Okay, I couldn't resist to respond. I hate to see the Bible get so violated in such a single post.
pwn3d said:
Neither am I. I'm an agnostic who finds Christian mythology interesting to study.
Christian mythology? Is that what you call it? Strange that you call yourself agnostic, but your view leans more towards preterism? Oh well, doesn't bother me one bit, your views are still wrong.
pwn3d said:
Do you have any evidence at all from credible Biblical scholars to support this?
Sure! I have God's Word, John the Revelator, Daniel the Prophet, Martin Luther the Reformer, and a host of others.
pwn3d said:
My understanding of the text is that the author saw the unfilfilled "prophecies" as things that would come to pass very shortly, destroying the Roman empire and its cult of emperor worship.
What "unfilled" prophecies? Be specific, please? You do know Revelation is 22 chapters deep. So, let's get the full scope and not shortchange ourselves.
pwn3d said:
It's true that both Dan and Rev are part of the genre of Apocalyptic literature and existed to fulfill psychological needs to the audiences to whom they were written. There is some symbolism in common between the two books as well. However our discussion of Daniel showed that you were ignorant of the text's authorship and the history of Palestine at the time it was written. It appears that you are making the same mistake with Rev.
Ignorant of Daniel's prophecies? Please! There's nothing to be ignorant of? The Bible makes it pretty clear what the prophecies entail. The Bible explains itself. Thus, the Bible should be used to define its own prophecies.
Your problem with Daniel is that you're separating the powers of Media and Persia as two separate entities on the prophecy timeline. The Bible doesn't do that. The Bible considers them two co-joining powers. However, the Medes were the stronger of the two. And don't forget "horns" represent "powers" or "kings".
Dan 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.
The prophecies of Revelation aren't chronological. It's the same information told in 3 different angels. These prophecies cover the same time period.
a) 7 Churches - church history of God's people from Christ's time to our time. The 7th church, Laodicea, means "judgment, or judging of the people" And according to Daniel, we're already in that process.
b) 7 Seals - political history of God's people from Christ's time to our time
c) 7 Trumpets - military history of God's people from Christ's time to our time
Has the end-time issue of the "beast" will force all to worship him occured yet? Has the "mark of the beast" issue occured yet? Has the New Jerusalem and New Earth event occured yet? Have the wicked been thrown into the Lake of Fire yet? I think not. Thus, we have some unfilled prophecies yet to occur.
Likewise, the 3 different visions that Daniel saw cover the same time period from his day to our time.
a) King Nebby's dream - The stone "cut-out" of the mountain made w/o hands hasn't occured yet.
b) Dream of the beasts
c) Dream of the ram and the goat, and king of fierce countenance -
All of the 3 major prophecies in Daniel cover the same time period.
pwn3d said:
Are you talking about Rev 13:11?
Yes! Thanks for the correction.
pwn3d said:
What possible evidence is there that that this beast (not a lamb as you quoted - the text says the beast's horns were like a lamb's so maybe that is what you were thinking of) represents the US?
There's 2 different beasts in Rev. 13. The 1st beast has already been discussed in Daniel. The 1st beast ruled for 42 months; time, times and dividing of time; or 1260 days (which equals to 1260 years); pick and choose your preference, the number are all the same.
The 1st beast rose out of the "sea." Sea or waters in prophecy represent a multitudes of people or nations. That's where the 1st beast came from. The 2nd beast rose out of the "earth", earth in prophecy represents the opposite of "sea". Barren, no nations.
History tells us at the time of the end of the 1st beast, that this 2nd beast will rise. The Papacy power was defeated (wounded) in 1798, when the Pope died while held captive under the French military. So, what nation rose up around that time governed by 2 powers where there were no pre-existing nations?
The answer is U.S.A. When did the U.S. come into power as a nation? You know? And what 2 "powers" or "kings" govern U.S.? Democracy and Freedom of Religion. That's why our forefathers fled Europe. They didn't have that freedom in Europe under the Papal rule. They were killed and persecuted. They came here to escape that.
And how does a lamb speak? A lamb speak through their laws in the legislative body. U.S. started off as a nation for the people, but very soon, they will speak as a dragon (devil) through their laws...co-mixing religion and politics. This religio-political system is what defined the Papacy during the Dark Ages. And this is how U.S. will give life to the 1st beast.
You can see it now. RCC is influencing our gov't more than you dare to admit. It's funny, because I think more seculars see what's coming more than mainstream Christianity, although most don't know one lick of the Bible or its prophecies.
pwn3d said:
Furthermore, the text doesn't talk about what the two horns represent, except to say that they are like a lamb.
My silly friend, the Bible decodes itself. What does the Bible say "horns" are?
Dan 7:24 And the
ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
pwn3d said:
I assume you are referring to the first beast? Yes, this refers to first century Rome.
Yes and No.
Ultimately, the 1st beast is the Papacy, but in Rev. 13, it's a composite of all the beasts in Daniel's 2nd vision. Which the Roman Papacy was. It contained bits and pieces of eaching preceding power before it: Babylon, Medes-Persia, Greece, and Pagan Rome. There's no way you can decode what this beast is w/o looking at Daniel first.
I live in U.S.A and I love my country. But if God's Word say U.S.A will throw away it's Constitution one day, and persecute people who loves Him like the Papacy of old, then I have to believe it will happen. I can see it happening right now. The Papacy is regaining their powers through us. I know there are many loving and sincere followers in RCC, but the Bible talks about the unbiblical system, not the people. And we are headed for some rough time ahead. Be prepared.