And here we go (warning: conspiracy theorists):
Tientallen ego’s gekwetst na satirische aanval op geloofsovertuiging
PARIJS – Bij een satirische aanval op een geloofsovertuiging zijn vandaag minstens tientallen ego’s gekwetst en meerdere honderden omstaanders zwaar op de tenen getrapt.
De slachtoffers, in tegenstelling tot de satirici niet tot de tanden gewapend met rationele argumenten, waren kansloos tegen de minutenlange grappensalvo’s en vlijmscherpe pointes die de sokkel onder hun overtuiging deden wankelen.
“Het was verschrikkelijk”, getuigt een slachtoffer. “Ze stormden binnen, met een brede grijns op hun gezicht, en ratelden er minutenlang op los. Vijf minuten langer, en ik was mijn geloof in universeel geldende en onveranderlijke gedragsregels misschien voorgoed verloren.”
Satirische aanvallen eisen wel vaker slachtoffers. Niet zelden komt ook de dader om.
De fundamentalistische wereld reageert verslagen op de satirische aanval. “Humor moet dienen om stereotypische, verwijfde homo’s of domme blondjes voor aap te zetten. Niet om ons middeleeuwse gedachtegoed en onze vaak barbaarse gebruiken te ridiculiseren!”, aldus een anonieme extremist.
“Dit was een accident waiting to happen“, reageert een andere. “Die satirici, met hun dogmatische, onwrikbare geloof in het feit dat dogma’s relatief zijn, laten geen kans onbenut om ons te bespotten.”
Maar ook satirici zijn verbolgen over de aanslag. “Weerloze fundamentalisten aanvallen is al te makkelijk”, stelt Jonas Z. Aepenbroot van De Rechtzetting. “Deze laffe daad stelt satire wereldwijd in een slecht daglicht.”
Ook De Raaskalderij veroordeelt de aanval scherp. “Zo’n daad is alleen maar koren op de molen voor de radicalen. Voor je ‘t weet zullen er weer een paar onnozelaars roepen dat vrijheid van meningsuiting toch niet absoluut is, dat de persvrijheid aan banden moet worden gelegd en dat je onschuldige extremistische gelovigen niet voor het hoofd mag stoten. Daar zal onze redactie zich alvast steeds tegen blijven verzetten.”
Geen doden bij satirische aanval
Bij een satirische aanval van het Franse weekblad Charlie Hebdo zijn geen doden of gewonden gevallen. Het incident brengt het totaal aantal slachtoffers van satirische aanvallen sinds het begin van de jaartelling op nul.
Not when Sam Harris basically said he knows what true Islam is (EVIL INSANE) and any Muslim that doesn't support ISIS isn't a true Muslim. Full on logical fallacies and bigoted generalizations that I keep pointing out that Sam Harris fans just seem to ignore every time.
Also saying Islam is dumb is not bigotry, the same way saying Christianity is inherently bad is not bigotry.
Criticizing shitty ideas is not the same as criticizing people. This distinction is important and the people who committed these crimes are probably confused about this as well.
Again, there is nothing wrong with making statements about Islam and it's ideas. There is something wrong about making generalized about Muslim people that are not true. Do you not see the difference? Affleck is saying that Bill and Sam harris made general statements against Muslim people, whuch imo they did not,
Not when Sam Harris basically said he knows what true Islam is (EVIL INSANE) and any Muslim that doesn't support ISIS isn't a true Muslim. Full on logical fallacies and bigoted generalizations that I keep pointing out that Sam Harris fans just seem to ignore every time.
Hey man I can see why you're angry. Shit, i get crap just because I look middle eastern. However, Maher and Sam harris were arguing with facts, at least with some pretty accurate polls.
It severely bums me out that these terrorists are most likely going to get away with it too. They are long gone by now.
And here we go (warning: conspiracy theorists):
I'm angry at a lot of people. It's the state of the world. Should I just shut up and not respond to a poster that for some reason has the impression that Maher and Harris were not in fact painting muslims with a broad brush?
No way they get out of the country though.
No way they get out of the country though.
The religion of Islam is absolute shit.
It is the mediating force of the goodness in the practitioners hearts and souls that gives it any value whatsoever.
Islam makes you worse than you you would have been as a person, community, or society, than you would have been without Islam.
I'd say this about any high cost religion that shuns or kills when someone apostatizes.
Why are we even arguing over this? They made generalized statements. Afleck called them out. People wanted to pretend they were just talking about statistics, and that is where afleck was confused, o r something making him a douchebag. None of that happened. It wasn't said in a vacuum, there was an entire sentiment that kept recurring during the show to make generalized statements towards islam. I said he was upset at the generalizing, nothing afleck said or did on the show made him an asshole for calling out mar and harris for gross blanket statements they were making.
So Sam knows what the officially codified doctrine of Islam is and that additionally it is the mother lode of bad ideas and you don't think that paints all Muslims who think they're real believing Muslims with one giant stroke?
Especially when he goes on to say:
[Sam Harris:]
Let me just give you what you want. There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who are nominal Muslims who dont take the faith seriously, who dont want to kill apostates, who are horrified by ISIS and we need to defend these people, prop them up and let them reform their faith.
So he's confirming this by going Reverse True Scotsman. Any Muslim who doesn't support ISIS IS NOT A TRUE MUSLIM and only a NOMINAL ONE THAT DOESN'T TAKE THE FAITH SERIOUSLY because of course everyone knows TRUE MUSLIMS are fucking insane.
Well I think of myself as a true Muslim and Sam Harris doesn't get to define what my faith is as he does and as everyone does who finds out I'm Muslim and starts making judgement calls about my mental state and what I do or do not believe before I've even had a chance to say anything or expects me to apologize for what these fucking attackers did in Paris as if I'm somehow responsible for it.
I condemned those bastards earlier in the thread because I hate their guts and everything they stand for but I shouldn't be in a situation where I'm EXPECTED to do so or else I'm somehow complicit in what they did.
It's scary that a dictionary definition could be trying to take the meaning out of a word, instead of the opposite. That doesn't seem to be the case here, though. That definition doesn't say what you think it says.
Philosophy is about wisdom, knowledge. Philosophy straight up condemns the dogma-based structure of any religion. Read up.
It severely bums me out that these terrorists are most likely going to get away with it too. They are long gone by now.
Actually no, a lot of their facts are incorrect. Some are correct, though, that is true. But one can use all sorts of facts to come to conclusions about black people, Jewish people, or African people. But again, we consider this bigotry. And again, facts on their own mean nothing, they need context.
The point is, when you have major religious violence, other groups don't get maligned. See, Indian violence against Muslims in Guhraat in the 90s. Between 10,000 - 20,000 killed in a week, hundreds of thousands of Muslim women raped, all in a short span. But we do not use this, or what goes on in Kashmir to generalize Hindus.
I have no problem saying Islam has a blasphemy problem, like other religions, but it does seem to worse in Islam certainly, yet Harris and Maher are just bigots, who should not be taken seriously.
Maher in particular has said many things that are not facts, but just bigoted notions. He has said this for many many years. And then he came across Harris.
Heck even Ayn Rand agreed that it is a form of philosophy and so does the Oxford Dictionary:
I don't know why they had to kill that cop that was down and helpless..
We don't have actual boarders in Europe though.
The worst part is, this is definitely going to give the Neo Nazi parties of Europe ammo.
Yup, see:
NSFW, Onion reporting in:,29553/
Surely some form of ID has to be shown boarding buses or trains leaving the nation right?
This is flat out full on nonsense. It's a Faith There's only two possibilitiesPeople who aren't Muslim could very well be capable to know as much or more about Islam then people who do call themselves Muslim. You know, if they study the subject.
Surely some form of ID has to be shown boarding buses or trains leaving the nation right?
The worst part is, this is definitely going to give the Neo Nazi parties of Europe ammo.
Surely some form of ID has to be shown boarding buses or trains leaving the nation right?
so after this news i went ahead and posted the comics on my facebook account where part of my family that lives in Turkey are friends with me.
This is a debate where cooler heads ought to prevail, but seriously, the problem is not the tiny fraction of murderers, nor their idiotic sympatizers (which are rightfully shunned by the wider muslim community), but more broadly, the ones that "understands the sentiment".
Violent or not, you cannot seriously pretend to believe that introducing a popullation that it is ok with criminalizing blasmphemy and apostasy inside a modern society will not create any kind of problems. Of course it will. I don't know what is the solution to this situation, but our left wing "head in the sand" strategy isn't working, and I am pretty damn sure that voting for far-right wing parties aren't the solution either.
NSFW, Onion reporting in:,29553/
Just saw this cartoon on Twitter, don't know if it has been posted yet.
I don't know why they had to kill that cop that was down and helpless..
this from 2012
lol no
While I'm not thrilled about any boost in popularity for far right parties, I would say the worst part is at least twelve people being murdered in cold blood for speaking their minds.
For future reference, Ayn Rand is a terrible authority to quote from when it comes to philosophy.
Plenty do, they don't get media coverage so right wing parties are completely unaffected.This is why it's essential for Muslims to openly condemn this action
While I'm not thrilled about any boost in popularity for far right parties, I would say the worst part is at least twelve people being murdered in cold blood for speaking their minds.
Not when Sam Harris basically said he knows what true Islam is (EVIL INSANE) and any Muslim that doesn't support ISIS isn't a true Muslim. Full on logical fallacies and bigoted generalizations that I keep pointing out that Sam Harris fans just seem to ignore every time.
The worst part is, this is definitely going to give the Neo Nazi parties of Europe ammo.
In hard times like these, it's nice to know we can count on constants like antisemitic pieces of shit behaving like antisemitic pieces of shit.And here we go (warning: conspiracy theorists):
The religion of Islam is absolute shit.
It is the mediating force of the goodness in the practitioners hearts and souls that gives it any value whatsoever.
Islam makes you worse than you you would have been as a person, community, or society, than you would have been without Islam.
I'd say this about any high cost religion that shuns or kills when someone apostatizes.
Surely some form of ID has to be shown boarding buses or trains leaving the nation right?