I thought just my stream was crappingSomeone downloading terabytes of granny porn at FR and streams went to shit.
You're forgetting the arcade scene has similarly suffered setbacks. It's not just the console scene. And if releasing on consoles didn't have any impact on arcade sales, we wouldn't be waiting two years for the game to release.
I'm not forgetting that because Harada stated last year than T7 is the highest most profitable Tekken in arcades ever and mind you this was even before the BR update's came out, even a location test for BR. It's also not even close to the amount of time the T6 series was in arcades and yet it's already surpassed each former entries. Basically, even if the arcade scene has suffered, T7's arcade sales have surpassed each former Tekken game's sales when each of those games were thriving in greater arcade times.
So no, arcades aren't affected by Tekken's console sales when they surpass each previous Tekken's sales in a worse arcade lively period.
We're waiting for T7 to release on consoles until after the updated version (FR) releases. It's been this way since T6. We'll never get a Tekken on consoles until after am updated revision. Once FR releases we'll then get an update. They're not going to rush FR out immediately for arcades.
Tekken Tag 2 streams always get sabotaged.
Nice to see you guys smiling. Looks like you guys are having a good time.
And that's exactly why Namco has delayed console because they want to milk the arcades as long as they can. And the reason it's more profitable is because it's based entirely on an online system and has a revenge match feature that keeps people playing the game. Even though an entire arcade might be empty, a person can still matchups.
Again, success for vanilla T7 doesn't mean arcade owners will have no problem with a console release happening early with FR. If console didn't have an impact, we wouldn't be waiting for as long as we have been.
This doesn't make sense.
I honestly think you're trying to find a reason why it's happening rather than understanding what's going on and then finding out. You're honestly thinking that Namco, when Tekken 7's arcade sales have surpassed each previous Tekkens, are actually going to milk arcades when they're doing great sales, which is fine but there's an issue here. If Tekken was doing bad in arcades you think that Namco would keep the game in arcades longer to make their sales as well. Basically, regardless how well T7 is doing in arcades by your logic they'll keep the games in arcades to get money, whether it's to make sales or keep getting successful sales...that makes no sense. You can't say "well no matter if Tekken 7's sales are good or bad they'll keep the game in arcades to milk them" because at that point it's not even about how the games are doing in arcades which throws your comments on how they're doing in arcades off. Just go ahead and say "I think the games will stay in arcades long to get money no matter how well the game's doing because I think Namco's that kind of company" and don't talk about how arcades are doing overseas, how the game's sales have been and anything else correlating to that. Just say you think they're that kind of company regardless of the extras.
I'm not talking about why it's more profitable, I know why it is, I'm just talking about the fact it is more profitable. At the end of the day money to Namco is money to Namco so the why in this case isn't important.
And again I can't stress this enough, the reason we're waiting this long for the console version is based on the fact that the update version hasn't released yet. It's been the same thing for the past 10 years. Even if Tekkens sales were bad in arcade we'd still have to wait for an update for the arcade version. If Tekken's sales were great we'd have to wait for an update. It's all about when the arcade version's update comes out. If they haven't released a Tekken for consoles for the past 10 since the last-gen came along, they're not going to suddenly do it now. At this point it's less about how the game is doing in arcades and more about when the update for arcades come out first because had we gained the updated version in arcades way earlier, we would have had an indication of when the console version comes out.
Very cool, enjoy ATL
This post doesn't make any sense.
I'm not saying if a game isn't performing well, Namco is going to keep it in the arcades. Why do you think Pokken Tournament had such a quick transition to console despite being announced and releasing after Tekken 7?
The main reason we're having this discussion is because you somehow have the impression that Namco is going to release Tekken 7 FR to consoles even before November 2016. I'll admittedly consider myself wrong when we see a console release happening that quick. In fact, I would be happy to be wrong. But for now, there is a slim to none chance of that happening. We'll find out soon enough, won't we?
Major Announcement at 8.pm!
The only news that could hype me up at the moment is the reveal of Lee Chaolan.
Pokken's releasing on consoles during it's current timeframe due to Nintendo and not Bandai Namco. That's purely a Nintendo move, they're just the suppliers. It's the same reason why Pokken's release schedule lines up perfectly with Nintendo's core titles and the same reason Nintendo's been heavily promoting the title compared to Sony barely promoting anything about Tekken 7. It's not as if Namco picked the licensing and everything's up to them, it's due to the fact that Nintendo decided it as such. That's also the main reason why Nintendo strictly told Namco to make the games different from Tekken and they listened. This is a completely different situation compared to Tekken 7 in which Sony doesn't hold any privilege over it compared to Pokken. Comparing Pokken and Tekken's release strategies because their Namco titles makes no sense in this case. When Tekken becomes a Sony-only title once more than it would make more sense but that's not true. This doesn't have to do with it's arcade sales.
The reason this discussion even happened is that I said the chart you provided was thrown off due to the fact that they've already started working on the PS4 version of the game. It said "November 2016 at the earliest" which has no backing to it due to the fact we're already seeing the game now. That estimation is inaccurate considering it takes 3-4 months to bring a big game to the PS4 and Tekken, whether you classify it as a big game or not's, already running on the console. I said it's possible, with that said it's not impossible. Nowhere did I say that it's indeed hitting this year, I said it's possible if we go by the actual lead developer of the PS4 on how long it takes to bring a game to his console and if we go by Namco's actual words on how far the development of this game is going. Namco somehow got all of the T5 modes in the game in 4 posts post arcade release and yet here they are already developing the PS4 which (according to the lead developer) is as easy as the PS1 to developer for and not as hard as the PS2). It's not a development issue and knowing Namco, they wouldn't want to wait a long time to get this game out for consoles once the update is released, that's not what they do. As soon as the arcade update is released then they start rushing.
If anything the chart should be July 2016 at the earliest due to the fact FR releases in arcades in July and 4 months post-March (the time we know the game's running on PS4) is July or August. That doesn't mean the game's releasing them, it wouldn't make sense based on the other modes likely but it is possible.
Either way I'm not saying it's definitely going to release this year. I'm saying it has a chance due to what the lead developer has said about developing on the PS4 and how long it takes Namco to release their stuff. It looks unlikely if Namco was a majorly corrupt marketing company which I majorly doubt. I'd agree more with you if Mark Cerny and Namco didn't make those statements. I gotta go with their word.
Yeah, Pokken's lack of success in arcades has nothing to do with it. /s. You keep thinking that. That was just one example. You can similarly look at Tekken Tag 2. It was not as successful as Tekken 6 in the arcades and it came jampacked with content with a 1 year time gap.
My timeline is perfectly fine because it estimates a November 2016 release at earliest - and that's perfectly reasonable because Namco is holding exhibition events to show off the game up to the end of October. There wouldn't be any reason to be doing such events if the game was on consoles and available to everyone. It also is highly unreasonable to expect Tekken 7 FR to arrive on consoles just four months after its arcade debut. Your argument is that consoles don't matter as much but you're failing to realize that not mattering as much is not equivalent to not mattering at all.
Just wait a few months more and we'll know who's right. Whether it's you or whether it's me. At the end of the day, the chances are that my timeline will be perfectly in line with when Tekken 7 might release. No need to go on an endless wall of text debate when time can decide for us.
Lmao right?We need a Rikstah for scale
I did for the most part. I need to play more SFV though.Nice to see you guys smiling. Looks like you guys are having a good time.
There is some kinda irony with Speedkicks facing Princess Ling in top 8, and it may not be streamed. De ja vu...
Yeah, Pokken's success in arcades has nothing to do with it's release on consoles, it has purely to do with Nintendo and TPC because if it were up to Namco they would have had an update for the game and it wouldn't be timed with Nintendo's release schedule and beyond that if it were just up to Namco they wouldn't have had guidelines. Nintendo and TPC had strict guidelines towards Pokken's development and release, go look up the interview from Harada stating this. Harada and company had numerous ideas that were looked over and nixed so yes I will keep thinking this. Pokken's lack of success in arcades doesn't dictate when it comes to consoles, it depends on Nintendo and The Pokemon Company's orders. Namco and Harada were overseen the entire time and they stuck to their guidelines because it's not like the Tekken series where it's all them in charge. Again, look up the interviews considering you're misinformed here.
And this goes back to what I said about Tekken not being as reliant on tourneys as SFV and beyond that going by your logic you assume that they're going to suddenly stop showing the game as tourneys when it's about to come out. That's false. It's going to be a regular in tourneys once it's out so that throws everything off. It's not as if they'll show it off at tourneys and then not show it for a long time until release. Secondly you saying it's unreasonable for it to arrive on the PS4 after 4 months post-arcade release when they've already started working on the PS4 version...just makes no sense. The game's already running on a PS4. You can't really think of an accurate reason to why it's not unreasonable unless you say "Namco's going to hold it back I don't trust their comments" because if you look at Namco's statements and the statements of the lead developer of the PS4....it makes perfect sense and lines up. Unless you think that Tekken 7 is a big game that's somehow larger than the 4 months Cerny said it'll take a big game to be ported to the PS4 I don't know what to tell you. Again, Namco's already working on this game as well, I mean it's not that hard.
Either way, we'll see what happens but one thing's for sure, you're not sure about the development of some of these games and how the systems work. That timeline is still inaccurate unless you think T7 is somehow harder to develop for compared to anything on the PS2 and PS3. I'm going to listen to Namco and Mark Cenry on this one.
Unless they're lying which I highly doubt.
And that's my last post on the matter.
I did for the most part. I need to play more SFV though.
Do you know what's the T7 Top 8? I know the TTT2 is Anakin vs Mak, SK vs PL, BMNS13 vs ElNegro, and Saint vs JFJ.
I think you're the one who's misinformed and doesn't understand how this cycle works.
Tell me of a single instance where arcade (or arcade update) to console transition took four or less months with Tekken? Never. You're suddenly expecting this with Tekken 7 FR because development on UE4 makes it easier? lol. Let's just forget that Tekken 7 is an HD game, which will still require more effort and resources compared to non-HD games to construct the meaty single player content that the Tekken games are known for.
In regards to Pokken, yeah, no duh, the Pokemon Company dictates everything because they're paying for the development. You don't think their decision for a console port would have been impacted if Pokken was massively successful in arcades and was making them a bunch of money? lol.
Again, I don't want to have an endless conversation with you on this. We'll let time decide who's right. I should bookmark this post and point it out for you when Tekken 7 FR releases within my projected timeline.
According to Cerny, the PS1's time-to-triangle was one to two months, while the powerful but more complicated PS2 had a time-to-triangle of three to six months. The PS3's time-to-triangle went up to six months to a year as a result of the complex Cell processor, well documented as turning third-party developers away from prioritizing the system.
In contrast, Cerny said the PS4's time-to-triangle is just one to two months, the same amount of time as the original PlayStation's.
Yeah this is my last time on this for real but I couldn't miss this.
It has happened before and it wouldn't just start with T7. Also understand this,
- The PS4 is easier to develop for than the PS2 was. The PS4 is as easy to develop for as the PS1
- The game has already begun the porting process and can already run on the console
so, it's not starting just after the arcade version releases, it's already in progress and not post-FR release like they've previously stated
- Mark Cerny says large and AAA titles can take only 1-3 months to bring to the PS4, that's large AAA titles, you mentioning "HD graphics" like AAA titles on the PS4 doesn't have those is hilarious
Here's a quote from an article
That is why T6 took a massive time to come out once the arcade version was out, because of development. You mentioning these "meaty single player content" from games (mostly T6) and yet the Cerny straight up told us that the PS3 had a long development time attached based on it's hardware. It wasn't due to Scenario Campaign at all and that's especially considering the fact they only announced that mode 4 months prior to release. When Sony says "PS3 has a 6mo-1ye dev cycle" and T6 comes out in 10 months you can't blame that on Scenario Campaign. You can talk about HD graphics and such all you want (as if the lead developer on the system isn't thinking about that when all AAA games these days have it) as well. Overall Tekken's release schedule post-arcade update release for consoles has never been due to any Namco money hat scheme.
This is why I say your chart is inaccurate. You estimating the game releases "November 2016-" must not be taking any comments from Harada, Murray or even the PS4's lead developer into account, same with it not taking into why Tekken games have released when they did...it's taking tourneys into account and your opinion (which obviously isn't based on comments from Harada and Murray especially when they said as soon as FR releases they'll get the console version ASAP and Cenry's comments). Either way at the end of the day a better example would be that the game would release anywhere from August 2016 through anytime in 2017, not November this year at the earliest. Why? Because it's already running on a PS4, because the PS4's development time and also based on the fact that they said they'd get it out ASAP.
Unless you think Namco's all about getting out zenny and screwing the customers over then all that's thrown out the window. Just say that and we're good.
This should be common sense tho since they released T5 on a system with 3x longer development times compared to the PS4, 6x longer development times times for the PS3 compared to the PS4 and the fact they're already working on the PS4 version of T7.
I'm out buddy. Nice talk lol.
That exhibition LOL!!!
@Sayah, cordy: I don't want to bring up the discussion again, just want to ask for an opinion real quick.
Would you find it likely for T7 to launch with PSVR? They're going to show off the arcade version of T7 FR until late October, the month when PS VR launches. It was also announced relatively early that T7 is going to be a VR game. So... T7 console release October 2016?
@Sayah, cordy: I don't want to bring up the discussion again, just want to ask for an opinion real quick.
Would you find it likely for T7 to launch with PSVR? They're going to show off the arcade version of T7 FR until late October, the month when PS VR launches. It was also announced relatively early that T7 is going to be a VR game. So... T7 console release October 2016?
T7 Top 8:
Saint vs Anakin
PLing vs Sodam
OniJin vs RenoFace
n8monster vs ???
Lmao love you too. But Top 8 TTT2 is about to start gents.
Where is the stream , either spooky or tekken are not streaming yet.
It's not up yet but it's gonna be on the Tekken stream, same with Tekken 7 later today.