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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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Strangely enough, today has been an amazing source of publicity for Twitter. It's crazy how much cultural influence this young company has gained.


Edit: Also, yeah, this Iranian representative is hypocritical as fuck.

Ah, I'd totally forgotten all about this. Wasn't there a similar attempt in the cesspit known as Finsbury Park?

Not that uncommon among the religious fundamentalists of any faith, unfortunately.

Disgusting really, especially when it's over something so trivial.

There's Hizb ut-Tahrir, which aims to stablish a Caliphate and wants to see sharia law in the UK. We had a couple of notorious gaffers defending them, including kobashi100 (now banned) and Zapages.

Ah hell, is this the drivel Anjem Choudary was pushing? I'd forgotten all about that seeping cunt. I wonder if he's still tying to push his garbage to get attention?

Actually, I'm surprised he hasn't been plastered all over the new channels today. I can only hope that means the news networks have realised he doesn't speak with any authority and have chosen to ignore him.

Still, to my point, I can only go by personal experience interacting with Muslims and they've all been liberal.
Pope Francis Issues "Strongest Condemnation" of Paris Terrorist Attack

Pope Francis this evening issued the "strongest condemnation" of the attack carried out this morning in Paris by highly trained terrorist commandos.

Here below we publish the full text of the statment delivered by Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ, Director of the Holy See Press Office.


The Holy Father expresses the strongest condemnation of the horrific attack that struck the city of Paris this morning, claiming a high number of victims, sowing death, throwing the entire French society into disarray, and deeply disturbing all peace loving people well beyond the borders of France.

In prayer, Pope Francis shares in the suffering of the wounded and the families of the deceased, and he calls upon everyone to oppose by all means possible the spread of hatred and of every form of violence, both physical and moral, which destroys human life, violates the dignity of persons, radically undermines the fundamental good of peaceful coexistence between individuals and peoples, despite differences of nationality, religion and culture.

Whatever the motives may be, homicidal violence is abhorrent. It is never justifiable. The life and dignity of all must be resolutely guaranteed and protected. Any incitement to hatred must be rejected, respect for the other must be cultivated.

The Pope expresses his closeness, his spiritual solidarity and support for all those who, according to their different responsibilities, steadfastly continue to work for peace, justice and rights, to heal in depth the sources and the causes of hatred, at this painful and tragic moment, in France and in every part of the world marked by tensions and violence.


NSS made a small but nice blog post about it

The extremists try increasingly to terrorise us into silence and often the state conspires with them, blaming the victims for 'bringing it upon themselves'.

But in an open society, free expression is more important than any religious dogma. Without free expression, our democracy will not function, as it does not in many Muslim countries. Religion will be permitted to go unexamined, even when it is a threat to life and limb.

We must stand together and refuse to be cowed into silence by the threats of terrorists and the cowardice of politicians. We cannot, as a society, place religion beyond the reach of satire or critical examination.

I don't understand your point. I'm referring to poll data (the poll which Maher and Harris referred to) which presents data that would indicate the majority of Muslims believe that leaving the religion should be met with death.

The poll doesn't say that though.


Compared with attitudes toward applying sharia in the domestic or criminal spheres, Muslims in the countries surveyed are significantly less supportive of the death penalty for converts.19 Nevertheless, in six of the 20 countries where there are adequate samples for analysis, at least half of those who favor making Islamic law the official law also support executing apostates.

Only 6 out of 20 countries and among those 6 countries the "majority" that believe that apostates should be killed are only taken from the total that also believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land. In other words the poll omits the Muslims that do not believe Sharia law is absolute to attain that "majority".


Bit of background on the suspects, from the Associated Press:

Two officials named the suspects as Frenchmen Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, in their early 30s, as well as 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, whose nationality wasn't immediately clear.

One of the officials said they were linked to a Yemeni terrorist network.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to publicly discuss the sensitive and ongoing investigation.

Cherif Kouachi was convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping funnel fighters to Iraq's insurgency and sentenced to 18 months in prison.

No arrests have been confirmed in the hunt for the attackers. It was the deadliest attack in France in half a century.



Heads are going to (SHOULD) roll if the DCRI had prior information on them and didn't put them under surveilance...

Hundreds of French Muslims have joined ISIS, thousands of Europeans. They can't reasonably keep track of them all.

It's not just two or three bad apples like some people try to pretend.


The poll doesn't say that though.


Only 6 out of 20 countries and among those 6 countries the "majority" that believe that apostates should be killed are only taken from the total that also believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land. In other words the poll omits the Muslims that do not believe Sharia law is absolute to attain that "majority".

Well, I for one am SHOCKED.


Also just noticed they are apparently cool with satirizing the polytheistic religions. Hypocritical garbage in multiple ways.

Monotheism is all about being subserviant to a single figure. Ignoring the fact the comment is actually suggesting Mohammad is on par with god.

Islamic insecurity of their prophet seems fueld by the lack of a messiah figure; hes been turned into a power above god in many ways.


It's happening. Even this brand of Wahhabism is reactionary, in response to Ottoman/European secularism and colonialism. It will die down once the Middle East becomes more prosperous and better-educated.

I'm not sure I still believe in this Western notion of natural enlightenment. Iran was pretty prosperous and highly educated and I'm suspecting Erdogan has secret ambitions to become a new caliph as well. I just don't think religions like the Islam, which is all about we are teh divine chosen ones, can ever remain satisfied with playing a second fiddle role.


Intelligence and counter-terrorism are the most thankless jobs in the world: all your successes are secret and all your failures are public.

This is an excellent point; people need to understand; do you want to reveal your tactics or ways you foiled attacks?


Super anecdotal but I work in Paris, I just had the shittiest afternoon at work, most people I ran into were as devastated as I still am and that includes all my Muslim coworkers. So yeah, I'm not a fan of their religion, I think it sucks, but it is absolutely irritating to think that all these decent hardworking people have all of a sudden to prove something, that they're not complacent with the tragedy that occurred today. They don't deserve that and the last thing we should be doing is viewing them as Other. We're all French and we were all hurt today.

Thank you for this post. It's ridiculous, as a muslim, to be told what hoops I have to jump through to not be considered evil scum.
Killing people who mock Islam is as old as the religion itself. Muhammad himself ordered the killings of several poets who mocked/spoke out against him.
These terrorists are no different than their own "prophet".

Btw thanks for this again. Was reading the last link and stumbled over this wonderful example of how he created the quran.
"Muhammad, how do we distribute our war booty? - Well, err... oh wait god is calling me! Yeah, one fifth for me. Yep, thats definetly what he said. There he hang up. Its law now. One fifth for me"


I've read that some people want to do a "Draw Mohammad Day" but we already had that back in 2010.

The artist who suggested the idea changed her name and went into hiding.
Yeah, that seems appropriate. Much more sombre than a lot of their stuff.

UK and US getting it completely wrong. This, Germany's and France's papers are how you do it. You don't put pictures of the terrorists on your front page.
Us and UK have a strong divorce between editorial and news. We have the post and daily news that do more European style covers.


Never forget;

Nobody was murdered because of this image;




And yet even The Onion was too scared to depict Allah or Mohammed in that image, because if they did, someone might be murdered because of that image and the headline would no longer be accurate.

The omission of Mohammed is pretty telling, isn't it? You can show Buddha with a fist up his ass with no problems but you can't even draw a freaking portrait of Mohammed...


Angry Fork

I don't think the reaction to this should be a sudden deference or respect for organizations like the CIA/NSA or a more authoritarian, fascist approach to counter-terrorism.


And yet even The Onion was too scared to depict Allah or Mohammed in that image, because if they did, someone might be murdered because of that image and the headline would no longer be accurate.

The omission of Mohammed is pretty telling, isn't it? You can show Buddha with a fist up his ass with no problems but you can't even draw a freaking portrait of Mohammed...
Isn't that the point?


contribute something
I'm not sure I still believe in this Western notion of natural enlightenment. Iran was pretty prosperous and highly educated and I'm suspecting Erdogan has secret ambitions to become a new caliph as well. I just don't think religions like the Islam, which is all about we are teh divine chosen ones, can ever remain satisfied with playing a second fiddle role.

Tehran was very Westernized during the early 20th century, yeah. Keep in mind that this Westernization happened because of a deliberate effort by the rather brutal Iranian monarchy. As conditions improve in these countries, we will see a new, Islamic-inspired secularism emerge, much like the Christian-inspired secularism that operates in Europe. Iran is actually a pretty good model, because the youth of Tehran are actually pretty secular and well-educated.

Unfortunately, Wahhabism and Shia extremism are pretty closely related to Western Imperialism. Very often, oppressive acts are committed in the name of freedom. Look at how many Russians will claim that their violent homophobia is resistance to "Western moral imperialism". The best way to encourage secularism is not to impose it, but instead to allow for the same conditions that let secularism flourish in the West: education and wealth.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Such a brazen attack, how in the world did the Paris police let them get away?

Are they inept?

Maybe ask the officer who got shot in the head by the terrorists why he couldn't do his job better.


Such a brazen attack, how in the world did the Paris police let them get away?

Are they inept?

Trained terrorists with smart tactics (driving calmly and changing vehicles) combined with Paris being a very old and intricate metropolis with thousands of tiny roads to disappear into.


Such a brazen attack, how in the world did the Paris police let them get away?

Are they inept?

They shot 2 police officers and this morning were rumored to have rocket launchers. Of course normal police will back down and wait for special forces.
And yet even The Onion was too scared to depict Allah or Mohammed in that image, because if they did, someone might be murdered because of that image and the headline would no longer be accurate.

The omission of Mohammed is pretty telling, isn't it? You can show Buddha with a fist up his ass with no problems but you can't even draw a freaking portrait of Mohammed...
But nothing to do with Islam (tm). Always remember that.


And yet even The Onion was too scared to depict Allah or Mohammed in that image, because if they did, someone might be murdered because of that image and the headline would no longer be accurate.

The omission of Mohammed is pretty telling, isn't it? You can show Buddha with a fist up his ass with no problems but you can't even draw a freaking portrait of Mohammed...
Too scared? What would be the joke if they did?


Not that it matters this soon, but is it safe to say the magazine is done after this? I hate that the terrorists might accomplish that, but how can they go on after today?
And yet even The Onion was too scared to depict Allah or Mohammed in that image, because if they did, someone might be murdered because of that image and the headline would no longer be accurate.

The omission of Mohammed is pretty telling, isn't it? You can show Buddha with a fist up his ass with no problems but you can't even draw a freaking portrait of Mohammed...

You're riding that wagon till the end of the world aren't you?
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