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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Has problems recognising girls
A few weeks ago you couldn't be invisible, come out, taunt, go back invisible and get the move done. It only worked when you taunted then went invisible, but now you can pull it off so easily.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
rar said:
so im done with playing on f7, though alot of my friends play there and it can be fun sometimes i just cant support a server whose admins are complete jerks and basically trolls

java did you give up on that server idea already? i wouldnt blame you if you did :/

I wish that server didn't have all talk, or that the f7 nubs would stop whining about being killed all the time. They love being dominated by a huntsman sniper. haha


rar said:
so im done with playing on f7, though alot of my friends play there and it can be fun sometimes i just cant support a server whose admins are complete jerks and basically trolls

java did you give up on that server idea already? i wouldnt blame you if you did :/

I'll fire one up this week, probably a 24 player. It'll be fun to get some GAF games going again!


Will QA for food.
Javaman said:
I'll fire one up this week, probably a 24 player. It'll be fun to get some GAF games going again!


I'll probably have time to play this week, and I'll surely join. :D


Javaman said:
I'll fire one up this week, probably a 24 player. It'll be fun to get some GAF games going again!
I'll also start playing again if you do this... I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't end up like the last one I did (never full). It's going to be hard to pull myself away from League of Legends and BFBC2 though.


Cheeto said:
I'll also start playing again if you do this... I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't end up like the last one I did (never full). It's going to be hard to pull myself away from League of Legends and BFBC2 though.
Your incentive is that you get to play with the Twigmeister.


It's good to see some excitement for this! I'm going to start with 2 or 3 months and go from there in case things die down quickly. I really like how f7 handles it's next round map vote where you have a choice of 3 maps or to extend. Anyone know which server mod they are using? No donations please. That leads down a road filled with too much drama. :lol

Any thoughts on these settings?

24player server
Normal spawn time
Default maps (with a couple of well known custom ones)
-No Egypt
-No Hydro (Any other iffy ones I should exclude?)

We've got to blow the dust off of some of the old GAFers who hadn't played in months. Puyo WHERE/WHAT ARE YOU?


Cheeto: ]=

maybe we could even get kak playing again lol


i agree with egypt though fuck that map


Throw 2fort and Doublecross into the rotation for some CTF actionz (if you can set map-specific timers, set 2fort to something like 30 minutes max [most won't appreciate a stalemate]).


Does anyone have any custom map recommendations? I don't want to go with anything too esoteric since it'll empty the server out fast.

Two I'd like to add are pl_Frontier and pl_Castle

Botolf said:
Throw 2fort and Doublecross into the rotation for some CTF actionz (if you can set map-specific timers, set 2fort to something like 30 minutes max [most won't appreciate a stalemate]).

Better yet, 1 cap limit. :lol

I'll probably set it to a two round limit for all the maps assuming I can get a decent server mod going. That way steam rolls don't go on and on and on.

We'll have to unwind F7's tendrils from Blinblue and Kuro.


Will QA for food.
Javaman said:
It's good to see some excitement for this! I'm going to start with 2 or 3 months and go from there in case things die down quickly. I really like how f7 handles it's next round map vote where you have a choice of 3 maps or to extend. Anyone know which server mod they are using? No donations please. That leads down a road filled with too much drama. :lol

Any thoughts on these settings?

24player server
Normal spawn time
Default maps (with a couple of well known custom ones)
-No Egypt
-No Hydro (Any other iffy ones I should exclude?)

We've got to blow the dust off of some of the old GAFers who hadn't played in months. Puyo WHERE/WHAT ARE YOU?

24 player, normal respawn is good. Control Point, Capture the Flag, and Arena are all fine by me. Turbine is one of the few maps I could live without, but it can be tolerated. :lol


Javaman said:
I'll fire one up this week, probably a 24 player. It'll be fun to get some GAF games going again!

You HAVE to wait until my new video card comes :( Like 2 days.

And no fastlane or turbine plz!

Edit: Default spawn times are sooo long. I don't like insta-spawn but maybe they could be lowered to 8-10 seconds or so.


Orellio said:
You HAVE to wait until my new video card comes :( Like 2 days.

And no fastlane or turbine plz!

Edit: Default spawn times are sooo long. I don't like insta-spawn but maybe they could be lowered to 8-10 seconds or so.

I wouldn't sweat it man, it's going to take at least that long to get some of the bugs worked out.

Yeah, insta-spawn sucks severely. It totally throws any balance out the window on CP and PL maps. Blue trickles in to the last point into a solid wall of respawning red death. It's possible to punch through eventually, but it takes much more coordination or a stacked team.

I wonder if it's possible to give people with a certain prefix like [GAF] automatic reserve status? Obviously anyone can change their name, but if we keep this lowkey maybe it'll be an easy way to let GAFers take priority on the server. Better yet, I wish source games would let you do the same with people in certain steam groups.


Javaman said:
I wouldn't sweat it man, it's going to take at least that long to get some of the bugs worked out.

I wonder if it's possible to give people with a certain prefix like [GAF] automatic reserve status? Obviously anyone can change their name, but if we keep this lowkey maybe it'll be an easy way to let GAFers take priority on the server.

Newegg is pretty speedy, it should be here on Thursday I would guess. As for reserved slots I would talk to Bloodletter about that. I don't know if it's possible to auto-flag anyone with a [GAF] tag as reserved, but he at least has experience with it all. Probably more than most of us here anyway.


Javaman said:
It's good to see some excitement for this! I'm going to start with 2 or 3 months and go from there in case things die down quickly. I really like how f7 handles it's next round map vote where you have a choice of 3 maps or to extend. Anyone know which server mod they are using? No donations please. That leads down a road filled with too much drama. :lol

Any thoughts on these settings?

24player server
Normal spawn time
Default maps (with a couple of well known custom ones)
-No Egypt
-No Hydro (Any other iffy ones I should exclude?)

f7 is sourcemod with alot of plugins

i dont really like gorge. maybe others do, im not sure.. its tolerable though

my personal line-up would be:
cp: dustbowl, steel, gravel pit, furnace
pl: badwater, gold rush, cashworks
plr: pipeline, panic
push: badlands, granary
koth: viaduct, sawmill

i really wish there was a sourcemod plugin that automatically switches the maps on the vote list depending on how many players are on the server.. like if there are only 6 people playing, maps like granary and viaduct would be more likely to be an option, whereas if theres 13 badwater and dustbowl are more likely.

or just so you can adjust the frequency of a map appearing. like theres only a 3% chance that a map like panic will be on since its a map people might only want to play every once in a long while and it doesnt clog up the list in favor of the usual maps. maybe it already is this way, not sure :/


rar said:
f7 is sourcemod with alot of plugins

i dont really like gorge. maybe others do, im not sure.. its tolerable though

my personal line-up would be:
cp: dustbowl, steel, gravel pit, furnace
pl: badwater, gold rush, cashworks
plr: pipeline, panic
push: badlands, granary
koth: viaduct, sawmill

i really wish there was a sourcemod plugin that automatically switches the maps on the vote list depending on how many players are on the server.. like if there are only 6 people playing, maps like granary and viaduct would be more likely to be an option, whereas if theres 13 badwater and dustbowl are more likely.

or just so you can adjust the frequency of a map appearing. like theres only a 5% chance that gorge will be on the list, so its not clogging the list in favor of maps people really want. maybe it already is this way, im not sure :/

How could I forget cashworks. That map is Ace.


Currently installing at...

It's not going to be stable for a while though since I've got some setting up to do.


Oh neat! I'll definitely jump on this. Can we get all talk going? I think it makes things pretty nice.

Edit: ZOMG! i'm on the server
Edit 2: I'm lonely D:


I actually don't mind Egypt, but I'm the exception. And event harvest is cool. I'll definitely try to play on the server, thanks!


Blizzard said:
I actually don't mind Egypt, but I'm the exception. And event harvest is cool. I'll definitely try to play on the server, thanks!

i dont mind egypt, but ive barely played on the map bc no one ever votes for it, so i dont know

warpath is terrible though


Fair enough.

There was no official GAF server before today.

Lots of people play on F7 Lans. And... other... servers. I don't know the names. A few of us play on 2f2f.

But now we have Java's server!! !


Man I just felt completely off tonight. ]:

Probably has something to do with how much I've been playing Pirates, Vikings, and Knights lately. PROTIP: In melee-focused games it makes sense to charge in like a maniac. In ranged-focused games it doesn't!

ALSO: Some of you cats are way too srs bsns. Chill.


Good games. We got up to 22 people at one point, I think. Someone helped Java figure out the alltalk command (or they were able to change it and he couldn't), so hopefully he gets all his admin stuff straightened out soon. Ping and framerate seemed mostly decent for me. :)


Blizzard said:
Good games. We got up to 22 people at one point, I think. Someone helped Java figure out the alltalk command (or they were able to change it and he couldn't), so hopefully he gets all his admin stuff straightened out soon. Ping and framerate seemed mostly decent for me. :)

Here's the issues I'm still having. The server has SourceMOD installed by default. I added manimod to it to get additional features, but I think the two of them are fighting over the map changes. I'm going to try again with just the sourcemod installed and whatever plugins I need.

Voting works, but the map doesn't change correctly.

For whatever reason RCON isn't working for me. Others can use it to enable alltalk but it's risky giving that out since they can pretty much change any of the server variables.

This is what I was using...

sv_alltalk 1

Reading up a bit, I might have to do a "rcon_port 27015" before the password.
Had fun guys, catch you later!


Dammit! I went home last weekend for hopefully the last time before spring break, and now Java's set up a server? Dammit! I might run home again this weekend just to play. Might. Shouldn't. But might. Dammit.

Spring break is in two weeks for me and I'll have a mess of crises to deal with from midterms to friends with spring breaks starting this weekend instead of next. And each day I'll have to walk with this internal torture from you all. Life is painful.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for putting up a server, Java! Might actually get me back into TF2 (as long as it doesn't die like the rest of my beloved TF2 server favorites).


Has problems recognising girls
I'd join in on the shenanigans but you guys probably don't need a Medic with 300ping+ showing you all up :D

Brand new posting about the Engineer update, but indirectly. It talks in detail about their test of an item called the Repair Node, and something they learned about changing the available Engineer builds.

On a side note, it was so weird to see just "Dammit dammit dammit dammit!" on the beta Steam News listing. It looked like someone's frustrated test entry while debugging. :lol

Edit: Didn't see the Gaming Discussion topic, here.


Javaman said:
For whatever reason RCON isn't working for me. Others can use it to enable alltalk but it's risky giving that out since they can pretty much change any of the server variables.

This is what I was using...

sv_alltalk 1

Reading up a bit, I might have to do a "rcon_port 27015" before the password.
Had fun guys, catch you later!

oh i think i know what was wrong now, there is no underscore between the word 'password' and the actual password, and rcon commnds need to be prefaced with the word 'rcon'

so it would be this:

rcon_password <password>
rcon sv_alltalk 1

also to change level its:

rcon changelevel <map name>


rar said:
oh i think i know what was wrong now, there is no underscore between the word 'password' and the actual password, and rcon commnds need to be prefaced with the word 'rcon'

so it would be this:

rcon_password <password>
rcon sv_alltalk 1

also to change level its:

rcon changelevel <map name>

Whoops, that was a typo in my post. I don't use one in the console.
changelevel works from the admin menu. I'll have to try using rcon to change it and also test the rcon chat.

ahoyhoy said:
Thanks for putting up a server, Java! Might actually get me back into TF2 (as long as it doesn't die like the rest of my beloved TF2 server favorites).
speedpop said:
I'd join in on the shenanigans but you guys probably don't need a Medic with 300ping+ showing you all up :D
The more the merrier!


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Oh that's really great of you to host a server Java! I'd join you guys but I'm on spring break right now away from my desktop. Looking forward to sniping you in the head though!


Good news. I got the alltalk issue fixed. Also I believe the map voting is working.
Here's the cycle right now...


And the current map list..

server settings are
mp_timelimit "20"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_maxrounds "2"
mp_autoteambalance "1"
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay "5"
mp_teams_unbalance_limit "2"

sv_alltalk "1"

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