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Terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo magazine. 12 dead. 11 wounded.

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They've just said on SkyNews that a person who was inside the Charlie Hebdo building spoke for the first time today and said he was able to hide and overheard the gunmen saying they think they killed everyone. They were then leaving and they mentioned that they don't kill women.

The one hostage with the gunmen now in Dammartin-en-Goele is a woman, so hopefully that points towards a positive outcome.

J'ai croisé un terroriste et je lui ai serré la main"
Un commercial qui avait rendez-vous, vendredi matin, dans l'entreprise de Dammartin-en-Goële où se tient la prise d'otage a témoigné sur France info. L'homme, un commercial, a rencontré un des frères Kouachi. "J'ai croisé un des terroristes, je lui ai serré la main et je lui ai dit bonjour". Le tueur lui aurait alors rétorqué : "Monsieur, on ne tue pas les civils".
"Je vais jouer au loto car j'ai eu beaucoup de chance ce matin", a ajouté le commercial, libre, sain et sauf.

Today i've met a terrorist and i've shaked his hand

A sales representative who had a meeting, friday morning, at the Danmartin-en-Goele company where the hostage taking is happening gave this testimony to France Info (french radio channel). The man, a sales representative, met one of the kouachi brothers " I met one of the terrorists. I shook his hand and told him " Good morning ". The killer answered him " Sir, we do not kill civilians ". " I'm goig to play the lotery because i got really lucky this morning " added the sales representative, free, safe and sound. "

What a crazy story ... omg.
I'll have to check this guy isn't one of my salesmen (he could really be). Although I'd expect our guys to singlehandedly stop the terrorists and sell their shit afterwards.

On a side note, some papers were reporting that the operation is led by the director general of the Gendarmerie (the boss of all gendarmes). This position happens to be currently held by… Gen. Denis Favier, who led the Assault of the Air France plane at Marignane 20 years ago...

General Denis Favier is one of our greatest heroes. He's the one who led the famous assault of the Air France plane that was taken by islamist terrorists in 94.

All passengers were saved and 10 members of the GIGN were slightly wounded but no casualties.

Here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1rG-i3lsb0

Les frères Kouachi sont lourdement armés. Afin de calmer les preneurs d'otages, les hélicoptères se sont posés. Les équipes du GIGN n'arrivent pas à entrer en contact avec Chérif et Saïd Kouachi", explique Georges Brenier, journaliste chez RTL.

"The kouachi Brothers are heavily armed. To relax the hostage takers, helicopters have been grounded. GIGN special forces couldn't get in contact with Cherif and Said Kouachi " explayed Georges Brenier, journalist at RTL (french radio channel )

Yeah, Favier is absolutely great and that hostage crisis was handled perfectly.


Le Point reports the man who killed a policewoman yesterday morning is believed to be part of the same group "Buttes-Chaumont" as the Kouachi brothers.


They've just said on SkyNews that a person who was inside the Charlie Hebdo building spoke for the first time today and said he was able to hide and overheard the gunmen saying they think they killed everyone. They were then leaving and they mentioned that they don't kill women.

The one hostage with the gunmen now in Dammartin-en-Goele is a woman, so hopefully that points towards a positive outcome.
But they killed a woman: Elsa Cayat.
I don't understand this, why are pictures like this allowed to be published? Is it not a safety concern for the officers there? They've given away their position.

Yep, I saw this earlier... It could also prompt the suspects to move, relocate or harm the hostage etc. Stuff is infuriating. But it seems most reporters are complying now.

I'm sure they built up a jamming net. Doubt the terrorists have internet access.

The location may have internet on a land line or a television, you simply can't presume the jamming is airtight.
The guy whose car was stolen yesterday spoke:
Rough translation:
Two men heavily armed stopped the driver telling him they need his car.
The driver recognized an assault rifle and a kind of rocket launcher.
He said the men were calm and professionals.
He opened the back passenger door if his car to take back his dog.
One of the guy told him to say if he was interviewed that the men are from Al-Qaeda in Yemen.
The driver feels very lucky as he could see face to face the men unmasked.


The Birthday Skeleton
Actually the sales agent had a totally different story than the presented in Le Figaro:

LeMonde.fr said:
France Info a recueilli le témoignage de Didier, un commercial qui raconte avoir croisé la route des deux tireurs présumés ce matin devant l'entrepôt de l'imprimerie où a lieu la prise d'otage.

"Lorsque je suis arrivé, mon client est sorti avec une personne armée qui s'est présentée de la police, mon client m'a demandé de partir, donc je suis parti. La personne qui s'était présentée comme étant de la police m'a dit : 'Partez, de toute façon on ne tue pas les civils', c'est ce qui m'a énormément interpellé, et j'ai décidé d'appeler la police. Je suppose que c'était l'un des terroristes".

So practically he arrived there to meet a client and the client was with an armed person who said he is a policeman and the client told him to leave. But at the end the armed guy said that they don't kill civilians and that made him suspect that he was actually one of the terrorists.


Neo Member
They've just said on SkyNews that a person who was inside the Charlie Hebdo building spoke for the first time today and said he was able to hide and overheard the gunmen saying they think they killed everyone. They were then leaving and they mentioned that they don't kill women.

The one hostage with the gunmen now in Dammartin-en-Goele is a woman, so hopefully that points towards a positive outcome.

They did kill a female Charlie columnist, though.


Just read on Sky Live News that the 2 suspects have said that they are willing to die as martyrs.

I have no words to say other than I hope that hostage is rescued alive and well.




They've just said on SkyNews that a person who was inside the Charlie Hebdo building spoke for the first time today and said he was able to hide and overheard the gunmen saying they think they killed everyone. They were then leaving and they mentioned that they don't kill women.

The one hostage with the gunmen now in Dammartin-en-Goele is a woman, so hopefully that points towards a positive outcome.

One of the killed Charlie Hebdo employees is a woman.

Maybe they didn't realize they shot a woman or maybe they did .. Who knows what's happening in the heads of these lunatics.


Is that a tank in the background? Wat?

Maybe it's just a perspective illusion, or the army just happened to be moving a tank in the area.
Or they're just taking all their unused hardware for a field trip. Someone commented yesterday about the black armored truck that was used for the patrols in Longpont. It is the second time it's been used since its creation 15 years ago, because it's usually too big to drive through streets. :/


The only thing I can think is that they already had the tank loaded on the truck, and didn't feel like taking it off to load that truck....

Or maybe France don't give a fuck and if the hostage dies, they are just gonna blow them away.

I honestly have no idea what a tank is gonna do in this situation.


Off-Topic sort of, but is anyone else having trouble with neogaf (this thread in particular) redirecting to lemode-mgz.com? I can't stay in this thread without being redirected to that bullshit site within seconds of loading this page up. Extremely frustrating.
Well, if they have a rocket launcher that's the most appropriate vehicle they could use. A light armoured vehicle like the Panhard VBL next to the tank would be shredded by an RPG.

This. The tank is a good way to get close to a RPG safely, I don't think it's intended for firing the cannon.


Well, if they have a rocket launcher that's the most appropriate vehicle they could use. A light armoured vehicle like the Panhard VBL next to the tank would be shredded by an RPG.

Probably only a coincidence. You see tanks being transported all the time on the Autobahn here in germany. Tank won't help them shit if they hid in a office building unless they want to flatten it.


This. The tank is a good way to get close to a RPG safely, I don't think it's intended for firing the cannon.

Pretty sure the French have MRAP-style vehicles. What are they planning on doing? Driving around in circles hoping they waste their RPG on the tank?


The only thing I can think is that they already had the tank loaded on the truck, and didn't feel like taking it off to load that truck....

Or maybe France don't give a fuck and if the hostage dies, they are just gonna blow them away.

I honestly have no idea what a tank is gonna do in this situation.

We're not Russia lol (joke)

Believe me, saving the hostages is their number one priority.


These terrorist fundamentalists want martyrdom.

Hopefully they can be captured alive, and imprisoned in absolute solitude for the rest of their lives; denying them that wish.


The only thing I can think is that they already had the tank loaded on the truck, and didn't feel like taking it off to load that truck....

Or maybe France don't give a fuck and if the hostage dies, they are just gonna blow them away.

I honestly have no idea what a tank is gonna do in this situation.
Ram a wall. Instant entry point. Also a tank inside. Shock and awe.

It does seem like crazy overkill, but they probably know what they're doing.


Ram a wall. Instant entry point. Also a tank inside. Shock and awe.

It does seem like crazy overkill, but they probably know what they're doing.

blowing a hole in the wall or blowing a door off its hinges would be faster. You'd have to ram the wall, then back the tank up, and then have dudes running through dust/falling debris to enter that way.

Tank could be used to provide a moving cover to shield special operation officer moving in on the building.

Again, there are other vehicles that can do that...not to mention actually CARRY these guys.

Drive slowly towards the building, special forces can hide behind maybe?

There was a book I read by a Delta operator who said during a raid, or I guess any operation really, you follow this order: stealth, speed, violence of action. Meaning at first, you try to sneak up and catch them off guard. If that fails, you try to enter as quickly as possible while they're still trying to figure out what is going on. If that fails, you go in guns blazing and overpower with fire.

Walking slowly behind a loudass tank does away with the first 2 options.
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