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Hold down "E" to fire off pre-generated attack commands
Your inventory has an "auto sort" option. Open your inventory and look at the icon on the bottom right
You can scale down your quest tracker UI so you are able to see all 7 quests
When picking up multiple loot items: dont mash "F", just hold it down. You'll walk to and pick up each item
Shift + arrow keys pans your camera so your toon isn't in the middle of the field of view. In general I leave it centered, but there are some times where it's handy to be left- or right-shifted.
Fall damage will not kill you; jump off of any height drop offs with no problem
You can kite most BAMs without too much trouble and break combat to drop camp fires or use bandages, useful for soloing (the BAM will not reset as long as you do not run away too far)
When you have aggro on a BAM you will have a red circle effect underneath your character; purple indicates that the BAM is casting something at you
Places with merchants will have both a crystal vendor and a specialty vendor; higher quality/more expensive crystals are available at the latter, though there may be some discrepancies in available crystals (you cannot buy a higher quality in combat move speed crystal for example). The specialty store also has bandages which I would recommend stocking up on.
Move to a lesser populated channel to get more gather nodes, avoid getting killed in PvP, and in general just have an easier time doing non-PvP things
Change your chain skills hotkey to something else in the off chance you have to jump (such as here if you happen to move into the center somehow)
Typically you will lose crystals on death, it is useful to have spares ready
Most places have a "Cleric/Noble Cleric of Restoration" near where you resurrect. Use them to instantly restore your stamina for a relatively cheap price. They show up on your map
When your cursor is up, shift-click on someone to bring them to the center of your screen and look at them. This also works on NPCs and (maybe) mobs
You can drag quests in the quest tracker to change the order of them
If you control+left click a point on the map while zoomed in you'll create a Point of Interest that your friends or party can check. It'll mark a spot on the map
If you ever run out of teleport scroll, you can use the unstuck "function" to teleport to the nearest town. Or you can be a cheap [filtered] and use it on every cool down
Use all regen crystals on PVP servers while leveling. It is funny as hell well people complain that you use pots... especially when you do not
If you are questing and are tasked to gather quest objects, such as a certain flower, you can gather the object, switch channel, and the object will be there again as long as nobody in that channel gathered the object before you
Turn on show your own cooldowns in the UI menu. You won't have to look at your skill bars ever again.
Turn on show player skill. This will show what other spells players are casting. Very useful for PvP
You can turn off Area chat under the general tab so you can actually see your guild chat message. Right click on the tab. I have my Area and LFG chat off in another window when I do need to PUG
I added guild chat the the bargain channel, renamed it to guild and moved it up next to general, for easy filtering.
If you received a horse as a preorder bonus, you can start using it at level 11. Find the item claim option in the menu. Makes the last few missions on Noob Island go a lot quicker
Also, when you get to Velika and get the mount from questing there, sell it to a vendor for 2 gold (a lot of money at level 11).
Press 'Y' to bring up the LFG tool. Almost no one uses it now, but hopefully as more players discover it, it'll become more useful. Same goes for the LFD (dungeon) tool. More players use this one, but judging by the amount of LFG messages in area chat I think it could be used more.
If you're crafting, sort mats by the 'per item' price at the broker. When you search for the item and click on the price column, I think the first time it sorts it by total purchase price high to low. Click again and it reverses. Click a third time and it sorts by the 'per item' price. That's the most important number for the smart shopper.
This sounds obvious but I've talked to more than one player that didn't realize you can rebind pretty much everything. As you progress there are more and more skills you'll need to have easy access to. Putting them all at 1 through 9 (and F1 through F9) isn't ideal.
Also seems obvious, but still missed by players: use the teleport masters in the larger cities to get where you need to go a bit faster. If you get killed, you can usually teleport back to very close to where you were.
Shift right-click to sell a specific number of items from a stack at the broker. Especially lower-end stuff, as selling huge stacks will make the total price too much for noobs to spend.
At higher levels go back an oneshot BAMs (eg basilisks) to farm 100% stamina potions
If you want to quickly get an item's name in the AH search, you can put your cursor in the text field, and then control+leftclick the item in order to paste the item name directly in there. Saves you having to type some of these horrible names.
When you die and ressurect back in town, be sure to use the cleric of restoration to restore your mana. It's only about 25s. Cheaper than potting for stamina and you can skip the wait time. Almost every pug group I've been in that have died and ressurected back in town does not use this
Gold weapons come with 3 random mods on them (the random mods have the green circles at the end of them) and are automatically identified. You can change them if you buy the 5g scroll from the merchant and re-identify it. 50+ golds drop as enigmatic and you have to identify them yourself them first time.
From my experience, use white color gear for +1 to +3, green color gear for +3 to +5, and blue/green gear to +6. I've made +6 with both but I have also failed 10+ to 6, its all luck.
Story quests give you all the gear you need. Dungeon drops are just a bonus. Next set of story armor is Lv42 gold weapon and armor set. After that you get a set of 44 blue that has better
you can "swap" your crystal under the equipment screen. The numbers 1-5 right below your armor saves the state of your equipment. I have been using it to swap out my crystals between attack and HP/MP regen. shift + 1-5 will toggle your crystal set up. just make sure you hit the save button whenever you equip a new armor/weapon.stats. And after that you get a set of 48 golds that has even better stats. My advice is: save all the gold you get and level up with story quest gear