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The AWS (abused wife syndrome) ESPN NFL 2005 Xbox league! Last time Sega! LAST TIME!


why bother playing if a higher rated WR is SUPPOSED to beat a low rated DB in one on one EVERY TIME

And THAT is the crux of my argument

Yeah, I guess we could run a small EQ league in addition to the main one for those who don't want ridiculous stats. No sense in arguing....



I was using a possible example. Not an every time occurence.

Here, let me make it more clear.

You got a 93 WR on a 69DB, that 69 DB could still make a play. As bad as the AI DB run around in circles if you are on your man you can make a play. However, that 69DB has a higher probability of knocking that pass down in one on one coverage with PEQ on. At the very least there should be cover 2 being played. Why should the person who sees this mismatch have to take a penalty? Which is exactly what happens with PEQ on. That 69 DB has a much better chance of making the play.
it doesn't make a shitty CB equal to a great WR. this is what it does

WR 1: Rated a 95
CB 4: Rated a 50

with per EQ on, these are the "ratings"

WR1: Rated an 85
CB 4: Rated a 65

get what i mean? bad CB's are still bad, good WR's are still good, but it pulls both towards the middle. now whether that is good or bad is up to each player. we'll definently vote on it though


If anything it should be changed from legend to allpro. Allpro = more realistic game imo. Legend factors in the ratings to much.


Yah, funny stuff. And I wasn't trying to score on that last TD. The endzone animation took over and when I dove, it did the stretch animation :lol

Also, you really need to let the WRs run their routes and hit Y (not B) when the ball gets there. It takes time to get the timing down but once you do....... :D
hgplayer1 said:
Ill try to make it tonight but I didnt get much sleep last night so I might just crash early. if you log in and dont see me already online chances are Im sleeping.

I didn't see you on so I assume you're asleep. :(

I guess tomorrow then....same time as I said before dude.


Well done Mr Bob. You sure are good with those audibles. I've never seen that many used in one game before. I'm glad that I wasn't able to score tons and tons of points, because my offense without Jamal shouldn't be able to.


First tragedy, then farce.
That game I played last night was complete and total bullshit. This is supposed to be a sim leauge, not 'well Its tied late in the game and its third and 17, lets audible everyone deap and then run with the QB.' Of the 6 QB scrambles one of which might have been a QB draw, the rest of which were obviously pass plays that were used as running plays... especially given that none of this happened when you had the lead, only when you were tied late and in danger of being stopped.

Its just disapointing when you join a leauge to avoid this shit and have to put up with it anyway...


Seriously, look at the play by play.. McCown didnt run once until the third quarter.. I was down a TD, got the stop and tied the game up.. next possession, McCown is running all the fuck over the place. the next possession I have to punt the ball and McCown doesnt run at all and I get the stop again.. then I tie it up and McCown goes crazy... which opened up the passing game even more than my normally pourous pass defense because I had to worry that 3rd and 14 was going to be the QB taking off running.

If you look at the season stats.. in the previous 7 games, McCown had 11 yards rushing (assuming they all reported), in this ONE game he had 80.


Like I said before, if people rush me with a player from the defensive line im gonna run. After you ended 2 of my drives by running past my offensive line like it wasnt there I decided it was my only option. If its a problem then kick me from the leauge, im not gonna change. Also lets not forget the first game, the one that somehow magically got disconnected after I went up by 21 points.


Hey Maverick, can you play tonight? I saw you were playing NHL last night so I'm guessing you've got your connection problems worked out. I'll be able to play around 11pm eastern.


Hmmm, was there a ton of blitzes coming your way? Or was straight man coverage being played. If there weren't extra blitzers coming your way I'd have to side with Stooge. We all know how the QB can cheese in this game, and if you have to resort to that to get first down yardage that is not cool. Besides, it is so easy to outrun an incoming lineman in this game. I'm not saying you should get booted (Also, it's not my call), but looking at those play by play stats looks pretty weak dude....

BTW good game Fifty. I played my best game of the year so far. And I needed it too to get the win! That Ravens defense is too good if I slip up too much. Oh yeah I do like to play like Peyton Manning at the line. :p


I would be fine with blitzes. If you blitz and controll that guy I have no problem at all. What really bothers me is when you sit back in prevent or dime defense then phase through my offensive line giving me all of 1 second to throw.


He did that weak shit on me too Stooge in a tourney game,I still beat him though,hahaha.

Fuckin McCown shouldn't be tryin to run even if he has 50 people coming at him,lmao.


Like I said before, if people rush me with a player from the defensive line im gonna run. After you ended 2 of my drives by running past my offensive line like it wasnt there I decided it was my only option. If its a problem then kick me from the leauge, im not gonna change. Also lets not forget the first game, the one that somehow magically got disconnected after I went up by 21 points.

Dude, as long as he's not manually moving DE's, what exactly is the problem? We've been playing with the QB scramble rules for weeks now -_-

3:38 1-10 at ARZ 20. Josh McCown (ARZ) ran left side for 25 yards

WTF, man? :lol

No one wants you to leave the league but just that one play is fucking bullshit IMO...

A refresher of the rules we all agreed to.


- Manually moving (not with a line shift) defensive linemen OR moving them off the line of scrimmage prior to the snap to try to sack folks or block FGs/punts is cheese and is not allowed


Due to the unrealistic nature (i.e risk/reward factor) of the QB scrambling in the game, some rules have been set to keep this aspect of the game "sim". Although most folks are good about this, it helps to have some established guidelines so no game ends in controversy. We may revisit this next season if/when Sega dumbs down the QB rushing in the roster updates (the VC guys are apparently looking into this). For now, this is LAW :p

- You are only allowed 3 "non-pressure" (i.e no pass rush which would end in a sack) scrambles per game. (ProTip: If you find yourself constantly getting pressured, try hot blocking with some WRs and TEs in addition to your RB and FB)

- These scrambles HAVE to be actual QB designed running plays. So you're limited to QB draw, sneak and rollout. If your team has any option plays, they can only be used with QBs who would realistically run the option. Rolling out of a 4-wide formation is NOT considered a designed QB running play.

- If you do face pressure and common sense says it'll be a sack, by all means get out of there but you can only run as far as the first down. Slide or run out of bounds after that. Scrambling under pressure does not count towards your "3 runs" so that's a chance an overly aggressive defense will have to take.

Is it so hard to stay within these simple rules? If you didn't agree with them back then, why didn't you post anything so we could discuss it further?


Actually I never even read the rules but this part is interesting.

- You are only allowed 3 "non-pressure" (i.e no pass rush which would end in a sack) scrambles per game. (ProTip: If you find yourself constantly getting pressured, try hot blocking with some WRs and TEs in addition to your RB and FB)

- These scrambles HAVE to be actual QB designed running plays. So you're limited to QB draw, sneak and rollout. If your team has any option plays, they can only be used with QBs who would realistically run the option. Rolling out of a 4-wide formation is NOT considered a designed QB running play.

Based on that I did stay within the rules. Maybe I took it to far but part of it was frustration over the fact that the first game was all but over when it got disconnected.


You didn't stay within the rules cos even if you were gonna get sacked, you're supposed to slide after you get the 1st down not go for 25 yds on first and 10 :lol

Anyways, just go over the rules and keep it clean from now on. If you feel your opponent pulled the plug, take it up with FMT before you replay him next time. Although, I would hope that kind of crap isn't going on..... -_-


Junior Ace
Cloudy said:
You didn't stay within the rules cos even if you were gonna get sacked, you're supposed to slide after you get the 1st down not go for 25 yds on first and 10 :lol

Anyways, just go over the rules and keep it clean from now on. If you feel your opponent pulled the plug, take it up with FMT before you replay him next time. Although, I would hope that kind of crap isn't going on..... -_-

Like you have room to talk with your 4 wide QB run up the middle every time you have 3rd/4th and inches.


It's a designed QB play which I never do more than 3 times in a game and I slide immediately so what's your point? On 3rd and inches, why wouldn't I do a QB draw?

Oh and here are my QB's rushing stats through 7 games:

Jake Plummer 7 22 3.1 5.5 10 1

Yeah, I really do it EVERY 3rd/4th and short in EVERY game :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
I actually didnt blitz more than the front line at any point after the first quarter. I dropped back into coverage because I was getting destroyed. All of my pressure was coming from my lineman... in fact, that was the problem, all of his WR's were so deep that none of my DB's could get to the QB before he had nabbed massive yardage.

as far as the first game.. it got disconected.. I dont appreciate the insinuation that I pulled the plug to avoid a loss (If I was going to do that, I would have done it in the assraping I took at the hands of the bucs)... besides pulling the plug doesnt reset the game, pulling the plug would start the 20 second countdown to re-establish contact with the other player.. and if I didnt put it back in, you would have gotten the win.

I really dont care if I win or lose, thats not what Im mad about.. this leauge is supposed to be fun.. the game has bullshit that cant be avoided (the INT that bounced off of 3 guys to start the game was mostly caused by my WR getting bumped off his route and Favre throwing the ball where he was supposed to be intstead of where he was).. but we can at least avoid people taking advantage of the cheese that exists in this game.. that game last night wasnt fun for me in the second half.. I knew I wasnt going to win because I couldnt stop your QB and your passing game... whats the point of playing if its not fun?


The stat speaks for itself, dude. In 7 games, Plummer has rushed 7 times and I'm sure one or two of those were kneels. Fuck passing on 3rd and inches with surtain and madison waiting back there :lol


Yeah, most people run on third and inches..with a running back. :p

I don't care. But I am curious what designed play it was if you had 4 wide? I didn't know there were any QB sneaks...Was it out of the shotgun?


Straight Trips - QB draw. Check the Broncos playbook for yourself. It's obviously designed to fool the opponent into thinking I'm passing :)

And do you mean QB sneaks in 4-wide or QB sneaks in general? I don't think there is a QB sneak in 4-wide. At least not in my playbook :p


I was talking about what bog said "Like you have room to talk with your 4 wide QB run up the middle every time you have 3rd/4th and inches."


Well I have room to talk because I use an actual QB play (and I use it sparingly). I don't just call a pass play and scramble :lol Anyways, I don't see how anyone can accuse me of being a hypocrite with 7 runs in 7 games for 22 yards :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
This game makes people evil..not good...not good.
guys, as far as i'm concerned i see NO instance in which to QB run. i understand once in a while people want to do it, but we all know it's cheesy. we setup the rules for a reason. this is the (surprisingly) first problem we've had with QB rushing, and it's going to be the last. unless your name is Vick, you shouldn't have more than 30 yards rushing in a game. i'll keep an eye on this stuff, and i have no problems reversing a win if i see someone abusing QB running. last warning dudes, play legit.

man up and accept a sack or throw away if the defense called the right play against your passing play. i was getting killed by gunstars defensive rush early in my game against him. take a look @ the play by play. but i relaxed, threw a few runs in there, threw a few max protects in there, threw a few rollouts, and i got back into the game. there is no excuse for qb running as far as i'm concerned. there will be no more warnings dudes. if you think someone pulled the plug on you, tell me about it. from now on if i see ANY qb in this league with over 50 yards in a game i'm going to make sure that team doesn't win the game. sorry to be a dick, but lets keep it sim fellas.


Yo Maverick, what's the deal man. I see you online playing NHL and Madden. I send you PM's and game invites but you don't respond. Let me know when you want to play our game.

This game makes people evil..not good...not good.

I agree.





Remember now, as Bears fans, we must band together at this crucial time and allow the Chicago Bears to get the victory. :D
try it now. i fixed the coding on it


btw, it was a bitch to fix because some people could see the page, and others couldn't, so i had to find the missing or additional text that was causing it. which i guess i did
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