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The Black Culture Thread |OT15| - Equine, Please

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I know this is a mistake, but what does the person you fall in love with have to do with your stance or the causes you take up? Is this question going to take me down the hair/hate yourself hole? LOL

If we were talking about Constance Wu or Nate Parker talking down about their ethnic group (ex: A black woman saying black men ain't shit while married to a white man) or if either of them were on a "Fuck the white man, X Power" trip, I'd agree with you, but it's silly IMO to discount people from discussing issues in their own group because of who they are married to/dating, especially when it is still to their benefit. Now Nate Parker's comments on not wanting to play a gay character are stupid enough on their own so I am not interested in defending them, but how does who Constance Wu is dating change what she said? Constance Wu is still an Asian woman in Hollywood who should speak on the issues with white washing films/etc... Dating a white man didn't make her white. Her boyfriend isn't standing in for her movie auditions.

Not making fun of you/picking on you as I understand where it comes from, but in general people need to get past this/only bring up SOs when it actually makes a difference.

You don't see the irony going against white supremacy but in your personal life reinforcing it? I mean do you think Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, etc... would've resonated at all in the Black community if they had white wives especially amongst Black women?

For example, you don't see the irony with Constance Wu saying Hollywood loves making movies reinforcing the greatness of White Men as saviors which repeatedly implies the racist notion that white people are superior to POC and that POC need salvation from out own color via white strength. and that she loves her culture and color and we don't need you to save us from anything, but then has a White Man as her MAN. LOL


thank the good lord for a new page

D i Z

You don't see the irony going against white supremacy but in your personal life reinforcing it? I mean do you think Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, etc... would've resonated at all in the Black community if they had white wives especially amongst Black women?

For example, you don't see the irony with Constance Wu saying Hollywood loves making movies reinforcing the greatness of White Men as saviors which repeatedly implies the racist notion that white people are superior to POC and that POC need salvation from out own color via white strength. and that she loves her culture and color and we don't need you to save us from anything, but then has a White Man as her MAN. LOL

Quick note. Not to be that guy, but I suggest that we stop throwing those names around like we're white people on some respectability politics tip. We can't get mad at folks for doing it to us when we resort to the same gymnastics.

Now as far as any POC who has something to say about anything related, who they choose to hold close is up to their own judgement. Our parents and their parents were that judgemental and crucified good people for it. Damaged and undermined good work with that same attitude. We need to shed that already. We're global now, not country.
You don't see the irony going against white supremacy but in your personal life reinforcing it? I mean do you think Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, etc... would've resonated at all in the Black community if they had white wives especially amongst Black women?

For example, you don't see the irony with Constance Wu saying Hollywood loves making movies reinforcing the greatness of White Men as saviors which repeatedly implies the racist notion that white people are superior to POC and that POC need salvation from out own color via white strength. and that she loves her culture and color and we don't need you to save us from anything, but then has a White Man as her MAN. LOL

No. I don't. We're not on fucking teams. We're human beings. The fuck does color have to do with the person we fall in love with? How does who we love change lifelong experiences and how we see justice/injustice? Does that make folks hypocrites somehow? We talk equality and all of us being brothers, then this stupid shit creeps it's ugly head up..it's bullshit.
You don't see the irony going against white supremacy but in your personal life reinforcing it? I mean do you think Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, etc... would've resonated at all in the Black community if they had white wives especially amongst Black women?

For example, you don't see the irony with Constance Wu saying Hollywood loves making movies reinforcing the greatness of White Men as saviors which repeatedly implies the racist notion that white people are superior to POC and that POC need salvation from out own color via white strength. and that she loves her culture and color and we don't need you to save us from anything, but then has a White Man as her MAN. LOL

Not really. The two really aren't relevant, and a POC shouldn't be expected to represent their entire race with their personal choices. Constance Wu dating/married to a white dude has absolutely nothing to do with white supremacy, because her relationship isn't making a statement, isn't contributing to the emasculation of Asian men, and isn't propping up the idea that white men are better, only that she views this particular man as better
Quick note. Not to be that guy, but I suggest that we stop throwing those names around like we're white people on some respectability politics tip. We can't get mad at folks for doing it to us when we resort to the same gymnastics.

Now as far as any POC who has something to say about anything related, who they choose to hold close is up to their own judgement. Our parents and their parents were that judgemental and crucified good people for it. Damaged and undermined good work with that same attitude. We need to shed that already. We're global now, not country.

It's not about being judgemental, it's about loving your people in a white dominated country built off white supremacy were eurocentric beauty standards are the default; and not merely paying lip service in order to further your career.

I don't care who you date; you can date whoever you want. But as soon as you get on some political/racial shit, people want to see more than talking the talk.

No. I don't. We're not on fucking teams. We're human beings. The fuck does color have to do with the person we fall in love with? How does who we love change lifelong experiences and how we see justice/injustice? Does that make folks hypocrites somehow? We talk equality and all of us being brothers, then this stupid shit creeps it's ugly head up..it's bullshit.

You're arguing as if we're in a vacuum, as if the history of race and class hasn't affected people's social habits and who it favors within this system including who you date and marry. A major reason Obama is popular amongst the Black community, specifically amongst Black women (who have the highest percentage of people who go out and vote) is because he's married to a Black Woman, and has 2 Black Daughters. That image of a beautiful Black Family with 3 positive, attractive, intelligent Black Women in the White House is powerful. I promise you Barack Obama wouldn't have won if he was married to a White Women. Matter of fact, he wouldn't have won the primaries, as Hilary would've beat him.

Not really. The two really aren't relevant, and a POC shouldn't be expected to represent their entire race with their personal choices. Constance Wu dating/married to a white dude has absolutely nothing to do with white supremacy, because her relationship isn't making a statement, isn't contributing to the emasculation of Asian men, and isn't propping up the idea that white men are better, only that she views this particular man as better

You don't think a successful, beautiful, famous Asian American woman dating a White man doesn't contribute at all to the emasculation of Asian men, specifically Asian American men or reinforces the idea that White men are better? LOL
Good night, and you wrong for even asking me that question. You know I'm a radical Black militant. LOL

Be that all you want. You can be wrong just like anyone else. Ain't a damn thing wrong with talking about the cause and being in a relationship with a person not your color. But like I said, you the dude telling black women how to wear their hair..I was indeed wrong for asking the question. Felt the need to ask, since you coming off very insulting..again..
You don't think a successful, beautiful, famous Asian American woman dating a White man doesn't contribute at all to the emasculation of Asian men, specifically Asian American men or reinforces the idea that White men are better? LOL

Not really, although I can see how it'd make some Asian men salty. It's akin to Taye Diggs catching tons of heat from black women for marrying a white woman. They can date and marry whoever the fuck they want
Be that all you want. You can be wrong just like anyone else. Ain't a damn thing wrong with talking about the cause and being in a relationship with a person not your color. But like I said, you the dude telling black women how to wear their hair..I was indeed wrong for asking the question. Felt the need to ask, since you coming off very insulting..again..

It's my opinion, and you asked and I gave it. I don't tell Black women how to wear their hair, I have an opinion specifically towards weaves which after engaging and hearing opinions from other people on this board I gained a broader perspective and lightened up on. At no point was my intent to insult, and if it did then I apologize.
Not really, although I can see how it'd make some Asian men salty. It's akin to Taye Diggs catching tons of heat from black women for marrying a white woman. They can date and marry whoever the fuck they want

Bruh, nobody is saying you can't marry who you want? Quit making strawman arguments. In Taye Diggs case, if the type of films you star in rely on a significant demographic of Black women to pay and watch, then marrying a white woman might not be the best career move. Fair or not.


You don't see the irony going against white supremacy but in your personal life reinforcing it? I mean do you think Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, etc... would've resonated at all in the Black community if they had white wives especially amongst Black women?

In the time Martin and Malcolm lived in, it was still against the law in many states for anyone to marry/have sex outside of their ethnic group until around/after both were killed, so even if they wanted to do this, this would have been a fight on it's own. Regardless, this was a different time from the Pokemon Go world we live in now.

For example, you don't see the irony with Constance Wu saying Hollywood loves making movies reinforcing the greatness of White Men as saviors which repeatedly implies the racist notion that white people are superior to POC and that POC need salvation from out own color via white strength. and that she loves her culture and color and we don't need you to save us from anything, but then has a White Man as her MAN. LOL

There's degrees to this argument you're trying to have. If Constance Wu was a member of a group like say, an Asian equivalent to the Nation of Islam, I'd get the "irony" because it would actually be irony. Because not only would you be talking about a group that preaches X power, but they consider white people as devils/demons and push for separation. But that's not what Constance Wu is on. Dating a white man does not invalidate this argument unless you see who she dates as promoting white supremacy, and IMO it doesn't.

You're arguing as if we're in a vacuum, as if the history of race and class hasn't affected people's social habits and who it favors within this system including who you date and marry. A major reason Obama is popular amongst the Black community, specifically amongst Black women (who have the highest percentage of people who go out and vote) is because he's married to a Black Woman, and has 2 Black Daughters. That image of a beautiful Black Family with 3 positive, attractive, intelligent Black Women in the White House is powerful. I promise you Barack Obama wouldn't have won if he was married to a White Women. Matter of fact, he wouldn't have won the primaries, as Hilary would've beat him.

I think most of us understand "where" this mentality comes from. Example, you even had Rachel Dolezal calling black actors from The Best Man Holiday "traitors" for dating white/latino women while she was still pretending to be a black woman, which was a perfect example how much of joke this type of mentality has become inside of the US black community. Regardless, while we understand this mentality exists, the issue is does it actually matter? Is there actual "irony" here? And in the case of Obama or Constance Wu, there isn't. Hell, Obama's mother is white. Do you think anything he's done, from saying Trayvon could have been his son to speaking on the violence in Chicago was affected by who his mother is? If not, then why would being married to a white woman change any of that either?

Again, I'm discussing the arguments, not what some people within the black community think about dating outside of your ethnic group. I do agree that there would have been some negativity thrown Obama's way if he was married to a white woman the same way there was negativity towards who his parents were. Could he have overcome it? Who knows, maybe if his white wife was at least 2/3rds as awesome as Michelle Obama is as a person, with or without Obama. But who cares, this has nothing to do with Constance Wu being/not being a hypocrite.

You don't think a successful, beautiful, famous Asian American woman dating a White man doesn't contribute at all to the emasculation of Asian men, specifically Asian American men or reinforces the idea that White men are better? LOL

Most people don't even know who Constance Wu is married to or dating. Hell, most people only know Constance Wu as the mother from Fresh off the Boat. This goes for most actors in Hollywood. Regardless, no it doesn't contribute to the emasculation of Asian men, especially when relationships like Constance Wu's are a "blip" when it comes to overall relationships. It's very similar to when you see blogs listing off all the black actors in Hollywood dating white/latino women and men and comments going "OMG it's an epidemic, this is why I can't find a good black man" when the percentage is like less than 15-20% of marriages in any given year.
Bruh, nobody is saying you can't marry who you want? Quit making strawman arguments. In Taye Diggs case, if the type of films you star in rely on a significant demographic of Black women to pay and watch, then marrying a white woman might not be the best career move. Fair or not.

I don't think you even have your argument straight anymore. We were talking about whether these actions perpetuated negative stereotypes and and other unhealthy perceptions of POC, not whether they were good career moves or not. My point was Taye Diggs marrying a white women doesn't in any way perpetuate the idea of white being the standard of beauty or that black women are undesirable, and neither does Constance Wu dating a white man do the same for them compared to Asian men

D i Z

It's not about being judgemental, it's about loving your people in a white dominated country built off white supremacy were eurocentric beauty standards are the default; and not merely paying lip service in order to further your career.

You don't think a successful, beautiful, famous Asian American woman dating a White man doesn't contribute at all to the emasculation of Asian men, specifically Asian American men or reinforces the idea that White men are better? LOL

K. Gonna crop out the responses not directly related to our specific process here.

There is a distinction to be made here. I think where this is going as a conversation is a profound divide between the minorities that are more worldly; and those that are here, all they know is here, and all they care about is here. Trying to put everyone who has something to say into the crab bucket isn't really about what they are doing, or their dedication to a cause or comfort zones. It's about the objectors, and their own shadows.

This isn't sleeping with the enemy. People aren't as base as that naturally. You have to learn to be that dumb when it comes to believing in divisive speech like that. And the emasculation of Asian men is a ridiculous argument. As if you have a clue what it means for her to be an outspoken Asian in this country, and the backlash that she gets daily for it. The women has a glorious voice on her. She should sing in the face of those that would have her silenced. And first in line to get her to shut the fuck up are her own people! Evidently, her so-called allies as well...

I don't think that you live in the same head space or world that the forward movement of humanity as a whole is living in. There is a lot of respect for women in challenging situations that is being left on the wood here. I don't think you should be in such a hurry to dismiss and condemn anyone you can't actually relate to, the way that you do.

Maybe I'm missing something...
Kreed, Villain, and Dizzy; thank you for your responses. I plan on giving a detailed response, but I'm eating now and got a movie on. Give me some time, hopefully sometime tonight. LOL
it's only relevant now that you're claiming Black militant status

Bruh, I've been claimed it somewhat jokingly/somewhat serious. People who know me, know this. I've said it on here a couple of times. Funny nobody said anything then; however you're trying to make a point but are failing to do it. By all means, proceed on this point you're attempting to make.

it doesn't sound very militant to have such a divisive handle that harkens back to the days of infighting and house vs field and paper bag parties...

There's nothing divisive about my username. You've just created it. LOL Search my posts, I've touched on the colorism issues that have historically permeated Black communities and our culture.

D i Z

LOL Why would it be divisive? You the first one to ever say anything about it.

To be honest, the amount of times that you yourself bring it up is telling.
It was either an issue of recognition of that "status" as if it's a thing that anyone actually thinks is relevant.... or an issue of contentious positioning. Either way, most people here were mindful not to pick at it, if it might make you uncomfortable or raise...issues.
To be honest, the amount of times that you yourself bring it up is telling.
It was either an issue of recognition of that "status" as if it's a thing that anyone actually thinks is relevant.... or an issue of contentious positioning. Either way, most people here were mindful not to pick at it, if it might make you uncomfortable or raise...issues.

You mean one's individual experiences shouldn't have any relevance to their posts? I don't care if people pick at it or question it. That's the whole point of a forum and I'm open to having a dialogue.

D i Z

You mean one's individual experiences shouldn't have any relevance to their posts? I don't care if people pick at it or question it. That's the whole point of a forum and I'm open to having a dialogue.

Did I say that? I didn't say that. But this ain't the Coli, and there isn't anything to prove. Outside of your own perspective ( what all of this dialogue is about I guess) that tag is saying something. Directly. Your politic'in and positions about gender and race are reinforcing it. It's like you don't understand that everyone here knows the root of the strife that makes your tag a point of interest to begin with. The very reason why you even have it. It's what I said to you on the day you introduced yourself and wanted to get comfortable with the sex stories. "I thought you'd have more sense than that", or something to that effect.
Did I say that? I didn't say that. But this ain't the Coli, and there isn't anything to prove. Outside of your own perspective ( what all of this dialogue is about I guess) that tag is saying something. Directly. Your politic'in and positions about gender and race are reinforcing it. It's like you don't understand that everyone here knows the root of the strife that makes your tag a point of interest to begin with. The very reason why you even have it. It's what I said to you on the day you introduced yourself and wanted to get comfortable with the sex stories. "I thought you'd have more sense than that", or something to that effect.

What? I don't get where you're going with this. Are you offended or insulted by my username? I'm lost. What does sex stories have to do with anything?

I do think it's amazing rather than disagreeing with me as other posters have and further engaging in dialogue, you and the Faceless Master have gone the route of using ad hominems and completely derailing the conversation.
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