 performance getting worse and worse with each update, but the problem I'm having is a bit more peculiar.

I used to be able to run TF2 at 1680x1050 and a constant 60FPS, but in the past few months, I've encountered random performance drops. The frame rate hangs around 40-60 most of the time, but then, every few minutes, it drops to 15-20 FPS for a minute or so. This happens regardless of what's happening on screen - I'll be in the spawn when the framerate suddenly drops, and it can pick back up to 60FPS during a huge firefight. It also isn't affected by lowering settings - my max FPS is slightly higher at 1280x800, but it still dips to the teens every few minutes.

I thought this may have been the result of another process spiking its CPU usage periodically - antivirus, for instance. I added Steam to the exceptions list on MSE, and it didn't help. Finally, I decided to run resource manager in the background to monitor what it was suddenly choking my PC. Turns it, it's Team Fortress 2 itself which is having random CPU spikes.

I tried to printscreen a CPU spike, but I found I wasn't able - strangely enough, TF2's CPU usage goes back to normal as soon as I alt-tab out of the game. So here's the best screenshot I could muster up:


I'm at a complete loss of how to deal with this problem. Obviously, my computer can run the game just fine - it does so 70% of the time. But the sudden framerate drops are making the game nearly unplayable - lowering settings doesn't help, and alt-tabbing in and out of the game gets annoying.

It's mystifying. I love Team Fortress 2, and I want to keep playing, but this is just ridiculous.

Here are my specs:
Core 2 Duo T7700 @ 2.4 GHz
Nvidia Geforce 8600M
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

EDIT: also worth mentioning that enabling Multi-Core Rendering improves the problem somewhat, but also introduces mouse-lag.



relies on auto-aim
I used to have that problem but only on the non patched double_cross ( or whatever) and viaduct... and event_harvest.

That was TF2/the servers fault though


intangibles, motherfucker
Im thinking about picking this up on steam. I played it on orange box on 360 for a little bit but felt totally lost. Any advice?


Orellio said:
Play medic and stick to the highest soldier or demo on the server. You'll learn map flow and the ins and outs in no time.

Medic can be a bit tricky for a first; people have expectations. Pyro is nice for first learning things; heavy is good too, but maybe a bit too slow for a more or less first timer.


CB3 said:
Im thinking about picking this up on steam. I played it on orange box on 360 for a little bit but felt totally lost. Any advice?

If you are a pyro and your teammates are on fire you can use compression blast (mouse 2) to blow them out.

When you get the equalizer as soldier--medics cannot heal you while you have your equalizer out.

If you are playing Arena as a Spy--at the start of a match the dead ringer will give away first blood critical to the enemy.

Soldier is the best class.
Javaman said:
What are the better server hosting companies? I'd like one with stat tracking (While not a fan personally, it keeps people coming back) on the East coast. We've got a smaller collection of people than the F7 group so a 16-20 player server would probably work out. I think the smaller number of players makes the maps a bit more balanced anyways. If I can find a decent host I'll get one started for a couple months trial and see how it goes from there.
Please do this, Java! I just got a new computer so I'm finally playing TF2 again here and there, and I plan to play way more once the summer rolls around.


Boonoo said:
Medic can be a bit tricky for a first; people have expectations. Pyro is nice for first learning things; heavy is good too, but maybe a bit too slow for a more or less first timer.

Good point actually. Though if he joined a random pub server I doubt he'd get too much harassment. Pyro would be my next suggestion after medic for learning the game basics as well.


Boonoo said:
Medic can be a bit tricky for a first; people have expectations. Pyro is nice for first learning things; heavy is good too, but maybe a bit too slow for a more or less first timer.

i think soldier is easiest to start with

just shoot peoples feet and learn to rocket jump! its fun


Aye, I spent a good few hours on this over the last couple of days. I enjoy both the soldier and engineer classes. Setting up a turret and raking in the kills is a lot of fun, but you don't learn a lot about the maps hiding round a corner hitting a sentry with a wrench!

The angry woman announcing the times/win/losses etc is awesome.

Anyway, a question: I seem to get upgrades for various classes seemingly at random. I got an improved bonesaw for the medic at one point, and I've only played a medic very briefly. Is there any kind of order to these upgrades, and any website listing them?


CB3 said:
Im thinking about picking this up on steam. I played it on orange box on 360 for a little bit but felt totally lost. Any advice?
find a good server with a community you enjoy.

I would recommend:
SLAUGHTERHOUSE [ SAN JOSE, CA ] - (or slaughterhouse.nuclearfallout.net)

great bunch of guys, been pretty much playing exclusively on their severs for 2 years now, and eventually joined the clan. (there are more servers but this is the main one) We play a mix of custom and valve maps, and have a guy who constantly makes changes to the rotations. If it wasn't for me stumbling on this server a few years back I wouldn't have had this much fun playing TF2. We have a large aussie and brit group of players that play on the san jose server all night long even with the slight latency.


Will QA for food.
I play on F7 mostly, but I alternate with Doorman is God too. Either their Stock Maps, or Arena server. Both have a good group of regulars, and generally tolerable Admins. Generally.


so im done with playing on f7, though alot of my friends play there and it can be fun sometimes i just cant support a server whose admins are complete jerks and basically trolls

java did you give up on that server idea already? i wouldnt blame you if you did :/
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