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The Act Man - The Decline of Xbox


From latest VGChartz ( 22nd Feb 2020)

Xbox One​

Im not even gona say anything at all...

Xbox One 1/3 PS4...1/4 Switch....

Xbox is really low outside North America...

Sony is very strong in Europe ( Still outselling new platform Switch there)

Interpret this data in your own mind...

VGchartz is bullshit.
I think he's right. The original Xbox and 360 had some really unique titles and was so use friendly. The Xbox One has been struggling of an identify crisis for most of the generation. Really thankful for Phil and team's direction. If Halo returns to form and is a beautiful game to boot, it could really start things off right for them.


Don Mattrick really fucked up the Xbox brand. The Kinect damn near ruined the Xbox 360's legacy. Worse, Mattrick saw Xbox as a way to fulfill Microsoft's dream of a home theater Windows PC in every living room, an idea which has been around since the late '90s and never really gained traction with consumers. The Xbox One is a marriage of these two bad ideas, the Kinect packed-in with a weak, jack of all trades PC for general entertainment use. Add in that streaming devices were well on the way up by the time the Xbox One launched, so designing a console for anything other than video games was pointless.

The faster Microsoft gets away from Xbox One, the better chance they're going to have of capturing market share that they've lost.
Yeesh always fun to watch the fanboys bicker back and forth...oh wait did I say fun I meant exhausting :messenger_face_steam: Seriously some of you are to the Xbox what thelastword thelastword is to Sony...

Like it or not the video has some great points...

The OG Box had some amazing titles and made decent headway making a name for itself

The 360 tried to captivate gamers by putting individuality ( remember the faceplate customization) and great games first, (including exclusives in Japan, something they sadly abandoned) when the PS3 finally came to market people clearly saw the so called power difference wasnt what it was cracked up to be, then MS chased lightning in a bottle (successfully might I sadly add) with the Kinect, focus on non Kinect games fizzled and the rest is well where we are now lol (thanks Mattrick)

First the condescension in every post will bite you hard if this new Box doesn't set the world on fire Gav...

1. Er no, it's not irrelevant just because you say so, there are plenty of gamers out there that STILL prefer physical medium, it's great MS offer discounted prices on GP games (seriously Sony hint hint) bit it's still digital and was proven at the Boxes very rough start that the world is STILL not completely ready for an all digital future.

2. "Xbox has no games" bs is right up there with "all Sony exclusives are walking sims" bs, but MS does have something to prove... Spencer has talked about exclusives all gen, but none have really made the One more desirable...the future and MS showcase will tell a lot...

3. No power is not relevant to "console wars" (regardless of fanboy or box that they're currently felating) and NEVER has been, if it was the Sega Master System, the Genesis, the 64, the OG box, the PSP, the Vita, the PS3 and 360, and the OneX would have all topped the charts sales wise. Power is fine, but dont for a second think it dictates success, because history will make you the fool ;)

4. So was the Stadia (though I place that failure more on Google) just because MS is working on it doesn't mean it will take off, again the world is STILL not ready for an all digital future. In regards to the fanboy drivel after that, time will tell, but again history isn't your friend here...

5. Uh MS IS struggling to meet players today, the system is still pretty dead outside of the west and the "Box has no games" meme (stupid as it is) DID come from somewhere, sales alone prove MS still has a great distance to go to reconnect with their fractured user base, which I might point out is half that of the 360, again subjective opinions aren't facts lol

I'm genuinely curious what you think will happen if MS struggles again, you do realize that there isn't an unlimited supply of good will at MS Headquarters for the next XB to come in last or lower again... I expect MS to push the GP and their Cloud service hardcore as I would wager that's where they think the REAL money may lie, but the SX could also blow away the competition this upcoming gen... again, time will tell

The future is not written in stone by MS, if it were we would all have a very different version of the Xone next to our TVs...

Again with this kind of reasoning... just because you dont like these exclusives doesn't mean others don't...subjectivity isn't fact lol

I dont even? Son they have shown TONS of gameplay for Ghosts, hell all of Sonys E3 presentation on it was gameplay... I'm just going to ignore your "walking game" BS, as that's what it is ;)

LOU2, FF7 Remake, and Ghosts, all will likely do Gangbusters, hell FF7 remake is all most are talking about right now due to the demo... You can dislike a system and its releases, but dont ignore reality now...

In regards to your other comments about JRPGs, Sony censorship is still not stopping their sales (stupid as said censorship is) and good luck seeing those on the One as MS has been written off by most Japanese studios...

If they want to secure those games then like I said in the Wonderful 101 potentially on the Box thread, pony up the dough put them on Gampass and get said JRPGs into the hands of thousand of potential customers... build a base for Japanese titles, you know like the 360 tried to do...

and with that we've come full circle lol

"1. Er no, it's not irrelevant just because you say so, there are plenty of gamers out there that STILL prefer physical medium, it's great MS offer discounted prices on GP games (seriously Sony hint hint) bit it's still digital and was proven at the Boxes very rough start that the world is STILL not completely ready for an all digital future."

-Maybe because most people use game pass as demos since publishers and devs are to stingy to give anything out like that now a days.

"2. "Xbox has no games" bs is right up there with "all Sony exclusives are walking sims" bs, but MS does have something to prove... Spencer has talked about exclusives all gen, but none have really made the One more desirable...the future and MS showcase will tell a lot... "
-Sony having mostly walking games and narrative games is a fact especially on the Western side I haven't seen a single game that wasn't outside of the usual soap opera sob story out of them yet this gen. Xbox has games but if all you play is "cinematic games" then MS has nothing for YOU.

"3. No power is not relevant to "console wars" (regardless of fanboy or box that they're currently felating) and NEVER has been, if it was the Sega Master System, the Genesis, the 64, the OG box, the PSP, the Vita, the PS3 and 360, and the OneX would have all topped the charts sales wise. Power is fine, but dont for a second think it dictates success, because history will make you the fool.

-Right? Then you want to explain why sony dudes made fun of the wii,wiiu,3ds and switch its only when there console has the lesser specs of out the 2 power house console manufatures do they deflate to the power doesn't matter talking point.
Casual are going to buy the cheapest thing available they also dont care about buying anything outside of yearly releases so your console exclusives dont matter. But power does matter I guess thats why MGS4 ran on the ps3 but now the 360. I guess thats why the PS vita got games the 3ds couldn't and i guess thats why Nier automta isnt on the switch power doesnt matter. I guess thats also why some of those systems like the psp,og xbox and the one x have version of games that are superior to other could it be because of power hmmm.

"4. So was the Stadia (though I place that failure more on Google) just because MS is working on it doesn't mean it will take off, again the world is STILL not ready for an all digital future. In regards to the fanboy drivel after that, time will tell, but again history isn't your friend here...
-Streaming sucks I hate ps now, onlive, statida and x cloud.

5. Uh MS IS struggling to meet players today, the system is still pretty dead outside of the west and the "Box has no games" meme (stupid as it is) DID come from somewhere, sales alone prove MS still has a great distance to go to reconnect with their fractured user base, which I might point out is half that of the 360, again subjective opinions aren't facts lol
-Not surprised but its not like sony is doing much better one look at the charts for game sales in japan see how there market share compared to nintendo is dropping fast maybe dont bite the hand that feeds you.

"I'm genuinely curious what you think will happen if MS struggles again, you do realize that there isn't an unlimited supply of good will at MS Headquarters for the next XB to come in last or lower again... I expect MS to push the GP and their Cloud service hardcore as I would wager that's where they think the REAL money may lie, but the SX could also blow away the competition this upcoming gen... again, time will tell"
-MS has way more money then sony the xbox brand will go on MS and Nintendo can afford multiple console losses and still continue MS decided to make an entertainment box this gen to get the casuals but it failed now there changing there approach bought more in house studios, making more trips to japan and indie devs to secure deals, GP is an extension of the modern day demo disk, making sure the console is poweful to deliver good solid performance for gaming BC that is physical and digital xbox will be fine.

"Again with this kind of reasoning... just because you dont like these exclusives doesn't mean others don't...subjectivity isn't fact lol"
- If what I said isnt fact where is Jak4,Mortor storm 4, Heavenly sword 2, Ride racer 7, Folk lore 2, White knights 3 where is the variety every time we get a state of play its another Cinematic 30 fps hbo walking sim.

"I dont even? Son they have shown TONS of gameplay for Ghosts, hell all of Sonys E3 presentation on it was gameplay... I'm just going to ignore your "walking game" BS, as that's what it is
Right? thats why we had a guy walking in a straight line while they show off the graphics with barely anything happening on screen. Outside of this one section everything else looks very scripted

LOU2, FF7 Remake, and Ghosts, all will likely do Gangbusters, hell FF7 remake is all most are talking about right now due to the demo... You can dislike a system and its releases, but dont ignore reality now...
And Lil pump still tops the music charts do sales = quality most of the time no. Half of the reason FF7 is getting talked about the way it is is because its casuals 1st jrpg and the fact that this game took 10+ years to even become a reality. You seem mad I dont care about sonys in house western studios and called them out on the soul less hollywood products they are.

"In regards to your other comments about JRPGs, Sony censorship is still not stopping their sales (stupid as said censorship is) and good luck seeing those on the One as MS has been written off by most Japanese studios... "
I guess you dont care about jp games then with that nonchalant attitude about censorship I guess thats why Nier,nioh and yakuza made its way to xbox I guess thats why Phanasty star online 2 tales of aries are headed there as well. Xbox got pretty much every Museo game, Fighting games and bullet hell game recently O and almost ever final fantasy game. The only games xbox didnt get is Persona, Guilty gear and sf5 every other game has come out on both platforms.
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He's basically saying everything we already know. Talking about TV, always online and no game sharing at launch was a mistake. We know. We've known since 2014.
When the fall begins.





I really loved the OG Xbox, MS had so many great exclusives and cool ideas, if they ever got back to that I would definitely buy another Xbox going forward.


Nah the the first couple of years of the 360 generation were amazing, some of the best times you could ever have on a console. It all felt new, modern and cohesive while the onslaught of great games was relentless. They really fucked the job after that though and haven't recovered since.

The "highs" of the Xbox platform were very high but the lows (this gen) are as bad as anything I can remember.
Pretty much. Hard to disagree with this assessment


Never owned the OG Xbox, but did pick up a 360. XBOX Live was something else and they had the games to match (Free game in Hexic was also fun) - Ghost Recon I think was the first game I played on the 360 and I thought it was amazing / looked like a clear jump ahead of anything on PS2. Online was mind-blowing as well - Gamertags, achievements, all that. The experience was something completely new and fresh. MS had a vision. I don't know where that vision came from (J Allard maybe?) but they seriously delivered and utterly killed Sony in the first couple of years. I imported a PS3 when it released in the US and was actually surprised to discover the PS3 was way, way behind on the online aspect.

Then around 2.5 / 3 years in I don't know what happened.....I went through 3 RRoD 360 consoles, the games dried up and they pushed Kinect which was contrary to what they gave us at the start of that generation. I did purchase an XO a few years back to play online with friends, but the experience was garbage and a million miles away from what was good about the 360. I had to be online to begin setup of the console which was a problem for me at the time, the UI was shit, setting up a robust party was a joke (maybe it was just BLOPS3) - and it took around 2 hours to install games. Laughably I couldn't understand why when I plugged my headset into the controller, my TV didn't mute....turns out it was simply due to MS not engineering it that way. Poor design all round.

MS need that vision back - To really deliver on the games and user experience. Sony haven't really nailed the online aspect either tbh, so it's still up for grabs.
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I watched the video and I think generally he's quite on point. Microsoft needs games, they have been doing the right things for a while and I understand making games takes time, but the truth is next gen is around the corner and they still seem a long way off being able to deliver a first party lineup that can compare to Nintendo and Sony.




Imagine being so desperate to cramp out almost 10 year old videos lol

kinect is like 7 years old. Why so desperate bringing up old shit?

this just shows me that MS is doing A LOT of right things and actually nothing wrong in the last couple of years. ☺️

buying tons of Studios for exclusive games
Play anywhere
Smart delivery
Having the most powerful (see One X)
Just to name a few.
Everything in the last couple of years.

And what did Sony do besides games?
BC? No.
PSnow is not even close to the value of gamepass
Censorship in games
Denying crossplay with other consoles where even NINTENDO allowed it
But hey let’s bash on what Microsoft almost 10 fucking years ago and not focus on things they did in the last couple of years.
Pathetic bullshit.
Compare those to

- Dreams (just out)
- The Last of Us Two
- Ghost Of Thusima
- Nioh 2
- Final Fantasy 8-1RE
- MLB2020
- Yakuza 7
- Yakuza Collection
- other JRPGs like Ys or Persona 5 Royale

Y0 came out years ago and FF15 was and still is utter trash, no matter your platform of choice. But those other games are old or not as good as the original, predecessor.
Oh I love the days of list wars!



ChatGPT 0.001
If you're Microsoft you're celebrating 20 years in the business, when SEGA left nobody cared because they had SONY, love Halo but you know Halo can no longer carry consoles when they're on PC.
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