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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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In Reims






Yeah like "oh let me take my ID with me in case the police stops me and asks me for one, I don't want a fine you know".

Well, lucky he had it.
Now they can return him his car, among other things!

PS: wouldn't necessarly take the info of the article at face value though (it would be pretty moronic). I seem to remember reading lots of false tidbits in the papers during the Merah shootings too.
But it's much, much more than that.

In countries which have a Muslim population of greater than 80 million:

Bangladesh: 44%
Egypt: 86%
Pakistan: 76%

That's just from a quick look through. To act as if this is just a few people with radical beliefs isn't accurate, was the point they were trying to make. Some of these beliefs are much more widespread than that.

Again, those numbers only count Muslims that believe Sharia law should be the law of the land. And only 6 countries have that "majority". Among Muslims in the other 14 countries that believe Sharia law should be the the law of the land, the ones that believe converts from the faith should be killed are in the minority. And, again that is not counting the ones who do not believe in Sharia law. Although I can only assume they would be against the killing of converts from Islam.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
it'd be crazy if they followed these guys back to a nest...
This is ridiculous. How is it apathetic? It's showing how easy it is for both sides to paint someone of faith in a specific light when all they are trying to do is practice their religion.

no no no

just laugh


i'm sure they are going back to a booby trapped house where they plan on taking down as many infidels as possible before blowing themselves up. truly scum of the earth
Sorry, Never been to Paris , but yes I expected them there in 5-10 mins . I would think they been preparing for terrorist attacks for years.

Thought even if they couldn't get to the crime scene they could lock down streets out. Guess not

Looking streets out is so hard in paris ...
And besides there was a policeman in the room with the shooting and 3 set of policemen were under fire during their escape. The police did come very fast , but against 3 people with AK ? Well ...

It's starting ..it seems the special forces ( RAID ) are starting something in REIMS.


bitch I'm taking calls.
And I've had christians tell me, "I'm a Christian" as if there is some sort of universal flavor they all come in. It's meaningless to say you're "just a muslim" or "just a christian" it doesn't tell me what you actually believe and stand for.
Yeah it does, it tells you they believe in a god and practice an organized religion. You're acting as if all people of faith owe you some kind of explanation which is both ridiculous and extremely ignorant.
it'd be crazy if they followed these guys back to a nest...

no no no

just laugh
Given the ISIS attitude toward Mecca, this is pretty true.
What's their attitude towards Mecca? I know Saudi Arabia had a border skirmish yesterday with ISIS, when a Saudi military captain was blown up along with a few soldiers along the Saudi Iraqi border.


This is ridiculous. How is it apathetic? It's showing how easy it is for both sides to paint someone of faith in a specific light when all they are trying to do is practice their religion.
I see a man shrugging his shoulders caught between extremism and the rest of the moderate world. If practicing your religion means you don't support other people's freedom of expression, well then sorry, but that is a problem. And that's my point, saying you're a muslim doesn't tell me where you stand on the real issue. As we know not all people of faith support freedom of expression.


Fuck me I hate the sun. Tory scum rag mag. Please people of france don't judge britain by what the sun says. We despise the bloody thing.


Yeah, it has also affected me. It's so tiring, these murders of innocent people and for what cause?? Not just today, but all those civilians in Iraq and Syria, kids getting slaughtered at school, ... And now cartoonists? Come on... It's so frustrating and heartbreaking.

I feel completely deflated, heartbroken is good term to describe me right now, as a parent, is this the world that we give our children in the future? it´s fucking horrible. i hope that as someone earlier wrote that this is the last desperate gasp of the "old" islam as information/internet/knowledge is more readily available than ever before. I don´t even want to think about the other atrocities they´ve commited that you mentioned. since becoming a parent I find news of children being mistreated among the most horrible.

These fucking people are the darkness - we as the educated world should do the utmost to stop them. I am a peaceful individual, but this terrorist act hit home hard. A friend who I consider very intelligent mentioned when we where talking a few months ago, that he used to be pro-open and that it is important to let groups with agendas to be heard. But lately he´d started to change his mind. If a group has anti-democratic tendencies/thoughts/actions/I´m parafrasing-don´t hold me to it-read between the lines plz, they should or need to be shutdown. Period.
French TV showing footage of heavily kitted out anti-terror cops leaving a police station in Reims inside very civilian looking hatchbacks rather than police vans or armored vehicles.


Maybe they had them controlled some other way but prefer to say one left his id.

Well, according to the same article, they also had camera photos of them, and one having already been arrested/imprisonned some years ago, they'd have found them anyway.

But fuck if he really left his ID, how stupid can you ge...
Oh wait, they already proved that.


How insecure must one be to be insulted by cartoons and then even act on it?
Deep down they must sense that there is something wrong with their belief system.
Instead of admitting to it, reforming what is antiquated/plain wrong by today's standards or even consider leaving it behind, they double down and dig deeper.

Sad to see those young men seem to be from France. Means that integration efforts have totally failed. Probably never grew out of a disdain for authority. No job prospects and feeling empty with no purpose. Probably hate their fathers who adapted or never had one and then fell for a radical religion who taught them all the wrong things. Bush's wars and the feeling of "they vs us" is such a nice easy world to believe in and fall for. An easy purpose for failed lives, a flag they can unite under and play brotherhood.
Young men are very impressionable during adolescense and we need to make sure they don't fall into that trap anymore. E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N and even more secularization should be top priority.
Fuck me I hate the sun. Tory scum rag mag. Please people of france don't judge britain by what the sun says. We despise the bloody thing.

But if England despises The Sun how come it still exists.

Anyway, I feel bad for everyone involved, this religion fanatism is getting way out of proportion.


Well, according to the same article, they also had camera photos of them, and one having already been arrested/imprisonned some years ago, they'd have found them anyway.

But fuck if he really left his ID, how stupid can you ge...
Oh wait, they already proved that.

Actually it could have been done on purpose. What better way to make yourself famous etc. I hope the police capture them and they spend the rest of their life in solitary confinement going out of their tiny, pea sized brains.


How insecure must one be to be insulted by cartoons and then even act on it?
Deep down they must sense that there is something wrong with their belief system.

You got it backwards: they think we have something wrong in our belief system, and want to change us.
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