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The 2010 Academy Awards of Something Something

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DieNgamers said:
Yeah, Probably. I still liked The Hurtlocker.

The people hating on Avatar just because it's so popular are absurd. :lol It's always black or white for you guys! I think James Cameron should have won something and IB ( :( )should have won the big awards.

Well its the internets, people love the movie in the outside real world.
People also like Hurt Locker, and District 9, and Up ang Inglorious.

But here, the hate is big.
Have a good day people. Seeing this small meltdown tells me that if Avatar would have won the hating people would be worse (that means you are bad, stop hating and get some love).


Hell yeah, The Hurt Locker baby. Best movie I've seen so far this year (Besides Up and The Fantastic Mr. Fox).

Oh and fuck yeah on Mo' Nique too. Damn Precious was a good movie and she was amazing. I was even scared of her and I was in the audience(I also felt really bad for her at the end also).


James Cameron should have won best director.
Predictable story or not, that was a landmark film that will mark the launch of 3-D film making.
And one of the most watchable yet immersive battle scenes to ever grace film. SNUB

I thought Precious was a more powerful film then The Hurt Locker
Sandra Bullocks over Gabourey Sidibe/Precious surprised me.
I liked the Hurt Locker a lot, but I just didn't see what all the fuss was about.
Fucking bullshit.

But who cares. In 10 years no one will remember The Hurt Locker but Avatar is timeless.

OK, who am I kidding, I care. If only because I know the creators of Avatar care and they deserve to be rewarded for their hard work.

Fucking bullshit man. Bitter tears here. Bitter tears.



Wikipedia now.


Monocle said:
:lol at the Avatar .gifs.

I think the most controversial win of the night was easily Sandra Bullock's, and I have a feeling most movie critics will agree in their post-Oscar analyses.

No doubt pigs flew.


Peru said:
You mean in the way that Annie Hall is better than Star Wars and considered a major film classic? Not that The Hurt Locker is that good, but it's ten times better than the piece of shit Avatar which should not have been nominated and never would've if it wasn't so expensive that it covered up its worst weaknesses.
I mean in the way that both Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark are better remembered and remain more popular than any other film nominated during their respective years.

Which was exactly what I said.


Basterds should have faired better. Best movie I think as it was unique and had great performances with the best dialog of all the films.


Al the people saying they need to see the hurt locker are mostly in for disappointment. I went into it expecting greatness and came out wondering what all the hubbub was about. I much enjoyed Inglorious and Avatar a lot more.


Subconscious Brolonging
Quentin will win one day. He should have won this time around but no worries, he'll get his due eventually.


well not really...yet
I don't mind Hurt Locker winning BP.

But I don't see Bigelow winning Best Director as anything other than Politics. Even if Cameron didnt want the award, he deserved it the most.


Teddman said:
Absolutely. It's like the Annie Hall win over Star Wars, or Chariots of Fire over Raiders of the Lost Ark.

:lol What does this have to do with anything? They don't vote for the movie most likely to be remembered 30 years later.

Beyond that, Annie Hall and Chariots of Fire aren't unknown films, FFS.


Raistlin said:
Can someone explain why people seem to actively hate Cameron?

Well he's kind of a douche.

But I don't hate him. I love a few of his movies quite a bit.

I just really don't think this specific movie deserved anything other than the technical awards, since it's so deficient in every other way. In this fashion, I think the Academy did exactly what was necessary for the film... recognize it for what it did accomplish, ignore it for what it didn't.

Avatar's hamfisted proselytizing and one dimensional characters and message coupled with the terrrrible script were simply too amateur to warrant a best picture win.

Wait until someone utilizes this technology to make something good.
Hurt Locker now takes Crash's spot for worst film to win Best Film.

Man...what a bad show. Avatar was the biggest experience in film in years and the Academy didnt celebrate it at all.


Equus Bellator Apex said:
But seriously guys Avatar should have won and Coraline got robbed.

Should have won what? Best CGI? It won that.

There was absolutely NOTHING else Avatar should have won over it's peers. nothing.

TheLegendary said:
Hurt Locker now takes Crash's spot for worst film to win Best Film.

Man...what a bad show. Avatar was the biggest experience in film in years and the Academy didnt celebrate it at all.

There you go. It was an experience. You know what else is an experience? Rollercosters. Should we have an award show for that? You people should be happy a summer popcorn film was even nominated in the same category as The Hurt Locker, In Education and A Serious Man


Snipes424 said:
Let's see.. would I rather have a gold statue, saying my movie is cool or...

would I rather have a navy of yachts?

... I think I'll take the yachts

how about both...


TheLegendary said:
Avatar was the biggest experience in film in years and the Academy didnt celebrate it at all.

The Academy celebrated it a ton. First, by nominating it for best picture at all. Second, by giving it the only awards it actually deserved - the technical ones.


Solideliquid said:
I honestly can't understand how people can think Hurt Locker is a better movie than Inglorious B or District 9...

I'm positive most don't.

They just don't want Avatar as BP, regardless whichever movie takes it instead :lol


CassSept said:
IB only got award for best supporting actor? 1 out of 8 nominations?
Don't take it personally. It was a Hurt Locker sweep, nothing more.

Mediocre-to-good films always sweep the Oscars.


TheLegendary said:
Hurt Locker now takes Crash's spot for worst film to win Best Film.

Man...what a bad show. Avatar was the biggest experience in film in years and the Academy didnt celebrate it at all.

It won 3 technical awards @_@


omg rite said:
I pray this was a joke.
It's not a joke. The biggest factor in Avatar's lack of success tonight is that actors at large tend not to like motion capture movies. They are the biggest voting bloc of the Academy. Coupled with a new system in which you could "vote against" movies you didn't like, it spelled doom for Avatar's awards chances in the major categories.


The Crimson Blur said:
But who cares. In 10 years no one will remember The Hurt Locker but Avatar is timeless.

Yeah, the cornball eco-loving message and strained Iraq war references are gonna play really well in 10 years.
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