Electric Golf with longer range and quick charge will be out in 2-3 years. "Just a Golf" that is EV with some range will sell like crazy. And even Golf has a better interior than the Model 3. It will also undercut Model 3 (at least in Europe) in price.
Oh, you meant the I.D. Concept where they compared the hypothetical NEFZ range to the much less forgiving EPA rated range of the Model 3? We'll see what comes out of those claims in a few years but until then half a million Model 3s will be on the road.
The internet can be really weird sometimes. Here we have the old guard announcing their EV projects left and right without having anything to show for until 2019 or 2020 and everyone is already pronouncing Tesla's time of death. In every other industry people would call thise announced cars vaporware but for some reason legacy car makers get tons of free passes.
People are also very sure that these car makers get their true first gen EV perfectly right on their first try.
That's also not a given if you ask me.
Tesla is here to stay and legacy car makers catching up is not going to change that. They will simply coexist like all the car makes have for the past decades. Everyone's preferences are different. That's why we have BMW, Mercedes and Daimler. Why would Tesla go under when the others catch up but we have so many different ICE makers that don't magically kill each other because someone else comes along?
On a different note (and feel free to take this with a grain of salt) I've talked to a buddy of mine who's an engineer at Porsche last night. Apparently they are currently benchmarking Tesla Model S and Xs to speed up their own drivetrain development. Audi has also been reverse engineering some Tesla tech the last two years.
I think that's pretty interesting.