he got another 4 hits today!!DMczaf said:![]()
2-2 today so far. Sexy beast.
What, the Mariners are 30 games below .500? I dont hear you! LALALALALALALA!
batting .373!! The dude is insane!!
he got another 4 hits today!!DMczaf said:![]()
2-2 today so far. Sexy beast.
What, the Mariners are 30 games below .500? I dont hear you! LALALALALALALA!
Matrix said:Poor Backe...Choke city baby!
Also its pretty fucking sad when your ballpark is full of cubs fans,I swear there are more Cubs fans than Stros fans cheering.
MrBob said:Backe = win (We'll rough up the rookie!)
MrBob said:Uh base hit tie game this is over....macias misses another ball.... I can't believe this shit. Man i'm pissed. This team has handed away at least 5 victories this year. DON'T BEAT YOURSELVES DUMBASSES!
Poody said:Tracy has lost his fucken mind. I often question his decisions
MrBob said:You would be bitching too if your team just gave the game away.![]()
Desperado said:hm. nah if they hadn't scored any in the bottom of the 9th I would've just said "Lidge was due for a bad outing SOMETIME. And great pitching by Backe. The offense wasn't deficient tonight, they just were stifled by a great pitcher."
Desperado said:yeah...GREAT game pitched by him, though... 7IP 4H 0ER 4K
Haha you guys got lucky Lidge didn't have his A-game. It would've been over anyway. and Kent threw home on Barrett's double where he could've easily got Barrett at third. Ended up giving you the lead.
Desperado said:Beat down? He made 1 bad pitch to Ramirez. the errors by Kent and Lamb were what did us in. Yes Oswalt deserves some blame. But he shouldn't have been ejected.
Cubs fans know all about pitchers and retaliation.
What I wonder is why Barret wasn't tossed.. he took steps toward the mound... which SHOULD be an automatic ejection.
There was no reason for Barret to take steps toward the mound.. just take your base.
Mrbob said:Are the umps playing this game too tight? Did Wood go another tirade at the ump to cost him another five games?![]()
Miguel said:Over.
Burke will be up by tommorow. Mark my words. And why is Willie Taveras still in AA? He should be up in AAA already.
Astro Fan Declares Free Agency
Veteran Astros fan Jeffrey Coleman declared free agency today, casting doubt that he would be available to cheer for the Houston Astros next opening day.
"I arrived at this decision after a lot of careful thought, and prayer," Coleman said. "Nothing could please me more than rooting for the Astros to the end of my career as a fan. The players have been great but they are starting to show their age. The front office hasnt shown that they are willing to do what it takes by spending the money to bring a World Series to Houston. Sure, I could settle for less and stay here, out of sentiment. Being a lifelong Astros fan was something my family and I have always aimed for. But where's the reward? The thought of packing up and leaving them tears me apart, but, I am getting along in years and I would like to root for a World Series Champion before I retire. My competitive nature tells me I should test the market, just to find out my true worth."
Players and management will always remember the 1986 NLCS when Coleman started the chant of Dar-yle Dar-yle directed to Mets right fielder Daryle Strawberry thus inducing Strawberry to have a poor Series performance. The Dar-yle chant threw me off but I didnt know that he knew that much about my mother, says Strawberry of Coleman. Yeah, he got everyone in right field involved: he single-handedly demoralized Strawberry I could have sworn I saw Strawberry shed a tear says Brett Hodgeson who was sitting two rows over from Coleman.
A lot of people dont remember that Game One of that series was a pitching duel. Mike Scott struck out 14 batters and out dueled Dwight Gooden 1-0 for the win. Glenn Davis scored the games only run in the bottom of the second inning on a solo home run. That home run was all me states Coleman. As Dwight Gooden went into his windup in the second inning, Coleman, sitting in right field, screamed, "Hey, Dwight, your zipper's open!" The befuddled pitcher threw one up Glenn Davis wheelhouse, and the rest is history.
Coleman had another sparkling play in the 14th inning of Game Six of that series. With the Astros down 4-3, Billy Hatcher stepped to the plate and hit a homerun off the left field foul pole to prolong the game. Coleman remembers it this way, I was sitting in left field and when he hit it, I saw the ball was going to be just foul. I pushed the pole to the left as hard as I could. I pushed the foul pole right into the ball for the homerun. As Hatcher circled the bases he looked at me and smiled as if to say You da man!
According to Coleman, 1986 was his best year. He was responsible for Mike Scotts no-hitter to clinch the Division against the San Francisco Giants as well. I couldnt sleep at all the night before, says Coleman, I knew that this game fell squarely on my shoulders. A win and we clinch the division. I had to come up with a plan. Coleman sat behind the Giants dugout and yelled Hey Batter Batter Batter!! Swing Batter!! on every pitch of the game. The key to my strategy was to yell Swing Batter either before or after the proper time to for the batter to swing, states Coleman. He really mixed it up. He really had me confused. He never said Batter Swing at the right time. I didnt know when to swing. said Will Clark who grounded out on the final play of the game. Clark went on to say, He (Coleman) is the best in the business at what he does.
Coleman best excels at getting into the heads of Major League Umpires. He really does his homework; I give that to him. He knows if you are on the outs with your wife or if you have a handicapped kid. He even knew that I was supposed to be wearing glasses. I mean, how can someone know that? says umpire Joe Brinkman. One day he was really riding me, said umpire Jeff Nelson. He was saying things like You didnt work as a lookout at Pearl Harbor did you? And We know you are blind ump, just look at your wife. He really had me worried. In the seventh inning Adam Everett was out by a mile at home and I called him safe just so I wouldnt have to hear Coleman say, Hey ump bend over and watch the game with your good eye. Most umpires hate going into Houston. Jeff Coleman is a nightmare.
Craig Biggio praised Coleman's intensity in the stands. "Jeff is a fan with intangibles that don't show up in the box scores -- character, spirit, a never-say-die attitude. He pulled the fat out of the fire for us more games than I care to mention."
"I never actually met him, being new to the team, and a rookie," said Astros infielder Eric Bruntlett. "But it was always a dream to play in front of him."
Gerry Hunsicker, general manager for the Houston Astros, tried to put a positive spin on the Finley announcement. "Jeff has been a great fan for many years. He helped the Astros to the playoffs numerous times. But we understand his attitude. We intend to try to have him back for 2005, but I think that he will be asking for more than we will be able to give. We know that he has been scouted by the Yankees, Red Sox, and a few other teams. Those teams are able to offer free agents more than we can. He has to understand that he is just one of our priorities. Now that he has taken the step to test the free agent market, it may be difficult to return to the way things were."
Insiders speculate that Coleman is trying to stick it to the Astros for having rewarded other fans more than him during season. "I saw where they gave J.J Vezina hats and pennants for his family, and one of those headphone radios to listen during games. I have no problem with Vezina, but how many games did he actually go to this year -- three?
"The way I see it, if they have the kind of money to put that kind of package together for a three-game man, they can afford reduced season ticket prices for me, plus a set of those tall plastic cups with the Astros logo on one side and the Gallery Furniture logo on the other. We entertain a lot."
Coleman is reportedly asking for a multi-year contract with a guaranteed box seat behind home plate, but not behind the screen, "off to the side, so everything isn't cut up into squares." His agent, Nicolas Baggett, stipulated that Coleman is anxious to be an everyday fan, and not be forced into a platoon system with the fan who shares the expense of season tickets with Coleman.
"Coleman is a gamer, everyone knows that," Baggett said. "But that only makes him more curious what it would be like to cheer for another team, especially one that has a chance of winning the World Series." Coleman explains, Lets face it; I am in the twilight of my career. I have done everything in my career except win the World Series. I dont want to be known as the fan who couldnt win the big one. I still have some gas left in the tank and I feel I have a lot to offer a contender.
Team officials would not say it, but there is the feeling that Coleman may have missed a step in last season. During a game with Chicago September 29th, he seemed more focused on his popcorn than on Roy Oswalt's pitching duel with Kerry Wood. His head wasnt in the game he let the umpires murder us. If he gets on those umps in the early innings, we win that game, says Astros manager ...[Message truncated]
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The thing is, he really wasn't owned that badly. I would have liked to see how the game would have played out if Wood and Oswalt were left in.Cubsfan23 said:ROFL nothing better than coming home and seeing Oswalt get owned by the Cubs
Cubsfan23 said:ROFL nothing better than coming home and seeing Oswalt get owned by the Cubs