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Terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo magazine. 12 dead. 11 wounded.

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Why is that important. The best statement against these terrorists would be to give them less media attention. Relegate them to the back page.

That's one of the notable things to come out of all of this. By their own doing, these murderers have made this publication and its artists incredibly famous, so much so that next week's issue is being printed for a circulation of 1,000,000 instead of its usual 45,000.

In short, their "statement" has achieved the great sum of fuck all.


Not surprising. Every muslim I've known that's expressed an opinion on homosexuals has always been against them, though none have gone so far as to say they should be killed. One muslim that I drive to work with defended Shariah law saying if you don't do the crime, then nothing will happen, so what's the problem? Pretty cool, huh?

I've had many close muslim friends in the past, and well, some even go as far as to defend honour killings. I would say that video is probably misrepresenting though, some due to peer pressure, wouldn't surprise me if 50% truly felt that way however.

A world without religion seems good right about now. Imagine people had to use their own freedom of thought and not use some fairy tale book to justify backwards mentality? They would probably agree how stupid it is.
Howard Dean: The Paris attackers are part of a cult


HOWARD DEAN: You know, this is a chronic problem. I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They're about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they have no respect for anybody else's life, that's not what the Koran says. Europe has an enormous radical problem. I think ISIS is a cult. Not an Islamic cult. I think it's a cult.

BRZEZINSKI: Interesting, yeah. Hmm.

DEAN: And I think you got to deal with these people. The interesting thing here, is we talked about guns the last time in regarding the United States, regarding how guns get in the hands of the kind of people that kill the two police officers here two weeks ago.

France has tremendous gun control laws, and yet these people are able to get Kalashnikovs. So, this is really complicated stuff, and I think you have to treat these people as basically mass murderers. But I do not think we should accord them any particular religious respect, because I don't think, whatever they're claiming their motivation is, is clearly a twisted, cultish mind.


Food for thought in the Telegraph


"I think the terrorists "win" if we [...] hate Muslims."


Sam Harris posted the following video on his facebook page about the shooting: "Excellent discussion with Douglas Murray and Maajid Nawaz"

Reaction to Paris attacks: Murray, Nawaz and Powell

Reaction to the fatal shootings in Paris with Douglas Murray, from the Henry Jackson Society, and by Maajid Nawaz from the counter-extremism think-tank the Quilliam Foundation, who received death threats for tweeting a cartoon of Mohammed and Jesus last year.

They spoke to Andrew Neil on Thursday's Daily Politics, along with the former diplomat and chief of staff to Tony Blair Jonathan Powell after Jo Coburn went back over the events in the last 24 hours.
Howard Dean: I love the No True Scotsman fallacy.

well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes. why dont you stop hating my belief and respect muslims who want no violence


I don't think you know Eric Zemmour and you don't live in France I suppose ...So you should not make such judgments...

lol ok, you're right, I don't live in France, but I am french and I know who he is. This particular speech wasn't that bad, but I don't like what he is implying towards the end.


well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

To be honest you've been going on and on with the no true scotsman fallacy in this thread and the previous one. The point being, there is actually no true scotsman anyway.
Howard Dean takes the American Liberal approach of trying to be nice and politically correct with all religious minorities.

A true secular liberal is not afraid to question and be critical towards the dogmatic segments of a religion or religious groups
Why is that important. The best statement against these terrorists would be to give them less media attention. Relegate them to the back page.

They're doing exactly what they terrorists wanted. They're afraid of publishing images that may be seen as offensive to whacked Muslims. It was literally the entire point of the attack.


There isn't any shortage of pretexts over which we can kill each other anyway.

This is a standard excuse for religion though that is just not valid.
Sure there are people out there that will kill for a cigarette, 100 dollars or cause you look at them wrong, but what is more likely to incite these kind of crimes in failed human beings:

A) A man wants 10 cartoonists dead, he goes to 2 idiots and tells them, they will get 10.000 Dollars if they murder these 10 people and they would get the money after they have evaded the police.

B) A cleric wants 10 cartoonists dead. He intoxinates 2 weakminded idiots that they will be able to AVENGE GOD, they will be on one level with the creator of their religion and if they will die it will not matter as they will go to paradise and have access to dozens of virgins and be forever famous as martyrs.


well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes. why dont you stop hating my belief and respect muslims who want no violence
...I don't really need to reply to this. I think it speaks for itself.
To be honest you've been going on and on with the no true scotsman fallacy in this thread and the previous one. The point being, there is actually no true scotsman anyway.

that would be true if you believe Islam itself is violent but I am not. why by proxy as I am an adherent Muslim saying I am not a true muslim.
Islam has a large amount of extremism coming out of it that no other faiths match. These are obviously in the minority because they misinterpret Islam. It is by no means what Islam encourages or the majority do.

The problem is that because the most extremism exists out of Islam, it puts moderate Muslims in a very bad place. The responsibility of moderates should be challenging those that misinterpret it, this rarely seems to happen in the west and only when terrorist attacks occur by these extremists. Some Imams will condemn it when others will agree with it (such as that I.S Imam sympathizer in Denmark). Ordinary Muslims are not challenging extremism outside of terrorist acts, maybe it's out of fear, I don't know.

There are some that do challenge and help educate those that misinterpret, there are centers and youth programmes in Europe where Muslims help others that hold extremist views and misinterpretations but it's nowhere near enough.

This is why the sole situation of Islam in Europe particularly, it has the highest amount of extremism which gives moderates so much trouble unfortunately, there is a problem somewhere that is causing this for decades now. There are over 700 youthful Muslims in France alone over in Syria partaking in Jihad, over 1000 from the U.K. These are the ones that are acting on their extremist views and is alarming. The root problem needs to be found what is causing this high level of extremism out of Islam, how are they misinterpreting Islam? Why is so little done to prevent this? It's an obvious small minority out of Islam doing this obviously, but it's an amount no other faith is any where close to. That's an obvious problem.

Don't know what else to say about that. I don't really see much mention of it and someone on BBC World News said something similar in a much better way than I.


Junior Member
well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes. why dont you stop hating my belief and respect muslims who want no violence

We could say you are westophobes. If you think it is wrong, show them, not action them.
well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes.

Er.. what the hell?


Police now searching other villages


Apparently one of the attackers was seen in Corcys earlier today. Looks like they've split up.

Police is going from house to house searching everything.
Charlie Hebdo victim was 'a friend of Islam, Turkey'

"Georges Wolinski was a person who spoke in favor of Turkey’s EU membership and drew cartoons to support it.

He was a human who loved Turkey very much. He was never the enemy of any Muslim. On the contrary, he was one of the loudest voices supporting Muslim immigrants in France.

Another victim was Jean Cabut, "Cabu"...

Both were friends of the late Oğuz Aral, a legendary Turkish cartoonist.

They were leftists and never xenophobic or Islamophobic. Both were champions of immigrants in France."

Ordinary Muslims are not challenging extremism outside of terrorist acts, maybe it's out of fear, I don't know.

Ordinary Muslims are not politically active. Like you and me they just live their life, many don't even pray or follow their religion. They can't challenge the extremism because like you and me, they are not connected to extremist circles. Asking them to challenge extremism is as good as asking non-Muslims to.


well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes. why dont you stop hating my belief and respect muslims who want no violence
Good lord.
Didn't matter where you coming from. You got to learn to cope with Western. Same on Western got to learn to cope with Muslins.

Not just one side.

I cant be American or Canadian enough because I am muslim? what kind of segregation thought process is this? There is no need to cope. Muslims have been living in US since 19th century.

Funky Papa

well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes. why dont you stop hating my belief and respect muslims who want no violence

You have said plenty of silly stuff in this thread, but this comment right here depicts your inanity more than anything else.

I cant be American or Canadian enough because I am muslim? what kind of segregation thought process is this? There is no need to cope. Muslims have been living in US since 19th century.

Way to read.


Fuck Cancer
I really have a hard time understanding why the fuck I should respect religion. I also have a fucking hard time understanding people equating religion with race.
Religion doesn't have to be protected or respected.
I was just wondering, have they said how the identified the attackers? I read an article earlier that one of them turned themselves in (and I'm presuming identified the other two), did they have any leads on him and that's why he gave himself up, or did he just feel guilty?


I've stumbled upon this video on the internet, is this real?


Iirc Qureshi tried to backtrack later when he got criticised by anti-racist organisations, and claimed his organisation didn't want to implement their version of the Islamic penal system, and that they do not want to kill anyone.

I suppose their 'moderate stance' emerges from them seemingly believing that they are fighting 'radicals' who a, do want the worldwide caliphate & b, are willing to kill anyone who gets in their way.
Food for thought in the Telegraph

"I think the terrorists "win" if we [...] hate Muslims."

Whether their plan of getting the us to hate people of the Muslim faith over here in the West is certainly up to debate, I completely agree that the attack wasn't about these extremists being upset over some cartoons.

I know hindsight is a lovely thing, but it seems obvious that attacking a magazine over 'insulting' cartoons is going to result in further 'insulting' cartoons as a fuck you.


well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes. why dont you stop hating my belief and respect muslims who want no violence

This is some vile accusatory shit.


Junior Member
I cant be American or Canadian enough because I am muslim? what kind of segregation thought process is this? There is no need to cope. Muslims have been living in US since 19th century.

Then why you fear of Western. There is no need.

Lot of us are good people, and happy to respect your religion in your own. I hope everyone could do the same


The Amiga Brotherhood
well of course only Islamophobes (people afraid of Islam and thus adherent muslims like me) would say that. I wouldnt let my kid near your home if we were neighbours with that attitude.

In fact I would be afraid you would hurt my family if we walked in the same neighborhood as you. yikes. why dont you stop hating my belief and respect muslims who want no violence

You are not sounding exactly rational with this post.
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