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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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You'd have to explain the individual tenets of your sect of Islam.

And if a son of yours is gay? Do you treat women as spiritual, emotional, and familial equals? Do women have an equal say in the teachings, direction and leadership of your sect?

"Your sect of Islam"?

It's called Islam.


The Birthday Skeleton
Well, the previous terrorist attacks in Europe committed by people in the name of Islam didn't lead to anything of the sort, why would this be different? Far right parties still aren't close to actually seizing power in any country in Europe that I can see.

While that's true, the last European elections were the most successful for xenophobic parties across Europe and France was one of the countries on top of that. Plus the rise in the open anti-muslims protests in Germany (one of the countries not yet affected in the elections though). So there is a slightly worse environment than when the last terrorist attacks stroke.


The religion of Islam is absolutely awesome, it's the best thing that happened to me in life and I am a better person since becoming muslim. According to this religion it is unlawful to kill innocent people.

It sure would be great if people would stop judging religion based on the actions committed by fuck tard extremist.


So what? We can't talk about the religion of Islam generally? This is what I HATE about the current liberal paradigm. They even presented statistics and facts about the matter, and yet people still got their knickers in a bunch. In fact, the ONLY people presenting anecdotal evidence (which I think are still relevant, but it doesn't nullify statistics) were Ben Alleck and his compatriot. How about we have some introspection about one of the largest religions on the face of the earth? Is that not okay? Is there something inherently racist about that or something? It's okay to generalize when your generalization is coming from some sort of space that is reasonably substantiated. This liberal desire for there to be no generalizations ever is extremely peculiar and reeks of a sheltered academic theory that is disconnected from the real world. There would be no social science without generalizations. This whole line of argument is ludicrous to me.

So what? What, is the point of what the hell i said in the first place. Which was replied with 'no, that didn't happen.' Statistics, again, have nothing to do with the comments they were making, nor do they have anything to do with Mahr's history of anti-arab/muslim/islam sentiment. Step up to the plate and be honest with yourself. Am I sitting here taking issue at the concept of generalizing? Am I crying because someone has been generalized? No, im being told that my eyes and ears were lying to me.That nothing of the sort happened. In case you missed it, I just replied that afleck responded to their gross generalizations, not hardly being a douchebag, as he was called for doing so.

Mahr is in it for the ratings, thats where his bigotry comes from. Comparing islam to a mafia, wasn't a poll. Nor was considering it the mother load of bad ideas. That wasn't data. The show was to rile up anti-islam sentiment. It wasn't productive in any way outside of backing up stereotypes to vilify a people, and selling whatever harris was onto sell or peddle.

Take your lame ass liberal smear campaign elsewhere. No group in this country is a good one. I'm not a liberal. I'm a black dude in the USA waiting for us to stop getting killed all the time, who want's people in the government representing citizens, not businesses, one who doesn't participate in the bullshit superbowl of liberals vs conservatives that your government wants you to have while they rob you all blind, and take away your rights and dignity. Thats my affiliation.

People want to pretend this was some sort of progressive segment. It wasn't. Sure, there was data. There were also a lot of ignorance spread. There is nothing wrong with noting both, instead of trying to pretend that Mahr has no history/no agenda with the subject, and that harris doesn't have a bias. Instead of defending their less, accurate, statements, they should be held to a standard where if they are trying to be productive, they won't alienate others off the bat. Wasn't productive. It was only to cheerlead the idea that Islam is bad, and muslims aren't doing anything about it.

I think we are on the same page, I'm not a generalizing defender. Just noted that it wasn't specifically what went down on the show, and it doesn't make someone a douchebag for noting bullshit on Mahrs show. Others will think, there was no bullshit on the show, and hes a douchebag. Thats fine -- but I'm going to stop it here as this thread isn't really about Mahr, Harris, or Afleck..



Germany, where the demonstrations against Pegida vastly outnumbered ones by Pegida itself? Greece I already mentioned as being one where Golden Dawn entered a decline. In France the Front National is obviously worryingly popular, but they are extremely unlikely to get a majority supporting them. Serbia I can't comment on, I don't know enough about their domestic politics.

While that's true, the last European elections were the most successful for xenophobic parties across Europe and France was one of the countries on top of that. Plus the rise in the open anti-muslims protests in Germany (one of the countries not yet affected in the elections though). So there is a slightly worse environment than when the last terrorist attacks stroke.

European elections are obviously the most likely place for Eurosceptic parties to do well, and even in those, no far right party came close to a majority of support in their own country, which would definitely be required to seize power.
So they not only fucked the lives of 12 people by killing them, they've also fucked a lot of attitudes towards the millions of muslims living in these European countries.

And they're still on the loose? Hope they're caught before anyone else gets hurt.


I honestly believe that all these far-right and all other extremist Groups is more a vote of complaint rather then actually believing in the parties politics, and voters will take their responsibility if it ever get close.

Sweden, our "far-right" party Sverigedemokraterna recieved 13% in the latest election. I have a hard time believing there is almost one million racists/fascists in Sweden.


This is such an extremely unlikely scenario that I don't think anyone should seriously entertain it. In what European countries do you see a realistic possibility of a fascist party seizing power? Golden Dawn for instance declined significantly in support.

Human history would prove you false in extremely unlikely scenarios occurring. When change happens, it can take a long time, or come extremely quick (collapse of communism, things like Arab Spring). Golden Dawn has gained support, not lost it. It came third in the European elections in Greece just a few months ago I think. Plus, it went from Greece welcoming the world in 2004 with the Olympics, to basically having a large number of the the population threaten to drag Non-Greek babies from the hospital just 5 years later.

I don't see any fascist party seizing power. I see nationalist parties slowly gaining footholds in various countries. Attacks like this only embolden them and their cause. Who knows what happens in 20 years as European economic power continues to erode. I don't see another Hitler coming to power, or a V for Vendetta scenario, but I can easily see a scenario where certain religions are targeted, more control is given to the government, anti-immigration sentiment takes hold.
Some guy on French TV is saying that the attacks were made by lone wolves, or at least a "lone team" because they were only 3 gunmen.

"Lone wolf" is a journalistic concept. The only lone wolf (self-indoctrination, self-bought equipment, self-planification) was Anders Breivik.


I can't get my head around people killing because their make believe friend was offended over nothing. It's literally insane.

So they not only fucked the lives of 12 people by killing them, they've also fucked a lot of attitudes towards the millions of muslims living in these European countries.

That was the plan, I can assure you.
Are there islamic leaders decrying this foul action as immoral and sinful? I need to see that happen, record it and remind myself and others of it. I have never been given evidence that Islamic leaders condemn these actions.
While that's true, the last European elections were the most successful for xenophobic parties across Europe and France was one of the countries on top of that. Plus the rise in the open anti-muslims protests in Germany (one of the countries not yet affected in the elections though). So there is a slightly worse environment than when the last terrorist attacks stroke.

The protests are very local and they happen in the former GDR.
You know how many people showed up for their rally in Cologne? Maybe 50.


"Your sect of Islam"?

It's called Islam.

Don't different sects interpret the Quran and Hadith differently? Or are you claiming that there is only one true way to interpret the islamic canon and anything that interprets it differently is not Islam.


I honestly believe that all these far-right and all other extremist Groups is more a vote of complaint rather then actually believing in the parties politics, and voters will take their responsibility if it ever get close.

Sweden, our "far-right" party Sverigedemokraterna recieved 13% in the latest election. I have a hard time believing there is almost one million racists/fascists in Sweden.

Because not all of them are racists or fascists. calling all of them last time didn't fucking worked. Do you know why? Because not all of them are that.
Serbia is not in the European Union
Golden Dawn is the only truly fascist party
AfD and Front National are only socialist party with some "our national first" mentality, nowhere near a true fascist party.
They have few moneys, aren't represented much in the media and once they will be in power they will be some happy to get free meal that they won't create the 4th Reich or whatever you're fearing.


The religion of Islam is absolute shit.

It is the mediating force of the goodness in the practitioners hearts and souls that gives it any value whatsoever.

Islam makes you worse than you you would have been as a person, community, or society, than you would have been without Islam.

I'd say this about any high cost religion that shuns or kills when someone apostatizes.

Nah, Islam is one of the best things to happen in my life.

Though like anything else in life, moderation is ideal, otherwise you end up with radicals who've made Islam 100% of their identity.
While that's true, the last European elections were the most successful for xenophobic parties across Europe and France was one of the countries on top of that. Plus the rise in the open anti-muslims protests in Germany (one of the countries not yet affected in the elections though). So there is a slightly worse environment than when the last terrorist attacks stroke.

I agree, they're more primed than ever to take power or at the very least, become large enough for other parties to not be able to circumvent them any longer.

Let's take Geert Wilders' party in the Netherlands for example, their presence is already pretty significant but something like this could definitely tip the scales in their favour.


FN are a bunch of dumb, bigoted motherfuckers who will have no idea what they're doing and will be cause for embarrassment, but they're not going to start building concentration camps.
Exactly. They would aim to harm France relation with the EU, not target the french islamic population.
(also, they're not coming into power)


Don't different sects interpret the Quran and Hadith differently? Or are you claiming that there is only one true way to interpret the islamic canon and anything that interprets it differently is not Islam.

I'm saying that the broadest base of the religion believes that killing innocent people is wrong.


Nah, Islam is one of the best things to happen in my life.

Though like anything else in life, moderation is ideal, otherwise you end up with radicals who've made Islam 100% of their identity.

I would argue with you and say that the goodness in Islam is the goodness that YOU have brought to islam, not the other way around.


My Facebook feed, which is usually a political cess pool, is actually pretty respectful right now with one somewhat humorous exception. "Dude, they weren't even very good artists."


I honestly believe that all these far-right and all other extremist Groups is more a vote of complaint rather then actually believing in the parties politics, and voters will take their responsibility if it ever get close.

Sweden, our "far-right" party Sverigedemokraterna recieved 13% in the latest election. I have a hard time believing there is almost one million racists/fascists in Sweden.

After hearing half of my extended family coming out of the wood-works since the election to complain about "dark skinned people", the horrifying things that were done during the fall to beggars and the series of mosque fires just these last few weeks I'm not sure if one million is actually enough.
Saw this from another cartoonist on twitter, David Pope.




One of the officers, 49 year old Franck D, left behind a young daughter who just turned one.

Fuck this ;____;


You don't need the actions of the extremists to show that it is backwards and regressive.

Yep. Plus...

"Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse."

- Hitch
By the way, how you know that the terrorists are radical muslims ? Their faces were covered...
They said that they were part of Al Qaeda in Yemen, shouted "that they avaenged the prophet".
Charlie Hebdo is known to have ruffle feathers with the mahomet caricature.

Or are you one of those smart guys that suspects the Mossad?


I'm saying that the broadest base of the religion believes that killing innocent people is wrong.

Then you're being disengenuous because I'm talking about gender and sexual equality within islam when I made that particular point.

Islam doesn't need extremists to show that it is backwards.


What tactics?

Calling them that. Every journalist did that for four years and it didn't worked. Do you want to know why people voted for SD? because they are the only party that talks about immigration. All the other parties just shut it down by yelling "RACIST!!!!" It is dumb as all hell to give that importen political question to one party and they did.
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