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That's it, I'm never dating a kid again...

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Well, I would have determined what my emotionally investment was before I had sex with him

Well, sex isn't really a big deal to me, so my emotional investment really has nothing to do with having slept with him as I was feeling this way before we had the amazing sex, and by emotional investment I don't mean how should i feel, I know how I feel, I'm basically scared of getting my hopes up, because I'll inevitably fuck it up, lol.
Adel - This IS a cry for attention, no matter how you slice it. You're 25 and dating someone who JUST turned 18. What the fuck did you expect to happen? Regardless of your sexual orientation, that sorta relationship always HITS the rocks. Try finding someone older, champ. And when doing that, maybe securing a legitimate job and actually graduating school. Those will probably help you out A LOT more than posting these pleas for help on a forum where, apparently, it's cool to be gay and people just dispense of 'advice' as if they have enough experience to actually do so.


Heh, my ex is only 17 (well, she'll be 18 in Sept) and she just recently got engaged to some 25 year old dork who obviously couldn't find anyone his own age. Though I've had a new girlfriend for awhile and no longer seek a relationship with my ex, we DID have a profound effect on eachother while we were together, and I feel she is making some grave mistake in her life. I wish I could stop her, but when she gets infatuated with someone, she REALLY gets infatuates with someone, and she won't listen to me. Her life's already been fucked up enough and though she says she's happy right now, I can't help but think that she's lulled herself into a state of false security with this guy. 25 and 17/18? Moral implications aside, I feel the age and maturity gap is far too large for anyone to sustain a long-term relationship, let alone a marriage. :\


GAF's Bob Woodward
Socreges said:
What do you mean "son" and "his"? I thought you were a gu-...OH MY GOD


edit - this is supposed to be an lol icon, but we don't seem to have an lol icon? oh well, still - lol.


Geez, seems the forum change-over has brought a new batch of "OMG, THERE ARE GAY PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM!!!!" posters on board.
HalfPastNoon said:
Adel - This IS a cry for attention, no matter how you slice it. You're 25 and dating someone who JUST turned 18. What the fuck did you expect to happen? Regardless of your sexual orientation, that sorta relationship always HITS the rocks. Try finding someone older, champ. And when doing that, maybe securing a legitimate job and actually graduating school. Those will probably help you out A LOT more than posting these pleas for help on a forum where, apparently, it's cool to be gay and people just dispense of 'advice' as if they have enough experience to actually do so.

Sorry but this is by no means a cry for attention. I have been on these forums for more than 5 years now and I think I moved past the stage of calling attention to myself. I simply had the most disappointing event happen to me today because of his father (I'm not going into details), and I came home genuinely pissed off and disappointed. I needed to let out some steam, and what better place to do that than here? You obviously have a problem with me, go get some help.

I graduated school a year ago, and I already have several good job offers on the horizon, and I have been sort of freelancing for a while now.
teiresias said:
Geez, seems the forum change-over has brought a new batch of "OMG, THERE ARE GAY PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM!!!!" posters on board.

They're mostly Opa Agers who were banned on the old forums, now they got a chance to slip in, not unnoticed though.


well its just that when someone talks about dating people don't really assume its a homosexual relationship so it may come as a shock to some. big deal.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I took Socreges to be joking..it read funnily to me anyway, and I think he intended it that way. I wouldn't be all over him about it.

I think Goremody is gay.
adelgary said:
I wasn't talking about you, I mainly referring to GuntherBait and HalfPastNoon.

I'm from OA? Color me surprised. Why is it that anyone who voices a different opinion in your threads is labeled "OH, HES JUST SOME OAER..IGNORE THEM"? Explain that to me, please. I'm very interested in hearing your rational for that.

And yes, Vaga, Goroemody is gay.
HalfPastNoon said:
I'm from OA? Color me surprised. Why is it that anyone who voices a different opinion in your threads is labeled "OH, HES JUST SOME OAER..IGNORE THEM"? Explain that to me, please. I'm very interested in hearing your rational for that.

Voicing a different opinion has nothing to do with it. It's just that calling out my school and job situations at every chance they get (with outdated info no less) is something OAers are very well known for.
adelgary said:
Voicing a different opinion has nothing to do with it. It's just that calling out my school and job situations at every chance they get (with outdated info no less) is something OAers are very well known for.

Ok, sorry then. Didn't mean to pounce on those aspects of your life, but they are important and I've been reading these forums for a very long time, so I thought I'd "dispense of some advice", too. ;)


I dunno. Reading about some 25 year man who's gay, and going out with a teenager boy is kinda disgusting. =\


Why's it any more disgusting than a 25-year old guy going out with a teenage girl? I guess having a gay sibling changes your perspective on things a bit though.
Meier said:
Why's it any more disgusting than a 25-year old guy going out with a teenage girl? I guess having a gay sibling changes your perspective on things a bit though.

One of your brothers is gay? They're hot! (I still have that picture) :p


AssMan said:
I dunno. Reading about some 25 year man who's gay, and going out with a teenager boy is kinda disgusting. =\

Your nick is AssMan and it's far more disgusting.
Wow, guys, you're really reaching. As if the username "AssMan" is so utterly offensive and horrid that it negates his point. Jesus Christ..
HalfPastNoon said:
Wow, guys, you're really reaching. As if the username "AssMan" is so utterly offensive and horrid that it negates his point. Jesus Christ..

I really don't see what is wrong with a 25 year old dating an 18 year old... Can someone enlighten me please? If my age preference is younger and his age preference is older, and both of us are of legal age, then what the hell is the problem?

Not to mention that we both think this is the best relationship we ever had, and we're really in love :confused


HalfPastNoon said:
Wow, guys, you're really reaching. As if the username "AssMan" is so utterly offensive and horrid that it negates his point. Jesus Christ..
Says the guy named "HalfPastNoon"... IT'S FOUR O CLOCK


Wow, guys, you're really reaching. As if the username "AssMan" is so utterly offensive and horrid that it negates his point. Jesus Christ..
No it doesn't negate his point. (Not that it's a very good one.) But surely you see the irony in this?
There is no irony, it's a userrname. That's it. End of discussion.

Anyway, Adel, I don't think it's wrong per se, but even you have to know that relationships with that big of an age-difference at that time usually break down and fail over the reasons you pinpointed earlier.
HalfPastNoon said:
There is no irony, it's a userrname. That's it. End of discussion.

Anyway, Adel, I don't think it's wrong per se, but even you have to know that relationships with that big of an age-difference at that time usually break down and fail over the reasons you pinpointed earlier.

I think you're being stereotypical and unfairly generalizing. There are exceptions to everything.


HalfPastNoon said:
Wow, guys, you're really reaching. As if the username "AssMan" is so utterly offensive and horrid that it negates his point. Jesus Christ..

You really missed something: His point is stupid. So we ignore the point and make fun of the homophobic moron. Got it?


HalfPastNoon said:
There is no irony, it's a userrname. That's it. End of discussion.

Anyway, Adel, I don't think it's wrong per se, but even you have to know that relationships with that big of an age-difference at that time usually break down and fail over the reasons you pinpointed earlier.
Yes, it is ironic, otherwise 3 people would have commented on the same exact thing.

And it's not like there's a tremendous age difference between the two of them. There's only 7 years. I know many, many husbands and wives that have over 10 years of age difference and they're still together. (My parents being one example) And he's going to be heading off to college soon anyway, if he hasn't already, which will automatically mean separation from his parents in some form or another, giving him more freedom to be in a relationship with someone who's older.


So you're saying that he should just give it all up right now because according to you, with your generalizations, 'most' relationships end at this time? Seeing as how it won't be too long before the kid can be out on his own I think he should keep pursuing it if he actually does love him.

And I would say that about any relationship, gay, hetero, etc.
Tritroid said:
So you're saying that he should just give it all up right now because according to you, with your generalizations, 'most' relationships end at this time? Seeing as how it won't be too long before the kid can be out on his own I think he should keep pursuing it if he actually does love him.

And I would say that about any relationship, gay, hetero, etc.

Er, most relationships don't end at this time. "AT THIS TIME" is referring to the 18 year and his grasp of what's good and not good for him, expectations, dreams, and then Adel's wants and needs at 25. They ARE going to be different, and like I said, that can and most likely will bring a relationship down.

I don't give a shit if Adel's gay or not, this kind of thing happens all the time.
adelgary said:
I wasn't talking about you, I was mainly referring to GuntherBait and HalfPastNoon.
WTF? Explaining the relationship between another boy and yourself is one thing but eluding to the fact that dating a younger male because it doesn't fit your time table or agenda.... who the fuck cares?
GuntherBait said:
WTF? Explaining the relationship between another boy and yourself is one thing but eluding to the fact that dating a younger male because it doesn't fit your time table or agenda.... who the fuck cares?

Guess what? Nobody cares that you don't fucking care. Obviously plenty of people do care about my issue (judging by the replies to this thread). If you don't, then stay the hell out of this thread.
adelgary said:
Guess what? Nobody cares that you don't fucking care. Obviously plenty of people do care about my issue (judging by the replies to this thread). If you don't, then stay the hell out of this thread.

Oh, Adel..
adelgary said:
Guess what? Nobody cares that you don't fucking care. Obviously plenty of people do care about my issue (judging by the replies to this thread). If you don't, then stay the hell out of this thread.
Care or just find it interesting I would say are two different things.


HalfPastNoon said:
Er, most relationships don't end at this time. "AT THIS TIME" is referring to the 18 year and his grasp of what's good and not good for him, expectations, dreams, and then Adel's wants and needs at 25. They ARE going to be different, and like I said, that can and most likely will bring a relationship down.

I don't give a shit if Adel's gay or not, this kind of thing happens all the time.
Ok, so who the fuck cares? I don't see what point you're trying to make by introducing these statistics that you've gathered from your ass.

If he thinks he can make it work, and the kid wants to stick with him, then who the hell are you to put a huge downer on the whole thing by saying "Well most relationships are brought down and fail because of the age difference," ?
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