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Tennessee cops restrain man in a chair and taze him 40 times.


Sheriff's department I would guess

I'm assuming that county's Sheriff's Office is in charge of the county jail over there. They really messed up. You have someone in a restraint chair like that they are normally left in an observation cell for no more than a couple hours while medical staff is supposed to check on them all while being recorded. They are supposed to be taken out of the restraint chair after two hours. I don't know what possed these individuals to use their tasers on this guy 40 times though. Once your been put in one properly , you can't even move. That's a serious misuse of force.

Ah, wow. Not from the US so all I knew is that a Sheriff is a higher position in the US police force. That seems like it should be an even bigger deal.


Jeff Sessions sending them medals of honor
Why not Purple Hearts too? I bet their fingers got chafed from all that tasing. Also some of them probably experienced mild muscle aches from holding down their writhing torture victim.


Ah, wow. Not from the US so all I knew is that a Sheriff is a higher position in the US police force. That seems like it should be an even bigger deal.
Sheriff is a different position in a US police force. Counties have sheriffs, while municipalities (cities and towns) have police chiefs. Sheriffs are also elected, while police chiefs are hired. States then have their own police forces, including highway patrol.
Are these the good cops everybody talks about? Maybe ask crazepharmacist.

I'm sure he will have a nice excuse as to why this is justified.

Edit: exactly what trump wants.


I was hoping for a happy story given the thread title even though I was pretty sure it was a typo : (

Shits fucked man, I hope those cops get brought to justice. The kid is lucky to be alive. That would've stopped many peoples hearts.

For fucking marijuana possession too. Not that it'd be better if the kid had done something worse, but damn...


Disgusting. I get chills seeing one of them holding his arms down so he doesn't flail while another tazers him.

This is what our police state has bred.


Disgusting. I get chills seeing one of them holding his arms down so he doesn't flail while another tazers him.

This is what our police state has bred.

Doesn't that mean that he'd feel the taser as well? Electricity only cares about going to ground. Seems like a dumbass move, though so does torturing anyone. Every cop in this video (which I'm not going to watch) needs to be fired, and every cop on duty in the station at the same time needs to be disciplined. It is unconscionable that people with a sworn duty to uphold the law did nothing while this was going on, nor revealed that it occurred after the fact.


Until I see a news story where a colleague filed a complaint, I’ll just assume that there are no good cops in the US. They’re all complicit in this. I’ve literally never seen a story where the complaint was filed from within the police force.


Have they been invited to the White House for a round of high fives yet?

Fuck these people. Fuck Trump encouraging this behavior.


Clicked on the video and quickly hit stop. What the fuck is this shit? I hope he can get a pay day from this.

He's not black, so Sessions might be angry.

He did get caught for selling weed, and we all know that that's the line that pushed Sessions over on the KKK.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
A first world country that trains its police force like they're operating in a third world dictatorship.


I mean there will likely be consequences to this case, look at the victims skin colour.

Nevertheless outrageous behaviour once again by Americas biggest gang.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Administrative leave?

Why are they not in prison on like 50 counts each? Assault, kidnapping, etc?
I'm just imagining: If those are the type of people they let into the police department, who do they refuse to hire?

Like what does the conversation look like in an interview for someone trying to get a position?

"Why do you want to work with us?"
"I want to keep the streets safe"

"Alright good enough!"

Zen Aku

This thread will probably be bumped in about 6 months and we'll find out that those officers were found innocent. Sadly.
This is ridiculous they tortured this guy on video. This was probably not the first time officers from that police department had tortured inmates and suspects.
This thread will probably be bumped in about 6 months and we'll find out that those officers were found innocent. Sadly.

There's literally a video of them gagging the man and using the taser. People would be able to free them from consequences but I'm not sure what off screen information would prove they, in fact, didn't torture this person. Juries have surprised me before though so maybe I just keep underestimating how ingrained cop worship is.

Royce McCutcheon

Junior Member
I'm sorry, that pic still has me dazed, I showed it to my homegirl and she asked "What movie that's from" geez. Dude even has his Sherrif hat still on.

The Kree

If most cops are good, two thirds of the police involved this incident should have been doing something very different than what they did.

It's such a weird coincidence that the bad ones always seem to clump together like that. Really weird.
Does the States not have a fucking test to get to become an officer? a psyche eval? Fucking anything at all before they give you power which you can apparently abuse at will?


I have a friend who became an officer in the UK several years ago and it took him a long time to become a fully-fledged officer.


Does the States not have a fucking test to get to become an officer? a psyche eval? Fucking anything at all before they give you power which you can apparently abuse at will?


I have a friend who became an officer in the UK several years ago and it took him a long time to become a fully-fledged officer.

They have IQ tests in order to determine whether you'e dumb enough to be a police officer.


So how long before this is ruled a "reasonable use of force"?

Give it another 5 minutes...

"When will GAF understand that cops always have life/death situations? The restrained man could have Hulked out and then attacked the innocent, noble cops. The criminal would have then joined the Avengers while the cops would be dead!

Do you want a criminal, who killed cops, on the Avengers???? They had good reason to taser a incapacitated man 40 times"

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