I really dislike it. When it got released I was in Japan so I waited in line (I was first) at the Labi Shinjuku, it was an experience to have but outside of that I really disliked it. First I cannot see 3D... So for me that argument did nothing. Second the first model screens were too small... The battery life was bad, the games were not fitting the device (RE Revelations needing an ugly and ridiculous 2nd stick expansion)... Shoulder buttons were too small and hard to use...
Really disliked it. A lot of games appealed me, I bought a lot of them, but couldn't play more than 2h per game, except the first Fire Emblem on it but I had to push myself to keep playing. Also got the XL and New XL versions but didn't improved anything much.
Oh and about AR games I remember "Spirit Camera" that I got day one as a fan of the Project Zero / Fatal Frame series, and oh God another proof that this console had design flaws : the game is AR, AR !!! So you must play it in the most BRIGHT place possible, under the light bulb, or in the daylight, or AR wouldn't work, but then the mood was destroyed because it is supposed to be a horror game and all the areas you cross in the game are in the DARK but if you need to play it in plain light then the immersion is fucked up, and it was obviously impossible to play it in the dark... So dumb.