Yeesh always fun to watch the fanboys bicker back and forth...oh wait did I say fun I meant exhausting

Seriously some of you are to the Xbox what
is to Sony...
Like it or not the video has some great points...
The OG Box had some amazing titles and made decent headway making a name for itself
The 360 tried to captivate gamers by putting individuality ( remember the faceplate customization) and great games first, (including exclusives in Japan, something they sadly abandoned) when the PS3 finally came to market people clearly saw the so called power difference wasnt what it was cracked up to be, then MS chased lightning in a bottle (successfully might I sadly add) with the Kinect, focus on non Kinect games fizzled and the rest is well where we are now lol (thanks Mattrick)
this post is so out dated, I'm looking for afros and bell bottoms.
1st) Your whole schtick about GP is irrelevant as you can actually buy the games you like from the same service at a discounted price.
2nd) XGS has 15 studios and counting. The "Xbox has no Games" mantra is as old as Jesus by now. Yet, forumites like yourself keep peddling this lame bullshit.
3rd) Power CLEARLY is relevant as I bet every singel Sony fanboy here is hoping like hell the PS5 is at least close to an equivalent in power as the Series X. Power was never THE reason any console ever won a generation. It is definitely a factor though. I'll be able to push this point home more clearly when the PS5 comes in at a whopping 9tf later this year -- IF it makes that deadline.
4th) Microsoft is focusing on services and Cloud gaming (...along with exclusives and hardware. How its so hard for some of you to grasp they have all of this covered is beyond me...) because thats where the gaming climate is heading and they have an edge in both! Whereas Sony and Nintendo cant hold a candle to either. Not fanboy shit. Them just the facts, yoski!
5th) The video is even more out dated than your post as the both of you sound like you've been living under a rock for the last 7-8 years. To even suggest Xbox is still struggling to meet any of the other players in todays gaming community is deluding yourself and a healthy endorsement in playing willfully dense.
We are no longer back in 2012-2013. Some of you would do much better to remember that. I mean, it's only in your face damn near every day for crying out loud.. Like, really! Some of you kats act legit frightened of Xbox and what it could potentially mean for Sony.
As long as Sony keeps putting out bangers (and hopefully a competent console against the competition) they'll continue to make a healthy profit this generation as well. I'm simply saying they wont be the only ones. And right now Microsoft is clearly running the narrative while Sony hides behind a virus. They couldnt even bother to do a digital video of their presentation for GDC. And we STILL aint heard shit about that changing any time soon.
First the condescension in every post will bite you hard if this new Box doesn't set the world on fire Gav...
1. Er no, it's not irrelevant just because you say so, there are plenty of gamers out there that STILL prefer physical medium, it's great MS offer discounted prices on GP games (seriously Sony hint hint) bit it's still digital and was proven at the Boxes very rough start that the world is STILL not completely ready for an all digital future.
2. "Xbox has no games" bs is right up there with "all Sony exclusives are walking sims" bs, but MS does have something to prove... Spencer has talked about exclusives all gen, but none have really made the One more desirable...the future and MS showcase will tell a lot...
3. No power is not relevant to "console wars" (regardless of fanboy or box that they're currently felating) and NEVER has been, if it was the Sega Master System, the Genesis, the 64, the OG box, the PSP, the Vita, the PS3 and 360, and the OneX would have all topped the charts sales wise. Power is fine, but dont for a second think it dictates success, because history will make you the fool
4. So was the Stadia (though I place that failure more on Google) just because MS is working on it doesn't mean it will take off, again the world is STILL not ready for an all digital future. In regards to the fanboy drivel after that, time will tell, but again history isn't your friend here...
5. Uh MS IS struggling to meet players today, the system is still pretty dead outside of the west and the "Box has no games" meme (stupid as it is) DID come from somewhere, sales alone prove MS still has a great distance to go to reconnect with their fractured user base, which I might point out is half that of the 360, again subjective opinions aren't facts lol
I'm genuinely curious what you think will happen if MS struggles again, you do realize that there isn't an unlimited supply of good will at MS Headquarters for the next XB to come in last or lower again... I expect MS to push the GP and their Cloud service hardcore as I would wager that's where they think the REAL money may lie, but the SX could also blow away the competition this upcoming gen... again, time will tell
The future is not written in stone by MS, if it were we would all have a very different version of the Xone next to our TVs...
- Dreams (just out)
* I can make games on pc
- The Last of Us Two
Another walking game woo
- Ghost Of Thusima
barely any gameplay and 90% of what we say looked extremely scripted looks like another narrative based game.
- Nioh 2
* finally a game with game play look fun
- Final Fantasy 8-1RE
* looks good on paper we will see the final results
- MLB2020
* dont care about baseball
- Yakuza 7
hasn't come out in the west
- Yakuza Collection
* games that have came out on the ps3
- other JRPGs like Ys or Persona 5 Royale
And how many of these are censored P5R just got that treatment and most of those jrpgs are else where Nier is on xbox, YSs games are on switch and pc, Star ocean has been on xbox in the past, Tales of games outside of grace f,xilla 1 and 2 and bereria have been on nintendo, pc and xbox.
"Y0 came out years ago and FF15 was and still is utter trash, no matter your platform of choice. But those other games are old or not as good as the original, predecessor."
Y0 stomps most of those games you mentioned outside of P5,Y7 and YS the jury is out on FF7R. Most of those games you mentioned are sequels or remasters outside of ghost those ips have been around for years.
Again with this kind of reasoning... just because you dont like these exclusives doesn't mean others don't...subjectivity isn't fact lol
I dont even? Son they have shown TONS of gameplay for Ghosts, hell all of Sonys E3 presentation on it was gameplay... I'm just going to ignore your "walking game" BS, as that's what it is
LOU2, FF7 Remake, and Ghosts, all will likely do Gangbusters, hell FF7 remake is all most are talking about right now due to the demo... You can dislike a system and its releases, but dont ignore reality now...
In regards to your other comments about JRPGs, Sony censorship is still not stopping their sales (stupid as said censorship is) and good luck seeing those on the One as MS has been written off by most Japanese studios...
If they want to secure those games then like I said in the Wonderful 101 potentially on the Box thread, pony up the dough put them on Gampass and get said JRPGs into the hands of thousand of potential customers... build a base for Japanese titles, you know like the 360 tried to do...
and with that we've come full circle lol