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Tennessee cops restrain man in a chair and taze him 40 times.


Legit shocked the victim wasn't black.
Knew he wasn't a minority because it didn't say executed/killed.

And I don't see why people are cheering on a payday. Pigs are torturing people. And you want to pay via-your-taxes, the victim, to teach them a lesson?

50 coal miners can hijack democracy. How many white people will it take to demand police reform?


how would we refer to this if it were another country, especially if there was a media build up to justify a military intervention?

"trump regime continues to torture, murder, abuse human rights"


How can you possible taze someone 40 times? That does not seem even possible without death or something. Good lord.
Bursts of drive stunning...
WTF How can they fucking taze someone 40 fucking times?
Can't you die with one or two tazes?

Also, OP I went in expecting a completely different thing.
You can die from one, or not die from 40.
I'm going to guess that the cops thought they were being heros here. Even if this guy was a drug dealing dirt bag this treatment wouldn't be justified.
Agreed. I've never treated someone beyond being respectful, no matter what the crime was, or how they treated me.

When had to take a written test, and also got to "ride the lightning" to be certified to use the thing. 40+ burn marks means the trigger was pulled 40+ times in 40+ separate locations on the body. Wonder how long the stuns were for each time. Yikes. We did it for 5 seconds with the tazer shot at us, prongs stick in our bodies. We feel that shit go through us, and it's crazy. It definitely affects people differently.

This is my fav:

After being hit with it, sometimes I would think about not using it and choosing hand to hand instead. Probably not the best decision to make for safety, but dayum. It left a lasting impression with me


This is my fav:

After being hit with it, sometimes I would think about not using it and choosing hand to hand instead. Probably not the best decision to make for safety, but dayum. It left a lasting impression with me
As if those self tests are even remotely the same thing. I hate how that crap is used so people can argue that they know what it feels like.

It's like saying "I've tried a pot brownie once so I get a feeling for what it's like being addicted to Meth".

I had surgery done on my hand so I definitely know what being stabbed in a robbing feels like.


As if those self tests are even remotely the same thing. I hate how that crap is used to people can argue that they know what it feels like.

It's like saying "I've tried a pot brownie once so I get a feeling for what it's like being addicted to Meth".

First, how was the tazer applied to you? How was your experience with the affects of the tazer different than mine?

Second, I never said anything about me being equated to what this man endured.
Not sure what the problem is here with my saying I've felt it (12 times btw) so I know this man was going through some shit.

I'll argue all day long I know how it feels because I felt it. What's your point?


First, how was the tazer applied to you? How was your experience with the affects of the tazer different than mine?

Second, I never said anything about me being equated to what this man endured.
Not sure what the problem is here with my saying I've felt it (12 times btw) so I know this man was going through some shit.

I'll argue all day long I know how it feels because I felt it. What's your point?
Whatever happens to you in a completely safe and controlled environment, being done by people who do not wish to do you harm is completely and 100% different than the real life situation.

Just like surgery on my hand is in no way comparable to a guy stabbing someone.


Knew he wasn't a minority because it didn't say executed/killed.
It's not like they didn't try. The kid being alive after being tasered 40 times is nothing but luck, a taser is a potentially deadly weapon!

It's no surprise american cops behave like that, they are uneducated, receive basically no training and get away with everything.

I can't help but think about Police Academy, as a kid I thought it was hilarious and completely unrealistic but it seems like that's what's really happening in america, a bunch of unqualified people goes to the police academy, they get a few weeks of basic training and then they're cops ...



Whatever happens to you in a completely safe and controlled environment, being done by people who do not wish to do you harm is completely and 100% different than the real life situation.

Just like surgery on my hand is in no way comparable to a guy stabbing someone.

Yeah, you took my message completely off hand. From experiencing it in a controlled environment, I know what it feels like to be tazered. I know this guy had to be going through hell having it applied over and over again. I never said or even implied that I know what it's like to be tortured or tazered 40+ times.

Hope that helps.


don't tie me to a chair and taze me 40 times, bro

this is absolute fucking torture. These guy should have been fired (and arrested) on the spot.


"As Sheriff, I want our citizens to know that any inappropriate behavior that may have violated an individual's rights will not be tolerated. I have placed the employees involved on administrative leave while the investigation is conducted," he said in the statement. "We will work closely and cooperatively with the TBI and District Attorney's Office to ensure all facts are provided and all angles of this incident are thoroughly investigated."

How about detaining these employees without bail while the "investigation" is conducted? "Administrative leave" usually includes full pay with benefits. Must be nice getting a paid vacation even when you're caught on camera torturing someone. I can understand "administrative leave" pending the results of an investigation when only an accusation and no other evidence exists. Here we have video of inexcusable behaviour. But whatever. Carry on serving and protecting and stuff.

Anyone remember Matthew Ajibade? A Nigerian-American student who was beaten, restrained in a chair, tazed, and then left to die in his cell in 2015. All but one of the deputies involved were either given a free pass or a stern warning. The one deputy recieved a sentence of a month in jail, which was allowed to be served on weekends.

The Guardian: Georgia sheriff's deputies acquitted of manslaughter in Matthew Ajibade death
Two former sheriff's deputies were acquitted Friday of involuntary manslaughter but convicted of lesser charges in the stun gun-related death of a 21-year-old detainee at a county jail in southeast Georgia.

A Chatham County Superior Court jury found former corporal Jason Kenny guilty of cruelty to an inmate and ex-corporal Maxine Evans guilty of public records fraud and lying to a grand jury.

They were charged in the January death of Matthew Ajibade, who was found dead in a cell hours after being arrested on a domestic violence charge. Though Ajibade was bloodied by punches and was kicked in the head, no deputies who took part in the fight were charged with crimes. Instead, prosecutors said reckless acts by the two ex-deputies afterward played key roles in Ajibade's death.

Kenny shocked Ajibade four times with a Taser while his hands and legs were restrained and Evans failed to check Ajibade's condition while faking jail logs to make it appear checks were made, prosecutors said.
The Guardian: Ex-officer convicted in Matthew Ajibade case allowed to serve time on weekends
A former Georgia sheriff's deputy, convicted for using a stun gun on a restrained detainee who later died alone in his cell, was sentenced on Friday to one month in jail and three years' probation.

His conviction for cruelty of an inmate carried jail time of up to three years. But significantly shorter jail time was not the only way Chatham County superior court judge James Bass issued a more lenient sentence: he also allowed the former deputy to serve his time on the weekends.

Since the victim in the OP didn't die, I'd expect even greater leniency.








I've seen this in movies and TV shows but it isn't actually true, is it?
No. It's an bastardization of a meme based loosely on a real story.... that happened in 1996. The New London, CT police force back then only interviewed applicants who scored between a 20 and a 27 on an aptitude test. They justified this policy by saying that those with higher IQs may become dissatisfied with policing and quit, after the city spent valuable tax dollars in training him.

Is this a thing that still happens? No idea, and a similar issue doesn't seem to have come up since then.
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