You're very welcome.Oh right on. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Y'all a bunch of gringos to me.

You're very welcome.Oh right on. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Y'all a bunch of gringos to me.
/Rich Evans laugh
Don't know them. Somebody hit them up for me. Please.
Y'all a bunch of gringos to me.
Don't worry bruh, they already tried.
/Rich Evans laugh
That fool got a 40 mil severance package for his years of being a work place predator, and Fox News doesn't acknowledge any of it in a public facing way.
This always rubbed me the wrong way:
In fighting for their own rights, Black activists have led the movement for opportunities not just for themselves, but for us as well, the final version of the letter reads. Black people have been beaten, jailed, even killed fighting for many of the rights that Asian Americans enjoy today.
... Let me see if I get this shit straight"
My ancestors fought so everyone could have civil rights... EVERYONE, NOT BLACK PEOPLE, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MINORITY IN THIS COUNTRY. Yet, other minorities have contempt for us as we stand against an apparent license to kill from police officers. Liang kills an innocent black male and all of a sudden an entire community sides with our oppressors.
This always rubbed me the wrong way:
In fighting for their own rights, Black activists have led the movement for opportunities not just for themselves, but for us as well, the final version of the letter reads. Black people have been beaten, jailed, even killed fighting for many of the rights that Asian Americans enjoy today.
... Let me see if I get this shit straight"
My ancestors fought so everyone could have civil rights... EVERYONE, NOT BLACK PEOPLE, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MINORITY IN THIS COUNTRY. Yet, other minorities have contempt for us as we stand against an apparent license to kill from police officers. Liang kills an innocent black male and all of a sudden an entire community sides with our oppressors.
I'll call you that if that's what you want to feel comfortable lol.Gordon said:lol..What my pops called me. Gringito..
I'll call you that if that's what you want to feel comfortable lol.
I have to go to my cousins wedding. I'm not big on weddings( I blame my parents).\ -__-
The bridesmaids are the only reason I'm going anyways.
Preferably one of these
And he's afraid of the mongoose on Trump's headFuck Bloomberg. he's a snake
This was me last week for my brothers wedding.I have to go to my cousins wedding. I'm not big on weddings( I blame my parents).\ -__-
The bridesmaids are the only reason I'm going anyways.
I have to go to my cousins wedding. I'm not big on weddings( I blame my parents).\ -__-
The bridesmaids are the only reason I'm going anyways.
This always rubbed me the wrong way:
“In fighting for their own rights, Black activists have led the movement for opportunities not just for themselves, but for us as well,” the final version of the letter reads. “Black people have been beaten, jailed, even killed fighting for many of the rights that Asian Americans enjoy today.
... Let me see if I get this shit straight"
My ancestors fought so everyone could have civil rights... EVERYONE, NOT BLACK PEOPLE, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MINORITY IN THIS COUNTRY. Yet, other minorities have contempt for us as we stand against an apparent license to kill from police officers. Liang kills an innocent black male and all of a sudden an entire community sides with our oppressors.
Rosario Dawson is just cat lady crazy right now. Like, I can smell her house with every word she speaks..fucking lunatic.
What did she do?
Watching her talk during the DNC on The Young Turks. All I hear is "MORE" as if there have been no concessions. Shouldn't surprise me..I'm hearing the same nonsense from folks on here..
Hmm...I don't like the Young Turks. I don't remember why, but I know I don't.
Watching her talk during the DNC on The Young Turks. All I hear is "MORE" as if there have been no concessions. Shouldn't surprise me..I'm hearing the same nonsense from folks on here..
I actually hadn't read up much on the Liang case. Is the summarized version that a split happened after protestors rallied to overturn the verdict because they thought the conviction was just police giving people what they wanted without offering up a white cop?
Those children ain't right i tell ya'.
Those people always trying to tie you up to a pole outside the barWhat is a cac?
That looks super interesting, but also incredibly depressing.
But but, that's my future wife. 😞Rosario Dawson is just cat lady crazy right now. Like, I can smell her house with every word she speaks..fucking lunatic.
To be fair though (don't shred me on this fam) when Ben mankiewicz is on, he does call them out when they're being over the top.Probably because they've gone off the deep end as of late..
Rosario Dawson is just cat lady crazy right now. Like, I can smell her house with every word she speaks..fucking lunatic.
Girl was switching ethnic groups faster than Jado.
Expected better from her
Wasn't she doing good shit just till recently
She drank too much of the Kool Aid.Expected better from her
Wasn't she doing good shit just till recently
Basically until this election cycle
She drank too much of the Kool Aid.
The friction was because of Asian Americans championing him getting a reduced sentence because a white cop would get one. Didn't matter that he was wrong and killed another minority man in cold blood. Then women from the protesters spit and cursed at the victims family as if they were responsible. Asian American protestors felt that they were owed the same privileges that white supremacy affords white cops who get away with shit, and he shouldn't take a fall for his crime. All the while saying that black cops don't ever do the right thing either (which is false, black cops get sent up or dismissed for breaking the blue wall all the time). It was an absolute shit show.
That mess had me so heated. Horseshit, bullshit, fuck all that shit.The friction was because of Asian Americans championing him getting a reduced sentence because a white cop would get one. Didn't matter that he was wrong and killed another minority man in cold blood. Then women from the protesters spit and cursed at the victims family as if they were responsible. Asian American protestors felt that they were owed the same privileges that white supremacy affords white cops who get away with shit, and he shouldn't take a fall for his crime. All the while saying that black cops don't ever do the right thing either (which is false, black cops get sent up or dismissed for breaking the blue wall all the time). It was an absolute shit show.
I actually hadn't read up much on the Liang case. Is the summarized version that a split happened after protestors rallied to overturn the verdict because they thought the conviction was just police giving people what they wanted without offering up a white cop?
It was a bunch of bullshit. People protesting to get the same above-the-law treatment for their blood instead of protesting for people that do criminal shit to get punished.
She got dickmatized by that 70 yr slanging it everywhere. Wasn't practicing safe advocating and caught the Bernie or bust STIExpected better from her
Wasn't she doing good shit just till recently
Had a solo euro trip planned mid next month, and my best friend just hit me with plans for panama a week prior for a labor day weekend.
I wish money grew on trees.
Swing by if passing through the northern reachesHad a solo euro trip planned mid next month, and my best friend just hit me with plans for panama a week prior for a labor day weekend.
I wish money grew on trees.
She got dickmatized by that 70 yr slanging it everywhere. Wasn't practicing safe advocating and caught the Bernie or bust STI
Good point. I should be more grateful instead of looking at this as some 1st world problem.That's great. Having options like that (even expensive ones) has got to feel pretty good even if you might not do all of them.
Swing by if passing through the northern reaches
Got a couch and nuggets with your name
Just PM card info and i will take out the fee for services
And sexy Swedish babesGood point. I should be more grateful instead of looking at this as some 1st world problem.
Does the northern reaches have demogorgons?
Night night Kiddizzy.Nite guys and gals.
torrie wilson is american. stop trying to catfish me you nigerian prince.
Nite guys and gals.