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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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Banstick Emeritus
Nigga I am going make it my life mission to make enough money so I can pay Aziz Ansari to do a 90 miniature set of horse jokes at your funeral.

Im gonna hire some black women to be the pallbearers at your funeral.

I am going have your casket dragged by Shetland ponies and JJ Ice Fish will be singing old negro spirituals



keep your strippers out of my American football
Shit. Got called for a phone interview out of the blue. Was completely unprepared to answer questions like why I've been out of work for three years.

It was one of those good-looking positions you toss your resume into knowing ain't gonna get any response but it's better than not trying right? Aren't they supposed to schedule interviews? Even phone interviews?

There is no official way to do it, but usually all interviews should be scheduled in advance. But the company trying to hire you kind of has all the power in that.

As far as that answering the question of why you are out of work for 3 years, you gotta have an answer ready to go. I left a good job for a great job that ended up going belly up after 3 months. So I have had to answer that in every interview since. I failed big time initially, but now I have the answer/reason to satisfy most interviewers.


shame, jandro and slayven were the best of friends.

You can guide a horse to water, but then Slayven might try to drown him.
only if you're Slay's age or a Nazi

girlfriendofagamer sup

Welcome girlfriendofagamer


what's your story? caught your s/o posting on GAF too much so you had to check out what's so special about it?

Welcome welcome.

What's up. There's a lot of Richmond peeps around here it seems. I like your religion answer.

Welcome new fam, hope you have a great week.

The good ending.

Been really busy this week but thank you guys for the warm welcome! Really appreciate it!

I'll start with a story.

So Ive been working for Best Buy and we had a sales induction training this week. So I went on a lunch break with 2 of my coworkers and obviously a race discussion comes up because of course (they are two white boys).

One (I'll refer to them as Kid 1) of them was telling me how his family on his dad's side is really ignorant and uneducated and how he actually feels kind of embarrassed being related to them. It was an interesting viewpoint I never really thought about. He said there is no cultural diversity where they are from so they end up saying some pretty wicked shit.

We started talking about current events and Kid 1 explained that he wished they would postpone the Straight Outta Compton movie. I laughed and asked why he would make such a request and he said that due to current events he thinks it would start rioting and making conditions worse....

I kinda shook my head and told him that there have already been riots since Ferguson and its already been for more noble causes so why would black people riot over a movie? They both started talking about how the Ferguson riots weren't justified and I agree generally but I informed them that A. There were shit starters coming from out of town with that behavior, B. Only a select minority were involved, C. The media wasn't showing the people who were standing in front of stores to stop all that behavior and D. Rioting was one of the only ways to get major coverage to the issue (Riot is the language of the unheard - MLK )

Kid 1 agreed and saw my views but Kid 2 still demeaned the whole thing.

I started talking about civil liberties that they have that I felt I wouldn't have. For ex, Kid 1 talked about being pulled over and the cop freaking out a bit when he told him that he had a firearm in the glove compartment with legal registration. I was telling him that I would guarantee that if I was in the same scenario, the cop wouldn't have let me drive off that say. TBH it is speculation but my intuition knows what my limits are with cops and gun possession gets me some sort of charge or death...

Kid 1 was iffy about the claim, Kid 2 didn't really comment in my memory

Then the discussion went to Mike Brown and Trayvon. Kid 2 felt that Mike Brown shouldn't have died but Trayvon had to. He claimed that Trayvon banging Zimmerman's head was enough proof to warrant Trayvons death. I asked Kid 2 why Trayvon isn't validated in fearing for his life against a stalker? I asked Kid 2 if he would allow a strange individual to stalk him without threat of violence? I asked him why Zimmerman isn't held accountable for his actions since he's an adult and phone operators specifically told him not to engage the altercation.

Kid 2 stuck to his defense. Kid 1 saw my argument and said it was valid.

Kid 2 brought up the classic racism defense arguments, it was so textbook I had to let him know what he was doing,

"Black people had slaves themselves before they were slaves" (A very small minority if any, and the source is what now? Probably some white documentation)

"Black people sold their own people into slavery" (If someone puts a gun to your face and says sell your people or ill kill you, which one are you picking? The ideal answer is death but then A. They take your people anyway and B. They keep asking the next one and the next one till they get the answer they want

"Other countries had forms of slavery before the US, White people were slaves too" (Swiftly brought this one down with a "Cmon son... Was white people lynching white people?")

It just made me so confused. Here are honestly 2 kids I wouldn't view as racist, but just weren't sympathetic to black causes or viewpoints. Kid 1 saw more light than Kid 2 and he comes from a harsher background IMO. It just showed me how the world is operating. There are people who may not necessarily be overtly racist but still cannot side against cruelty to another group of people. It doesn't affect them, it never has affected them. Why should they? The society has always made them feel superior even if a true person of pure heart knows we are all equal at the end of it all.

It goes back to what MLK was saying sooo much.

Its not the racism that kills us, its the indifference to it.

Thanks of the read, long post. Sorry if I brought the mood down, just wanted to post before it left my mind
Given how much I hate my job, I wish this were true. I'll watch it at some point. Maybe after I finish Bloodborne properly.
everytime i see your avatar it reminds me to start Season 3 of Korra, i enjoyed the last 2.

i already know about the lesbian thing since a friend spoiled that for me anyways heh
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