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The Black Culture Thread |OT15| - Equine, Please

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How do we not know what the shooters look like yet? Didn't we find out the identity of the Orlando shooter pretty quickly?
At their 1:30am address, the police said that they wouldn't provide new details until the morning. Conference starts in 15 minutes.

Waitaminute, waitaminute wayminnut,

Just waking the fuck up😭

Did they really post the fuck out of the guy in camo as a suspect, when he turned in his gun and left to go home?



I'm confused right now. The suspects don't look like him?
Mainly reposting what I wrote in the shooting thread:
Yeah. He wasn't involved.

4chan floated his image. Reddit ran with it. Police subsequently got flooded with "witness accounts" that he was firing his rifle during the shooting.

In reality, the gun was not loaded and he handed it to police, which was captured on video.

Don Lemon was still calling him a suspect 10 minutes after CBS reported that he gave the gun to police.
So apparently a black woman is in custody in connection with the shootings anybody else hear that? I saw it in the thread so I don't know if its true or not.


The internet detective club seems to always manage to fuck someone over during an event like this.

Didn't the same thing happen during the Boston marathon bombing.


The internet detective club seems to always manage to fuck someone over during an event like this.

Didn't the same thing happen during the Boston marathon bombing.

It happens with almost every shooting/terrorist thread. The Orlando shooting thread had fake images too from random people on Instagram, but the media was smarter with that situation and the big networks weren't so quick to show images. In this case the Dallas Police department messed up showing an innocent brother's photo too quick and the media jumped on it.
*going to break the mood in here for a bit*

yep it's official, Tales games are my style of JRPG now. After playing Xillia 1 and now Zestiria I'm giving other JRPGs the side eye. I don't give a fuck if they reuse landscapes (Xillia) they're pretty fun.


Any summary on what's known? Not in the mood to go through that thread..I'm guessing that'd be a mistake.

11 police officers shot, 5 dead, 2 civilians shot. The main suspect is dead after a stand off in a garage. The police used a robot with a bomb to kill the suspect. The main suspect told police he was sick of BLM, the police, and wanted to kill white cops and white people and claims to be working alone and had bombs. There are 3 other suspects that have been arrested/the investigation is still active.
11 police officers shot, 5 dead, 2 civilians shot. The main suspect is dead after a stand off in a garage. The police used a robot with a bomb to kill the suspect. The main suspect told police he was sick of BLM, the police, and wanted to kill white cops and white people and claims to be working alone and had bombs. There are 3 other suspects that have been arrested/the investigation is still active.

A fucking bomb? Holy shit. That BLM shout out is going to suck balls, for sure. "Kill white cops." Good job, asshole..you've just made the target on our backs much bigger. I knew shit was going to go down because of these fucking videos coming out back to back, but not this insanity. These dudes just helped stop the conversation and made it about themselves.

RIP to officer Thompson..who just got married two fucking weeks ago..good grief.


Was nice to see a teacher where Philando Castile worked talk about him and how he was with the kids. A nice change from the typical bullshit the folks who dig for dirt to justify people's deaths for likes on Facebook.
It interesting to watch people talk about how violence begets more violence and then justify the police using a robot bomb to kill a suspect

Yeah. That's just how it goes. I've got no sympathy for the man..they could have used a flame thrower for all I care. But violence begets violence is something that folks should have thought about before this idiot went out with a bang. What was that protest about again? Why were they there? Oh, right..
I'm so tired of black celebrities not saying shit when police murder black folks or go on about black on black crime but then when shit like this happens they want to talk about how "violence isn't the answer type shit".


aka Mannny
I'm so tired of black celebrities not saying shit when police murder black folks or go on about black on black crime but then when shit like this happens they want to talk about how "violence isn't the answer type shit".
This is the biggest part about it that makes me angry we got brothers and sisters getting killed everyday and you want to be the bigger person when the other side of the coin is getting the dirty end of the deal. How about stopping this shit at the source.

D i Z

Morning folks. I have a performance review today that I really shouldn't miss, but I'm not even stepping out of the house except to exercise.
I'm so tired of black celebrities not saying shit when police murder black folks or go on about black on black crime but then when shit like this happens they want to talk about how "violence isn't the answer type shit".

Those cats remind me why Jesse and John Legend are rated so high in my book. They are willing to put the time in to put thought into what they say, instead of lazy generic kumbaya shit.


My mom going in for surgery now. Today's been nothing but fucking stress.

Got a report to finish for work, also. Can't concentrate.


Unconfirmed Member
*going to break the mood in here for a bit*

yep it's official, Tales games are my style of JRPG now. After playing Xillia 1 and now Zestiria I'm giving other JRPGs the side eye. I don't give a fuck if they reuse landscapes (Xillia) they're pretty fun.

Still waiting for the day I get my Graces F combat back in another Tales game. Zestiria was close, but not quite as satisfying. Xillia, while it was decent as a 1-player game, was horrendous with 3 players. The game is clearly 2-player max; you just cant do enough damage without linking (which switches players to auto).


man just got into argument with one of my fb friends about Alton. Saying if he didn't resist he wouldn't have been shot and talking about his record. smh

victim blaming too high
And I don't plan on going into any of the recent OT threads about the recent violence.

All those people want is "peace". No matter how oppressive, how harmful it can and will be to black people.


Stay off social media brehs, or be prepared to go on a deletion spree

One person on my feed (who changed their name and I legit have no idea who they are now) is spouting some shit that is exactly on the cusp.

Waiting for them to overstep so I can clean house.


aka Mannny
One person on my feed (who changed their name and I legit have no idea who they are now) is spouting some shit that is exactly on the cusp.

Waiting for them to overstep so I can clean house.
I don't even know why people argue with these social media closet racist trolls anymore. They aren't going to change their minds. Deport they ass from your feed lol


I don't even know why people argue with these social media closet racist trolls anymore. They aren't going to change their minds. Deport they ass from your feed lol

Hasn't said anything shady yet but the comments are edging close to "the cops deserved it".

Fuck it. Like I said, I legit don't know who this person is...they changed their name and scrubbed their posts. Removed

The Adder

So this is just my... not so much hot take. A quick, dispassionate read on the situation media-wise. It's what I do to keep from being overwhelmed, so forgive me if I offend.

This is going to go over real well. Like a fucking bucket of ice water on the whole legitimate part of the movement.

Prefacing the following with a note that this is just cold, unempathetic analysis on my part:

In regards to optics, this is probably the best outcome possible with a black shooter. Ex-military, almost certainly served in the middle east. It drums up way too many uncomfortable conversations about how one of our heroes could go bad and do something like this at home. Too many fingers will be getting pointed at too many people for many places to want to linger on the conversation. Unless something happens to rock the blame HARD in one direction or another, no one will want to point at anything for fear they'll be pointed at.

You can see it in Paul Ryan's speech and Fox News bringing up the 70s instead of staying 100% on message about BLM.

Right now they're looking for a scapegoat that won't cause them a fight and get them in trouble.

Adding to that, a lot of this is going to come to the background (and guilt) of the other suspects in custody.

The best sandwich that can be made out of this shit is if their little group has self-labled. The narrative will turn positive towards BLM and play up how the whole peaceful protest was organized in concert with DPD because the media will have a new buzz phrase to demonize.


I am just keeping low, cause I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Especially fighting over the internet. Just keeping mine close and hope for the best.
This nigga had to make this worse for everyone else. OMG. Absolutely disgusting and now we are left with the ramifications. I'm not shocked this happened and at the end of the day, this man will still be dead while the cops who did the acts that lead up to this probably won't even be charged.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Keeping up with the news and.....fuck man.....just this shit is all fucked up.

Like I cant think of the possibility of going back to the states full-time now. Shits fucking ridiculous to witness, experience and live with.

Watching updates, seeing facebook, and just thinking about the little things and my own family and friends got me in a funk man. Like is there a point where one is a mixture of numb, anger and disappointed by any of the responses and follow-ups?: Because that is what I`m feeling right now. I just feel...bitter and misanthropic at everything that happens when shit like this pops off. The hashtags, the posts, the high-schools tier debates that happens, the news coverage, the lack-of-results/change,...it just seems so..........routine. Something that is normally tragic, so horrifying, so vile, it's....routine.


*Insert Martin Luther King picture + quote*



keep your strippers out of my American football
Hasn't said anything shady yet but the comments are edging close to "the cops deserved it".

Fuck it. Like I said, I legit don't know who this person is...they changed their name and scrubbed their posts. Removed

I don't have time or the patience for anyone on my feed even remotely going to a place I don't agree with. Call me thin-skinned or not tolerant, but if you are barking nonsense at me in a medium that I have total control over, you can get the delete with the quickness. There are people who will never, ever try to empathize with others. I don't need that shit in my life or in my "cyber" life.

One thing I will say is the Dallas media and the PD went into great lengths to not connect the shooter to the march. They said over and over that the protesters were peaceful and there were no issues until the shooting started. Not sure what the national media and the PD are doing today though. The pictures and video I saw of cops talking to protesters, some connections being made, etc. was destroyed by a dude that seemed to hate every single person involved (if he truly hated BLM along with the cops). Now we will see the politicians twist this into something they can use for their benefit.
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