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Terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo magazine. 12 dead. 11 wounded.

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The hero Los Santos deserves
Here's hoping this ends well for the hostage and that they take them alive so they can answer for their crimes. Don't let them become martyrs.

A few of my country's largest newspapers are housed in the building next to ours and some of the people I've had lunch with have been pretty shaken on the matter..which is quite understandable. One of the newspapers decided to publish Charlie Hebdo's cartoons, while others like NYT, as an example, refuse out of fear of being attacked or criticized. Hope they change their mind and publish soon anyway. Please don't let terrorism win.


These fuckers sadly aren't amateurs.

A GIGN guy talked about it on tv yesterday, they know how to shoot, but that sadly isn't difficult to train for in the vast french countryside. They did amateur things like crossing each other's line of fire, one of them holding the AK in a way that would fuck up his shoulder, walking into the wrong office at first, one of them trying to enter a group in Iraq, but was rejected etc. Some training yes, but not in a "pro" military setting.
A GIGN guy talked about it on tv yesterday, they know how to shoot, but that sadly isn't difficult to train for in the vast french countryside. They did amateur things like crossing each other's line of fire, one of them holding the AK in a way that would fuck up his shoulder, walking into the wrong office at first, one of them trying to enter a group in Iraq, but was rejected etc. Some training yes, but not in a "pro" military setting.
Exactly. Doesn't make them less dangerous though.



J'ai croisé un terroriste et je lui ai serré la main"
Un commercial qui avait rendez-vous, vendredi matin, dans l'entreprise de Dammartin-en-Goële où se tient la prise d'otage a témoigné sur France info. L'homme, un commercial, a rencontré un des frères Kouachi. "J'ai croisé un des terroristes, je lui ai serré la main et je lui ai dit bonjour". Le tueur lui aurait alors rétorqué : "Monsieur, on ne tue pas les civils".
"Je vais jouer au loto car j'ai eu beaucoup de chance ce matin", a ajouté le commercial, libre, sain et sauf.

Today i've met a terrorist and i've shaked his hand

A sales representative who had a meeting, friday morning, at the Danmartin-en-Goele company where the hostage taking is happening gave this testimony to France Info (french radio channel). The man, a sales representative, met one of the kouachi brothers " I met one of the terrorists. I shook his hand and told him " Good morning ". The killer answered him " Sir, we do not kill civilians ". " I'm goig to play the lotery because i got really lucky this morning " added the sales representative, free, safe and sound. "

What a crazy story ... omg.


A GIGN guy talked about it on tv yesterday, they know how to shoot, but that sadly isn't difficult to train for in the vast french countryside. They did amateur things like crossing each other's line of fire, one of them holding the AK in a way that would fuck up his shoulder, walking into the wrong office at first, one of them trying to enter a group in Iraq, but was rejected etc. Some training yes, but not in a "pro" military setting.

Dumb fucks with guns, exactly what the world needs.

edit: but those fuckerinos already killed civilians, are they fucking retarded? OH I FORGOT
How has the muslim world reacted to these attacks? I have read on a political level they have condemed, but alot of people on social medias etc have praised it?
Cheers in Palestinian camp according to Orient me Jour (Lebanese newspaper).
Support from laic Turks, "they had it coming" from erdogan supporters...
No real ubiquitous reaction
Dumb fucks with guns, exactly what the world needs.

edit: but those fuckerinos already killed civilians, are they fucking retarded? OH I FORGOT

They probably saw them as soldiers, no lie, that "He drew first cartoon" was probably how they literally saw it.



J'ai croisé un terroriste et je lui ai serré la main"
Un commercial qui avait rendez-vous, vendredi matin, dans l'entreprise de Dammartin-en-Goële où se tient la prise d'otage a témoigné sur France info. L'homme, un commercial, a rencontré un des frères Kouachi. "J'ai croisé un des terroristes, je lui ai serré la main et je lui ai dit bonjour". Le tueur lui aurait alors rétorqué : "Monsieur, on ne tue pas les civils".
"Je vais jouer au loto car j'ai eu beaucoup de chance ce matin", a ajouté le commercial, libre, sain et sauf.

Today i've met a terrorist and i've shaked his hand

A sales representative who had a meeting, friday morning, at the Danmartin-en-Goele company where the hostage taking is happening gave this testimony to France Info (french radio channel). The man, a sales representative, met one of the kouachi brothers " I met one of the terrorists. I shook his hand and told him " Good morning ". The killer answered him " Sir, we do not kill civilians ". " I'm goig to play the lotery because i got really lucky this morning " added the sales representative, free, safe and sound. "

What a crazy story ... omg.

Terrible sales representative... didn't even manage to sell him something ! :p


Exactly. Doesn't make them less dangerous though.

I know, they just had to make the distinction because to show they are not the ISIS warriors that have returned home. That's even scarier in a way, completely devoided of human feelings without having been in a war situation.
Let's hope they take that to heart against the civilian they have taken has hostage right now.
So they considered the cartoonists soldiers?
They should consider every free democratic person an enemy then.
I know, they just had to make the distinction because to show they are not the ISIS warriors that have returned home. That's even scarier in a way, completely devoided of human feelings without having been in a war situation.
Yeah i agree.



J'ai croisé un terroriste et je lui ai serré la main"
Un commercial qui avait rendez-vous, vendredi matin, dans l'entreprise de Dammartin-en-Goële où se tient la prise d'otage a témoigné sur France info. L'homme, un commercial, a rencontré un des frères Kouachi. "J'ai croisé un des terroristes, je lui ai serré la main et je lui ai dit bonjour". Le tueur lui aurait alors rétorqué : "Monsieur, on ne tue pas les civils".
"Je vais jouer au loto car j'ai eu beaucoup de chance ce matin", a ajouté le commercial, libre, sain et sauf.

Today i've met a terrorist and i've shaked his hand

A sales representative who had a meeting, friday morning, at the Danmartin-en-Goele company where the hostage taking is happening gave this testimony to France Info (french radio channel). The man, a sales representative, met one of the kouachi brothers " I met one of the terrorists. I shook his hand and told him " Good morning ". The killer answered him " Sir, we do not kill civilians ". " I'm goig to play the lotery because i got really lucky this morning " added the sales representative, free, safe and sound. "

What a crazy story ... omg.
I don't get it. This man knew he was talking with a terrorist? Is he safe now?


Knowing how to handle a weapon is hardly being professional. Those dudes didn't know where they were knocking on at first and missed Charlie's offices, had to ask for names instead of recognizing their victims and lost a wallet at the car.

They have significant military training and powerful weapons, but they are amateurs. Any idiot can group shots with an AK if they have received enough training. Cold blood and good aim shouldn't be confused with professionality.

Maybe it's just me but I view someone who is trained how to use a gun to kill people a proffesional. Maybe they're not experts which is why they did what was said above, but still proffesionals in my eyes.

The only thing I can really say to this is technically in their eyes they haven't killed any civillians before. In their eyes the people at Charlie Hebdo published something which they saw as a direct attack on their faith and only killed the people who were directly related to those comics. That's why I imagine that they called out names and only killed those people, they didn't just gun every single person in the building down. They knew what they were doing.

They probably killed the muslim police officer as he was "supporting" what Charlie Hebdo did by not doing anything about it.
So they considered the cartoonists soldiers?
They should consider every free democratic person an enemy then.

That's one of the tenets of AQAP: democracy makes every citizen complicit in the crimes of its leaders because they elect them willingly. There really is no such thing a non-combatant in the extremist view. Even fellow believers are part of a greater enemy.


Ofcourse he knew.

Doesn't sound like it:

The man, who would only gave his name as Didier, said he had an appointment with Michel, the owner of the printing and publicity material business. Didier said he shook one of the gunmen’s hands who he took to be police special operations officer. He was dressed in black and was heavily armed with at least one rifle.

He said when he arrived at the business his client came out to meet him with what he took to be a policeman, dressed in black combat gear, with a bullet-proof vest.

“We all shook hands and my client told me to leave.” Didier added that the man he took to be the policeman said: “Go, we don’t kill civilians”. He added “I thought was strange.”

He said: “As I left I didn’t know what it was, it wasn’t normal. I did not know what was going on. Was it a hostage taking or a burglary?”



On a side note, some papers were reporting that the operation is led by the director general of the Gendarmerie (the boss of all gendarmes). This position happens to be currently held by… Gen. Denis Favier, who led the Assault of the Air France plane at Marignane 20 years ago...

General Denis Favier is one of our greatest heroes. He's the one who led the famous assault of the Air France plane that was taken by islamist terrorists in 94.

All passengers were saved and 10 members of the GIGN were slightly wounded but no casualties.

Here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1rG-i3lsb0

Les frères Kouachi sont lourdement armés. Afin de calmer les preneurs d'otages, les hélicoptères se sont posés. Les équipes du GIGN n'arrivent pas à entrer en contact avec Chérif et Saïd Kouachi", explique Georges Brenier, journaliste chez RTL.

"The kouachi Brothers are heavily armed. To relax the hostage takers, helicopters have been grounded. GIGN special forces couldn't get in contact with Cherif and Said Kouachi " explayed Georges Brenier, journalist at RTL (french radio channel )


If armed guys barge into you company, and the hot news of the last 48 hours is a terrorist attack you can assume you are talking to them.

Alternatively, if there are 9000 armed men scouting villages - you might also assume it's one of those 9000 cops/special forces/undercover cops etc...


GIGN special forces couldn't get in contact with Cherif and Said Kouachi

That's a blatant lie.

They tried to negotiate, they said they are ready to "die as martyrs", end of negotiation, assault planning started then.


How has the muslim world reacted to these attacks? I have read on a political level they have condemed, but alot of people on social medias etc have praised it?
You see every kind of reactions. Many have reacted against the terrorists, but of course, there's support from some. I guess it can't be helped (but I'd like to see some tweets/reactions resulting into legal investigations).

AFAIK, there has been an unanimous support from the press of close muslim countries.


Sharpshooters starting to take position.

True, but if we go by their warped worldview that hostage they have now is by their own definition a civilian.

If the hostage gets harmed (or worse) they blame it on the Police or he/she suddenly stopped being a civilian because of reasons made up on the spot.


That's a blatant lie.

They tried to negotiate, they said they are ready to "die as martyrs", end of negotiation, assault planning started then.
Just fyi, In the Belgian newspaper De Standaard, this is not taken as a fact but as a rumor - apparently said by a politician.

This is not officially confirmed.

Remember, newspapers are reporting on everything they hear right now - not everything that gets out there is a verified fact.


Sharpshooters starting to take position.

Didn't the police tell the journalists to not take pictures and post them online, because they kinda need to surprise the terrorists and keep their men safe, and any clue to the GIGN position could compromise the mission?


Didn't the police tell the journalists to not take pictures and post them online, because they kinda need to surprise the terrorists and keep their men safe, and any clue to the GIGN position could compromise the mission?

Probably but journalists don't care unless it's them in the crossfire.


Just fyi, In the Belgian newspaper De Standaard, this is not taken as a fact but as a rumor - apparently said by a politician.

This is not officially confirmed.

A dude from the negotiator team actually said they talked once and only once and that it was over. So it's kinda fact.
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