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The 2010 Academy Awards of Something Something

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BowieZ said:
It's excellent, indeed (I guess I was knowingly a bit simplistic with my comparison), however, it's probably fair to say that the KOTCS and Ratatouille scores are almost impossible to compare, whereas the others I listed are a bit more similar in their symphonic styles.
True. KOTCS ost has its moments though it's nowhere near Williams' best material. Hopefully he still has a few soundtracks left in him (Tintin..?).


Jibril said:
Thanks... I kinda brushed over this when it was discussed earlier in the thread.

GCX said:
True. KOTCS ost has its moments though it's nowhere near Williams' best material. Hopefully he still has a few soundtracks left in him (Tintin..?).
The first half of the score is a bit bleh, yeah, but he goes apeshit in the second half. The entire climax and finale sequence is golden era Williams. (EDIT: PS, the OST is a terrible, terrible rendition of what's heard in-film.)

His orchestrator Conrad Pope has said on his Facebook that Tintin score is going to be a "classic" with a famous main theme like Harry Potter, etc.


Jibril said:

why do women look manlier when they get older :(

Huh? Menopause means considerably less estrogen.
That said, she still looks amazingly delicious.
GCX said:
True. KOTCS ost has its moments though it's nowhere near Williams' best material. Hopefully he still has a few soundtracks left in him (Tintin..?).

Munich was unreal imo. Fucking love the score for Munich.
You know that something is utterly wrong with the movie industry when two years in a row mediocre movies get oscars handed out like candy.


Steppenwolf said:
You know that something is utterly wrong with the movie industry when two years in a row mediocre movies get oscars handed out like candy.
Then there's been something wrong with the movie industry for the better part of 60 years.


Fail out bailed
For the record, I guess Sean Penn's weird little rant had to do with him not thanking his wife last year when he won. Instead he made a speech about gay rights. Some people were upset I guess (not her because they spoke about it ahead of time) but I'm not sure that is entirely what he was going on about... but I think he mentioned it.

darkwings said:
wow people still care about the oscars?
Nope. Thats why there is only 100 pages.
I doubt many will care about your implied cool.
Steppenwolf said:
You know that something is utterly wrong with the movie industry when two years in a row mediocre movies get oscars handed out like candy.
The award only goes to films that were released this year. Maybe thats why you are confused.
Staccat0 said:
The award only goes to films that were released this year.

No shit sherlock.

What i'm saying is that the quality of movies released in a year is god awful when mediocre movies can win so many awards. (personaly i haven't seen a single movie from 2009 that i rated higher then 8/10)

It's nothing new that a mediocre movie wins the oscar for best movie. Happend in the past, will happen again. New is that such movies break records for the number of oscars they receive like last years Slumdog.
darkwings said:
wow people still care about the oscars?
I don't know if people care much about the Oscars but I CAN tell you that not many people care about people caring about the Oscars. So why so over-concerned?
Just went through this whole thread, the "lol I pleasantly await the meltdowns when Avatar wins everything" comments are looking rather ironic once you reach around page 40.

My thoughts:

  • Avatar didn't deserve to win BP. I'm happy it didn't. I haven't seen The Hurt Locker either, so I'm not sure if it winning over Avatar was a good thing, although chances are big it indeed was the better movie.
  • I'd like to have seen a bit more acknowledgments for Star Trek, District 9 and Inglorious Basterds. Both Star Trek and D9 were much more "entertaining" for me than Avatar btw, the metric a lot of people use to judge Avatar as the best picture of the year. And Inglorious Basterds had me sitting on the edge of my seat and made me almost physically nauseous with all the tension in the scenes with Waltz and Melanie. I don't know what Oscar it deserves for that specifically, but it goddamn deserves one!
  • Up winning everything it was nominated in except for PB makes me happy. I hope one day Pixar is able to make a movie that breaks the barrier for animated movies to win BP.
  • I haven't seen even half of the movies that are nominated this year, so I'm not going to say which movie should have won this or that Oscar though. Just trying to rank the movies that I did see.
Steppenwolf said:
No shit sherlock.

What i'm saying is that the quality of movies released in a year is god awful when mediocre movies can win so many awards. (personaly i haven't seen a single movie from 2009 that i rated higher then 8/10).

well I guess you cannot have 9 out of 10 or 10 out of 10 movies every year eh bub? So why wont you save us some time and tell us which 8/10 movie this year you thought was the "highest" rated 8/10 and should have won a best picture Oscar this year?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
SpacePirate Ridley said:
:lol :lol :lol
Never change, GAF.
You would think Coraline had a chance with a movie that was nominated in the best picture category?
And even like that, the best animated picture was FULL of good movies this year, its was very difficult to win even if there was no UP.
If there was no UP I would had hope that The princess and the frog would have won, im incredibly fed up of stop motion right now, even if Coraline is good. 2D animation renaissance FTW

So the two less used art styles cant coexist, but 3D, which swallowed both, is a okay?

Dont make sense, man.


I known it was impossible for Inglorious Basterds to get best picture, but i would have liked to see Tarantino pick up best screenplay at least, even if you liked Hurt Locker the script was not the reason why that movie is praised.
tekumseh said:
The problem with IB, in my estimation, was that the opening sequence at the farm house was so perfectly written and executed that the rest of the film seemed to pale by comparison.

That farm house scene was about the most perfect 10-14 minutes of movie making alchemy I've ever seen, and the rest of the film, while quite entertaining, did not sustain the table that was set...

I'd agree...there are maybe 2 or 3 really great scenes with a lot of simply good filler. It's still an incredible movie, but I think particularly some of the second half events of the story dropped it a few points from being great.


mo'nique's speech had me rolling my eyes. THIS PROVES IT'S NOT ABOUT POLITICS.

baldwin and martin were pretty funny, i thought... but stiller fucking owned. i love that guy so much.

That's what annoys me about the awards - someone always has to 'beat' someone. Same with the 'underdog' bullshit..

Avatar was never going to win anything other than the special effects stuff because the Oscars just don't cater for that sort of stuff. Just look at the kind of stuff Aliens and T2 was against, or even Star Trek this year. It won best sound editing or something? What a kick in the face that must've been.


I only watched the first hour. Baldwin and Martin were great, loved their opening bit. Waltz got a well deserved Oscar, and Quentin got buttfucked. Again.


gdt5016 said:
Still can't believe The Hurt Locker won Best Screenplay, and Sounds/s too.

Quentin, man :/.
You honestly think IB did more with using sound to convey emotion than Hurt Locker. Have you seen Hurt Locker?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
avatar299 said:
You honestly think IB did more with using sound to convey emotion than Hurt Locker. Have you seen Hurt Locker?

I think he was referring to best screenplay. And yes, QT got robbed on that one. Very clearly.
Best Sound should have been Avatar. Got robbed too.


avatar299 said:
You honestly think IB did more with using sound to convey emotion than Hurt Locker. Have you seen Hurt Locker?

One had nothing to do with the other.

I was lamenting IB lost Screenplay, while The Hurt Locker won Sound/s.

Read better :p.


Jibril said:
I always figured it'd be better to let directors vote for best director, writers for best writer, etc.

That's what happens except for Picture I think. Hurt Locker had already won the guild award so it was close to a lock for this category although Up In the Air lost in it's category.

Overall, I think this was a pretty good show.

- It did not need two hosts, but it seemed like the hosting gig was less important this time around and maybe that was their intent.
- I did not understand what Sean Penn was saying
- I loved the dance routine for the music scores except they didn't seem to match up that well (except for Hurt Locker I think).
- My wife was watching Tucci's performance and she was struck with how disturbing it was & thought he was going to win just off the clips. Was he that good in the movie considering he had no apparent chance to win?
- Leading up to and including last night, they were overpraising the Precious star, to the point of being patronizing. "You're gorgeous, beautiful, stunning!!!" Do they think she has a self-wsteem problem?
- Cameron never seemed upset to me and seemed resigned to the fact this was Hurt Locker's night and he appeared happy for his ex.
- The screenwriter for Hurt Locker kept saying something along the lines of making an uncompromising film about an unpopular war, but I wasn't quite sure what he meant.
- I din't care for Monique's speech but I was grateful it was an abbreviated version of Halle's. Disagreed about the politics part.


Equus Bellator Apex said:
This is a huge victory for Avatars haters, Hurt Locker fans and the people in between.
Hardly. People just tagged on to Hurt Locker cause they thought it was the only other front runner and didn't want Avatar to win. It robbed a lot of awards from better movies. The only people who win are HL fans.


Dark FaZe said:
I'd agree...there are maybe 2 or 3 really great scenes with a lot of simply good filler. It's still an incredible movie, but I think particularly some of the second half events of the story dropped it a few points from being great.

I said the same thing about Hurt Locker. The intro & first bomb threats were top notch, but afterward, it fell into a predictable pattern. I was not as impressed with the last bomb scene as I think I was supposed to because of how it was built up to.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
So yeah, I was in school the whole time and just found out who won.

Congrats to THL!

I wonder why a lot of people hate Avatar, it looks pretty. :lol
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