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The Black Culture Thread |OT15| - Equine, Please

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Just came back from the NYC protest. It was powerful!

As for Dallas. They really thought this wouldn't happen after hundreds of no convinctions?

My condolences for the families affected, fuck everyone blaming BLM, and the struggle continues.


Please be safe BCT. This shit is getting out of hand.

I got pulled over for speeding today, and it's a got damn shame that I had to narrate my entire set of movements, plus have my wallet waiting on the dash before he even got to my window. Literally every step was:

"I'm going to hand you my license which is in my wallet, which is on my dash above my steering wheel. My registration is in my glovebox, would you like me to get it? I will move my right hand to get it, starting now. My left hand will remain partially raised during this time."

Legit terrified.
Wow..seems I missed a fuck ton while dealing with doggie training. Cops getting shot? Holy shit. An unfortunate side effect to so many folks getting clapped these last couple of days. Condolences to their families. Hopefully we can start working on healing and justice for everyone affected these last 48+ hours.

Goodnight, everyone. Please..be safe out there. My thoughts are especially with you, Boss. Peace..


yep, Philando Castile no longer a headline.

all eyes on dallas.

If a motherfucker ever looks me in my amber eyes and tell my ass, "If you follow the cop's orders, you'll be fine!" imma point this shit out.

I feel like writing poetry right now, get my feelings out


oh god that Slayven DOFP pic...and I didn't make it to the future fam.

lmao I forgot about that picture. Now I want to know where I end up.

Something needs to fucking happen, not protests, not marches. Something more yo. Some shit gotta happen

Nah, we'll morn the cops for a week or so. The cops that killed Alton and Philando will walk. Nothing will be done about gun control. Then we'll wait for the next black person to become a hashtag and we'll start the whole process again. The only real change is that people might be more willing retaliate at the cops from now on.


time to take my meds
If a motherfucker ever looks me in my amber eyes and tell my ass, "If you follow the cop's orders, you'll be fine!" imma point this shit out.

I feel like writing poetry right now, get my feelings out

you ain't wrong though.

finally a situation of someone doing what they always tell us to do. and it still goes wrong. what now?


lmao I forgot about that picture. Now I want to know where I end up.

Nah, we'll morn the cops for a week or so. The cops that killed Alton and Philando will walk. Nothing will be done about gun control. Then we'll wait for the next black person to become a hashtag and we'll start the whole process again. The only real change is that people might be more willing retaliate at the cops from now on.

I know nothing will happen. I accepted how the cycle goes a long ass time ago. With the cops dying in Dallas, the loss of Alton and Castile will be forgotten even more quickly than usual. Hashtags gets us nowhere. Marches gets us nowhere. Vigils gets us nowhere. Now thankfully the Black cop union in Minnesota is calling for the commissioner to be fired, but more shit needs to happen. If it's a violent revolution, then so be it.
Let the truth be known friend

You're among brothas here

Feds watchin


Me: "God I hope the shooters aren't Black"

*Photo of suspect is shown and dude is Black*

Me: "God dammit!"

*Comes out that people got an itchy finger and plastered the photo of a guy that likely had nothing to do with the shootings all over the media*


Two Black men murdered for no reason. Innocent Cops now shot/dead. Fuck these past 72 hours. FUCK!!!

I'm playing Tales of Zestiria and next thing you know dudes is shooting in Dallas.

And I'm mad everyone is playing the "what race are they game"

If they're taken alive, they ain't black.
I haven't caught up yet, but if they ain't black or brown thank god.

I can't help but expect a fucked up result either way. If they're black or brown, we'll get every conservative lambasting ISIS, BLM, whatever they can get their hands on to crucify minorities and their causes. If they're white, like every other white shooter story, it'll get buried/forgotten in a minute even though cops were in the cross-hairs this time instead of random minorities.
I'm playing Tales of Zestiria and next thing you know dudes is shooting in Dallas.

And I'm mad everyone is playing the "what race are they game"

If they're taken alive, they ain't black.

I can't help but expect a fucked up result either way. If they're black or brown, we'll get every conservative lambasting ISIS, BLM, whatever they can get their hands on to crucify minorities and their causes. If they're white, like every other white shooter story, it'll get buried/forgotten in a minute even though cops were in the cross-hairs this time instead of random minorities.


I'm not looking forward to the talking points that'll be going around tomorrow.
Times like these is why I am so glad I no longer have social media. I don't have time to hear people shit on BLM even tho protestors had not a damn thing to do with this shit. Shit was planned way too well. Also glad that I have my own office in the warehouse where nobody bothers me so I don't have to hear shit about it tomorrow. Shit I might just take the day off.


Well, the dude that was misidentified as the shooter is going to have a shitty next couple of weeks. He's already getting death threats. Even now the cops still manage to fuck over a black person.
I'm happy the shooters weren't black or brown, but the fact they were taken alive makes me fucking sick to my core
I know it's fucked up, but I'm really hoping these weren't black folks for multiple reasons. This shit will set the
Movement completely back. Really fucking senseless.
Please be safe, everyone. These next few weeks are gonna be rough.

I know it's fucked up, but I'm really hoping these weren't black folks for multiple reasons. This shit will set the
Movement completely back. Really fucking senseless.

It's not fucked up to think this when you know this is something that can be used to damage the perception of our race.


Negotiations? Yea either Dallas pd is super peaceful or they are white.

Shame police officers had to die because of what happened in other states. Prayers for the family


Meanwhile, they had the time to search through videos and tweet a picture of a guy who did nothing wrong.

And GAFers want to cry plastering the dude's face all over the official thread and Besada tells them they are going to get banned if they don't edit it out. "Bu bu bu the police provided the picture...". How many fucking threads and examples of the media jumping the damn gun on "suspect photos" do you need to know not to do that shit?


Junior Member

Pretty suspect they have 3(?) in custody and not a single picture posted
Waitaminute, waitaminute wayminnut,

Just waking the fuck up😭

Did they really post the fuck out of the guy in camo as a suspect, when he turned in his gun and left to go home?



I'm confused right now. The suspects don't look like him?


Well shit

Anyway, this has happened before it'll cycle through again. People acting like this is some watershed moment are fooling themselves.


How do we not know what the shooters look like yet? Didn't we find out the identity of the Orlando shooter pretty quickly?
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