For anyone who may happen to be a fan of Steven Universe, I've been practicing lyrical writing by trying to write verses about things without just describing them or events in them. Results of first run through:
There's a universe we only ever get to see
Get to be
A tiny part of
An influence felt infinitesimally
It's small
The time we spend
The roles we play
On this little ball of dirt
Can make you wanna ask yourself
Why we bother to exert
The effort it takes
To make a small change
But a small change can be all things need
To rearrange
Some courage
Some kindness
Some hope can inspire
The hearts, minds, and wills
To topple a Gempire
So allow me to impart on you
A little advice
It costs us too much to be cruel
We can afford to play nice
Let cynicism go one way
Chase your dreams in the other
Be good to yourselves
Then be good to one another
I rose to the challenge
Earned myself this pearl of knowledge
It's a fire burning ruby in my eyes
No need to doubt
I am a thespian in life's theatre
No villain, I'm the hero
Nothing's gonna stop me period
Dot zero zero
Huge aspirations runnin'
In my mental complex
And when one lap is finished you can trust
That I'm startin' the next
Not turnin' tail or turnin yellow
Diamond mountains I won't fail to
Climb'em like a lion
I'm gon' keep on tryin' 'til I'm dyin'
No simple animal, a kite
That's meant to fly to soaring heights
Upon the wingspan of the friendships
For which I have had to fight
It hasn't only been a Rainbow
Quarts of tears and blood and sweat
Have led me to conclude that
Sugar nets you more than any threat
Ever could
They've got a so-so pull
But love, loyalty, joy
You'll find these tools
That will get you through the worst of times
'Cause you chose to pursue a light
That shines within the only ones
You'll need to see you through the night
You rose to the challenge
Earned yourself this pearl of knowledge
It's a fire burning ruby[/] in your eyes
No need to doubt
I am a thespian in life's theatre
But you can play the hero
Nothing's gonna stop us period
Dot zero zero
Huge aspirations runnin'
In my mental complex
But when my lap is finished I know you'll
Be there to start the next
Not turnin' tail or turnin yellow
Diamond mountains you won't fail to
Climb'em like a lion
You can keep on tryin' and I'll be
There for you
I'm gonna care for you
There's nothing we can't do
Between you and I
Don't think
Anything can get in our way.