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Terry Goodkind: The Omen Machine OT [Spoiler warning]

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Salazar said:

I wrote the last 80 pages in one sitting, total stream of consciousness. I never re-read it, I just sent it off to the publisher. What you read in “Confessor”, the last 80 pages of the book, is what came up on my computer in one sitting, no editing, nothing. That's a decade worth of planning and just writing it out. It's raw Goodkind [laughs].

I adore that [laughs].

Are there any gems from those 80 pages, Sal?


Clevinger said:
Are there any gems from those 80 pages, Sal?

Would you believe I threw away my copy ?

The TG website also says there are "exciting plans to take this movement offline", referring to the Wizard's Rules.

Which are:

1. People are stupid. They will believe a lie because they want it to be true; or they're afraid it's true.

2. The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.

3. Passion rules reason. For better or for worse.

4. There is magic in sincere forgiveness; in the forgiveness you give, but more so in the forgiveness you receive.

5. Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.

6. The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason.

7. Life is the future, not the past.

8. Talga Vassternich.

9. A contradiction cannot exist in reality. Not in part, nor in whole.

10. Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self.

11. Unsaid but inferred.

Rules 8 and 11 are obviously for high tier Goodkind scholars.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Wow, those are the Wizard's Rules? Two of them contradict each other, like three of them make no fucking sense and the rest are all obvious to anyone who's over five years old.


The_Technomancer said:
Wow, those are the Wizard's Rules? Two of them contradict each other, like three of them make no fucking sense and the rest are all obvious to anyone who's over five years old.

I am hoping Terry starts some kind of Oath Keepers style movement of Wizards.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I reread 8 and 11 a few times just to make sure I wasn't missing something.


Halycon said:
I reread 8 and 11 a few times just to make sure I wasn't missing something.

Talga Vassternich, I read, means Deserve Victory in High D'haran, a Germanesque language.

Fuer ost grissa drauka is Richard's High D'haran title - Bringer of Death.

[No, Goodkind did not go to Tolkien's lengths in language creation. I believe that this is gibberish.]


markot said:
Gang rape is democracy in action.


When you say you're fighting terror, there's no such thing as "terror" as an enemy. You're doing gang rape on 80 year-old Swedish grandmothers because you're afraid to say that the enemy are Middle Eastern men.

Gang rape is his go-to metaphor. And that passage above is when the interviewer should have said "woah, hold up. What ?"


Like many others here, I too read Wizard's First Rule at a relatively young age and I remember enjoying it greatly. It had romance, sex and a lot of (sexual) violence. What's not to like, when you're 15 and horny? The second and third book were okay too, but after that even a young and stupid me started noticing the absurdity of the story and the terrible, terrible writing.

Same thing with Feist. Loved the first couple of books (and Betrayal at Krondor is still one of my favourite games!) and so I decided to stick with the author for a while, until it became clear that I was wasting my time. Of which I had plenty, back then.

Ah, to be young and impressionable. I think for us non-native english speakers the whole 'recognition' process takes more time. And no matter how good you get at understanding a foreign language ... you'll always percieve it as something that's exotic, misterious and fascinating, when compared to your own language. That had a lot to do with me enjoying Goodkind, I think. I hope.


You're doing gang rape on 80 year-old Swedish grandmothers because you're afraid to say that the enemy are Middle Eastern men.

That metaphor is so specific, as if he'd imagined that exact scenario before.

I wonder if in like 50 years, after he's dead, they're going to find a bunch of dead women under his house.
Salazar said:
Yeah, a prophecy that she had to betray Richard.

Ordinarily, she and Richard weren't able to have sex, because her Confessor powers would be released at the point of orgasm and Richard would become a vegetable. Shota (milf witch, fancies Richard but thinks he is dangerous, keeps threatening to kill them or any offspring they conceive) engineered some magical way for them to fuck.

ROFL. Guess her powers don't work when she thinks she's fucking someone else, even when it's really him. This Goodkind guy sounds like a real champ at writing.


Zabojnik said:
Like many others here, I too read Wizard's First Rule at a relatively young age and I remember enjoying it greatly. It had romance, sex and a lot of (sexual) violence. What's not to like, when you're 15 and horny?

Yeah. I thought Zedd was hilarious, too. It is abundantly clear now that he is a botched Belgarath clone, but I thought he was kickass. Chase, too: ranger dude completely covered in knives.


methodman said:
I liked wizard's first rule when I was 12 and sort of had high hopes for the show. Show was embarrassing as all hell lol

I don't know if it would have been better or worse if it had expressly followed the tone and events of the books.

Probably better, because Goodkind's crazy ideas > any of their writers' crazy ideas.


Hari Seldon said:
The series would have been truly awesome had Cinemax picked it up instead of the networks.

Maybe. I just bought a few episodes to set the mood/build hype.

If Goodkind hates and had barely anything to do with the series, then it doesn't count as Feeding the Yeard.


Arcblade said:
My absolute favorite aspect of Goodkind's series is that, at the end of the day, it all boiled down to Rugby.


Do you mean Ja'La dh Jin ?

This strikes me as peculiar, incidentally.

With great power, came a great personal sacrifice for the remaining female confessors. A Confessor's power is always "on" and it is only because a Confessor is trained from birth to use her power "at will" that she does not Confess all around her. However, Confessors can lose control and confess people they don't mean to confess. Most notably, whenever Confessors made love with someone that caused a Confessor to enjoy great physical ecstasy, the Confessor lost her ability to control her power. Thus, a Confessor's loved one would lose their individuality after mating with a Confessor. After only one intimate experience, the mate becomes the Confessor's pawn and the mate loses any sense of individuality until the day the confessed person died.

Sadly, the most ethical of Confessors chose to never make love to the man she really loved out of deep respect for his individuality. Confessors, instead, would pick mates for procreation purposes while remaining emotionally close to their true soul mate.

So some other dude gets his brain wiped and gets turned into a meaningless sex object. Awesome.


Salazar said:

Do you mean Ja'La dh Jin ?

I'm pretty sure he meant Rugby.

He simply refrained from using the proper name.

Probably due to some issues with democracy and anti-rape laws in Britain.


icarus-daedelus said:
Kahlan and Cara are both smoking hot in the tv series. Actually, so is Richard. It's too bad Zedd has to muck things up because there is some real eye candy going on in that show.

True. I respect that dude's abs. But this is beyond rescue:


This is so badass.

"THE OMEN MACHINE - This is the extraordinary story of what happens next in Richard and Kahlan's world now that the great war has ended. (A few have asked, and no, there is no connection whatsoever to THE LAW OF NINES.) I'm having a great time writing this book and can't wait for people to read it. From the first sentence you will be just as mystified as Richard, Kahlan, Zedd, and many of the other characters we've all come to care so much about. I can't say much more for now... except fear what is about to happen." - Terry Goodkind, December 2010
Chiming in for ONE post in this thread to say that this authors work is trash. Poor fantasy at best.......bigoted/predictable/chauvinist/unoriginal at worst. One of the maybe 3 fantasy authors in my entire life whose books have been so subpar that i could not finish them. Goodkind hasn't put a single subtle twist in any writing that I have read.

This is my only post so I am not seen as a troll but I feel compelled to post this by my massive disappointment in his work.

(this is an attack on his writing....not LOTS show....which is ok..../FAP)


06nbarnhill said:
(this is an attack on his writing....not LOTS show....which is ok..../FAP)




One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
How many cows did they have to butcher to get all that leather?



Salazar said:
I'll let you know once I've watched it. I'm starting from the beginning. No skipping.

I liked the show, watched it before I read the books. Would have been amazing if Cinemax did it like said before haha.




Legend of the Seeker premiered on the weekend of November 1–2, 2008 in the United States and attracted more than 4.1 million viewers over the two days. The first two episodes obtained an average of 1.5/3 Nielsen rating among 54 metered markets with a 1.4/3 rating on Saturday and a 1.7/3 rating on Sunday. In addition to improving its broadcast time periods in several top markets, Legend also improved the audience numbers in the key 18 to 49 year old demographic in all airings. Over its first month of airing, the show averaged more than 3.6 million viewers. It was renewed for a second season after obtaining a 2.0 household rating average for its first ten episodes.[5]

The season two premiere of Legend of the Seeker averaged 2.583 million viewers the weekend of November 7-8 with a 1.7 household rating.

That's not bad, is it ?


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
You know what's fucked up? I loved these books all the way up until Pillars of Creation. Faith of the Fallen is my favorite book. What's even more messed up is that I completely stepped over Terry Goodkind's Objectivist bullshit and took his words and spun them a completely different way.

I won't be reading this book. I haven't read any books after the Sword of Truth series (LOL @ the fucking ending)

And god damn at the Mord Sith in the show... so fucking hot.


Alfarif said:
What's even more messed up is that I completely stepped over Terry Goodkind's Objectivist bullshit and took his words and spun them a completely different way.

If they had been fighting the Imperial Order because they were a violent bunch of unwashed brutes bent on rape and conquest, then I would have been entirely on Richard's side. But he hates them for their communitarian ideals. It is, pretty much, a strain of crude egalitarianism that bothers him, at least as much as the fact that these are belching misanthropes and killers.

If Jagang could have been eased out of power, and a less psychotic leader installed, I would have signed up for the Imperial Order in a flash.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Salazar said:
If they had been fighting the Imperial Order because they were a violent bunch of unwashed brutes bent on rape and conquest, then I would have been entirely on Richard's side. But he hates them for their communitarian ideals. It is, pretty much, a strain of crude egalitarianism that bothers him, at least as much as the fact that these are belching misanthropes and killers.

If Jagang could have been eased out of power, and a less psychotic leader installed, I would have signed up for the Imperial Order in a flash.

Wholeheartedly agree. How'd you like that all of the "wastes of life" were always old, always poor, always women who had too many children, or always young "hoods," but how Richard and his ilk were always the most upstanding of whatever Goodkind thinks deserves to exist?

I am still laughing hysterically at the final three books. Actually, anything after Pillars of Creation is just plain hilarious: Richard explaining magic to ZEDD for 30 damn pages, Richard preaching the world of Goodkind for 30 pages in Naked Empire... every 100 pages, an entire book dedicated to two of the most worthless characters ever written about, and story lines that were.... pointless. I honestly can't remember what Richard was doing during any of the books after Faith of the Fallen... and can someone explain what the hell Nicholas the Slide was?

(The comment Goodkind said about writing the last 80 pages without re-reading is starting to make all of his books make a LOT more sense now)


Alfarif said:
Wholeheartedly agree. How'd you like that all of the "wastes of life" were always old, always poor, always women who had too many children, or always young "hoods," but how Richard and his ilk were always the most upstanding of whatever Goodkind thinks deserves to exist?

It is timelessly infuriating that he goes hacking his way into a bunch of people ("MOVE OR DIE") who are in favour of peace.

Seriously. The meathead who chops down categorically innocent people (THERE IS NO PEACE. MOVE OR DIE. MOVE OR DIE), and who is basically a Dalek with a charisma-bypass, is the heroic ideal.

The more I think about it, the more I am lured into resolving: yes, let's rid the world (and any new worlds Richard pulls out of his ass) of magic. I'll kill the fucken magical firefly creatures myself.




The Slide was like a more powerful dreamwalker. Instead of stepping into and seeing a mind, he completely took control and became the body. Though now that I think about it he may not have been more powerful since he had to leave his body to do so. Been a while though so I may be misremembering.


The court artist would have had a pretty cool power if it wasn't nerfed.

Although both James and Violet as well as Richard Rahl and Rachel are only able to cast spells by drawing pictures in a special cave outside of Tamarang called the Sacred Caves.

If you could take that shit on the road, you would destroy fools.
Salazar said:


That's not bad, is it ?
I stopped watching after five or six episodes (I couldn't care for the plot) but being this sexy should be illegal. Is there a way I can watch a collection of all the Mord-Sith scenes without the rest? I don't find Kahlan attractive, by the way, and I don't remember seeing that many of them in the book (I think there were just Denna and a couple other Mord-Sith, which did not even include Cara).

I tend to like adaptations that don't stick to the original works (I didn't read GRRM's books, but think the Game of Thrones series is one example of such wasted potential) but the Legend of the Seeker seemed so different from the book that I had a hard time feeling immersed in it. I don't even mind not having pedophile wizards and Blood Rage Kahlan making them eat their own testicles, but it could have been more faithful.


Computer said:
Yes, although I suspect there are more of those scenes. Thanks.

I'll confess that I would also appreciate a LotS comprising only Mord Sith scenes.

I wonder if Raimi considered a film. It probably could have got backing. And it would perhaps have been more true to the fairly straightforward contours (such as they are) of Goodkind's storytelling, whereas the episodic form turns it into an even more offputtingly didactic jumble of morally obvious lessons played out with swords and magic. Which is of a piece with Goodkind's temperament and mission, but it's a fate that the books somehow managed to avoid.

rofl. I just saw a gar in the first episode. That's what Gratch is going to look like ? Fuuuck. I was picturing a winged wookie.


Watched the first two episodes of LotS.

So much slow motion. Lots of it with boobs.

Zedd is one cold motherfucker, sealing up those D'harans in a cave with whatever a Shadrin is.

And they did manage to make Michael Cypher an insufferable dick. I'm really not sure if they nailed Darken Rahl, though. He's supposed to be unbearably handsome, to take one obvious deficiency.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Husker86 said:
The Slide was like a more powerful dreamwalker. Instead of stepping into and seeing a mind, he completely took control and became the body. Though now that I think about it he may not have been more powerful since he had to leave his body to do so. Been a while though so I may be misremembering.

Yeah. Didn't he have to kill someone to slide into another body, as well? I don't know, that whole damn book was stupid.

My wife and I were discussing the books years ago (8... 9? I don't remember) about how Goodkind pisses away 90% of the book doing nothing then rushes to finish it up in the last 10%. For most of the series, it works, just because you want to see what's going to happen (LOL @ spinal cords getting snapped but you still being able to fight... ok man), but the last half of the series... made absolutely no sense. It was like he just gave up trying to tell anything resembling a story and just vomited his entire ideology onto the page. What the hell, Goodkind?

Salazar said:
The court artist would have had a pretty cool power if it wasn't nerved.

That was probably the coolest thing Goodkind has ever done. I was like "Damn, son, you gonna get fucked by some cave paintings!"

However, I did like when Richard kicked Violet in the jaw and shattered her FACE. LOL I can't believe I read the first six books more than 11 times each... sigh.

The best character in the entire series was Dalton Campbell.


I know he has an editor, but Goodkind certainly likes to give the impression that he has an Anne Rice degree of autonomy. And you can tell, with some of the alliteration in particular, that he believes he can really craft a fucking sentence. If I remember right, his longtime editor is the dude who does his trolling for him at conventions.

My favourite character is probably Jagang. Daaaaaarrrrlinnnn. He had some boss moves. Killing someone and having the body jerk around, reflecting their torment in the underworld, until it decayed. That is next-level.
Not gonna lie. I really enjoyed the first and sixth book, but getting to the Faith of the Fallen was a chore, and I quickly dropped Pillars of Creation.
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