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The 2010 Academy Awards of Something Something

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The Crimson Blur said:
Fucking bullshit.

But who cares. In 10 years no one will remember The Hurt Locker but Avatar is timeless.

OK, who am I kidding, I care. If only because I know the creators of Avatar care and they deserve to be rewarded for their hard work.

Fucking bullshit man. Bitter tears here. Bitter tears.

Yeah, because as we all know, the people working on Hurt Locker didn't care about their movie at all.

Avatar isn't timeless. It's a great spectacle, but hardly the epitome of actual good storytelling, it certainly doesn't have the timeless qualities of the original Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark, or even LOTR.

The use of Cameron trademarked and patented "Space Marines" should have been enough to keep it from even getting nominated, the characterization of the militia in Avatar is absolutely laughable and cornball.


I thought the Hurt Locker was amazing and I'm glad it won. Well I'd be glad if anything won over Avatar to be honest. But Inglourious Basterds was robbed for best original screenplay. Could have bet my life savings on the Waltz supporting actor get though.


TheLegendary said:
Hurt Locker now takes Crash's spot for worst film to win Best Film.

The idea that The Hurt Locker is a bad flim, let alone worse than Crash, is silly.

Man...what a bad show. Avatar was the biggest experience in film in years and the Academy didnt celebrate it at all.

Ah, I see. So it should have won because it was an "experience" instead of movies that were simply better written and acted?
Equus Bellator Apex said:
But seriously guys Avatar should have won and Coraline got robbed.

:lol :lol :lol
Never change, GAF.
You would think Coraline had a chance with a movie that was nominated in the best picture category?
And even like that, the best animated picture was FULL of good movies this year, its was very difficult to win even if there was no UP.
If there was no UP I would had hope that The princess and the frog would have won, im incredibly fed up of stop motion right now, even if Coraline is good. 2D animation renaissance FTW


ronito said:

Wikipedia now.
:lol :lol :lol


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
I <3 Memes said:
And this is the problem. The people who got owned when Avatar was a success were so caught up in hoping the pathetic , directionless, and boring as hell hurt locker would win they cant even see that Inglorious Bastards just got robbed almost all night. Yes congrats to the hurt locker. congrats you completely forgettable and average at best movie. No one will remember you 2 years from now hurt locker so enjoy your undeserved moment in the lime light.

The problem with IB, in my estimation, was that the opening sequence at the farm house was so perfectly written and executed that the rest of the film seemed to pale by comparison.

That farm house scene was about the most perfect 10-14 minutes of movie making alchemy I've ever seen, and the rest of the film, while quite entertaining, did not sustain the table that was set...


sparkle this bitch
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Tarantino will be back and he'll get one eventually. How many times did it take Spielberg or Scorsese until they won?
Scorsese got fucked over for some 20+ years.


TheLegendary said:
Hurt Locker now takes Crash's spot for worst film to win Best Film.

Man...what a bad show. Avatar was the biggest experience in film in years and the Academy didnt celebrate it at all.

Crash, while pretentious and heavy handed, is actually a good film. Munich should have won that year though :)

I wish people here had a grading scale that didn't skip from "Oscar deserving" to "Absolute shit", it gets a bit annoying seeing people describe stuff with such extremes. There's a such thing as average!


TheLegendary said:
Hurt Locker now takes Crash's spot for worst film to win Best Film.
I don't think Hurt Locker was bad at all, and much better than Crash, but it's definitely up there with Crash as most forgettable Best Picture winners.


fucking bullshit. Quentin was robbed. Even Cameron was robbed.

Best sound effects for HL? WTF.

Best Director for HL? YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.

What a disaster.


I'm pleased with most of the results, but let's be honest...

These were one of the WORST Oscars in recent memory. I couldn't believe how long the actor and film clips were, or how SLOW everything ran. Ugh.

Ah well, I'll forget all about it in a day and life will go on.

I dug The Hurt Locker. Not sure it deserved Best Picture, but of the movies listed, it was probably the best in terms of direction and presentation. Avatar was too bloated.

And I see The Hurt Locker backlash has already started in this thread.
Amir0x said:
The Academy celebrated it a ton. First, by nominating it for best picture at all. Second, by giving it the only awards it actually deserved - the technical ones.
It didn't even get all of those, though - it missed out on the sound ones and editing.


Post Count: 9999
Teddman said:
Absolutely. It's like the Annie Hall win over Star Wars, or Chariots of Fire over Raiders of the Lost Ark.

That's not a great example since all four movies are pretty well remembered (well maybe not Chariots, other than the song :p). Obviously to different degrees, but you get what I mean.
The Crimson Blur said:
Fucking bullshit.

But who cares. In 10 years no one will remember The Hurt Locker but Avatar is timeless.

OK, who am I kidding, I care. If only because I know the creators of Avatar care and they deserve to be rewarded for their hard work.

Fucking bullshit man. Bitter tears here. Bitter tears.

Avatar will only be remembered for it's technological achievements. As a film it's nothing spectacular, in fact it's the definition of generic. In ten years no one will be able to name a single character from the film; in that regard it'll be remembered much like the new Star Wars films were regarded: forgettable.

Eventually a good film is going to utilize WETA's amazing work and do something truly amazing.


aka ThreeOneFour
tekumseh said:
The problem with IB, in my estimation, was that the opening sequence at the farm house was so perfectly written and executed that the rest of the film seemed to pale by comparison.

That farm house scene was about the most perfect 10-14 minutes of movie making alchemy I've ever seen, and the rest of the film, while quite entertaining, did not sustain the table that was set...

I'd go so far as to say the latter third of the movie, beyond a line or two that made me laugh, fell completely flat.


Karma Kramer said:
I am fine with Avatar losing best picture, would have liked A Serious Man or Basterds to win, but I don't get why so many people hate on Cameron, when he's pretty much like a nerd like most of us.

Dude, we hate on each other all the time.
TheLegendary said:
Hurt Locker now takes Crash's spot for worst film to win Best Film.

Man...what a bad show. Avatar was the biggest experience in film in years and the Academy didnt celebrate it at all.

If this was the case, it would of been between Avatar and Transformers.


Teddman said:
It's not a joke. The biggest factor in Avatar's lack of success tonight is that actors at large tend not to like motion capture movies. They are the biggest voting bloc of the Academy. Coupled with a new system in which you could "vote against" movies you didn't like, it spelled doom for Avatar's awards chances in the major categories.

What? No. The only chance it had was because of its CG, so to say that the CG is the reason it didn't win is getting it backward.


Amir0x said:
Well he's kind of a douche.

But I don't hate him. I love a few of his movies quite a bit.

I just really don't think this specific movie deserved anything other than the technical awards, since it's so deficient in every other way. In this fashion, I think the Academy did exactly what was necessary for the film... recognize it for what it did accomplish, ignore it for what it didn't.

Avatar's hamfisted proselytizing and one dimensional characters and message coupled with the terrrrible script were simply too amateur to warrant a best picture win.

Wait until someone utilizes this technology to make something good.

Completely agree.

With that said I watched THL expecting nothing and still came out disappointed..I mean how is that possible? Weak characters, no plot, random scenes put together, no message(not that I could tell at least). Its hard to find any real flaws but there was nothing that made me think or relate in any way to what was going on.
threenote said:
fucking bullshit. Quentin was robbed. Even Cameron was robbed.

Best sound effects for HL? WTF.

Best Director for HL? YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.

What a disaster.

you make really compelling arguments


but believes in Chael
Congrats to THL. Man, the ADF is out on a mission. Inglorious Basterds was my favorite movie of the year, but I'm not going to throw a shit fit over THL.

Awards are serious business.
tekumseh said:
The problem with IB, in my estimation, was that the opening sequence at the farm house was so perfectly written and executed that the rest of the film seemed to pale by comparison.

The downstairs bar didn't do anything for ya?
Amir0x said:
The Academy celebrated it a ton. First, by nominating it for best picture at all. Second, by giving it the only awards it actually deserved - the technical ones.

Avatar was a better movie than the Hurt Locker in more ways than technical ones.

The Academy really doesn't seem to care about "entertainment value' when evaluating their films. Mario would lose to Snake every time in their twisted world.


tekumseh said:
The problem with IB, in my estimation, was that the opening sequence at the farm house was so perfectly written and executed that the rest of the film seemed to pale by comparison.

That farm house scene was about the most perfect 10-14 minutes of movie making alchemy I've ever seen, and the rest of the film, while quite entertaining, did not sustain the table that was set...

Watch some Sergio Leone films, the opening of IB was a valiant effort at mimicking Leone, but the original is on a completely different level.
teiresias said:
Yeah, because as we all know, the people working on Hurt Locker didn't care about their movie at all.

Avatar isn't timeless. It's a great spectacle, but hardly the epitome of actual good storytelling, it certainly doesn't have the timeless qualities of the original Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark, or even LOTR.

The use of Cameron trademarked and patented "Space Marines" should have been enough to keep it from even getting nominated, the characterization of the militia in Avatar is absolutely laughable and cornball.
I disagree, the general public loves Avatar.
Didn't see Hurt Locker, I want to though. I thought Avatar was a great movie but not best picture level great. I enjoyed District 9 and IB more. Titanic lives on as the perfect storm, the movie that shattered all records, won all awards, and is still Cameron's greatest achievement.


PhoenixDark said:
Avatar will only be remembered for it's technological achievements. As a film it's nothing spectacular, in fact it's the definition of generic. In ten years no one will be able to name a single character from the film; in that regard it'll be remembered much like the new Star Wars films were regarded: forgettable.

Eventually a good film is going to utilize WETA's amazing work and do something truly amazing.

and for your avatar


Subconscious Brolonging
Those of you thinking Avatar is going to be the next Star Wars aren't going to be disappointed, because you won't even remember you made this argument in a years time. Avatar is fun to look at, but there is nothing underneath. Once the buzz of the visual experience wears off you'll barely remember it.


ryutaro's mama said:
This would have been a waaaay better thread for meltdowns had AHBUHDAR won.

It's kinda sad seeing the bitter tear seekers scrounging for scraps.

The second sentence is a description of the first.
tekumseh said:
The problem with IB, in my estimation, was that the opening sequence at the farm house was so perfectly written and executed that the rest of the film seemed to pale by comparison.

Voice of reason, is that you?


teiresias said:
Yeah, because as we all know, the people working on Hurt Locker didn't care about their movie at all.

Avatar isn't timeless. It's a great spectacle, but hardly the epitome of actual good storytelling, it certainly doesn't have the timeless qualities of the original Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark, or even LOTR.

The use of Cameron trademarked and patented "Space Marines" should have been enough to keep it from even getting nominated, the characterization of the militia in Avatar is absolutely laughable and cornball.

I'm glad someone else noticed this too. The marines were the worst part of the whole movie; especially their awful acting.
PhoenixDark said:
Avatar will only be remembered for it's technological achievements. As a film it's nothing spectacular, in fact it's the definition of generic. In ten years no one will be able to name a single character from the film; in that regard it'll be remembered much like the new Star Wars films were regarded: forgettable.

Eventually a good film is going to utilize WETA's amazing work and do something truly amazing.

It'll also be remembered for bombing at the box office, just like you predicted.


aka ThreeOneFour
The Crimson Blur said:
But who cares. In 10 years no one will remember The Hurt Locker but Avatar is timeless.

In ten years, The Hurt Locker will be remembered as the movie that beat Avatar when all the cards were against it.


tekumseh said:
The problem with IB, in my estimation, was that the opening sequence at the farm house was so perfectly written and executed that the rest of the film seemed to pale by comparison.

That farm house scene was about the most perfect 10-14 minutes of movie making alchemy I've ever seen, and the rest of the film, while quite entertaining, did not sustain the table that was set...

So true...the beginning was perfect in every way....which led to a slight disappointment later on.


It's been fun GAF.

Hurt Locker was my pick for best film, Bigelow my pick fir best Dir. glad they won. Well Deserved. Can't complain too much. Felt Mo'nique's performance was overrated but there's a feel good award thrown to someone every year, it seems.

LOST had a decent showing, with Giacchino, Minkowski and Evangeline Lilly all being apart of Oscar winning films. :D

NO way I could've stomached this without GAF. Well played, everyone.


CassSept said:
basterds won what it was supposed to win. that's about all there is to it..

thats about right. Quentin Tarantino is overrated.

btw what did tom hanks do during his presentation? did he walk out, yell the winner and walk off? i missed his part.


Raistlin said:
That's not a great example since all four movies are pretty well remembered (well maybe not Chariots, other than the song :p). Obviously to different degrees, but you get what I mean.

He's falling back on his ridiculous "Actor's don't vote for CGI" nonsense. We might as well wait for him to figure out what delusional argument he wants to focus on before responding.
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