I'm sorry. But unemployment rates are higher in their demographic here in Belgium. We had lots of scanfals where certain employers refused to give north-africans work (or outright asked recruitment offices not to send them any), and I heard some crazy talk from the most popular flemish politicien on television yesterday who just was not able to disconnect the majority of muslims in Belgium with these terrorists. (really, it was a talk between him, a right wing columnist who should've retired years ago, a leftwing, turkish politician and a comedian. And it was the goddamn comedian who made the most sense)
There is a sentiment that all muslims must now speak out against this, as if, if they don't do it publicly, they are accomplices. I'm sorry, but that's singling out a group because of the crimes of a part of that group, and it is in my opinion wrong. Do I, as a Belgian, have to apologize because we had one of the biggest pedophiles in history in our country? Do I, as raised a catholic (but atheist now), need to speak out against child abuse by priests? No. As a person, you should speak out against it, not as a community per se. This is to me an example of the sort of 'under the skin' racism and discrimination that is still a big problem in Europe. (The politician I speak of was not affraid to throw fuel on the fire too. But then again, it's a populist dick)
No, there are no segregrationist laws in Europe. There is freedom of religion. There are mosques, and people are free to follow Islam. But truth is, that in day to day society, there is a problem of discrimination and racism...